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Village of AsharokenThe small but powerful Village of Asharoken
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Asharoken Village Newsletter Archive

Archive: Mayor's Messages, Advisories, Messages from Village Officials

 2025: (scroll down to see previous years)
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 2, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

At the Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, a public hearing will be held on a local law to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. This is the first step in the budget process that the Village has done the last thirteen years. Fortunately, it has never been needed. This legislation provides the Village with the financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses arise or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal cost, police overtime should we have a significant storm or other unanticipated fiscal events.

The Village is in the very earliest phases of creating the 2025-2026 budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the Village intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. Just as the Village has to finalize the assessment roll, determine expense budgets and revenue streams, the proposed law is part of the Village's due diligence to prepare a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the Village to adopt the law with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed.

Should a tax increase be required, the Board of Trustees will do its best to minimize it. This is even more of a priority with the cap on the deductibility of State and Local taxes on your federal income tax return. Asharoken has a long history of fiscal conservatism. During the last thirteen years when I have been Mayor the average tax increase has been approximately 1% and there was no increase in seven of those years. The Board and I will be striving for similar results for the new budget.

Here are the legal notice and the proposed local law for your review: You can submit comments via email to mglennon@asharokenny.org. Written comments will be read at the meeting and will be part of the permanent record of the public hearing.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 31, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year. 2025 is the Village's centennial year. The Village has a group of residents who are working on scheduling some events to celebrate this milestone. I will let you know as more information becomes available.

Matt Davies, a Village resident and award-winning editorial cartoonist, has created a logo for the centennial which will be flying at Village Hall. Several other people are also working on centennial flags that will be also displayed as soon as we receive them.

2024 was a very busy year in the Village and some of the highlights are summarized below.

2024 Year in Review
  • PSEG installed an underground electrical cable between Bevin and North Creek Road. They also rewired the connection to Bevin Road in order to minimize power outages in the future.
  • The Village hired GEI Consultants to create an engineering plan to reconstruct the seawall. This is funded by a $1,000,000 Hazard Mitigation Grant.
  • The Asharoken Budget was adopted and stayed under the NYS tax cap for the 12th consecutive year. The NYS Comptroller awarded the Village the highest ranking, No Designation, in the annual municipal financial stress test.
  • The Village repaved Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue from Bevin to Lighthouse Road. This project was paid for by a DASNY grant, PSEG and CHIPS money. Asharoken Avenue was re-striped from Village Hall to Duck Island Lane.
  • In one week in early April, the Village had a powerful nor'easter, was rocked by an earthquake, and had a 90% solar eclipse. In October a comet was visible and the Village was treated to a spectacular display of the northern lights.
  • The Village adopted a new noise ordinance.
  • The Village's Dock Ordinance was upheld by the NYS Court of Appeals.
  • Trustees Mel Ettinger and Laura Burke were re-elected to their 7th terms.
  • The Village website, run by Eric Maffei, celebrated its 16th anniversary.
  • The 4th of July was a glorious day with awesome fireworks. The Village received an anonymous donation of $10,000 to support the fireworks for the upcoming year.
  • In September, full time Officer Jeff Josephson accepted the Village's retirement incentive and resigned from the force after 40 years of service. In December he was rehired as a part-time officer.
  • The Asharoken Garden Club celebrated its 100th anniversary.
  • A total of 119 species of birds were seen in the Village during the year. New birds for the all-time Village list included White Ibis, Black Guillemot, Common Murre and Razorbill.
Wishing you a terrific 2025!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 23, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah! If the weather cooperates it might even be a white one at that.

Santa and Mrs. Claus's visit to the Village on the 15th was a terrific event. Village Hall was swarming with kids who could not wait to share their Christmas wishes with the Clauses. I would like to thank Village Clerk Michelle Glennon for doing a great job setting up the event. There is a nice slideshow of the visit here on the Village website.

Former full-time police officer Jeff Josephson was rehired as a part-time officer at the special BOT meeting last week. It's great to have Jeff back.

There will be no recycling pickup the next two Wednesdays because of the Christmas and New Year holidays. Recycling will resume on January 8th with cardboard and paper.

During the holiday weeks, Village Hall will be open only on Thursday the 26th and Tuesday the 31st. Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.

Wishing everybody
very Happy Holidays!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 13, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Santa and Mrs. Claus are coming to the Village on Sunday, December 15 at 3:30pm. Their fire truck escort will tour Asharoken Avenue and then stop at Village Hall to say hello to the residents. This is a great event to bring your kids and grandchildren. The children love it! Light refreshments will be served.

The Village is looking for a resident graphic artist to assist with a few projects. If you have the expertise to help Asharoken, please email me at gletica@asharokenny.org.

The Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at noon. The draft agenda will be available on Monday.

Last Saturday there was a significant migration of geese over the Village. The majority of the flocks were Canada Geese but to my surprise, one of the flocks was Snow Geese. On Sunday, I located one Snow Goose in Carter’s Bight. Snow Geese are very rare to see in Asharoken and it was exciting to see them twice this year. The Snow Goose was also the 118th species of bird I spotted in Asharoken in 2024.

I look forward to seeing you on the 15th.

Have a great weekend as well.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 6, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

83 years ago tomorrow, December 7, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The assault killed or wounded more than 3,500 American troops and civilians, severely damaged the fleet, and shocked the nation. We all should take a moment of reflection to acknowledge the sacrifices that were made that day. As it has always done, the U.S. rose up from a very dark hour and showed the world that it still was the greatest country in the world. The flag at Village Hall will be flown at half-mast tomorrow in memory of the lives that were lost 83 years ago.

The New York State Comptroller's office randomly selected the Village for a risk assessment and a credit audit. These audits are very helpful to vilages as they allow the opportunity for an outside agency to review a municipality's procedures and provide recommendations to improve them. I look forward to whatever suggestions that ultimately come out of the Comptroller's audit because any ideas to make the Village run better are always gladly accepted.

At the Village Board Meeting Police Officer Brian O'Connor (30 years), Police Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian (59 years), Police Officer Jim Cox (40 years), and Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger (25 years) were awarded certificates from the New York Conference of Mayors acknowledging their many years of service. I would like to also congratulate Brian, Ray, Jim and Mel on their dedication and loyalty to the Village over many years. Great job by all!

Next Sunday, December 15th Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making their annual visit to Asharoken starting at 3:30pm. Santa and Mrs. Claus will drive up and down Asharoken Ave. before arriving at Village Hall. This is always a super-fun event for kids and grandchildren. Light refreshments will be served. I look forward to seeing you there and watching the joy that Mr. and Mrs. Claus bring to the kids.

Lastly, in an ongoing effort to keep you informed, here is my Mayor's Report from the December Board meeting: I wish everyone a nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 22, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving holiday. Living in Asharoken gives us all so much to be thankful for, Thanksgiving is one of the best days of the year. Family, great food and football. What else can you ask for? Have a wonderful day!

Samples of Asharoken merchandise including sweatshirts, T-shirts, jackets, vests, joggers, flannel pajama pants, wine glasses, baseball hats, ski caps, tote bags and wine glasses are available to see at Village Hall. Proceeds from the sale, organized by my wife Linda, are used to support the annual July 4th fireworks. These are terrific holiday gifts. You can also contact Linda at AVTshirts@gmail.com.

Today I spotted a Murre bobbing in Long Island Sound. This is the 186th species I have identified in the Village during my years of birding. To date in 2024 I have seen 113 different birds. These are amazing numbers for such a small geographic area.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 15, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

My wife Linda is once again selling Asharoken merchandise to raise money for our July 4th fireworks. The items include T-shirts; crew neck, hoodie, and zip hoodie sweatshirts; jackets; vests; pajama pants; jogging pants; wine glasses and tote bags. These items are all high-quality and make wonderful holiday gifts. Samples and order forms will be available at Village Hall starting Monday November 18. If you want to contact Linda, her email is AVTshirts@gmail.com and phone 631-897-5683.

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed, here is my Mayor's Report from the November Board meeting: Have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 8, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

I thank all of the Village veterans for their service to the country. Your patriotism, heroism and selfless desire to protect America are the reason we live in a free and great country. Thank you for all you have done.

Rita Rover does it again with another award-winning Chrysanthemum!
I thank Rita Rover for bringing her award-winning Chrysanthemum to display on the steps of Village Hall. Every year Rita grows these incredible plants and enters them into competitions. This year she got Best in Group at the New Jersey State Chrysanthemum Society. At the Long Island Chrysanthemum Society she was awarded First Award and Best Container Grown in Show. I attached a picture, which does not do the plant justice, so I suggest you swing by Village Hall and check it out in person.

On election day for about thirty minutes two Bald Eagles were soaring over Village hall and then landed in a tree across the street. Just before they left a third eagle did a fly-by. Many of the people who were voting got a chance to enjoy the sight of our national bird as they arrived at Village Hall. It was an awe-inspiring sight, and so symbolic of the fact that we are a great nation even if we have differing political preferences.

Have a great holiday weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

Photo: Linda Letica
View of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS from Asharoken
October 18, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

The Village has had a great month for unusual celestial sightings. We were treated to a phenomenal display of Northern Lights last week. This week, the comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS has graced our night skies just after sunset. My wife Linda was able to capture this great photo of the comet.

Please remember that all floating docks in the "Ida Smith" area of Asharoken, 105 to 275 Asharoken Ave, need to be removed by October 31st. Additionally, personal items should also be removed from the beach lots by the end of the month.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Our stretch of colder windy weather should moderate on Saturday.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 11, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone observing Yom Kippur a very nice holiday.
Photo: Greg Letica
Aurora Borealis over Asharoken on October 10, 2024 due to a massive Solar storm earlier in the week.
On Thursday night the Village was treated to an amazing display of the Northern Lights. For about 30 minutes the sky was lit up in incredible red and green hues. It may occur again on Friday evening October 11, so be sure to go outside beginning just before sunset and look for it.

Have a great Columbus Day weekend,
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 2, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very happy holiday.

The Village has been overrun by Spotted Lantern Flies. Their favorite plant is the Tree of Heaven. This is an invasive species. If you have any of these plants growing on your property you should consider having them removed.
Photo: Laura Burke
From left: New part-time officers Fin Geary and James Donnelly, Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger, Trustee/Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Jablonski, Police Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian, and Mayor Dr. Greg Letica.
At the October 1st Board meeting, the Village swore in Fin Geary and James Donnelly, our newest part-time officers.

In an effort to keep you informed of the events in the Village during September, here is my Mayor's Report from the meeting. Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 27, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

On September 26, a walk out ceremony for Police Officer Jeff Josephson was held at Village Hall. Police officers from Asharoken, Northport, Huntington Bay, Lloyd Harbor and Suffolk County were on hand to congratulate Jeff on an amazing forty-one year career as a full-time Asharoken officer. Jeff also received congratulations from Congressman Nick LaLota, Governor Kathy Hochul, Town Supervisor Ed Smyth, NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown, Northport Mayor Donna Koch and Suffolk County Legislator Stephanie Bontempi. A large group of Jeff's friends and family were on hand.

Photos: Deidre Elzer-Lento

The Village presented Jeff with a proclamation honoring his service to the Village. During his career he has exemplified the utmost in professionalism and willingness to do all he could for the Village residents. To paraphrase his short speech, he never made a major arrest because he did not tolerate crime in the Village while he was on duty.

The good news for the Village is that Jeff will now transition into serving as a part-time officer. So thankfully we are not saying goodbye but rather kudos for a terrific job! And welcome back as well! I wish Jeff, his wife Cathy and their daughter Erika all the best in this new chapter of Jeff's life.

Last week the Village interviewed two new candidates for the position of Part-Time Police Officer. Both work for Huntington Bay and both were NYC cops. They are going to be fantastic additions to the PD. Pending board approval, they will be sworn in at the BOT meeting on Tuesday, October 1st.

The Board will be holding a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Village noise ordinance at the meeting Tuesday. View it here: It appears that all of the Osprey have left Asharoken for winter. There have been many Bald Eagles in the Village in the last few weeks so it is worth keeping an eye out for them.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 20, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Tomorrow morning, Saturday, September 21, from approximately 8am to 10:30am you will not be able to leave Asharoken, nor will anyone be able to come to Asharoken, because of the Great Cow Harbor 10K Road race. Please plan accordingly.

Last spring the Village held a public hearing to discuss an amendment to its existing noise ordinance. Based on the comments of Village residents, changes were made to the proposed law: The Village will hold a public hearing on the updated noise ordinance at the next Village Board of Trustees meeting on October 1. I look forward to your comments at the public hearing or by emailing mglennon@asharokenny.org. All written comments will be acknowledged at the hearing and will be part of the permanent record.

On Wednesday I attended the luncheon celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Asharoken Garden Club. The club was founded by Laura Safford Stewart, who also built 200 Asharoken Avenue. This house is also known as the Pink Palace and Salona. Mrs. Stewart was an incredible philanthropist and devoted much of her life to helping people. During its 100 years, the Asharoken Garden Club has continued to follow in her footsteps. Every year the club donates money to many incredible causes. A few examples include: Hospice House, The Visiting Nurse Service, The Northport Historical Society, and the Asharoken oyster re-introduction project. It was a wonderful afternoon and I wish the club another incredible one hundred years.

The Village of Northport will host its annual Cow Harbor Day on Sunday. This is a fun day. Following the classic old-fashioned parade that starts at noon, Main Street will be closed as a pedestrian mall. There are rides in the Village Park for the kids and a crazy boat race is also part of the fun. If you get a chance check it out.

Enjoy the last weekend of the summer!

Best regards;
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 11, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

Twenty three years ago today terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and had another attempt stopped by brave passengers on an airplane in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful September day, much like today. It was a day that will be etched into our memories for our entire lives. We will never forget the people who lost their lives in the attack, the incredible heroism of the first responders and all of those who perished years later from diseases caused by the toxic fumes. Everyone knows or knew someone who passed away from this horrific event.

I send out sympathies and condolences to all of the families who lost loved ones. You are in our thoughts today and will be for years to come.

In closing, I urge you to visit the 9/11 memorial in New York City. It is an incredibly moving experience.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 6, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

At the September 3 Board of Trustees meeting, Phil Cuiffo from the Eaton's Neck Community Watch Group presented the Asharoken Police Department with a Public Service award in recognition of all of the assistance that the APD provides our neighbors in Eaton's Neck. Village Officer in Charge Ray Mahdesian accepted the award on behalf of the police department.

I thank Senator Mario Mattera and Assemblyman Keith Brown for their ongoing support to restore the beach and seawall area. The Village is committed to looking at all options to ensure that Asharoken Avenue can always be passable. Rebuilding the erosion protection structure and the beach is the primary plan but there are others as well. Senator Mattera has suggested moving the road away from the seawall and Assemblyman Brown has offered the concept of a breakwater. The breakwater was modeled by Suffolk Science Fair winner eight-year-old Matthew Pokorny. His model showed how much wave energy could be dissipated by a breakwater. These ideas are in very early conceptual stages and as more information becomes available, I will let you know.

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of what happened in August, here is my Mayor's Report from the Board meeting: I wish you a very nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 29, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I wish you a very happy Labor Day weekend. Although this is the unofficial end of summer there will be many more terrific beach days to come.

Schools open next week. Please be extra cautious when driving, there will be children and buses on the road.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 23, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Please remember that Village code requires that you walk your dog on a leash and clean up any waste. Thanks for your cooperation.

Preliminary work on the seawall/beach restoration engineering work has begun. Surveying has been completed and this week borings to a depth of forty feet were done to determine the soil structure. On August 23rd, the Village met with its engineering firm, GEI, and Senator Mario Mattera and Assemblyman Keith Brown.

In the aftermath of the loss of Harbor Road and the Mill Pond in Stony Brook, I wrote a second letter to Governor Hochul requesting aid to fix the seawall. I stressed that we can not let what happened in Stony Brook occur in Asharoken. National Grid has begun final repair to two access holes on Asharoken Avenue. In the next few weeks, there may be short traffic delays in the work zone. Please drive carefully. The Village did a shoulder cutback of vegetation on Bevin Road.

Congratulations to the Village Photographer Dee Lento who was awarded the Grand Prize in the Nature Category from the Tiffen Sponsored Gurwin Photo Contest. Her work never ceases to amaze me.

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Last Sunday I found a juvenile White Ibis sitting on the utility wires along the Duck Island causeway. This is a bird I had never seen in the Village and brings the all time species total to 185. All of the Osprey chicks have finally begun flying!

And today, I found a Chestnut-sided Warbler, which makes 100 species spotted in 2024.

Wishing you a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 9, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Last week Newsday reported that New York State awarded the Village of Baxter Estates, in Nassau County, 7.7 million dollars to prevent Manhasset Bay from flooding Shore Road. After reading the article and realizing the similarities between their problem and the Village's seawall issues I decided to write to Governor Hochul requesting similar funding for Asharoken: In an effort to keep you informed of what has gone on in Asharoken during the last month, here is my Mayor's Report from the August 6 Board meeting: Lastly, it appears that the Village has five Osprey chicks. Remarkably, only two have flown off the nest to date. This is unusually late. In previous years all of the chicks have fledged by the end of July.

Today we are in store for some windy and stormy weather thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Debby, but a nice weekend is coming up. Enjoy.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 15, 2024

Photo: Dee Lento
Dear Neighbors:

The 4th of July was a day to remember with nice weather followed by the Village's traditional fireworks and bonfires. I thank and commend everyone for your cooperation in making fires that complied with the Village code. Your understanding made for another safe and fun holiday. Great job!

If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please ensure that any vegetation surrounding it is cleared to ensure that the fire department can find and access it quickly.

The Village plans to restripe Asharoken Avenue from Village Hall to 285 Asharoken Avenue in the next few weeks. The work is expected to be done at night so there should be minimal impact on traffic. Once a final date is set, I will let you know.

The next few days are expected to be very hot and humid. Village Hall is available as a cooling station if needed. If you have elderly neighbors it is a great idea to check in with them and see if they are ok. Stay cool and hydrated! A swim in the sound or the bay isn't a bad idea either.

As of yesterday, I have seen chicks in three out of four Osprey nests. The chicks usually start flying around the third week in July. It is easy to identify the juveniles from the adults once they leave the nest. The adults have black wings while the juveniles have speckled wings.

Have a great day!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 3, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of news in the Village, here is my Mayor's report from the July 2nd Board Meeting: Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 21, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Well summer has arrived right on cue and the 4th of July is less than two weeks away. The annual Fireworks by Grucci display is scheduled to begin at 9:15 PM. The rain date is Friday July 5th. If you live on the Long Island Sound side of Asharoken Avenue please consider inviting your bayside neighbors over to watch the display.

The Village tradition of bonfires can only continue if everyone uses extreme caution and common sense. Everyone is required to comply with the Village Code Chapter 70-4 on fire protection when they construct fires on the beach: Here are general guidelines and an informative cartoon by Village resident Matt Davies showing the size of beach and bonfires: Out of an abundance of caution the Village will permit only beach fires (not bonfires) between 100-200 Asharoken Avenue.

Lastly, personal fireworks are not allowed.

I thank everyone in advance for their understanding and cooperation.

Wishing you a great weekend!
Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 14, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

I wish all dads and granddads a terrific Father's Day. Enjoy your special day!

The Village has a kayak rack at Village Hall. If you live upland in the Village and would like to have access to Northport Bay, for a $25 registration fee you can leave your kayak there. Stop in at Village Hall to fill out the application and pick up a sticker. The permit application is available here on the website: click "Government" then "Permits & Applications", or click here:
Photo: Dee Lento
Wild Turkey Spotted in Asharoken
Please remember that the Village code requires that garbage should be brought to the curb on the day of pickup only. Garbage sitting overnight on the side of the road is a magnet for animals who make a mess. It looks very unsightly as well.

As a reminder, if you are doing construction, putting up a fence, taking down trees, or putting up a tent, among other things, you may need a Village permit. Before you start, please call the Village Clerk Michelle Glennon at 631-261-7098 to get the permitting process started. You can never go wrong by asking first. Thanks for your cooperation.

A few weeks ago, the Village photographer Dee Lento snapped a picture of a wild turkey on Bevin Road. This is not the first time a turkey has been seen in Asharoken but they are very rare. I can report that I have found 93 species of birds in the Village since January 1st of this year!

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 24, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

This has been infrastructure week in the Village. Last Friday, Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue, from Bevin Road to 563 Asharoken Avenue, were repaved. These projects were fully funded by PSEG, grants, and CHIPS funds and therefore did not need any Village of Asharoken taxpayer funding. During my 12 years as Mayor, I am pleased to report that every Village road has been repaved.

In addition, the crossover steps at the seawall were repaired Wednesday and are open for your enjoyment. Always use caution as the lower beachside steps can be slippery.

During a recent trip to Italy, Linda and I visited an American military cemetery in Anzio. Over 7,800 US servicemen and women are buried there and a mausoleum lists the names of hundreds more who were buried or lost at sea. A visit like this is a stark reminder that over 1,250,000 Americans have sacrificed their lives since the Revolutionary War.

These heroic men and women gave their lives to ensure that America's democratic and free way of life can endure. We owe so much to these patriots who put their country ahead of their lives. This Memorial Day weekend please take a few minutes to remember the fallen. One way to honor them is to attend Monday's Northport Village Memorial Day parade. The American Legion places a wreath at each war Memorial followed by a moving ceremony in the park.

I would also like to thank the active servicemen and women and our veterans. You are our heroes as well.

I wish you and your family a happy Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 17, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

At the Village of Asharoken Board of Trustees meeting in May, Carole Casamassima, Keri Kruckel, and Linda Letica presented $11,000 to the Village to cover much of the cost of the barge and tugboat needed for the 4th of July fireworks display. Overall, this contribution paid for more than one-quarter of the cost of the fireworks display.

Carole, assisted by Keri Kruckel, raised $9,000 through the sales of raffle tickets for incredible prizes awarded at the annual Village dinner dance. The top prizes were a kayak and a luxurious spa day. Linda raised $2,000 by selling Asharoken logoed clothing, tote bags, and wine glasses.

I thank Carole, Linda, and Keri for their hard work and dedication. Their donation, made annually for over a decade, assures that the Village's incredible tradition of 4th of July fireworks can continue. Thank you to the residents of Asharoken who donated for your generosity in supporting the fireworks. We are looking forward to another amazing Independence Day pyrotechnic display.

I thank Police Officer Brian O'Connor for securing a $54,000 grant for the Village police department. The money will be spent to purchase three new computers and printers for the marked police cars. The grant will also pay to upgrade the license plate reading camera. Brian heard about this grant from a friend and jumped on the opportunity to apply. His dedication to the Village is unparalleled. Thanks, Brian!

As a reminder, if you are doing construction, putting up a fence, taking down trees, bringing in fill or putting up a tent, among other things, you need a Village permit. Before you start, please call the Village Clerk Michelle Glennon at 631-261-7098 to get the permitting process started. Many of the forms and applications you may need are right here on our website: Thanks for your cooperation.

I wish everyone a terrific weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 8, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of news in the Village, here is my Mayor's report from the Board Meeting on May 7: I have pulled out one section with important news for residents of Bevin Road:
Residents of Bevin Road, Kew Court, Pheasant Lane, Bevin Road East and Bevin Road West:

The Village is planning to pave Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue, from Bevin Road to 563 Asharoken Avenue, the week of May 13th.

As I communicated earlier, Bevin Road will be closed for about five hours a day for two days to complete the project. The closures are planned from approximately 9am to 2pm each day. The homes closer to Asharoken Avenue will have more access, as the work will start at the intersection of Bevin Roads East and West, then proceed towards the Avenue.

Trustee Ian Jablonski is coordinating this project and will have more information for the Bevin Road residents shortly.
Photo: Dee Lento
I have included an amazing photo taken by our Village photographer Dee Lento.

She has captured a Great Egret and Snowy Egret dancing in the Duck Island wetlands for your enjoyment.

Have a great day!
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 16, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

I have a few items to update you on:

The Village has a contractor who is working on getting the crossover steps at the seawall repaired. He had to order some parts before being able to start. I am hoping that the repairs will be completed in about two weeks.

The Village met with its paving contractor this morning to discuss the Bevin Road resurfacing project. The milling and paving are tentatively scheduled for the middle of May. It is estimated that Bevin Road will need to be closed for about five hours a day for two days to do the milling and paving. The closure will be from approximately 9am-2pm. Trustee Ian Jablonski, who lives on Bevin, is running this project. As the exact dates and details of the project are finalized, he will transmit all relevant information to the affected homes with about 10-14 days lead time. Emergency vehicles will have access to Bevin Road during the construction. There is going to be some short-term inconvenience but in the long term it will be worth it to have Bevin repaved. This project is fully funded by a $100,000 grant and the Village CHIPS balance.

Last Friday, the Village received bids from six excellent engineering firms to create a comprehensive design to rebuild the seawall and restore the beach in front of it. The Village is in the process of reviewing the bids and expects to award the contract in June. This project will be funded by a $1,000,000 Hazard Mitigation Grant and a local share of ten percent.

Yesterday, I finally saw my first Piping Plover of the year. Along with the Osprey, the plovers return to Asharoken annually to nest and raise their chicks.

Wishing you a great day!
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 5, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

On Wednesday, the Village was hit by a very strong Nor'easter that included a 68MPH wind gust recorded at the Eaton's Neck Coast Guard Station. The worst of the storm hit during the evening high tide. Unfortunately, the seawall sustained some very substantial damage including significant dislocation of a large section of the sheet steel, loss of three steel caps, damage to another steel cap, and serious damage to the crossover steps. Asharoken Avenue abutting the seawall had to be closed for three hours during which travel was determined not to be safe. Huge waves overtopped the wall and flooded the road. In addition, several of the seawall boulders were washed onto the road. The safety of the motorists and the first responders who might have had to rescue them if they got in trouble made the decision to temporarily close the road very straightforward. The storm also caused significant erosion of the dunes in the beach lot area.

I would like to commend Village PD Officer in Charge Ray Mahdesian, and the members of the Police Department who did a great job managing the situation. In addition, I would like to thank Andre Sorrentino and the members of the Huntington Highway Department who cleared the road of debris once the tide started going out. Please remember that real-time notices of road closings and re-openings are posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) @AsharokenNY. I urge you to follow the Village on X for this important information.

Yesterday I again reached out to federal, state, county, and town elected officials to inform them of the recent damage to the seawall. A meeting of all parties to continue the ongoing dialogue to rebuild the seawall/beach is in the process of being scheduled for early May . In addition, I arranged to get Asharoken Avenue swept, made plans to get the shoulder of Asharoken Avenue by the seawall rebuilt, worked on getting the crossover stairs rebuilt, and started discussions on how to remove the loose steel caps from the seawall area.

It is disheartening that the Village was able to go through the entire hurricane season and the winter without a significant storm only to have it get walloped by this spring monster. I will let you know when more information becomes available.

Enjoy your weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 29, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

Rich Causin, Regional Director of the NYS DOT, Rick Marquis from the FHWA, and Mayor Letica at the seawall.
Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Easter a very happy holiday. It will be a perfect weekend for easter egg hunts and family gatherings. We hope you have a great day.

After quite a bit of effort that took almost one year, I was finally able to arrange a meeting between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to finalize the application of the $1,000,000 earmark for seawall repair. I was joined by Rick Marquis, the Division Administrator from the FHWA, and Rich Causin, the Regional Director of the NYS DOT on March 28 for a site visit at the seawall. We reconvened at Village Hall and had a productive meeting at which it was determined the FHWA concurred that the earmark could be used to fix the most critically deteriorated 200 feet of the seawall. The Village and DOT will have a follow-up meeting in the next few weeks.

On March 28 the Village opened bid packages from Posillico, Rosemar and Graci paving to resurface Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue (from Bevin Road to 561 Asharoken Avenue). Posillico, who have done much of the previous paving of Asharoken Avenue, was the lowest bidder on both projects. Two resolutions will be on the agenda next month to accept the bids. Bevin Road will be paid for by a $100,000 grant and CHIPS money so, therefore, no Village funds will be needed. The Asharoken Avenue section will be paid for by PSEG. Once these two projects are completed all of Asharoken's roads will have been repaved during my 12 years as Mayor.

The Osprey are making a late return to the Village this year. I have seen only one so far. I think the weather, especially the wind direction, has delayed their return. But I fearlessly forecast that they will be back in the next few days.

Happy Easter!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 26, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the tentative budget and supporting documents for the fiscal year ending May 31st, 2025. The budget proposes a 2.06% rise in village taxes and a tax levy of $1,815,928, which is $8,566 below the NYS 2% Tax Cap Levy Law. During the 12 years I have been Mayor the average annual tax increase has been 0.969% and the Village has never exceeded the tax cap. In seven of those years, there was no tax increase.

The Village maintains a very strong financial position with a robust cash balance and extremely well-funded reserve accounts. For nine years, the Office of State Comptroller has performed a Fiscal Stress test on local governments. Each year Asharoken was awarded the highest possible rating, "No Designation."

After thorough review of the budget, it was determined that a modest increase in taxes was unavoidable because of higher costs of contractual obligations and other expenses that are mandated by outside agencies. It was not possible to offset all of these increases through cost savings or higher revenue. Fortunately, as a result of the recent construction boom in Asharoken, the Village assessment roll grew helping reduce the tax increase. The tentative budget will maintain all the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs.

These are a few notable changes to next year's budget.
  • REVENUE: Interest and Fines/Forfeitures increased. Mortgage tax revenue decreased due to fewer real estate sales in Suffolk County.
  • EXPENSES: The cost of Police salary and Fire/EMS/Paramedic services with the Northport Fire District increased because of contractual obligations. Health Insurance Costs rose impactfully. Police retirement costs increased significantly. All nonpolice personnel received a 3% cost of living adjustment and Assessor costs rose. Additionally, multiple operating costs went up. Cost savings were realized in Professional Fees, Engineer, Police Equipment, and Marine Police.
  • SEAWALL: Money was allocated to pay for engineering fees with the cost fully offset by grant and reserve funds.
I thank Clerk Michelle Glennon and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Emily's work on the last sixteen budgets and Michelle's rapidly growing knowledge of the budget process allowed the Village to construct its financial plan very proficiently.

A public hearing on the budget will be held at the regularly scheduled Board Meeting on April 9th at 6:30 pm. You can email your comments or questions to me at gletica@asharokenny.org before the hearing or speak at the meeting. Any emailed comments or questions will be addressed at the meeting and will become part of the official record.

Here is the Tentative Budget Packet for the fiscal year ending May 31st, 2025. A copy can also be viewed at Village Hall. Sincerely,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 20, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

In an effort to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village, here is my mayor's report from the Board Meeting on March 19th: I have pulled out one paragraph below which I want to make sure you see:

This afternoon the Board of Trustees held a work session to review the tentative budget. After a thorough review, I am pleased to report that the BOT agreed to accept the tentative budget with a 2.06% tax increase and a tax levy of $8,566 below the NYS 2% tax cap limit. The tax increase is primarily caused by large increases in some of the Village's biggest expense categories over which it has no control. Over the twelve years that I have been mayor, the Village has averaged an annual 0.969% tax increase and for seven of those years, there was no increase. A public hearing will be held at the April 9th BOT meeting before the adoption of the budget. On March 26th the detailed budget will be sent to everyone on the Village email list, and be available for review here at asharoken.com and at Village Hall. The BOT looks forward to your comments.

Have a great day!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 15, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to apologize for the rescheduling of several meetings this month. There was a perfect storm of unforeseen circumstances that made it impossible for the Board to convene with a quorum for any of these meetings. Fortunately, these issues have been resolved and the adjourned meetings will take place next week:

Board of Assessment Review (Grievance Day)Monday, March 18 9am-1pm
Budget Workshop Tuesday, March 19 4pm
March BOT Meeting Tuesday, March 19 6:30pm

The Budget Workshop is to review the tentative budget with the Board and finalize it for a public hearing at the April BOT meeting. There will be no public session or comment period at the workshop meeting.

I would like to remind everyone that the Village does cardboard recycling every second Wednesday. Please put cardboard out for pickup only on those days and please do not commingle it with regular trash.

If you are planning on doing improvements around your house such as but not limited to: construction, tree removal, erecting a fence, demolition, excavation and fill, putting up a tent, installing a generator, installing a swimming pool, installing solar panels, converting to gas service, paving a driveway, please contact Village Hall at 631-261-7098 and find out from the village clerk if you need a permit.

We have had a great week of spring weather. Now is the time to start looking for the return of the Village's Osprey population. They usually return sometime next week.

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy St Patrick's Day. Have a nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 22, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

There are a few important things of which I would like to keep you informed.

The Village has commenced work on the budget for fiscal year 2024-25 which begins June 1st. The last 11 budgets that I have presented as Mayor of the Village have averaged less than a 1% annual tax increase and at one point we had seven consecutive years without any tax increase at all.

Although it is still early in the process, it is anticipated that the tax levy will remain below the NYS Tax Cap but the percentage increase may be higher than we have had in the recent past. The estimated range of the tax increase is 4-6%. Several factors are driving the budget in this direction:

On the revenue side the Village expects a significant drop in Mortgage Tax revenue but also expects to be able to compensate for this with projected increases in both Interest Income, Fines and Forfeited Bail.

The expense side of the budget is projecting many substantial increases that are contractual or determined by outside agencies. The police salary is contractually obligated to go up 3% by $37,627, while the Police retirement contribution is going up $41,000, a 21% increase, a number determined by New York State. Other increases include 2% on Fire Protection up $9,000, 10% on Health Insurance and 34% on State Retirement. Unfortunately, the Village has no control over these budget fluctuations.

The Village has and will continue to undertake a thorough evaluation of all line items that are under its direct control but the previously mentioned cost increases are in categories that represent approximately 66% of the annual Village expenses. This makes it very difficult to compensate in the remaining line items, many of which are locked in as well. I will keep you abreast as the situation becomes more focused. Prior to the end of March, the Village will email a full copy of the tentative budget to its residents, post a copy on the website and have one available for review at Village Hall. As always, your input will be solicited and appreciated at a public hearing in April prior to the adoption of the budget.

Another major factor which may impact the percentage increase in the taxes is how the Village is able to cope with a substantial number of tax assessment challenges. This year there are many requests, including one from Sandpiper Farm, the 400 acre parcel of land that was designated an Agricultural District by the Suffolk County Legislature in August of 2012. The outcome of these assessment challenges may have significant bearing on the increase in the tax rate. As it has always done in the past, this administration will do all it can to minimize these impacts.

Lastly, National Grid has applied with the Army Corps of Engineers to renew its 10 year permit to dredge and place 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Sound side beach every three years.

Wishing you a great day!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
A Note from the Mayor — Very sad news:

February 8, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

This morning, I write to you with a very heavy heart to inform you of the passing of Barry Bradley. He was a multi-decade resident of Asharoken who also served as its Sanitation Operator and Deputy Harbor Master for almost 40 years.

Everyone who met Barry was immediately charmed by his big smile and outgoing personality. He was a kind, gentle person who never had a bad thing to say about anyone. He had such a positive outlook on life. When you asked him how he was doing he would look at you, smile and say Exxxxxcellent! .

Barry was a remarkable person. He worked as the Sanitation Operator into his late 70s. This was a job that most people, at any age, would not have been able to do based on its physical demands. He always had time to stop and chat with residents along the route and took care of "Big Blue" the same way he took care of his own cars. Barry also served as both a Asharoken Harbor Master, a Town of Huntington Bay Constable and was a board member of the New York State Bay Constables Association. Barry was an avid boater, gardener and skier.

I have so many fond memories of Barry. He loved parties and was always the first person to send in his RSVP for the Asharoken Holiday Party. He made it a tradition to close his sanitation report at the BOT meeting with the monthly weather forecast. When superstorm Sandy hit the Village, Barry, assisted by Village resident Mike Turner, made sure the mess was cleaned up. He and I always enjoyed talking about boating, skiing, and birds. He was a man on the move who occasionally actually found a few minutes to sleep. He lived a vibrant and dynamic life. And he loved the Asharoken lifestyle.

At the same time Barry was a devoted family man. He and his wife Catherine raised two children, Landregan and Barry Roy. He also cherished his role as grandfather to Harlow and Mattix.

A wake will be held at the Nolan Taylor funeral home on Friday, February 9th from 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm. A funeral mass will be held at St. Philip Neri Church in Northport on Saturday, February 10th at 11am.

My condolences go out to Catherine, Landregan, her husband Dean, Harlow and Mattix, as well as Brad and his wife Tammy. We all have lost a dear friend and a pillar of our community. The Village will never be quite the same again. In Barry's honor I have asked that the flag at Village Hall be flown at half-mast.

Mayor Dr. Greg Letica

You are invited to share your remembrances of Barry on our Village Bulletin Board.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 9, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

In an effort to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village, here is my mayor's report from the Board Meeting on February 6th: I hope everyone has a terrific Super Bowl weekend. I am rooting for the Chiefs. How about you?

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 2, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

My wife Linda has added a few new and terrific items to the line of Asharoken clothing. The new items include: flannel pajama pants, blue jogging pants, vests and a knit hat. If you are interested, please email Linda at AVTshirts@gmail.com. All of the profits are donated to support the July 4th fireworks.

Several people have asked me how they can access the Asharoken Village code. The complete code is fully posted here on the Village website in an interactive, easy-to-use format. Click "Government," then "Village Code" to access it, or click here.

Finally, last night I was watching Episode 3 from Season 2 of the HBO series "Succession." Literally out of the blue and for no reason at all, a one-second clip of the Northport power plant and Northport Bay appeared. I must say it was quite startling.

Wishing you a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 26, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

The tentative assessment roll is now here on the Village website and also available for review at Village Hall: The holiday party at the Northport Yacht Club on January 20th was a terrific evening. Almost 100 Village residents had a great night socializing, dining on delicious food and dancing. The raffle of many exceptional prizes raised a lot of money to support the July 4th fireworks. Trustee Laura Burke was honored for her years of service to the Village. I would like to thank Carole Casamassima for all her hard work to make the party such an incredible success. Carole outdoes herself every year and is already planning next year's event. Scroll down on this page to view photos of the party.

Wishing you a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 19, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

On February 6th, at 6:30 PM, the BOT will hold a public hearing to solicit comments on amending the Village's existing noise ordinance. Trustee Laura Burke has worked very hard to craft the proposed law. She reviewed the noise ordinances of multiple municipalities and solicited comments from Village residents. The result of this diligent effort was to create a proposed law that mirrors other communities' noise laws and reflects what the Village's residents think is important to incorporate into our law.

If you would like to offer any comments but are unable to attend the meeting, you can email them to the Village Clerk Michelle Glennon at mglennon@asharokenny.org. Any written comments will be read at the meeting and become part of the permanent record. I look forward to hearing your comments. Here is a copy of the proposed local law for your review: Our Congressman Nick Lalota made a compelling case for the Village to obtain money to repair the seawall at a Congressional hearing. Click the link below to watch his remarks: Wishing you a great weekend. Bundle up, it's going to be very cold!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 12, 2024

Dear Neighbors:

In an effort to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village, here is my mayor's report from the BOT meeting on January 2nd: The Village Board will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday January 16th at 4pm to certify the unpaid taxes for fiscal year 2023-24. As of today, the total of outstanding taxes is $8,019.31.

There is still time to sign up for the Asharoken Holiday party next Saturday. The party is a wonderful event and great way to meet neighbors and support the July 4th fireworks. If you need more info call Village Hall at 631-261-7098.

This weekend's weather is going to bring yet another strong storm to the Village. Just like the last two storms, the southeast wind should minimize impacts to the seawall and LI Sound shoreline. Unlike our friends on the south shore of the island, we were extremely fortunate with these storms. Let us hope that the rest of the winter continues this way.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
 2023: (scroll down to see previous years)
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 29, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.

2023 was a very active year in the Village. Here is a short recap of some of the most significant events:
  1. The Village received a $1,000,000 earmark from Senator Chuck Schumer for seawall reconstruction in order to help protect Asharoken Avenue.
  2. The Village was awarded a $1,000,000 Hazard Mitigation Grant from FEMA for engineering a replacement of the seawall and reconstruction of the beach seaward of it. This grant is also aimed at protecting the integrity of Asharoken Avenue.
  3. The Village signed a new five-year fire protection and EMS agreement with the Village of Northport.
  4. Following a bad wind storm in February, the Village worked with PSEG to create a plan to make electric service to Bevin Road and Eaton's Neck more reliable. That project is almost fully completed.
  5. The Village signed a new ten-year agreement with Cablevision of Huntington for TV, phone and internet service to the Village.
  6. The Village finalized a $100,000 grant from NY State to repave Bevin Road.
  7. The Village also obtained a $50,000 grant from NY State for seawall repairs to mitigate damage to the road during storms. Two sink holes on the seawall were repaired in August using some of this grant money and the help of the Town of Huntington Highway Department.
  8. The Village replaced its oldest police car.
  9. The Village renewed its Intermunicipal Agreement with the Village of Northport allowing Asharoken to purchase gasoline from Northport; this saves the Village a significant amount of money.
  10. Oral arguments were heard in the appeal of the legal challenge to the Village's dock law, a decision is still pending.
  11. The Village wrote to the US Army Corps of Engineers again to request their assistance with replacing the seawall. A reply is still pending.
Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and Trustee Ian Jablonski were re-elected to their 7th and 6th terms, respectively. Michelle Glennon completed her first year as Village Clerk and part-time Police Office Pat Ennis joined the Asharoken PD. The Village continued to have a building boom in 2023, welcomed in several new families and fortunately did not have any major storms. On the bird front a total of 112 species were seen in the Village. This is an average number that is well short of the all-time record of 122.

The Village has an amazing future and I presume that 2024 will be another very bustling year.

All the best to you and your family,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 22, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope that Santa brings you and especially all of the kids gifts that bring joy and wonder. Have a great day!

The Asharoken Holiday party, scheduled for Saturday, January 20th is selling out fast. This is a fantastic evening and wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new neighbors, support the annual July 4th fireworks, enjoy delicious food and show off your dancing skills. Invitations are available at Village Hall. I look forward to seeing you at the Northport Yacht Club in a few weeks.

Recently, a Village resident found a cold stunned Kemps-Ridley turtle in Carters Bight on the bay side of the Village. This endangered turtle was transported to the New York Marine Rescue Center in Riverhead for treatment. If you are walking on the beach it pays to keep your eyes open for any wildlife that may be in distress and could use your help.

I was also informed that the Northport Public Library has digitized the Asharoken newsletters that were published from 1994 to 2018. If you are interested in the history of the Village, they are a great chronicle of days past. Also, our Village Website has always maintained a complete archive of all newsletters created since its inception in 2008: Merry Christmas!
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 20, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

At the Board Meeting on Tuesday January 2, 2024 a public hearing will be held on a local law to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. This is the normal first step in the budget process that the Village has done for the last eleven years. This action is taken as a precaution; fortunately, it has never been needed. This legislation provides the village with the financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses arise, or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal cost, police overtime should we have a significant storm or other unanticipated fiscal events.

The village is in the very earliest phases of determining the 2024-2025 budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the village intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. Just as the village must finalize the assessment roll, determine expense budgets and revenue streams, the proposed law is part of the Village's due diligence to prepare a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the Village to adopt the law with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed.

Should a tax increase be required, the Board of Trustees will do its best to minimize it. This is even more of a priority now with the cap on the deductibility of State and Local taxes on your federal income tax return. Asharoken has a long history of fiscal conservatism. During the last twelve years while I have been Mayor the average tax increase has been 0.95% and there was no increase at all in seven of those years. The Board and I will be striving for similar results for the new budget.

At the same meeting the Board will hold a second public hearing to listen to comments on amending an existing local law to raise the maximum fine for illegal parking to $250.

Here are proposed local laws #1 and #2 for 2024 for your review: You can email written comments to the Village Clerk at mglennon@asharokenny.org. Written comments will be read at the meeting and become part of the permanent record of the public hearing.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 7, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah a very happy holiday!

Today is the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. This is one of a few days in American history that will and should never be forgotten. We remember all of those brave service members who lost their lives and were wounded during this heinous attack.

In closing, as I do monthly, here is a copy of my Mayor's report from the December 5th Board of Trustees meeting: Happy Holidays!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 1, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

On Monday I wrote to Colonel Johnson at the US Army Corps of Engineers asking if they could help the Village with repairing the seawall. The Corps has previously told the Village that it was not interested in working on a project restricted to the seawall area. In an effort to leave no stone unturned, I decided that writing to see if they might reconsider their previous decision could not hurt. Here is a copy of my letter for your reference: Some samples of Asharoken clothing and order forms are available at Village Hall. My wife Linda runs this project selling Asharoken logoed merchandise and donating the profits to support the fireworks. These high-quality sweatshirts, tee shirts, jackets, hats, wine glasses and tote bags make terrific holiday gifts. The deadline to order is December 2.

Some important dates are coming up:

December 17: Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting Asharoken Village Hall at 1:30pm.

January 20: Village Holiday Party at the Northport Yacht Club. This event sells out quickly so get your reservations in soon.

Both of these are terrific events and I hope to see you at both.

The Village Photographer sent me a nice photo of a Belted Kingfisher sitting on a piling in Duck Island Harbor. Kingfishers are year-round residents and can easily be found by their unique call.

Wishing you a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 22, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. In my opinion this is the best holiday of the year. Family, a great meal, and football. What else could you ask for? Have a great day!

I would like to congratulate the cycling Morrison family for winning multiple New York State BMX bicycle championships. Dad Angus and six-year-old Body won their age groups. Eight-year-old Grace placed 8th in her mixed boys/girls age group. The youngest Morrison who is three is already riding a bike without training wheels. The Tour de France is next!

In an effort to keep you informed of what has gone on in the Village during October and early November, here is a copy of my mayor's report from the November 14th Board of Trustees meeting. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and a terrific weekend to follow,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 10, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone who served in the armed forces a happy Veterans Day. Your patriotism, bravery and love for your country helped America keep all the freedoms that we live by daily.Service in the military is the ultimate public service. And for that I want to say thank you. We all owe you so much for what you have done.

The Village photographer Dee Lento sent me some amazing photos of deer in her back yard, and I have included one with this note for your viewing pleasure.

Wishing everyone a very happy holiday weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 3, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Construction has begun on installation of the underground electrical wire from Bevin Road up Asharoken Avenue to North Creek Road. To date several new poles have been installed and the road has been saw-cut to begin the placement of the below ground wire. Next week should be busy as they start to lay the wire. Please leave extra time when you leave the Village if you drive through this area.

Yesterday, I met with Carolyn Walkin who is the Managing Editor of the Asharoken Stroll magazine. This is a community-focused publication and residents are encouraged to submit content. This can include recipes, gardening tips, stories of pets, photographs or human interest stories, just to name a few. If you would like to contact Carolyn with a submission her email address is asharoken@n2co.com.

The Village is very close to having a new noise ordinance ready for a public hearing. I would like to thank everyone who submitted comments to Trustee Laura Burke, your input was very helpful.

Reminder that on Sunday Daylight Saving time ends and you need to set your clock back one hour.

Santa and Mrs. Claus will be coming to the Village on Sunday December 17th at 1:30pm. Mark it on your calendar and save the date. This is always a fun event and I hope to see you there.

The bird of the week is the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker. This woodpecker is the most challenging to find in the Village. While the much more common Down, Hairy, Red-Bellied and Flicker are on the annual list every year, the Sapsucker is much more unpredictable. I found a pair on Bevin Road two weeks ago. I was attracted by a birdcall that I did not recognize and that led me to this uncommon bird.

Wishing you a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 20, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Sadly, I am announcing the passing of long time Asharoken resident Tony Wenderoth in his 89th year. The Wenderoth family has been in the Village almost one hundred years. Over many years Tony served on the Planning Board, as a member as well as its Chairperson, and was also the Village Building Inspector. After superstorm Sandy in 2012, Tony, Andy Mendelsohn and Mel Ettinger combined their vast engineering expertise to facilitate some very rapid repairs to damaged critical infrastructure. Tony's dedication to giving back to the Village is matched by very few others and I thank him for his incredible service. Tony loved the Asharoken lifestyle and was still swimming in the bay last September. In Tony's memory the flag at Village Hall will be flown at half-staff until Monday. My condolences go out to his sister and Village resident Kristin, and his nephew Ed Carr who lives in Eaton's Neck.

PSEG informed me yesterday that the underground electrical wire project from Bevin Road to North Creek Road will start on Monday. PSEG will be staging materials beginning today. There will be traffic delays. If you are driving this stretch of road, please allow a little extra time and be respectful of the workers.

Invitations for the Asharoken annual Support the Fireworks dinner dance at the Northport Yacht Club on January 20th will be going out soon. I hope to see you at this terrific function organized by Carole Casamassima.

Two weeks ago, I sent out a picture of a Golden Crowned Kinglet as the bird of the week. Coincidentally, on the front page of the New York Times this week there was a photo of one that was unfortunately stunned by a collision with a window of a skyscraper.

It looks like our 7th rainy weekend in a row. Hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 13, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

The installation of the underground electrical wire from Bevin Road to North Creek Road scheduled to begin this Monday has been delayed. I will let you know when construction is scheduled to begin.

Trustee Laura Burke has asked me to share with you an essay from Newsday about the impact of invasive species on our local wildlife and fisheries: In a similar vein, another resident has suggested that it is better not to cut down tall grasses and perennials until the spring. Apparently, they provide a haven for birds and insects during the fall and winter, and the seeds will be eaten all winter.

I wish everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 6, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village, here is my Mayor's Report from the Board of Trustees meeting held on October 3rd:
PSEG informed the Village that construction to install an underground electric wire from Bevin Road to North Creek Road will begin on Monday October 16th. There will be traffic delays in the work area, so please allow yourself some extra time.

The bird of the week is a Golden Crowned Kinglet. It is one of two Kinglet species, the other being Ruby Crowned. Both birds are seen in Asharoken in the spring and fall during their annual migrations. They are small, very active insectivores. They are also very friendly and often allow you to get very close to them. I have attached a picture I took of one on Kew Court last fall. It's up to you to find the Golden Crowned Kinglet!

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 29, 2023

The annual Village dinner dance, which had been put on hold for three years because of the Covid epidemic, is back. Carole Casamassima and her committee are working hard to make this year's event better than ever. If you have gone in years past, you know how wonderful this event is. If you have never been please consider going. It is a terrific way to catch up with old friends and meet new Village residents. Additionally, it is a great way to support the annual 4th of July fireworks. Formal invitations will be mailed soon. If you would like to help organize the party, make raffle prizes or have any questions please call Carole at 631-261-1895.

Another way to support the fireworks is to buy beautiful Asharoken logoed clothing, wine glasses and tote bags from AVT shirts. This fundraiser is run by my wife Linda. For more information you can contact her at AVTshirts@gmail.com.

PSEG has informed me that it is planning to start work on the underground electric wire from Bevin Road to North Creek Road in Eaton's Neck. There will be traffic delays so if you drive through this area, please leave yourself a little more time.

Yesterday, I met with Northport Mayor Donna Koch to review several intermunicipal agreements that the two Villages have. One allows Asharoken to purchase gasoline from Northport that saves the Village a lot of money. The other is for sharing municipal services including police dispatching, allowing Northport highway to help Asharoken with equipment they have and to have the Village judges help each other out if needed. The two Villages have a history of working together. I would like to thank Mayor Koch for agreeing to extend these agreements.

The bird of the week is the Brown Thrasher. This rather difficult bird to see in Asharoken is a member of the mimic thrush family that includes the much more common mockingbirds and catbirds. I saw one recently on Bevin Road. On Tuesday, Linda and I observed a pair of bald eagles flying over Bevin Road near the intersection of Asharoken Avenue. This time of year is prime migration season and as soon as the persistent northeast wind abates there should be a nice push of new birds through the Village.

Wishing you a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 22, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

This is going to be a very busy weekend. The weather forecast is calling for a moderate nor'easter, and the Village of Northport will be holding their annual 10K race on Saturday and Cow Harbor Day on Sunday.

Because of road closures needed to hold the race, you will not be able to enter or leave the Village on Saturday morning from approximately 8am to 10:30am. Please plan accordingly.

Cow Harbor Day on Sunday is a great event to attend. It kicks off with a parade on Main Street at noon. Main Street then becomes a walking promenade with great food everywhere. There are rides for the kids at the foot of Main Street and many vendors in the park. Hopefully, the weather will permit the festivities to take place.

The nor'easter will likely result in washover at the seawall a couple of hours before and after high tide. High tide on Saturday is at 5:54am and 6:13pm, and on Sunday at 7:04am and 7:26pm. Most of midday should be good for travel. Please always use caution when driving in the seawall area. Beach lot owners are advised to remove any personal items from their lots as well. Thank you for consideration.

Last week I met with a group of people from PSEG. Starting at the end of October, PSEG is planning to install an underground electrical wire from Bevin Road to North Creek Road. This wire will be used as a bypass should trees take down the overhead wires in this area. PSEG will also be working on allowing Bevin Road to remain electrified should the power to Eaton's Neck need to be turned off. PSEG will also do some additional above ground wires. The project should take about a month and the road will be fully repaved in the Spring.

Last Saturday, Bill and Barbara Raisch and Linda and I distributed about 5,000 oysters into Duck Island Harbor. The oysters were purchased using a $750 donation from the Asharoken Garden Club. The baby spat oysters have been growing in cages on the Village's 5 MPH marine signs all summer. Last week, we took the oyster cages out of the signs and spread them into the harbor. This is the second year the Village has done this with the hope that oysters will be helpful in filtering the water and making the harbor cleaner. Thanks again to Bill for initiating this very important annual event.

Lastly, Linda and I would like to wish everyone observing Yom Kippur a meaningful holiday.

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 15, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very happy holiday. Have a great weekend as well.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 13, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report that the Village's own Matt Davies was honored as "Best Editorial Cartoonist in 2022" by the National Cartoonists Society. Matt's exceptional work can be seen daily in Newsday.

What makes this award even more special is that the plaque that is awarded was designed by Rube Goldberg. Rube, who lived in Asharoken for many years, was a noted inventor, cartoonist and sculptor. In 1953 Goldberg created a cover design for a historical pamphlet which featured an Indian. This design was later adopted by the Village for its logo that is on the police cars, stationery and a few other places. Additionally, he was known for coming up with crazy contraptions which led to the saying that something that was jerry-rigged was a "Rube Golberg."

Please remember that Village Code requires that if you walk your dog on the street or the beach you are required to clean up solid waste. It is courteous to your neighbors and good for the environment to clean up after man's best friend. Please also remember that your dog must be on a leash at all times. Thanks so much for your cooperation.

Wishing you a great day and a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 8, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Below you will find details about responding to a survey which will help Asharoken secure money from the NYS Environmental Bond Act to reconstruct the seawall area. There is a link to the online survey as well as suggested answers. Please take a few minutes to fill it out. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.

In an effort to keep you informed of what has gone on in the Village in the last month, here is a copy of my Mayor's report from the September 5th Board of Trustees meeting: The Village will be doing a cutback of the marsh grass along the shoulder of Bevin road early next week.

A couple on interesting environmental things to report. I went for a swim yesterday and I could not believe how warm the water was. So, I grabbed thermometer from the house and discovered that the water was 83 degrees. I really can't remember a time when the water was that warm.

Additionally, the bird of the week is a Green Heron. For the last several days it has been hanging out in the wetlands by the Bevin Road sluice. I have attached a google photo of a Green Heron for your enjoyment.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 8, 2023

Dear residents,

Assemblyman Keith Brown is trying to obtain funds for the Asharoken Seawall through the NY State Environmental Bond Act. In order to improve Asharoken's chances of being awarded money, we are asking you to respond to a New York State online survey. Click here to view and complete the survey.

In an effort to make completing the survey as easy as possible, below are the recommended answers to all questions. It is very important that as many people as possible fill out and submit the survey. The more responses we submit, the better our chances are of securing funding.

Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated,
Mayor Greg Letica
  • General Feedback: The 30-year-old seawall protecting Asharoken Avenue, at the intersection of Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue, has deteriorated to the point that it no longer safeguards the road from flooding and possible destruction during storms. Asharoken Avenue is the only access to Eatons Neck, home to approximately 2,000 residents. In this era of sea level rise and stronger storms, it is critical that the wall is rebuilt and the dune seaward of it restored to provide the coastal resiliency needed to prevent the loss of this critical road.
  • Project Title: Asharoken Seawall and Dune Reconstruction
  • Project Location: Bevin Rd and Asharoken Ave
  • Project Lead: Town of Huntington and Village Of Asharoken
  • Disadvantaged: No
  • General Location: At intersection of Asharoken Avenue and Bevin Road in the Village of Asharoken
  • Project Lead: Town of Huntington, Village of Asharoken
  • Intent: To reconstruct the seawall and dune protecting Asharoken Avenue from flooding and destruction during storms
  • Phase: Planning
  • Funding Category: Water Quality Improvement and Resiliency
  • Cost: $20 million
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 1, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Labor Day weekend. As always, the summer seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye. The good news is that we can look forward to September which is probably the best month of the year in Asharoken.

I would like to remind you that schools open next week. Please use extra caution on the roads as school kids will be waiting on the side of the street to be picked up. Also, please remember to never pass a stopped school bus on either side of the street.

I hope you had a chance to see the super blue moon rising over Crab Meadow just north of the stacks this week. It was an amazing sight. There was a nice picture of it in Newsday. I have a new puppy and when I took him out for his 2am walk the illumination of the moon was close to daylight, really cool.

Enjoy your long weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 11, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

On Monday, August 7th, the Village, assisted by the Town of Huntington Highway Department, completed a repair to the seawall. Severe beach erosion on the seaward side of the wall resulted in two sinkholes between the sheet steel and the road. These two areas were refilled with approximately 172 tons of stone of varying size. The plan was designed and the construction was supervised by the engineering firm GEI hired by the Village. The cost of the project was mainly paid for by a $50,000 grant that the Village received from Assemblyman Keith Brown. Not all of the grant money was used on this project so thankfully the Village has the balance left over for any future repairs.

Although this project is only considered a patch to an otherwise outdated structure, it is anticipated that it will buy the Village enough time to be able to come up with a comprehensive restoration plan for the entire seawall area.

I would like to thank Town of Huntington Highway Superintendent Andre Sorrentino for providing a payloader, a claw machine to place the rocks, and traffic control. The machine operators and traffic control team did an amazing job of getting this project done in one day. This is the fourth time the Village and Town have partnered to do repair work on the wall.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 28, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I am very pleased to report that on Friday, July 21st the Village received notice from FEMA that the $1,000,000 grant request to fund design, permitting and bid solicitation for the seawall rehabilitation project was awarded to Asharoken. The Village will receive a maximum of $968,400 with a local share of $106,600. The Village is also entitled to $41,000 funded at a 100% Federal share for management costs. The grant will allow the Village to go forward to create a design for a comprehensive repair of the seawall.

I would like to thank Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce for the incredible job she did putting the grant application package together. This was a daunting task and the Village was competing against many other very worthy projects. Pam's attention to detail and encyclopedic knowledge of the history of the seawall clearly was the difference that resulted in our Village being awarded the grant. I have said this often but it never hurts to say it again, Pam is the best Deputy Mayor on Long Island, bar none. Great Job Pam!

During the last year the Village was awarded approximately $2,000,000 in total grants and earmarks for seawall rehabilitation. In the next several weeks I expect that the sink hole areas will be addressed. The Village will then move forward with putting out Requests for Proposals (RFP) from engineering firms to work on the $1,000,000 repair as well as the design project.

Wishing you a very nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 20, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

The rise in interest rates over the last year is good news for the Village. Working with its partner banks the Village is doing all that it can to maximize interest on its money on deposit. I expect that during this fiscal year the Village will be able to meet and possibly exceed its estimated interest budget line item. Maximizing interest revenue is yet another example of how Asharoken is doing all it can to minimize future tax increases.

Good progress is being made on the seawall repair and the project should commence in the next several weeks. Thanks again to NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown for securing the $50,000 grant to pay for most of this project. And thanks to the Town of Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth and Highway Superintendent Andre Sorrentino for agreeing to provide the manpower and machinery for the project.

Lastly, I have taken a close look at the three Osprey nests on Asharoken Avenue and it looks like there are a total of eight chicks. The immature Osprey have speckled wings as opposed to the jet- black wings of the adults. Therefore, it is generally easy to tell them apart. I anticipate that the young Osprey will all begin flying in the next week or so.

Wishing you a great day and weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 14, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Officer Patrick Ennis being sworn in by Village Clerk Michelle Glennon at the Board of Trustees Meeting.
The Village has hired Patrick Ennis as its newest part time police officer. Patrick is a member of the Suffolk County Police Department and is detailed to the SCPD Marine Bureau. Patrick also served in the United States Marine Corps for which I would like to thank him for his service to the country. The department has had several retirements from its part time ranks over the last few years and Officer Ennis will fill one of those open slots. I would like to welcome Partick to our police department and wish him all the best. I am sure he will be another terrific addition to the force.

The Village had a virtual meeting with State Legislator Keith Brown and representatives from State Senator Matera's office to continue efforts to restore the seawall. It was a productive meeting:
  1. Legislator Brown will contact the DEC to set up a meeting to discuss acceptable options for repair of the wall.
  2. The Village will contact Senator Schumer's office to see if the $1,000,000 earmark can be used for design and planning as opposed to construction only.
  3. A monthly call has been set up going forward.
As more information becomes available, I will fill you in.

I met with the contractor who will supply the materials for the seawall repair which is tentatively scheduled for later this month or early August. This repair will involve adding more stones landward of the sheet steel, with a focus in the area where the steel is collapsing. Thanks to Legislator Brown for securing the $50,000 grant to fund this project.

Trustee Laura Burke sent out a note earlier this week to solicit your input as the Village looks to amend its noise ordinance. We look forward to hearing from you. Please send your comments and suggestions to lburke@asharokenny.org.

Last, please make every effort to put your garbage and recycling out on the day of pickup only. This is required by Village code because it prevents animals from going through the trash and making a mess, as well as keeping the Village looking presentable. We appreciate your cooperation.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 7, 2023

Dear Residents,

Photo: Dee Lento
The July 4th celebration was another terrific success. The fireworks by Grucci were spectacular. I would particularly like to thank and congratulate the Village residents. The uncertain wind conditions delayed the start of the bonfires but everyone waited until the all clear was issued. Additionally, everyone followed the regulations on location and size of the piles. Really a great job by everyone! I would like to also thank Police Officer in Charge, Ray Mahdesian, the Village Police Department, the Suffolk Sheriffs, the Huntington Maritime division, Harbormaster Joe Affrunti and Fireworks Coordinator Marty Hakker for all they did to make the display a safe and successful event. Lastly, a big thanks to Carole Casamassima, Linda Letica and Jean Bondawant for raising money to support the fireworks. Thanks also to Village Photographer Dee Lento for some terrific work memorializing the event.

The final details are being sorted out on how to best use the $50,000 grant that Assemblyman Keith Brown secured for the Village to shore up the seawall. I am anticipating that the project will be completed late July or early August.

On June 16th Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with NYS Senator Mario Mattera, Assemblyman Keith Brown, Town of Huntington Deputy Supervisor John McCarron, and Mike Ianelli from Senator Schumer s office to review the situation at the seawall. A follow up meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

The Village is continuing to work towards repaving Bevin Road. Last week our engineering firm, Newport Engineering, did a field inspection. The Village expects to get their report back next week and begin finalizing the bid package. This project will be mostly paid for by a $100,000 grant and funds in the Village s Consolidated Highway Improvement account

I would also like to thank resident Chris O'Neil for power washing Chief Asharoken. Also, thanks to residents Ann Flynn, and Glen and Laura Behr for offering the use of their dock for emergency use by the Asharoken Police Boat.

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 9, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of the latest news in the Village, here is my Mayor's report from the June 6th Board of Trustees meeting: At the meeting the Board decided that it would be a good idea to purchase a Cyber Liability & Breach Response Coverage insurance policy. Although this policy has an approximately $1,900 annual premium, the Trustees decided that this was money well spent to cover the Village in the event of a cyberattack.

The Village is considering an amendment to the noise ordinance which would regulate the times when landscaping equipment is used and music can be played. Trustee Laura Burke is working with the Village Attorney to write up the proposed changes. These will be shared with you for comment prior to scheduling a public hearing. I look forward to what you think about these proposed changes.

Hoping you have a great weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 2, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to thank Village resident Liam Dwyer for organizing a beach cleanup on May 21. Liam, his sister Annie and five of their friends removed plastic and other garbage from the Long Island Sound beach. In total, they collected approximately 86 pounds of trash. We should all be very thankful for Liam's initiative to organize this very important environmental project.

In the last week or two I received several emails regarding music being played on the 4th of July. The emails noted that the music being played by their neighbors was so loud that it took away from their own experience enjoying this special day. I would respectfully request that if you are playing music at your home or beach lot to please keep the volume at a level where it does not impact your neighbors. Thanks so much for helping out.

The Village will hold a public hearing on Tuesday June 6th at 6:30pm to solicit comments on the new Cable Franchise Renewal Agreement between the Village and Cablevision Systems Huntington Corporation. A representative from Cablevision will be in attendance and any other comments regarding the service Cablevision provides in the Village will also considered.
You can also submit written questions or comments to mglennon@asharokenny.org and they will be addressed at the meeting.

I would like to thank Village Harbormaster Joe Affrunti for getting the police boat in the water for the Memorial Day weekend and getting the marine signs in this week.

Last, I was lucky to have a pair of piping plovers nest on the beach in front of my house this spring. Yesterday the chicks hatched and I have included a photo of one of them.

I hope you have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 26, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day is a solemn time when we remember the brave women and men who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our country. Without their patriotism and heroism, we might not have the freedoms that we cherish so much.

Joseph Rodman Drake wrote "And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave."

Please take a moment this weekend to remember the fallen and, if the opportunity arises, thank a Veteran for their service. We owe these exceptional people so much.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 12, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

At the Board of Trustees meeting this month, Carole Casamassima and Linda Letica donated $12,000 to the Village to cover much of the cost of the barge and tug for the 4th of July fireworks display. Carole, assisted by Jean Bondawandt, raised $10,250 through the sales of raffle tickets for incredible prizes. These included a kayak and a luxurious spa day. Linda raised $1,750 by selling Asharoken logoed clothing, tote bags and wine glasses. I would like to thank Carole, Linda and Jean for their hard work and dedication. Their donation, which has been made annually for over a decade, assures that the Village's incredible tradition of 4th of July fireworks can go on.

The traditional Asharoken holiday party that Carole plans was put on hold for three years due to the Covid pandemic. This terrific event has been scheduled for early next year. Carole is looking for some volunteers to assist her with organizing the event. If you would like to help, please let Village Clerk Michelle Glennon know and she will get you in touch with Carole. The Village Hall number is 631-261-7098.

I would like to wish all of Asharoken's moms and grandmothers a very Happy Mother's Day. Moms are the glue that hold our families together. As Stevie Wonder is quoted as saying, "Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love." If that does not sum up what being a mom is, what does? Thank you moms for your unwavering love and support. I hope that you have a great day. You have earned it.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 8, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you had a nice weekend and were able to enjoy the lovely weather.

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of the latest news in the Village, here is my Mayor's report from the May 2nd meeting: I am happy to report that the Village has finally gotten the final Grant Distribution agreement from NYS for the $50,000 seawall repair grant. We will immediately begin planning with the Village engineer, GEI Consultants and the TOH Highway Department to get this much needed repair project started. We were very lucky that last winter was so mild and the wall sustained very little additional damage. This grant will be used to stabilize the most weakened area of the wall until additional funds can be deployed for a more comprehensive repair. I would like to thank Assemblyman Keith Brown for securing this money for the Village.

I would like to remind you that if you are going to do any building, tree removal or fence installation, you may need a permit to legally proceed. Please call Village Hall, 631-261-7098, to find out if a permit is required before you start any project. The Village enforces these codes very strictly. Your project will be much easier, faster and cheaper if you get the permits prior to starting, rather than having to go through Village court to resolve any summons you might receive. I thank you so much for your cooperation.

Photo: Dee Lento
The Village Photographer Dee Lento sent me a great picture she took of a Bald Eagle just after it flew out of a tree on Bevin Road. This eagle has been nicknamed Notch by the dedicated group of naturalists who have been watching the Centerport bald eagle nest for many years. If you look closely at the bird's wing you will see where the name came from. Dee is also having a show at the East Northport public library through May 25th. She has taken some incredible photos in the Village, including some unbelievably dramatic seawall shots. If you get a chance I would recommend checking out her exhibition.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 21, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to thank the Asharoken Garden Club for their very generous donation of $750 to help the Village buy oysters to restock Duck Island Harbor. Village Emergency Manager Bill Raisch accepted the donation at the Club's annual luncheon. Last year, Bill spearheaded a plan to grow the baby oysters on the marine signs and then distribute over 5,000 of them into Duck Island Harbor in early October.

After extensive conversations with PSEG I am happy to report that they have agreed to make some modifications to the power grid in Asharoken and Eatons Neck to make our electrical service more reliable. Bevin Road will have redundancy on its service and will be able to remain energized if the rest of EN needs to be turned off. The planned modifications are described below from an email I received from PSEG.
  1. The first project scope includes extending the current underground cable approximately 1 mile from Bevin Road to North Creek Rd via directional drill. This project will also install a switch located just west of Bevin Road and a supervisory smart switch, with sectionalizing capabilities, at North Creek Rd.

    If there are future faults on the underground system, there is switching redundancy to restore power faster. If there are faults on the overhead system, this will reduce the number of customers that will experience an outage.

    Estimated construction start 2024 Q1.

  2. The second project scope is replacing the overhead switch feeding Asharoken and EN with a newer smart switch that will be configured to help improve and reduce momentary outages (<5 minute outages).

    Estimated construction start 2023 Q2/Q3.
The Village will be holding public hearings at the May 2nd board meeting to solicit comments on the annual MS4 storm water report and amendments to the Village fence law: Wishing you a terrific weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 7, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

The Board of Trustees adopted the budget for 2023-24 at the April 4th meeting. No residents submitted written comments or spoke at the public hearing on the budget. Because of a decrease in the Village's assessment role as a result of a home recently being razed, the tax rate rose to 0.11969. This resulted in the percentage tax change from 2.65% to 2.83%. An average home presently paying $4,000 a year in taxes will have an additional $113 in property taxes next year. The budget remains below the NYS tax cap and is the first budget with a tax increase in eight years.

To keep you informed on what is going on in the Village, here is my Mayor's report for your review. I am happy to report the PSEG has been very responsive to the Village's requests to help improve reliability of power to Eaton's Neck and Bevin Road. PSEG has taken down approximately 11 trees that it determined were at risk of falling down and severing electrical wires. Also, PSEG is formulating a plan to change the switching so that power can stay on for Bevin Road when Eaton's Neck is turned off.

Spring bird migration is well underway. The Piping Plovers have returned and last Saturday hundreds of Northern Gannets flew by the village over Long Island Sound. It was quite a spectacle.

In closing, Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Easter a very happy holiday.

Best Regards
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 5, 2023

Good morning residents,

I would like to wish all those celebrating Passover a very happy and healthy holiday!

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 31, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Beach lot passes are now available for pickup at Village Hall. The Village will not be mailing them. Village Hall will be open Saturday morning April 1st from 10am to noon, or you can stop by between 9am and 3pm on weekdays.

Carole Casamassima is looking for volunteers who would like to help her with next year's Asharoken holiday party. If you are interested in helping please contact Village Clerk Michelle Glennon at 631-261-7098.

There are many trees in the Village that are getting choked by ivy growing up their trunks. In an effort to preserve these magnificent trees please look around your property and mitigate the problem by cutting the ivy at the base of the tree.

At long last the Osprey finally returned!

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 24, 2023

Dear Residents;

Our next Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm will include a public hearing on the tentative budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Here are links to my annual budget cover letter as well as the full, detailed budget packet for your review. Thanks,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 17, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Wishing everyone a very happy St. Patricks Day!

On Tuesday, the BOT met in a special meeting to finalize the tentative budget for fiscal year 2023-24. Although the Village has not had a tax increase for the last seven years, it was not possible to make it eight in a row. The tentative budget calls for a 2.65% tax increase which remains under the NYS Tax Cap. Over eight years this averages out to 0.33% annually and would result in an increase of about $120 for the average house. Next Friday, the Village will send out a comprehensive budget packet, post the tentative budget on the website and have copies available at Village Hall. A public hearing will be held on April 4th to solicit comments from the residents. Based on that input the BOT has the option of either modifying the tentative budget or approving it in its present form.

Soles for Souls has placed a donation box in the lobby of Village Hall to collect shoes for those less fortunate. Please see if you have any lightly worn footwear that you can spare for this terrific cause.

A resident recently brought to my attention the issue of litter along the sides of Asharoken Avenue. If we all took the time to pick up the litter in front of our homes it would help beautify our Village, thank you for your efforts.

Last Monday I had a juvenile bald eagle land on the beach in front of my house. It stayed a few minutes and then flew off. I haven't seen any Osprey yet but every day that passes increases the chance of seeing the first of the season. Keep your eyes peeled.

Enjoy the weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 10, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

In an effort to keep you informed of the latest news in the Village, here is my Mayor's report from the March 7th meeting: I have copied a portion of the report below, because I want to make sure that you are aware of the progress on the Village budget for fiscal year 2023-24.

During the month a lot of work was done on the 2023-24 budget. The final numbers are coalescing around a tax increase of between 2.5% and 3.0%. The budget will stay below the NYS tax cap. Although the Village has not had a tax increase in seven years, the high level of inflation is not going to allow that streak to continue. The Village will hold a special meeting on March 14th at 4pm to present the proposed budget to the Board of Trustees. At this time the BOT will be able to review the budget and modify it prior to presenting it to the residents. At the April BOT meeting a public hearing will be held to solicit input from the residents on the proposed budget.

I hope you have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 10, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village, here is my report from the February 7 meeting. Several people have expressed concerns to me about the PSEG text messaging system and their response to downed wires during last week's storm. I have brought these concerns to my contact at PSEG and we are working to arrange a meeting to see what can be done.

This morning on my walk I found the first Red-winged Blackbird of 2023. These are among the earliest spring migrants and are always a hopeful sign that spring is just around the corner.

I wish everyone a great Super Bowl weekend. I hope your team wins and all of your boxes match the scores. For the record, I'm rooting for the Chiefs.

Best Regards
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 20, 2023

Dear Neighbors:

Last Friday, Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I had the pleasure of welcoming the Village's new Congressman Nick Lalota and its new State Senator Mario Mattera to Asharoken. We had a very productive meeting that was focused on the condition of the seawall and what Congressman Lalota and Senator Mattera could do to assist the Village. We conducted a site visit as well which reinforced the point that the seawall needs immediate attention. It was clear to Pam and I that both men left with a complete understanding of how badly the wall needs repair. They assured us that they would do all they could to aid the Village.

During our monthly Board meetings, Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian often speaks about the rise in automobile-related crimes. Although so far Asharoken has been spared any auto or catalytic converter thefts, everyone should park their cars in the garage if available and if not, try to park in a well lit area and always lock the doors. If you see anything that you consider suspicious, please call our police department at 631-261-7400 immediately.

Recently, a resident who lives on Duck Island Harbor did a mini beach clean-up and was amazed at how much plastic garbage she picked up in a rather small area. She brought this to my attention and asked me to let you know just how much plastic waste is washing up on our shorelines. To that end, I would ask, if you are able to do so, occasionally take a few minutes to clear your own beach of any plastic debris. It s beneficial for the environment and improves the appearance of the Village overall.

I close with a photo I took yesterday morning at sunrise. The saying "Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight could not have been more true. The rest of the day was a total washout.

Have a great week and let's go Giants!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:
The 2022 Asharoken Year in Review

December 30, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a happy, healthy and safe new year. We hope that you had a terrific Hanukkah and Christmas.

As we ring out 2022, I thought you might be interested in a recap of some of the things that were accomplished or took place in Asharoken this year.

  • Secured $1,000,000 of federal funding for seawall repair
  • Milled, repaved and striped Asharoken Avenue from Village Hall to 285 and from 350 to 501
  • Rebuilt the beach lot dunes with 2000 cubic yards of sand
  • Constructed catch basins and drywells to control street flooding at 103-105 Asharoken Avenue, Thanks to Trustee Ian Jablonski for overseeing this project
  • Sold the old garbage truck
  • Negotiated a new four-year contract with the Asharoken PBA
  • Adopted the 2022-2023 budget which did not raise taxes for the seventh consecutive year
  • Received grant approval of $50,000 from Legislator Keith Brown for the seawall and $100,000 from Senator Jim Gaughran to repave Bevin Road
  • Submitted grant requests for two $1,000,000 Hazard Mitigation Grants and a BRIC grant in the same amount
  • Adopted a law to regulate beach fires. This was spearheaded by Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and Trustee Laura Burke. Adopted an amendment to the existing tree removal law
  • Purchased a new outboard motor for the police boat and got the vessel back on patrol. Thanks to John Rittenhouse who located the motor for the Village
  • Had National Grid place their required triennial 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the LI Sound side beach
  • Ordered a new police car thanks to Trustee Mel Ettinger
  • Placed identification numbers on all of the beach lots under Trustee Ian Jablonski s leadership
  • Grew and placed about 5000 oysters into Duck Island harbor. Thanks to Emergency Manage Bill Raisch for conceiving and executing this project
  • Saw construction begin or continue on 6 new houses in the Village
  • Welcomed Michelle Glennon as the new Village Clerk, Mike Elsas as Zoning Board Chair, Paul Boronow as Justice and Tara Ryan as the Village s first female Associate Justice
  • Said goodbye to long time Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, Justice Mark Kleczka, Associate Justice Stan Somer, Police Officer Dennis Magerle, Zoning Board Chairman Russ Matthews, and especially Village photographer Steve Silverman. Thanks so much for the amazing job you all did for the Village
  • About 12 new families moved into the Village
  • I observed 122 species of birds during the year nearly setting an annual record
As you can see it was a very busy year.

Wishing you a great holiday weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 28, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I am happy to announce that Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Tom Suozzi were able to include a $1,000,000 earmark for seawall repair in the recently-approved federal appropriations bill. I have been working closely with both offices over the last six years to obtain funds to improve the wall. It is terrific news that at last we were able to secure it. As more details become available, I will let you know.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 27, 2022

Dear Residents & Property Owners:

It saddens me to announce that Steve Silverman, the Village photographer, passed away suddenly last week. Steve chronicled many important Village events. Among his favorites were the fireworks on July 4th and Santa and Mrs. Claus s visit, including last Sunday s visit. Before he passed, Steve kindly sent me some amazing family pictures he took of my granddaughter Valentina visiting with St. Nick for the first time. It is a memory I will always cherish. My condolences go out to Steve s family. He was always smiling and I will really miss him.

This weekend the Village had one of the most dramatic storms that I can remember. The temperature dropped from 54 degrees on Friday 7 AM to a low of 8 degrees on Saturday at 7AM. The wind gusted up to 60 miles an hour and in 24 hours clocked 180 degrees from due east to due west. And lastly, there was an incredibly high tide on Saturday morning which occurred without the benefit of a strong northeast wind. A wild weather day indeed.

At the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, January 3rd, at 6:30pm a public hearing will be held on proposed local law (1-2023) to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. This has been the first step in the budget process for the last eleven years. The proposed local law (1-2023) gives the Village financial flexibility without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law provides a safety net should unexpected expenses arise, or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. The board is in the initial phase of preparing the 2023-2024 budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the board intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. We must finalize the assessment roll, determine the projected revenues and expenditures, and develop a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the village to adopt the law with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed.

Since I was elected Mayor 11 years ago the average annual tax increase has been 0.86% and there hasn t been a tax increase for the last 7 years. Unfortunately, the current inflationary environment may dictate a tax increase for fiscal year 2023-24. Fortunately, the Village has a long history of fiscal conservatism. The Board and I will do our best to develop a budget that provides for all of the necessary services for the Village while at the same time minimizing any tax increase.

If you are unable to attend the public hearing but would like to provide written comments you can email them to mglennon@asharokenny.org. Written comments will be read during the hearing and be a part of the public record.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 22, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I am hoping that all of the children in the Village were well-behaved and that Santa is going to grant all of their Christmas wishes. Have a great day with your family!

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 16, 2022

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah a very happy holiday!

On Sunday December 18th, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be doing a ceremonial drive down Asharoken Avenue at 1pm and coming to Village Hall at 1:30pm. Snacks and refreshments will be served. This is always one of the best days of the year. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 9, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

At the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, the 13 winners for the raffle prizes from donations supporting the fireworks were picked.
The gifts included an inflatable kayak, a $500 gift certificate to Beautiful Addictions Spa, multiple restaurant gift certificates, Asharoken wine glasses and towels, and several baskets of cheer. I would like to congratulate the Matteras for winning the grand prize. I would also like to thank everyone who donated a prize and of course Carole Casamassima for spearheading the Save the Fireworks fundraising. Last year Carole, in conjunction with Linda Letica's clothing sales, was able to donate $14,000 to support the 4th of July fireworks.

Here is my Mayor's Report from the Tuesday December 6 meeting to keep you informed of the latest news from the Village. Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 23, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. I hope you have a terrific day filled with family, delicious food and football. We all should be very thankful for living in the beautiful Village of Asharoken!

Mayor Greg Letica, Officer Robert Cafiero, Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian and Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger.
The sand on the beach project is going well with almost half of the material placed to date. We just have to hope that there are not any nor easters while the project is being worked on.

At the Board of Trustees meeting on November 1, Robert Cafiero was sworn in as the newest part-time member of the Asharoken Police Department. Robert is a member of the Suffolk County Police Department. He has extensive experience and training in a wide range of police duties. I am sure that Officer Cafiero will do a great job and I welcome him to Asharoken.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 11, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to thank all of the Village's veterans and active duty members for their service to America. The immortal words of Winston Churchill that "Never was so much owed by so many to so few" are still true today. Your patriotism, courage, and selfless service assured that America's democracy and freedom were protected. Have a very happy Veterans Day!

Beach replenishment
Beach replenishment
The sand on the beach project is going well. To date, approximately 6,400 cubic yards of dredged sand has been placed. The weather has been very cooperative so far which has really helped. The pace of the placement should increase as National Grid has added a second dump truck.

I am happy to report that tropical storm Nicole, which was forecast to hit the village this evening, has weakened substantially. We will get some moderately strong southerly winds and some rain but it is going to be far less impactful than originally predicted.

This is the time of year when the Village's wintering waterfowl will return. Already, Common Loons, Bufflehead Ducks and Long-tailed Ducks are back. As I am writing this I can hear the plaintive call of a loon in front of my house. Northport Bay and Long Island Sound provide the perfect habitat for hundreds of ducks from November to April. Additionally, our seal population should be back any day now.

I would like to wish you a very nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 4, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

National Grid began the placement of 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Long Island Sound beach. The placement began approximately 1,000 feet from the west jetty. To date, approximately 2,500 cubic yards have been placed on the beach. Joe Warren, the NG plant manager, has informed me that there may be enough dredged sand for the entire project. NG has provided the following phone number should you have any questions or concerns during the project: 631-262-6550.

The Village will be closely monitoring the project, particularly regarding the volume of delivered material and quality of sand should upland material be brought in. The project is expected to be finished by the middle of December.

During the month, Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with Northport Mayor Donna Koch and Village Manager Don Tessararo to continue our discussions on the new fire protection contract.

The Village has been working with the Town of Huntington to finalize an Inter-Municipal Agreement to allow the two municipalities to work together to do emergency repair work to the seawall.

I would like to thank Trustee Ian Jablonski for undertaking a wel-needed project to identify each beach lot. Each beach lot now has an ID number stenciled on the shoulder of the road to tie it to an individual property owner. Ian s 5 hours of hard work last Sunday will now allow the Village to contact beach lot owners should the need arise.

Village Police Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian reported at the last BOT meeting that there has been a significant rise in car thefts, catalytic converter thefts and vehicles being rummaged through for valuables in our neighboring communities. He advised that everyone should always remove the key fob from the car and remember to lock the doors when the vehicle is unattended.

Last Tuesday was Nancy Rittenhouse's last BOT meeting. She was presented with a plaque thanking her for her service to Asharoken in the last 14 years. She was also presented with a lovely arrangement of peach roses. The peach rose represents modesty and sincerity, which describes Nancy to a tee, and gratitude and appreciation, which reflects on how the Village feels for Nancy's incredible service. I would like to say thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to Asharoken. We have accomplished so much in the last ten years and I am sure that without Nancy s help far less would have been done. I wish Nancy and Paul good health and happiness in the next chapter of their lives in South Carolina.

On November 16th Michelle Glennon will be taking over as the new Village Clerk. I am looking forward to Michelle joining our team and I am confident that she will do an amazing job.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 28, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

According to National Grid, the placement of 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Long Island Sound beach, beginning approximately 1000 feet from the west jetty, will start next week.
The latest prizewinning mum grown by Rita Rover
The latest prizewinning mum grown by Rita Rover
Joe Warren, the NG plant manager, has informed me that there may be enough dredged sand for the entire project. NG has provided the following phone number should you have any questions or concerns: 631-262-6550.

The Village will be closely monitoring the project. Particularly, regarding the volume of delivered material and quality of sand should upland material be brought in. The project is expected to be finished by the middle of December.

I would like to thank Rita Rover for displaying her award-winning chrysanthemum at Village Hall. Over the years Rita has distinguished herself as a master of creating incredible mums. I have attached a photo, but if you have a chance stop by village hall to see it in person. It is really remarkable.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 24, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Earlier this year the Village's Emergency Manager and Deputy Harbormaster Bill Raisch began a plan to revitalize Village waters by boosting the oyster population. Our Village waters were once teeming with oysters which were also an important part of the local economy. Oysters are incredibly efficient in filtering seawater of excess algae, each filtering up to 50 gallons per day, and providing habitat for other sea animals. Many other communities including the Village of Northport have been adding oysters to their adjacent bodies of water.

Bill Raisch, Barbara Raisch, and Linda Letica placing oysters into our Village waters.
Bill Raisch, Barbara Raisch, and Linda Letica placing oysters into our Village waters.
Bill has volunteered with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program for years. Last fall, in collaboration with Cornell, Bill obtained the appropriate permits and fitted the Village five mile per hour marine signs with cages in which to grow oyster larvae, known as spat. In the spring, Cornell provided spat, each approximately the size of a fingernail. These spat were originally put in fine mesh bags and as they got bigger they were placed into larger mesh bags in our own floating oyster nurseries (aka 5 MPH signs). By October, the spat had become large enough to release into the wild. Last weekend, Bill and Barbara Raisch joined Linda and I to place the oysters in Village waters. Bill estimates that approximately 5,000 oysters were released.

In the June-July timeframe, each of the female oysters will be releasing on average 1 to 2 million eggs (although some can release up to 100 million). While only a small percentage of the eggs will reach maturity, our Village has taken an important step to begin to reseed our waters with these impactful animals.

I would like to thank Bill for this terrific environmental initiative that the Village plans to do again next spring. I have included a photo of Bill, Barbara and Linda about to release the oysters as well as a close up of the oysters.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 14, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to fill you in on a few things I reported at the Village Board meeting this Tuesday.

On September 30th Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with Joe Warren, the Manager of the National Grid Northport Power Station, and members of his staff to discuss the 45,000 cubic yard beach replenishment that is scheduled to start approximately November 15th. NG estimates that 32,000 cubic yards of material will come from their intake channels and the remaining 13,000 cubic yards will come from upland sources. The primary focus of our conversation was on assurance that both the quality and quantity of sand is correct. The Village agreed with NG that they will provide an engineering firm to test the upland sand prior to placement. NG will also provide a surveyor to measure the quantity of sand by measuring the piles in the boat ramp parking lot prior to placement. As more information becomes available, I will let you know.

On October 4th I met with Northport Mayor Donna Koch and members of her staff to start discussions on a new five year fire protection contract for Asharoken. The Village will review their initial proposal and arrange a follow up meeting.

The $50,000 grant awarded to the Village by NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown is nearing final approval. The Village was notified by DASNY that in order to complete the grant process, a cost estimate for the work is required, as well as an IMA between Huntington and Asharoken for the project. The Village had the engineering firm GEI prepare a cost estimate and I spoke to Supervisor Ed Smyth about the IMA. Supervisor Smyth assured me that the Town would do all it can to get the IMA completed as quickly as possible.

At the meeting retiring Associate Justice Stanley Somer was thanked and honored with a plaque for his eight years of service to the Village.

Last, a quick update on the birds in the Village. Last week I recorded my 120th species for the year which is still a few less than the all-time annual record. Recently the fall migration has been very active and one of the nicest birds I spotted was a Black Throated Blue Warbler on Bevin Road. Any day now our wintering ducks, loons and grebes will be returning to spend the next five months in our waters.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 16, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to remind you to please make sure that you put your trash out only on the morning of pickup. Trash cans left overnight are often spilled by animals creating a mess.

Last Sunday, I had a Black Skimmer sitting on the beach in front of my house. It is a really cool-looking bird so I thought I would share a photo of it with you. Skimmers have a much longer lower bill than their upper one. To feed, they fly along the surface of the water with their lower bill in the water picking up food. They are a little hard to see in the Village but are really a beautiful sight when feeding.

It is going to be a gorgeous weekend and I hope you have a great time.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 9, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Several updates that I would like to share with you...
  • As I mentioned last week, Nancy Rittenhouse will be resigning as Village Clerk effective November 16th. We are excited to announce her replacement Michelle Glennon. Michelle grew up in Asharoken and is very familiar with the community. She has years of experience managing her family's construction business. She is presently a Northport-East Northport Public Library Trustee and I am confident that Michelle will do a great job for the Village. Additionally, Michelle has filled-in for Nancy and has become very familiar with the role. This past Tuesday Michelle was appointed Deputy Clerk and will be working with Nancy for the next few months.
  • On August 9th, Asharoken was notified by FEMA that its application for a $1,000,000 BRIC grant for engineering and design to replace the seawall was deemed ineligible due to a lack of available funding. The Village will resubmit its request in the BRIC 2022 as soon as it is announced. The Village is still awaiting news of two Hazard Mitigation Grants each in the amount of $1,000,000 for engineering and design to replace the seawall. In addition, the request for $1,000,000 from Congressman Suozzi and the two requests from Senator Schumer in the amounts of $1,000,000 and $14,500,000 are still pending a response.
  • The Village is nearing approval for two additional grants. The first is for a DASNY grant of $100,000 to pave Bevin Road sponsored by Senator Jim Gaughran. The second is for a DASNY grant for $50,000 to repair the sink hole at the seawall sponsored by NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown.
  • National Grid will be placing 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Sound side beach. I have had preliminary discussions with Joe Warren, National Grid plant manager. At this time, he believes the 45,000 cubic yards of sand will be dredged and come from an upland site. The village will be having a detailed discussion once National Grid has identified a contractor.
  • The police boat has completed a full month of operation and is running well. I would like to thank Police Officer Pat Rogan for his superb marine officer training program.
Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 4, 2022

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Yom Kippur an easy fast and a happy holiday.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 26, 2022

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very happy holiday and a healthy new year to follow.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 1, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I am sorry to announce that Nancy Rittenhouse, the Village's terrific Clerk, has informed me that she will be resigning effective November 15th. She and her husband Paul are planning on moving out of state.

Nancy has been the glue that has held Asharoken together for the last 14 years. She started out without any experience whatsoever as a Village Clerk and through hard work, a strong desire to learn and an unparalleled work ethic became what I believe is the best Village Clerk in New York State. Nancy mastered every facet of being a clerk. Among them: running elections, organizing board meetings, preparing budgets, communicating with the residents, preparing, and running competitive bids, maintaining Village Hall, writing, and securing grants, records management, preparing minutes, overseeing the building department, responding to FOIL requests, setting up Santa and Mrs. Clauss's visits, and most importantly, interacting with everyone who came to Village Hall professionally and with a big smile. As you can appreciate, being an effective and successful Village clerk requires a diverse skill set and a mastery of every aspect of Village government. Needless to say, Nancy checked both of these boxes.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have worked side by side with Nancy over the last 10 years. She has a great feel for what's right for the Village and her excellent advice really helped me in my decision-making. Without her as the Clerk I am sure that the Village would have accomplished so much less in the last decade. I can't thank Nancy enough for all her hard work, dedication, and devotion to Asharoken. The Village really has been so incredibly fortunate to have her as its Clerk.

The Village has identified an excellent replacement and is in the final steps of bringing that person on board. As soon as everything is finalized, I will let you know.

Lastly, Linda and I would like to wish all of you a very happy Labor Day Weekend. Enjoy the last hurrah of summer!

Best Regards
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Mayor's Report from August 2 Board Meeting:

  • Marine Patrol: I am pleased to report that the Asharoken Police boat has resumed operation. Due to constraints on the marine industry, it took the Village about one year to source a new engine for the boat.
    I would like to thank John Rittenhouse for finding an appropriate engine and Harbormaster Joe Affrunti for his hard work to get the engine installed and the boat in the water. I would also like to thank Police Officer Pat Rogan for mastering the new electronics on the boat and conducting training for the Village's marine officers. Last, a big thank you to Fred Uvena, head of the Huntington Maritime division, who graciously provided marine coverage for the Village while the boat was out of service.
  • Paving Projects: In July the last phase of road paving and beach lot shoulder repair was completed. The entire avenue was re-striped as well. During the last 10 years the entire length of Asharoken Avenue has been repaved. The Village has also applied for a $100,000 grant through the Office of State Senator Jim Gaughran to repave Bevin Road.
  • National Grid: I worked with National Grid to get a large, dangerous dead tree on their property opposite 55 Asharoken Avenue taken down. Thanks to Joe Warren at the power plant for his speedy response to my request. On August 1st I spoke to Joe Warren, National Grid power plant manager, to start discussing the 45,000 cubic yards of LI Sound beach sand replenishment scheduled for this fall. NG is in the process of determining how much sand they will be able to dredge and if they will need to purchase upland sand. Part of our discussion focused on the quality of the upland sand and the need to have an outside entity evaluate it to make sure it conforms with the specifications in the bid package. The Village and NG will continue our discussions once NG has identified a contractor.
  • Seawall: On August 1st Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I had a call with GEI, an engineering firm that the Village has worked with previously, to work on a plan to fix the sink hole at the seawall. GEI will get back to the Village with a cost estimate and general proposal in the next few days. I also followed up with NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown who has applied for a $50,000 grant to fix the sinkhole. He informed me that the grant application is moving through the steps, and he thinks he should have more definitive information in about two weeks.
  • Bird Watch: Finally, a census of the three Osprey nests on Asharoken Avenue found seven juveniles, all of which are now flying around. Unlike previous years, not every nest in the Village was successful. The Piping Plovers had a good year, with three nests hatching nine chicks. I would like to thank everyone who shared their beach with the birds while they were incubating their eggs.
During our August 2nd board meeting, Officer-In-Charge Raymond Mahdesian reported on vehicle-related crimes. This is an important issue to be shared:

Police Report: Throughout the town there has been an increase in vehicle-related crime. Thieves are going through neighborhoods by car, bicycle, and on foot looking for unlocked cars. They steal the various contents such as wallets with credit cards and licenses left in consoles. The cars are being stolen as well. Sometimes these cars are used in other crimes, like burglaries, before they are dumped in New Jersey. Catalytic converters bring a pretty penny at junk yards and can be removed from a car in just a minute or two.

Crime can occur anywhere, even in well-protected areas such as Asharoken. Residents are urged not to leave valuables in cars and to always lock cars. Never leave keys or fobs in cars, and park in a lighted area if possible. Surveillance cameras are also a good idea. Don't make it easy for the bad guys!
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 27, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Based on the Village's new fire prevention law and out of an abundance of caution, it has been decided that bonfires will not be permitted from houses 100-200 on the sound side. Beach fires will still be permitted in this area. Please refer to the new law to familiarize yourself with the guidelines and comply with requests from the Asharoken PD for both beach fires and bonfires: Restrictions on Fourth of July Bonfires. We have also created a one-page summary of the new rules: Beach Fire Guidelines. The Village's long-standing tradition of bonfires on the 4th can only continue if we use common-sense and caution. I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Congressman Tom Suozzi called on Friday to let us know that he was able to get $1,000,000 for seawall repair into the House appropriations bill. This is a critical first step but does not assure that the Village will get the money. The bill still has to pass both the House and the Senate. We will provide updates as we move forward. I want to thank Congressman Suozzi for all of his efforts to help the Village. He has been a terrific ally in the last six years.

Last, there was a story over the weekend in The Observer about the expansion of the Northport sewer system into Asharoken. At this time there are no plans nor have there been any discussions to extend the Northport sewer system into Asharoken.

Have a great day,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 17, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report that resident John Rittenhouse was able to assist the Village in securing a new outboard engine for the police boat. If all goes according to plan, I expect the police boat will be in service by July 15th. I would like to thank John for all his efforts.

Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Town of Huntington Highway Department to develop a plan to stabilize a section of the seawall. I will keep you posted on our progress.

Last, I would like to wish all the dads a very happy Father's Day. Enjoy your special day.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 10, 2022

Dear Residents:

At the Board of Trustees meeting on June 7, the Village awarded two paving contracts:
  1. Poscillico Civil was awarded the contract for Village Hall to 285 Asharoken Ave. and the entrance to Beach Plum Drive. National Grid will be reimbursing the Village for this contract cost.
  2. Rosemar Paving was awarded the contract for 355-501 Asharoken Avenue and shoulder repair. Part of the contract cost will be paid for using a $70,000 multimodal grant and Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funds. The start of these paving projects will begin very soon. In addition the Village has applied for a DASNY grant to repave Bevin Road. We are waiting for approval of this request.
Fourth of July: Grucci is planning another outstanding fireworks display, and the barge and tugboat have been secured. Big thanks goes to Carole Casamassima, Jean Bonawandt and Linda Letica for raising $13,000 to help defray the costs of this amazing Village tradition.

The fireworks display will take place on Monday, July 4th around 9:15pm, and the rain date is on Tuesday, July 5th.

Have a great weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 8, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Below are links to two documents: my report from the June 7 Board of Trustees meeting to update you on recent events in the Village. Also, a letter sent to Supervisor Ed Smyth formally requesting the Town of Huntington to partner with the Village of Asharoken on replacing the seawall. I hope you have a great day.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 27, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you a very happy Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer. I hope you take a few minutes to reflect on those courageous Americans who sacrificed their lives to defend our country.
America is the land of the free because of the brave. We owe all of our freedoms and liberties to the patriots who stepped up to serve their county. They will never be forgotten.

The Northport Memorial Day parade and ceremony in the Village park is a wonderful event. The parade starts on Monday at 10am, with the ceremony to follow.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 10, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates relating to the seawall.

Last Friday, I had conversations with two members of the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding the condition of the seawall. We discussed the options that are available for short term repairs, long term solutions and how to arrive at the Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA). The BCA is a crucial component needed to apply for State and Federal grants. Town of Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth and I discussed the importance of partnering when applying for State and Federal grants. By partnering with another municipality, Asharoken significantly increases its chances of being awarded grant funding. Supervisor Smyth will be discussing this partnership with the Town Board as well.

On Saturday night, the Village had a strong northeast system come through; the steel sheathing sustained additional damage and a sinkhole developed in the same area. As soon as I saw the damage on Sunday morning, I contacted Congressman Thomas Suozzi, Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth, NYS Senator Jim Gaughran and NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown alerting them to the new damage. Congressman Suozzi contacted the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers on Sunday morning and arranged to have Thomas Creamer, Chief of Operations of the ACOE, come to Asharoken inspect the seawall on Monday.

Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with Mr. Creamer on Monday. He made suggestions on how to secure the seawall on a short-term basis. In 2018 the Village and Town partnered to repair a sinkhole. Mr. Creamer suggested that we use the same plan to secure the new sinkhole. Mr. Creamer also began the process of assisting Deputy Mayor Pierce with the specific requests needed for a comprehensive long- term solution through a Congressional subcommittee as well as the ACOE.

In addition, I connected with the Long Island representative for Governor Hochul's office and began the process of coordinating the State and Town to support and assist the Village in repairing the seawall. I also spoke with Town of Huntington Highway Superintendent Andre Sorrentino to ask for his assistance with the sinkhole repair. He said the Highway Department is ready to do whatever it can to make the repair a reality

I appreciate the quick response from Congressman Suozzi, Senator Gaughran, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, and Superintendent Sorrentino. This was crucial to get rolling on a short-term repair. Ultimately, a complete renovation of the seawall is our goal for the residents of Asharoken and the Town of Huntington. As we make progress on the short-term repairs, State and Federal grant applications for funding of planning and design, and the full renovation we will keep you notified.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 5, 2022

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish all of the mothers and grandmothers a very happy Mother's Day. Every day moms are a source of strength, inspiration and happiness in our lives. Thanks for always being there for us. We hope that on Sunday you relax and enjoy your special day.

Here is the Mayor's Report from the May 3rd board meeting. It highlights several important points that occurred during the month of April: Happy Mothers Day,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 25, 2022

Dear Neighbors,

I would like to update you on a few things...

The crossover steps at the seawall have been repaired and are open for use. Thank you for your patience.

The drainage project at 103-105 Asharoken Avenue is complete, except for the final landscaping. I would like to thank Trustee and Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Jablonski for managing this project.

The dune restoration is also complete. This project, which included approximately 2000 cubic yards of sand, beach grass and snow fencing, will provide additional protection to Asharoken Avenue. Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce deserves a lot of thanks for overseeing this critical infrastructure repair. The village received a $50,000 DASNY grant to help fund the dune project; many thanks to Senator Gaughran for his help in securing this grant.

The Village is currently working on road paving bid packages, our plan is to begin repaving from Village Hall to Duck Island Lane and from 355 to 501 Asharoken Avenue later this spring.

On Wednesday, I found my first osprey of the year. We can expect to see more in the next few days. I have identified 57 species of birds in the Village since January 1st. Some of the more interesting include Snow Bunting, Northern Harrier, Bald Eagle, Yellowbellied Sapsucker, and Gadwall. Spring migration is just around the corner, and if there are any notable finds I will be happy to share them with you.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 22, 2022

Dear Residents;

Our next in-person Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 5th at 6:30pm will include a public hearing on the tentative budget for fiscal year 5/31/2023. Here are links to my annual budget cover letter as well as the full, detailed budget packet for your review. Thanks,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 13, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Village resident Lana Labra, who has family in Ukraine, has been working actively to help support the Ukrainian people. She has asked me to share with you the following links if you would like to consider making a monetary donation to support the cause: Lana is also collecting a wide range of supplies including energy bars, tactical medical supplies, travel-size personal hygiene products, military gear such as gloves, glasses, flashlights, and sleeping pads, among other things for the people of Ukraine. If you would like contact her directly to contribute to this part of her efforts you can email her at labrahome21@gmail.com.

I would like to congratulate and thank Lana on all she has done so far for the Ukrainian people. I hope that you will consider supporting the cause of the Ukrainians that Lana is fighting so hard for.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 11, 2022

Dear neighbors:

A few items to share
  • Our Village Justice Mark Kleczka will not be running for re-election in June. Mark has done an excellent job serving as our Village Justice for the last 10 years and runs the Village court in a very compassionate and understanding manner. He always explains why the Village has specific laws and why failure to comply could result in harm to another person. Mark manages to strike the perfect balance between being strict and folksy. The Village could not have been represented by a better person. We will miss Judge Kleczka when he steps away from the bench in June. Thanks so much for your service to the Village Mark!
  • On Tuesday, March 8th the Village Board of Trustees reviewed the tentative budget for year end 5/31/2023. For the 7th year in a row, the proposed budget does not raise village taxes. The full budget package will be emailed and posted to the website for your review the week of March 21st. An in-person public hearing is scheduled for April 5th at 6:30pm to solicit comments on the proposed budget.
  • The dune restoration project near the beach lot section is now complete. Approximately 2000 cubic yards of sand was placed, and approximately 750 feet of dune restored. The beach grass planting is underway and snow fence installation will follow. Please do not walk on the dune.

    The village received a $50,000 DASNY grant for this project; many thanks to State Senator Jim Gaughran for making this possible.

  • Last, the drainage project at 103 and 105 Asharoken Avenue started this week, this project will mitigate storm water run-off in that area.
Wishing you a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 4, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Next Tuesday, March 8th at 4pm, a special meeting is scheduled for the tentative budget to be presented to the Board of Trustees for fiscal year 05/31/2023. This is a working meeting of the Board and public comments on the budget will not be solicited at that time. A public hearing on the budget will be held on April 5th at 6:30pm. A proposed budget packet will be sent to you prior to the April 5th public hearing for your review.

The Village is working on the crossover steps by the seawall. Parts have been ordered and we expect the project will be completed in approximately two weeks.

If you are walking your dog off your property. please remember to keep it on a leash and always clean up any dog waste. Thanks so much.

Here is my Mayor's Report for March 1, 2022 from this week's Board of Trustees meeting to keep you informed of developments in the Village.

I would like to wish you a very nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 22, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

Town of Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth has supplied the Village with 880 Covid home test kits. The kits are available for pick up at the Village Hall clerk's office or the police department. There is a limit of 4 test kits per household and they expire in May of 2022. Please email nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or call 631-261-7098 to arrange for pick-up.

Thank you,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 7, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

The Village has been working closely with Congressman Tom Suozzi to secure funding for repairing the seawall. Last week, he sent me a copy of the letter that was sent to FEMA on behalf of the Village. Click here to read the letter.

Have a great day,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 4, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is the Mayor's Report I gave during the Tuesday, February 1, 2022 board meeting, to keep you informed of what is going on in the Village.

Wishing you a great weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 28, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

A substantial snowstorm beginning tonight and continuing all day tomorrow is coming our way. Although the winds will be strong, they are predicted to be from the north becoming northwest. This coupled with a high tide at 8:30 tomorrow morning reduces the impact of coastal flooding substantially. Today is the time to make your preparations. Please try to stay off the roads tomorrow to allow the Town plows to clear the roads.

The Village police department is available, do not hesitate to call them at 631-261-7400.

As always, important real time announcements will be posted here on the website asharoken.com, and sent on twitter, @asharokenny.

I wish you all a safe and fun weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 24, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the brisk winter weather.

At our next Board of Trustees meeting, held on Tuesday, February 1st, at 6:30pm we will be holding a public hearing to solicit comments on a proposed local law 3-2022 chapter 70 "Fire Prevention" which includes regulating fires on the beach. Click here to read the proposed law. Please email all written comments to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org. Your input is appreciated.

I've also included the Mayor's report from the January meeting to inform you of the ongoing activities in the Village. Click here to read the report.

Have a great day.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 30, 2021

Dear neighbors,

A few updates to share
  • National Grid has finished the major road work project today. On Monday and Tuesday of next week National Grid will be performing light road work, sealing all the asphalt patches.
  • The Dune Restoration Project will begin on Monday, January 3rd. This project will be staged near the beach lot area and should only take approximately 4 to 6 days. We anticipate that no lanes will be closed during the restoration.
Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very safe, healthy, and happy new year. It has been a very challenging two years and we look forward to better times ahead.

Have a great holiday weekend,
Dr. Gregory Letica, Mayor
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 22, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. We hope your Christmas is filled with warmth, joy and good cheer.

Best Regards,
Dr. Greg Letica, Mayor

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 10, 2021

Dear neighbors,

A few updates to share
  • National Grid Road Project: Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this current phase of the road reconstruction. Presently Asplundh construction is replacing the old concrete sections with new; this is a tedious job, to ensure that the concrete sections are secured properly to the existing concrete base. The project should be completed by December 23rd, weather permitting. Please contact Village Hall at 631-261-7098 or email nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or contact the Police Department at 631-261-7400 with any questions. After the completion of this project, we will begin working on repaving; National Grid will fund paving from Village Hall to Duck Island Lane and the Village will fund paving from house #355 to #501. This will take place in early spring.
  • Restoration of the Asharoken Dune: At the December 7th board meeting the board approved the bid from D.F. Stone Contracting LTD. in the amount of $88,222.00 to restore the eroded section of the dune. A $50,000 State Grant (DASNY) will be funding a portion of this project.
  • Drainage Project: Contractors began working on mitigating an area prone to flooding in front of homes #103 and #105. New catch basins and pools will be installed next week. Trustee Ian Jablonski is managing and leading this project to its completion.
  • Santa Visit: On Sunday, December 19th Santa & Mrs. Claus will be coming to our town; Santa will be riding down the avenue starting at 12:30pm and make a stop at Village Hall at 1:00pm to greet everyone. Refreshments and treats will be served. Kids bring your Christmas list.
  • The Save the Fireworks committee (Carole Casamassima, Jean Bonawandt & Linda Letica) pulled all the raffle tickets at the December 7th board meeting. All the winners were contacted. The committee thanked everyone for their participation and generosity. This raffle event was very successful in helping support the 2022 Fireworks Event in July. The committee will continue to accept contributions until May 1st, 2022 all funds will support our July 4th Fireworks Display by Grucci.
  • Click here to read the Mayor's Report for December.
I would like to wish everyone a very nice weekend.
Dr. Gregory Letica, Mayor
Invitation to Farewell Gathering for Barry Bradley
December 5

Deputy Mayor Pierce, Trustee Ettinger, Mayor Letica, Barry Bradley, Trustee Burke, and Trustee Jablonski
Deputy Mayor Pierce, Trustee Ettinger, Mayor Letica, Barry Bradley, Trustee Burke, and Trustee Jablonski
Several residents are organizing a farewell gathering for Barry Bradley, our Sanitation Operator who recently retired after 43 years of service.

We wish Barry a healthy and enjoyable retirement and are grateful for his dedication and service to the Village.

Please join us for wine and cheese at Village Hall on Sunday, December 5 from 2 to 4pm. Don t forget to bring your best "Barry Story." If you can't make it and want to share a story, please drop it off at Village Hall.

Barry's retirement gathering is being privately funded, and donations are welcome. You can drop off envelopes at Village Hall or place them in the Village black mailbox.

At our November board meeting, Barry was presented with a plaque and an American flag that was flown over the United States Capitol.

Thank you,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 28, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah a very special holiday.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 23, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. We wish you a day full of joy and laughter, surrounded by your family and friends.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Mayor's Report for November:

November 10, 2021

  1. Farewell to Barry: On Thursday October 14th the Village s Sanitation Operator Barry Bradley made his last pick up for the Village and hung up his keys to Big Blue. We wish Barry health and happiness in his retirement. The new sanitation company, Total Collection Services, began pickups the following week. Although there were a few growing pains, the new contractor is doing an excellent job. The Village will begin bidding out the sanitation truck.
  2. PBA Contract: The Village and the Asharoken PBA held their first negotiating session to work on the new contract.
  3. Amended Village Codes: The Village has begun work on updating the existing sanitation and beach fire local laws.
  4. National Grid Gas Main: The gas main project is essentially completed. The final connection to Beach Plum Road was made yesterday. National Grid will come back one more time to disconnect the old main at Village Hall. I would like to thank everyone for their patience, understanding and cooperation during this long construction project. The road will be re-paved and striped early next year.
  5. Verizon lines: I met with Verizon to have them neaten up all their wires along Asharoken Avenue.
  6. Huntington Board Elections: I reached out to all the newly elected officials in Huntington to congratulate them and express my desire for the Village and Town to continue to work together as we have done in the past.
  7. Questions: As always, please feel free to contact the Village at 631-261-7098 or email nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org with any questions you may have.
Finally: to all the veterans, we salute you! We are grateful to all the members of our military, in all branches, past and present and we thank you for your service and sacrifice to preserve our freedoms, liberties and this great nation.

Dr. Greg Letica, Mayor

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 15, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Yesterday marked the end of an era in Asharoken. Barry Bradley, the Village's sanitation operator for the last 43 years, made his last run through the Village.
Over those years, Barry braved awful weather, brought a burning garbage truck to the firehouse to be put out, and took care of Big Blue as if it was his own. He came to work every day with a big smile on his face and provided a personal touch to his job as only he could. Remarkably, he almost never missed a day due to illness, injury, or vacation. He is truly the ironman of garbage.

I had a chance to speak with Barry yesterday and asked him how he was feeling on the eve of his retirement. Not surprisingly, he said that what he was going to miss was seeing and speaking with his neighbors along the route. His friendliness is something that makes him so unique.

I would like to thank Barry for the terrific job he has done for the Village. I hope that your retirement is filled with health and happiness. We are going to miss you!

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Dr. Gregory Letica, Mayor

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 24, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Our sanitation operator Barry Bradley is resigning on October 15th. Barry has served our Village for 43 years providing excellent sanitation service throughout the years. We thank him and wish him the very best in his future endeavors.

The Board of Trustees received four competitive bid proposals from outside contractors on September 13th. We are currently reviewing all the proposals including the continuation of in-house sanitation and will be making a final decision at our Special Meeting held on September 28th, 2021, at 6:30pm. This will be an in-person meeting as well as teleconference. Call in number is 1-866-705-2554 passcode 137432.

The sanitation proposal includes the following services:
  • NEW: Trash will be picked-up on Tuesday and Friday avoiding all Monday holidays.
  • NEW: Yard waste will be picked every month instead of only nine months.
  • NEW: Glass will be combined with plastic and metal; no need to separate.
  • NEW: Bulk waste items greater than 50lbs including burnable items, furniture, mattresses, carpet/rugs, wood fencing, do-it-yourself construction debris, etc. will be picked-up.
  • NEW: Scrap metal items including stoves, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, hot water heaters, metal furniture, barbecues, bicycles, etc. will be picked-up. Bulk waste and scrap metal items are limited to 4 total each pickup.
  • Both Bulk waste and scrap metal items will be picked up every Friday with a limit of four items total per Friday.
  • NEW: Back door service will be offered to all residents. The contractor will collect trash, recyclables, bulk and scrap metal items and yard waste from a resident s front or side door location. There will be an additional fee for this service of $900.00 a year or approximately $9.00 a pick-up. If you are interested, you will have to contact the contractor directly.
  • The proposed sanitation costs will remain the same for five straight years saving Asharoken approximately $20,000 per year. This cost reduction will help minimize tax increases.
In summary, outside sanitation provides expanded service at a lower cost to the residents. If you have any comments you would like to share you can email them to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org.

Have a great weekend.
Dr. Gregory Letica, Mayor
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 10, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates:
  • I would like to thank Huntington Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli and his staff for assisting the Village in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Huntington Highway removed several trees that fell on power lines, and today the Highway Department is repairing the area across from the seawall. Superintendent Orelli has been a huge help to the Village over the last four years and on behalf of the Village I would like to express our appreciation.
  • On Monday, September 13th the Village is expecting to receive bids from outside sanitation contractors. After reviewing the sanitation bids the Village will look at all options, including continuing in-house carting and decide what is ultimately best for the Village.
  • The gas main project is going well. Last Friday my house was connected. The contractor did a very neat, clean and efficient job. I was very impressed by their attention to detail and I expect your experience will be similar.
Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers/World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It is thought that Flight 93 was headed to the Capitol building. Please take a moment to think of all the innocent people and heroic firefighters, first responders and law enforcement officers who perished on that tragic day. To all the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our heroes will never be forgotten.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse:

September 8, 2021

TO: All Residents
RE: Damages incurred by Tropical Storm Ida

Please report ASAP, to the Asharoken Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, via email to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org:
  1. Description of the damage to your property.
  2. Estimated cost of the damage to your property.
You must take pictures, provide supporting documentation and contact your insurance company about the damages incurred. If the State approves individual assistance (IA) you will need this information.

By Friday, September 10th the village must provide to Suffolk County all damages incurred in dollars. The County will compile this information to determine whether a damage assessment threshold has been met due to Tropical Storm Ida.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 631-261-7098 or nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org.

Thank you,
Nancy Rittenhouse
Asharoken Village Clerk
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 3, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

I am happy to report that the Village did very well with the remnants of Hurricane Ida. The storm hit at low tide and as a result there were no coastal flooding or seawall issues. After the severe impacts to the Village from the June 2019 microburst and Tropical Storm Isaias last year, we should be thankful that Ida spared us.

The gas main project is going very well. To date approximately 40 out of 115 homes have been connected to the new main.

It's hard to believe that Labor Day is here. It seems like just yesterday we were enjoying a wonderful 4th of July. I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday weekend. And for our neighbors and friends who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, a Happy New Year.

Please remember that schools open next week. School children and buses will be on the road. Use extra caution while driving in the morning and afternoon.

Have a great Labor Day!
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 27, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates:
  • National Grid has begun connecting individual homes to the new gas main between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue. There are about 115 homes to connect and on average NG is connecting four a day. I anticipate that the project will be completed by the middle of October. The repaving of Asharoken Avenue over this stretch will be paid for by NG and will likely be done next spring.
  • The Village has been unable to locate a new motor for the police boat and the police boat will remain out of service for the rest of the season. We expect to have a new engine and updated electronics for the following season. The Village marine police officers attended a training session run by the United States Coast Guard this month.
  • The Village will hold a public hearing on September 7th to solicit input on proposed changes to the Village tree ordinance. Click here to read the amended Proposed Local Law 3 for 2021. Comments can be sent by email to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or given in-person at the meeting. Written comments will be included as part of the public hearing record.
Wishing you a great weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:
Update #2 on Tropical Storm Henri

August 21, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Hurricane Henri is expected to cross over Long Island tomorrow as either a Category 1 hurricane or a very strong tropical storm. If it is a Category 1 this will be the first landfalling hurricane to hit Long Island since Gloria in 1985. The Village is under a hurricane warning and storm surge warning.

For emergencies, please contact the Asharoken Police Department, 631-261-7400.

The Village will be posting realtime information and notices here on the website, and on Twitter @asharokenny. If you do not have a Twitter account please consider getting one today and following the Village at @asharokenny.

The Village expects high wind, rain and a very high tide at noon tomorrow. Flooding from a storm like this can impact both Northport Bay and LI Sound side residents. Because of the dangerous conditions, please stay off the road. Dangerous surf may result in the closure of Asharoken Avenue at the seawall area around the time of high tide, 12:06pm. Back flooding from Northport Bay may also impact Asharoken Avenue around high tide as well.

Today is the last day to make final preparations. Items on the beach should be removed and lawn furniture secured. If you have a boat, taking it out of the water is the best idea, but if that is not possible check the pennant lines and consider adding a spare.

Because of the forecasted high winds, it is likely that Asharoken will lose power. Never go near a downed power line. PSEG can be reached at 900-490-0075 or online at psegliny.com.

The Village Hall meeting room will be open for charging devices in the event of loss of power.

Garbage pickup has been postponed until Tuesday.

Henri is a very strong and dangerous storm. Best of luck tomorrow and I wish your family all the best.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:
Update on Tropical Storm Henri

August 20, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

As of 9am Friday, August 20, the Village is under a Tropical Storm Watch for Hurricane Henri. Overnight the track of the storm moved significantly west. The storm is expected to impact our area late Saturday night into early Sunday morning.

High tide on Sunday is at 12:11 PM. At the least we can expect strong winds and higher than normal tides. The tidal conditions will depend on the track of the storm. It is never too early to prepare for a storm like this. Items on the beach should be taken in and all boats should be secured.

There will be more clarity on the storm tomorrow; follow us on Twitter @asharokenny. Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 20, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates
  • ARPA: We received $32,993.40 from the American Rescue Plan Act. This represents the first half of funds allotted for Asharoken, the second half will be received in July 2022. The Village is presently looking into the allocation of these funds.
    Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce receiving a ceremonial check from Congressman Tom Suozzi.
    Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce receiving a ceremonial check from Congressman Tom Suozzi.
    Reimbursement for COVID-19 expenses and other projects that benefit Asharoken in the future will be considered.
  • Donation: I would like to thank resident Jim Reilly and his family foundation for a very generous donation of $2500 to support the cost of the new police outboard engine. Jim has been a tremendous supporter of the Village and the Police Department.
  • Gas Main: National Grid connected Village Hall to the new gas main yesterday and will begin connecting individual homes today. If you live between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue and have natural gas, National Grid will be contacting you to set up an appointment and fully explain the process.
  • Sanitation Services: We have completed our bid package for outside carting service to collect, transport and dispose of residential trash, bulk waste, recyclables, yard waste and scrap metal items. The bid packages will be available on August 25th. The bids are due back on September 13th. We are also looking into continuing collecting trash in-house. Once all the information is collected a decision on our Sanitation Services will be determined.
  • DASNY Grant: Our DASNY grant disbursement agreement for $50,000 has been received from NYS, once fully executed we can begin our competitive bid package for the Dune Restoration project, this project involves restoring approximately 740LF of dune to protect Asharoken Avenue. All necessary permits are in place, estimated start and finish date will be from October 2021 thru March 2022.
Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 9, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Yesterday, Village Sanitation Operator Barry Bradley informed me and Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce that he has decided to retire effective October 15th. Barry has been working for the Village for the last 43 years.
Over those years, Barry has dedicated himself to the Village and done an amazing job. Single-handedly he picked up tons of trash daily, adapted himself to a fluctuating recycling program, and took care of Big Blue just like he maintained his own cars. Barry almost never took a day off or called in sick. He always greets residents with a big smile and goes out of his way to help them out when the circumstances require it. There will never be another Barry. I want to thank him for all he has done and let him know that when he hangs up the keys to Big Blue in October he will be greatly missed.

As more information is available, I will be letting you know. In the meantime, don't miss a chance to say thank you to our trash man extraordinaire Barry Bradley.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 4, 2021

A few updates:
  • ARPA: The Village received $32,993.40 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). A second payment will be received next year. The Village is presently looking into how this money will be used to cover COVID expenses and other projects that benefit Asharoken in the future.
  • Police Vessel Outboard Engine: The Village received one bid from KG Marine located in Northport in the amount of $25,531.77. KG is working on securing an outboard engine, once installed the police boat will be back in service. The Village received insurance proceeds in the amount of $23,031.77 to offset the cost. We are also reviewing the current electronics equipment. Our marine police officers will be attending a refresher course on boat operation and marine hazards in Northport Bay and Long Island Sound. This course will be given by the USCG.
  • Seawall: Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with engineers from GEI Consultants. GEI is a well-respected engineering firm that has coastal design experience. The meeting was to familiarize them with the history of the seawall and its condition. GEI provided a design estimate of approximately $955,000.00 and a construction estimate costing $14,500,000.00. The Village submitted applications for a grant in the amount of $1 million dollars to both Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Tom Suozzi to support most of the design costs. We will keep you posted as more information becomes available.
  • DASNY Grant: The Village recently received information on the status of our DASNY grant for restoration of the beach dune. The State is working on the grants and the Village should receive a response in approximately 3-4 weeks.
  • Feasibility Study: The Village has not received a response from NYS to the letter it sent in June stating that Asharoken is not liable for the non-Federal portion of the cost of the feasibility study.
  • National Grid: National Grid is estimating that the final phase of the gas main project will begin as early as next week. This final phase includes connecting the new main to individual homes.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Passing of Longtime Resident Pat Rittenhouse
August 3, 2021

Sadly, I have to acknowledge the passing of longtime Asharoken resident Pat Rittenhouse. Pat and her husband George moved to Asharoken a little over 60 years ago. They raised a family of 5 children, Georgia, Donna, Laura, John and Paul. Over time Pat acquired twenty grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. Pat was a child of the great depression and was raised in a large extended Irish family. She excelled in school and had a short career as a fashion model. After raising her kids Pat become very involved in the Village: serving on the Zoning Board for many years and as Trustee from 1986-1992. She also served as President of the Saint Charles Hospital Auxiliary, Northport Chapter and was a very successful real estate agent.

The focus of her life was always her family and she loved being surrounded by her kids and grandchildren. Often unknown kids joined the party and were warmly welcomed. Apparently sandy feet, wet bathing suits or kids jumping on furniture were just fine with her. Pat loved making beach plum jam at summer s end, taught knitting and was a wicked bridge player.

Pat always had a smile on her face and could not have been a nicer person. She was gracious, caring, loved Asharoken and was well respected by everyone she met. I had the pleasure of knowing Pat for over 25 years, and I must say she was one of my favorite Asharoken residents. I extend my condolences to the entire Rittenhouse family.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

You are invited to share your remembrances of Pat on our Village Bulletin Board.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 23, 2021

Dear Neighbors:
  • National Grid Update: During the next several days residents who live between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue will be receiving a call from National Grid to schedule their appointment for the hookup to the new gas main. National Grid will provide all the details when you make your appointment. National Grid must turn off the gas to your home during the new hookup, and then will need access to your home to relight all your pilot lights.
  • Beach Closure Information: If you are interested in local beach closures following heavy rain events you can click here for updates from Suffolk County. Keep in mind "Asharoken Beach" is the Town of Huntington Beach next to Village Hall.
  • Bird Updates: A census of the osprey nests found at least ten chicks, the majority of which began flying this week. On the beach, the three pairs of nesting piping plovers have a total of seven chicks. The chicks should start flying by August 1st. I would like to thank everyone who shared their beach with the plovers while they incubated their eggs. Piping plovers are a threatened species and your understanding is helping restore their population.
Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
A Message from Save The Fireworks Committee Members:

July 12, 2021

Traditionally, the Save the Fireworks committee organizes an Asharoken Holiday Dinner/Dance Party in November each year. The holiday party allows residents to meet and greet with neighbors and friends while raising funds, through raffle prizes, to support the July 4th fireworks display. This year, due to ongoing Covid restrictions, the Asharoken Holiday Party is being postponed until 2022.

We are kindly requesting donations; raffle baskets, gifts, gift cards, etc. to continue to raise funds for the 2022 Fireworks Display Event. All donations can be dropped off at Village Hall. Collections will end by September 1st and raffle tickets will be sold in October. All proceeds will go towards the Fireworks Event for next year. Thank you for your continued support.

Save the Fireworks Committee Members
Gas Main Work Wednesday July 21

July 19, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

On Wednesday, National Grid is planning to connect the new gas main to the old one. The connection will be done near Village Hall. Once the two mains are connected, National Grid will vent some gas from the new main in the vicinity of 285 Asharoken Avenue. If during the day on Wednesday you smell an odor of natural gas it may be coming from the gas main connection, but to be safe you can always contact National Grid at 1-800-490-0045. It is expected that the workers will be on site from approximately 8am to 6pm.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 9, 2021

As I write this, the last remnants of tropical Storm Elsa are passing over the Village. Thankfully, the storm only brought a lot of rain and the Village was spared from any coastal flooding.

The 4th of July was a glorious day that was capped off by incredible fireworks by Grucci. Many thanks go to Carole Casamassima, Jean Bonawandt and Linda Letica for their fundraising efforts. Collectively they raised $12,500 and paid for approximately one-third of the cost of the fireworks, barge and tug. Well done! We would also like to thank resident Phil Lagana who generously donated $1500 to support the fireworks. It was so nice to spend a day with friends and family.

The first phase of the gas main replacement between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue is complete. The next step will be to connect the new line to individual homes. National Grid will contact property owners to set up appointments to reconnect in the next several weeks.

The Village is working on obtaining a new outboard motor for the police boat. Asharoken is required to abide by NYS law and go through the competitive bid process which will take approximately several weeks. A significant portion of the cost will be covered by our insurance. Both the Village of Northport and the Town of Huntington marine patrol will be assisting the Village.

The Village will be holding its first in-person Board of Trustees Organizational meeting on Tuesday, July 13th. Another sign that the COVID-19 crisis has eased and may be behind us.

Have a great weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 2, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

The police vessel's motor struck an object while on patrol last weekend. Due to the damage to the outboard engine, the vessel will be out of service for several weeks. We received a grant for the current outboard engine through NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, and insurance proceeds will cover the new replacement. The Village must go out to bid for a replacement. Finding one may be difficult due to the supply of engines, but we are doing our best to have our marine patrol back in service as soon as possible. Fortunately, our neighboring communities Northport and the Town of Huntington have marine coverage and will be available to provide service to Asharoken.

On Sunday, our Fourth of July fireworks by Grucci will be putting on a wonderful fireworks display. Public safety is priority. Please follow our Safety Guidelines. Please keep your bonfires small and as close to high water as possible. Asharoken PD will be monitoring fire setups. Private fireworks are not allowed. Thanks so much for your cooperation.

The Fireworks will kick off at 9:15 PM and run for approximately 16-17 minutes. If you live on the sound side, please invite your bayside neighbors over to enjoy the show.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Fourth!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 9, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates...
  • Election: Congratulations to Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and Trustee/Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Jablonski for their re-election. Voting results; 76 total voters; Pierce received 71 votes and Jablonski received 68 votes. I look forward to working with Pam and Ian during the next two years.
  • Seawall Repair: The repair of the seawall is complete. Stan Thompson with Thompson Bros. Pile Corp. replaced several large toe stones, rearranged several stones to make the structure more secure, and repaired part of the crossover staircase. The Huntington Town Board agreed to pay for half the cost of the repair. Thanks to Deputy Mayor Pierce for planning and overseeing this project.
  • National Grid Gas Main: The National Grid gas main replacement is moving along. The crew is in the last phase of this project, the installation should take approximately three more weeks. The second phase will involve National Grid connecting homes to the new gas main. The estimated time of completion of the entire project is September. I would like to thank everyone for their patience, understanding and cooperation during this project.
  • Fourth of July and Grucci Fireworks Display: Independence Day is just over two weeks away. The Village will be having its annual Fireworks by Grucci display starting at 9:15pm. Big thanks go out to Carole Casamassima, Jean Bonawandt and Linda Letica for their fundraising efforts which funded one third of the cost. I also want to thank new resident Phil Lagana for his generous contribution to support the fireworks. Bonfires on the beach are part of the fourth of July tradition. Please follow the Village Guidelines. I am looking forward to celebrating our traditional Fourth of July once again!
Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 24, 2021

Congratulations to all the graduates!

You deserve to celebrate, enjoy!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 4, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Just a few updates...
  • The Village received an invoice from the NYS DEC in the amount of $292.477.05 for the North Shore of Long Island, Asharoken, Feasibility Study. The amount due represents the Village's 30% cost share with NYS. This liability dates back to an agreement, dated January 2001, between the Village and the State of New York. This was during the administration of Mayor William Kelly. Since the feasibility study was never completed the Village will review its liability for this expense. To that end, I have written a letter to the NYSDEC respectfully submitting that the Village of Asharoken is not liable for the non-federal portion. The Village will await a response and I will advise you once it receives one.
  • The Village decided to postpone the public hearing on amending the tree law pending additional comments from Asharoken Conservation Board Chairman Marty Cohen. The tentative plan is to reschedule the hearing.
  • The plans for the 4th of July celebration are going well and once again we will cap off the day with a spectacular fireworks display. Let us hope for nice weather and a fun day with family and friends.
  • Bobwhite
    Congratulations to former Trustee Joe Tilleli for spotting the bird of the year. Last week Joe had a pair of bobwhites in his yard. bobwhites are quail and are named after their "bob-white" call. These birds used to be very common in the Village, but I have not seen or heard one in at least ten years.

    The four osprey nests along Asharoken Avenue all appear to have chicks. After a couple of difficult nesting seasons, I hope that this year all the young osprey fledge and survive.
I wish everyone a very nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 28, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates...
  • The Village will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 1st at 6:30 PM via teleconference to solicit comments on a proposed amendment to the proposed amended local law on trees. The proposed change will require that any regulated tree, regardless of its condition or health, will require permission from the Conservation Board prior to its removal. Presently only living trees are regulated. Attached is a copy of the local law with the proposed changes. Comments can be emailed to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or made at the public hearing on Tuesday. All written comments will be added to the record of the public hearing.
  • The National Grid gas main replacement project has been going very well. We have a great group of guys from Asplundh construction doing the work. Presently they are using directional drilling to install the new main. Approximately one third of the new main has been installed. Once it is finished individual homes will be disconnected from the old main and reconnected to the new one. Lastly, National Grid will repair the old concrete road where the openings were made, resurface all Asharoken Avenue from Village Hall to 285 and re-stripe the road.
  • The Town of Huntington passed a resolution of pay for half of the $8000 repair project to the seawall. Several large toe stones on the seaward side of the wall have been displaced and need to be replaced. The two-day project, performed by Thompson Bros. Pile Corp., is expected to start June 3rd. I would like to thank Huntington Town Supervisor Chad Lupinacci and Board Members Mark Cuthbertson, Joan Cergol, Ed Smyth, and Gene Cook for supporting this needed repair project.
  • The Village applied for funding through Senator Chuck Schumer s office. Two applications were submitted for funding to cover engineering and permitting costs for the seawall. I would like to thank Senator Schumer for inviting the Village to participate in these funding opportunities. Additionally, big thanks go out to Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse who did a terrific job completing and submitting these two applications in a very limited amount of time.
  • I would like to congratulate Clerk Rittenhouse for being honored as a member of the General Code 2021 Municipal Clerks Honor Roll. This is a very prestigious award and only goes to the best of the best. New York State has 62 Cities, 932 Towns and 534 Villages. Each one has a municipal clerk. Only 39 clerks made the honor roll, 2.6% of all the Clerks. Congratulations Nancy on a very well earned and deserved recognition. The Village really appreciates all your hard work and dedication.
In closing, Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day weekend. This is a time to remember all the men and women of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives to defend our freedom and liberty. Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan wrote "I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." All of America's fallen truly are heroes. And as always, big thanks and gratitude go out to all our active service and veteran military personnel. You are all heroes.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 12, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

I received notice yesterday that the Town of Huntington passed a resolution to split the $8000 cost of the repair to the seawall. Several large toe stones have slipped out of the base of the wall and need to be replaced to stabilize the structure. The project will begin when we receive the NYSDEC permit. I would like to thank Supervisor Chad Lupinacci and Council Members Mark Cuthbertson, Joan Cergol, Ed Smyth and Gene Cook for voting to pass the cost-sharing resolution for this critical repair. The cooperation between the Town and the Village is exceptional and helps assure that Asharoken Avenue is protected from major storms. This is the third major seawall repair that the Town and Village have partnered on in the last four years.

Village Emergency Manager Bill Raisch has undertaken a very neat environmental project. Bill has fitted the Village marine signs with oyster cages. Baby oysters will be placed in cages and when they grow to the appropriate size, they will be placed in Northport Bay and Duck Island Harbor. Oysters are excellent at filtering seawater. Releasing them into the bay and harbor will help create cleaner waters. I would like to thank Bill for this initiative and as the project advances I will have updates. I would also like to thank Village property owner Pip Sarser for the great job he did fixing the marine signs for the 2021 boating season.

Wishing everyone a great day.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 30, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates...
  • The COVID-19 caseload in Suffolk County has been steadily declining and the Village has had no new cases. The combination of people vaccinated and those who had COVID is moving the County closer to herd immunity. If you have not yet been vaccinated, you should do so as soon as possible. Based on the declining numbers and new guidance from NYS the Village will be having the fireworks display on July 4th, rain date July 5th.
  • Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce is working with Congressman Suozzi to provide funding through his Member Designation Project fund for engineer and design work for restoration of the seawall and Asharoken Avenue. I would like to thank Congressman Suozzi for choosing the Village to participate in this project fund.
  • National Grid has begun the gas main replacement. Presently, they are making openings in the road to determine the exact position of the water and gas lines that cross the road. Once these services are located National Grid will be able to safely install the new gas main. I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding during this complicated construction project.
I hope you have a nice weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 21, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

A few updates...
  • Next week National Grid will begin replacing the old gas main between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue. This project will be ongoing for several months. Once the old gas main is replaced and the homes are reconnected, the road will be repaved. Please drive carefully throughout the construction zone.
  • Village resident Dee Lento is exhibiting some of her incredible photographs at the Daniel Gale Sotheby's office, 77 Main Street in Northport. Dee's work is fantastic, stop by and view her work. The exhibit runs until May 18th.
Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 7, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish all of Asharoken's mothers and grandmothers a very happy and special Mother's Day.

To paraphrase Sara Malin about moms, "Your arms were always open when we needed a hug. Your heart understood when we needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when we needed a lesson. Your strength and love guided us and gave us wings to fly." Moms are truly the most selfless, loving and compassionate people in the world. Thank you for all you have done to make our lives special.

I hope you enjoy Mother's Day with your family.

Best Regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 9, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

A few updates...
  • Annual Budget: I am pleased to report that the Board of Trustees adopted the tentative budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. This is the sixth year in a row with no tax increase and the budget falls under the NYS 2% tax cap. I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for the excellent job they do. The Village received notice that the State Comptroller has given Asharoken the highest rating of No Designation in the annual financial stress test.
  • Fireworks: The Board of Trustees will be moving forward with the Fourth of July fireworks by Grucci. We feel that the issues with the pandemic should be favorable for the fireworks. If circumstances should change the option is always open to postpone the event. I am really looking forward to a wonderful Fourth of July.
  • Seawall: On April 23rd Deputy Mayor Pierce and I met with Congressman Tom Suozzi to review the condition of the seawall and discuss possible funding options in the proposed infrastructure bill. The Village will work on estimates for the project and communicate this to Congressman Suozzi. Deputy Mayor Pierce and I met with a contractor to get an estimate for replacing the toe stones that have shifted seaward of the wall. The Village received a quote for approximately $7200 to complete the project. I contacted the Town of Huntington for assistance with this repair. Over the last six years, under the leadership of Supervisors Petrone and Lupinacci, the Town and Village have shared the cost of several important projects, we are hoping that this project will be no different.
  • National Grid Gas Main: The gas main replacement between Village Hall and 285 Asharoken Avenue will begin in several weeks. Drive carefully throughout the work zone as flag & construction workers will be on the road. Once the main is replaced, NG will begin connecting homes to the new main. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. National Grid will repave Asharoken Avenue from Village hall to 285 and the Village will repave Asharoken Avenue between house numbers 355 - 501. The Village will cover the cost of the section it is repaving using a $70,000 grant and CHIPS money. This will be the fourth major repaving project on Asharoken Avenue since I became Mayor in 2012.
  • Public Safety Funds: We received notice from Suffolk County Executive Bellone, that our public safety will be restored. The Village will be receiving the full $58,000. The Village may be receiving financial support from the last pandemic relief bill, passed by Congress. The amount is still unknown.
  • PBA Contract: Our police contract will expire this May. Over the last 30 years the PBA and the Village negotiated multiple contracts, which have been fair to both parties. I am optimistic that this year will be no different.
  • Building Permits: If you are considering any tree removal or construction on your property, please contact Village Hall at 631-261-7098. Getting the proper permits will avoid any delays and/or fines.
Wishing you a great weekend, stay well.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

April 1, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Easter. I look forward, with hope and anticipation, that better times are not too far away.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Warmest regards;
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 29, 2021

The Board of Trustees will be holding a public hearing on the tentative budget for the fiscal year ending 5/31/22. Below you will find the tentative budget message and detail budget statements. Copies are also available at Village Hall by appointment only.

Please email questions or comments to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or attend the public hearing via teleconference on April 6th at 6:30pm.

To join the teleconference:
  1. Call 866-705-2554
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter Guest Pass Code 137432
Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Passover, enjoy.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 25, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

It is my pleasure to provide you with a copy of the Tentative Budget and supporting documents for fiscal year ending 5/31/22 proposing no village tax increase and a tax levy that stays under the NYS 2% Tax Cap Law. Click here to view the Tentative Budget and supporting documents in detail.

This will be the sixth consecutive budget with no tax increase. In addition, for the last six years, the Office of State Comptroller has performed a Fiscal Stress test on local governments. Each year Asharoken was awarded the highest possible rating, "No Designation." The 2021-2022 budget maintains all the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs without raising taxes for the next fiscal year.

Highlighting several items within the Tentative Budget:
  • Public Safety revenue has decreased due to lower County sales tax revenue.
  • Building permit fee revenue increased due to increased activity.
  • Our NYS pension fund increased due to higher pension rates. We should see this rate decrease next year to reflect the current markets.
  • Police Personnel, and the Fire/EMS/Paramedic service contract with the Northport Fire District has increased.
  • Other increases occurred in Operating Costs and Sanitation Landfill costs.
I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Together they have worked on the last thirteen budgets and their expertise really shows.

As part of the regularly scheduled Board Meeting on April 6th at 6:30pm, via teleconference, a public hearing on the budget will be held as required by law. You can email your comments or questions to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org if you are unable to call in. Any emailed comments or questions will be addressed at the meeting and will become part of the official record.

To join the teleconference:
  1. Call 866-705-2554
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter Guest Pass Code 137432
I look forward to hearing your comments.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 23, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

As always, I hope this note finds you and your family well. There has been a recent uptick in COVID cases in the Village. This is a good reminder to everyone that we have not crossed the goal line in ending this serious disease. Please do not let your guard down and continue to practice all of the good habits we adopted in the last year: wear a mask, wash your hands often and well, avoid large gatherings and get a vaccine as soon as you are eligible.

I would like to commend Police Officer Alex Rubino for a terrific job he did a week ago. While he was on duty a car entered the Village and set off the license plate reader (LPR). It turns out that the car was being driven by a person with dementia and had been missing for over twelve hours. Alex left the booth and pulled over the car. The driver was in obvious distress and was not cooperating with Alex's requests. Alex asked for backup from both the Northport Police and Fire Departments. With their help the driver was transported to Huntington hospital for an evaluation and later reunited with their family.
Amazingly, the driver was from Babylon. It is always nice to hear a story of outstanding police work with such a happy ending. Thanks again Alex, we are proud of your efforts. People often ask me what the Village uses the LPR for, and this a great example of its value.

The Osprey are a little late in returning, but thanks to the efforts of Dr. Russ Fredricks, and his sons Harry (left) and Wyatt (right), the Osprey now have a new nest platform to call home. The Fredrickses erected the new nest platform on the shoreline of Duck Island's inner harbor, near the sluice on Bevin Road. Let's see how long it takes a pair to occupy their new summer house in Asharoken.

Have a nice day,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 11, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are well.

I am pleased to report that the steps to the beach at the Asharoken seawall have been repaired and are open. I would like to thank Village property owner Pip Sarser for his excellent work to fix the steps.

Next week is the time to start looking for the return of the ospreys to the Village. Generally, the first ones will be back between the 16th and 22nd of March. The osprey, along with daylight saving time which starts on Sunday March 14th, are true harbingers of spring.

Last week, long-time Village resident and former Police Commissioner George Ayer passed away at the age of 98. George was likely the Village's oldest resident. I have known George for approximately 50 years. He was a kind, compassionate and very funny man who loved his family. George was a direct descendant to John Ayer, one of the earliest settlers of Massachusetts. George was a decorated WWII Marine Corps veteran who fought on Guadalcanal, Peleliu and other historic South Pacific battles. George was a successful businessman who spent many years in the cosmetics, advertising, and marketing industries. Additionally, he served as an advisor to Congressman Bob Mrazek. The flag at Village Hall has been lowered to half mast in George's honor. I would like to extend my condolences to George's children, Tracy, Bibi, Debon and Michael, as well as to his 9 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. George was really one of a kind and will be greatly missed.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 26, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Hope everyone is well.

At the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, March 2, a public hearing on modifications to the fence law that the Village enacted in December will be conducted. Changes were made to requirements of deer fencing, a section on regulations for an agricultural district was added and additional clarification was made to the section on living fences. These changes were made as a response to several comments from residents during the last public hearing. I would like to thank you for your helpful and insightful suggestions. Click here to review the marked-up version of law 2-2021.

If you would like to comment on the changes to the local law, please let me know via email, nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org, or participate in the public hearing on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6:30pm via teleconference. Written comments will be added to the record.

Hopefully, spring is just around the corner. Today I found my first grackle of the year which I always consider a sure sign of warmer and sunnier days ahead.

Have a nice weekend.
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 19, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

I hope this email finds you and your family well. Although the recent wave of COVID-19 is ebbing, we are still in a very dangerous situation. The new variants of the virus may lead to more infections due to their higher rate of transmissibility. I was optimistic that the case numbers in the Village would stabilize, but recently they jumped up four cases to 33. This underscores the fact that we need to always keep our guard up. Please consider getting a vaccine as soon as you can. In the meantime, continue to wear at least one mask (double masking has been reported to work better), avoid gatherings and practice excellent hand hygiene. If you have any symptoms or were around someone who tested positive, get a test.

The Village has hired a contractor to repair the crossover steps at the seawall. The weather has delayed this project, but I anticipate that the work will begin in the next week or two.

National Grid is still on schedule to replace the gas line from Village Hall to 285 Asharoken Avenue. The project is expected to start in the middle of March and last about three months. During the replacement you can expect some short traffic delays as a small section of the south side of Asharoken Avenue will be closed for work. Flag people will direct traffic around the construction zone. Once the main is installed, National Grid will connect all existing gas customers to the new main. Lastly, National Grid will repave and restripe Asharoken Avenue from Village Hall to the termination of the project. As more details become available, I will let you know.

The Village is continuing to work on next year's budget. As I have mentioned, due to the pandemic, this is the most challenging budget since I became Mayor nine years ago. The Village will be losing $30,000 of revenue from public safety money. This money comes from Suffolk County sales tax receipts that dropped drastically due to COVID. Additionally, the NYS Police retirement cost went up approximately $30,000. The multiple snowstorms may require an increase in snow removal costs as well. Although the Village has not had a tax increase in five years, it does not look like that is possible for the 2021-22 budget. We will do our best to keep any increase modest and below the NYS tax cap.

Building permits are required for various projects; if you are planning a future project please contact our Building Department for information 631-261-7098.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend. The snow should stop this afternoon and a warming trend is on the way. Stay safe and be well.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 28, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

Last fall Governor Cuomo issued an executive order requiring all 500 police departments in New York State to review their policies and procedures and create a police reform plan for their jurisdictions. The Village has completed its draft plan: Click here to review the Draft Plan.

As part of the process, the Village seeks your input. I encourage you to review the plan and submit any comments or suggestions. Your input can either be in writing or by participating in the teleconference public hearing held on Tuesday, February 2 at 6:30pm. Any written comments will be added to the record of the public hearing and should be emailed to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org.

I look forward to any suggestions you may have to make our excellent police department even better.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 21, 2021

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are well. The number of COVID-19 cases in Asharoken and neighboring communities have continued to go up steadily. Please continue to avoid indoor gatherings, always wear a mask, social distance, and practice good hand hygiene. Stopping community spread depends on our actions, and we can minimize it by continuing to be diligent. Asharoken residents have been valiant throughout the pandemic. We have persevered through so many hardships, but it was worth it because lives were saved. Now is the time to continue to hang tough so that we can get through to the light at the end of the tunnel.

The Village had a nor easter in December which caused additional damage to the seawall. A joint between two pieces of the sheet steel failed and the deadman connected at this point also failed due to extreme corrosion. The Village was able to brace this area by placing additional rocks behind the steel. The shoulder opposite the wall was also replenished.

In response to the new damage to the seawall and the hope that a new administration in Washington may offer infrastructure money to local governments, I wrote to Congressman Tom Suozzi asking for his assistance to seek funding. He and I plan to meet at the failing seawall in a few weeks, review the damage, and discuss a solution.

National Grid is planning to commence the replacement of the gas main from Village Hall to approximately 283 Asharoken Avenue in March 2021. This project was originally scheduled last March but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As more details become available, I will let you know.

Connecticut Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
The Village has commenced work on the budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. Due to the pandemic, I expect that this year's budget will be the most challenging since I became Mayor in 2012. The Village will construct a budget that provides the needed Village services while minimizing the financial impact on the residents. I anticipate that a modest tax increase will be necessary.

We have been experiencing dead fish along the shoreline on both the sound and bay sides. I consulted with Dr. Chris Gobler, who is a Professor of marine biology at SUNY Stony Brook. Dr. Gobler explained that the sound had remained much warmer for a longer period this fall. As a result, the fish did not migrate south as early as they normally would have. Once the cold weather set, the water temperature dropped rapidly. The fish were unable to adapt to the much colder water and died.

Caspian Tern
Caspian Tern
On a more uplifting environmental note, in 2020 I tallied a total of 114 species of birds in the Village. This is an average number for a year. Connecticut Warbler and Caspian Tern were two birds that I had never spotted in Asharoken until last year. I've included stock pictures of the birds in case you're interested in seeing what they look like.

Please stay safe and stay well.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 23, 2020

On January 5th 2021, the Board of Trustees will be holding a regular meeting as well as a public hearing on local law 1-2021. Below please find a letter explaining the proposed local law and the proposed local law itself. Feel free to email me at gletica@asharokenny.org with any questions you may have. Thank you,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 21, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

On Sunday, December 20, Santa and Mrs. Claus drove through Asharoken greeting all the families that came out. It is wonderful that an Asharoken tradition continued despite the pandemic. Many thanks to Santa, Mrs. Claus and members of the Northport Fire Department.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a new year filled with health and happiness. Let's hope that in 2021 we can slowly return to our normal lifestyles. The saying "out with the old and in with the new" has never been more fitting. 2021 here we come!

Warmest regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 11, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

A couple of things to share:

Last fall, despite the objections of the Villages of Asharoken, Northport, Lloyd Harbor and Huntington Bay, the Town of Huntington passed a new law requiring a $40 permit for any moorings placed on the underwater lands it owns. The Ida Smith property area on the bayside is exempt from this law. The four Villages have continued to fight this law.

On November 3rd a joint letter was sent to Huntington Supervisor Lupinacci asking that "the Town Board amend its new mooring regulations to restore the Town's recognition of the Villages' respective jurisdiction over the surface waters within 1,500 feet of their shorelines pursuant to Navigation Law 46-a." To date the Town has taken no action on this request.

On December 7th the four Villages wrote to the New York State Attorney General's office requesting an opinion clarifying previous informal Attorney General opinions concerning the respective rights of the Town of Huntington and the Villages to regulate the anchoring and mooring of vessels within 1,500 feet of each Village's shoreline. We are awaiting a response on this letter. As soon as more information becomes available, I will share it with you.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 situation in Suffolk County has not improved since my last letter. In six out of the last eight days there have been more than 1,000 daily positive COVID tests in Suffolk County. According to Newsday, cases in Asharoken, Eaton's Neck and Northport have all increased in the last few weeks. Below is a table showing the increases in several important metrics since December 1st.

December 1    December 10
Hospitalizations in Suffolk287424
Patients in ICU5070
ICU Patients Intubated1830
Percent Positive 7 Day Rolling Average4.55%6.28%

On a happier note, Santa will be visiting our Village on Sunday, December 20th at 1:30pm. He and Mrs. Claus will be driving through the Village. There will be more details next week. Yesterday morning, there was a Bald Eagle soaring over Duck Island Harbor. A magnificent sight indeed.

Wishing everyone a terrific weekend!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 10, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah a very special holiday.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 4, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I am writing today to inform you how serious the COVID-19 situation has become in Suffolk County and how it has changed since November 1st. Yesterday, there were 1,111 positive tests which is one of the highest daily numbers since March 15th. The table below shows the changes since November 1st.

November 1    December 3
Daily Cases421,111
Percent Positive1.2%6.0%
ICU Cases656
Intubated in ICU    222

Unfortunately, it is expected that things will get worse before the second wave begins to subside or a vaccine becomes available. Please take all the precautions necessary to keep yourself and your family safe: wear your mask, wash your hands, limit gatherings to only members of your household and avoid crowded places. Be smart and be safe.

On Tuesday, the Board of Trustees adopted local law 3-2020 regulating fences in Asharoken. The Village received excellent feedback from residents during the public hearing. Based on those comments we will make some amendments to the law in the next several months. The Board used this approach because it was important to have a law in place and then modify as needed. If you are considering putting up a fence, please familiarize yourself with the new law prior to starting your project.

Wishing you a nice weekend and stay well!
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 16, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

On November 13th, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone had a conference call with Town Supervisors and Village Mayors to discuss the recent significant increase in the number of daily Covid-19 cases. Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I participated on the call.

Starting about a month ago there has been a steady increase in the number of daily cases in Suffolk County. In three out of the last four days there have been more than 400 daily cases. To put this in perspective, the last time there were this many daily cases was in May during the decline of the first wave. The County has entered the second wave that was predicted to accompany the colder weather.

Executive Bellone explained that contact tracing showed that many of these cases came because of small gatherings that took place after Halloween. He added that at the present time there is significant Countywide community transmission of Covid-19. Executive Bellone also suggested that to the extent you can avoid gatherings please do so. If you cannot avoid gatherings, please follow the latest guidelines: wear a mask indoors and limit gatherings to no more than 10 people.

A recent interview I heard with an infectious disease doctor from Iowa, where cases are exploding, reinforced the same concept. The physician explained that research showed that you are far more likely to get Covid-19 from friends and family than you are from strangers. It is critical to keep in mind that asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers are the people that most often spread the virus.

I know that all of us are exhausted from the impact that Covid-19 has had on our families. At this time of the year, we all look forward to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas together with our relatives and friends. And this year I am sure we are longing for these special days more than ever. Sadly, now is not the time to give in to Covid-19 fatigue and let down our guard.

Please consider the information I have provided you as you plan for the holidays. It is up to all of us to prevent the spread of Covid-19, stop the second wave in its tracks now and keep us from having to live through another lockdown. We may have to make some sacrifices in the short term, but I am sure they are worth making if they keep our family and friends healthy.

Fortunately, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A vaccine is on the way and better therapeutics are coming onboard. Until then we should commit to doing all we can to keep our family and friends healthy and safe. Stay Well.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 24, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.

Although this year's holiday may be different from previous years, we should be hopeful and thankful that by next year we will celebrate as we always have. Please be prudent with any gathering you have: try to limit it to your immediate family. By being careful this year we are doing all we can to stay safe and healthy.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 12, 2020

Dear Residents,

At the November 10th board meeting the board passed a resolution approving a public hearing on a new proposed local law relating to "Fences." The proposed local law will be part of Chapter 125 of the Code "Zoning".

Click here to read the Proposed Local Law 3 for 2020. The Board of Trustees believes it is important for the Village to regulate the height and location of fences and address safety, privacy, property values and water views. Please review the proposed law and email us your comments, all emails will be part of the public hearing record. The public hearing will be held on December 1st, 2020.

Thank you,
Mayor Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 11, 2020

I would like to wish everyone a happy Veterans Day.

Former President Ronald Reagan spoke very eloquently about our Vets on Veterans Day years ago:

"We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause."

Every woman and man who served in the armed forces is a hero. Their patriotism, call to duty and bravery have made America the great country it is with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you so much for your service.

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 6, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Today's unusually warm November morning began with a spectacular sunrise over Northport Bay. The sky was a remarkable blend of orange and pink hues which reflected off of the flat calm water of the bay. A single Common Loon was plaintively calling.
Overnight, Long-Tailed Ducks returned to their winter home on our waters and were quacking madly as they love to do. Yesterday, I saw my first seals of the fall. There is just no better place to live than Asharoken.

The public hearing on the proposed commercial parking law, originally scheduled for September, will be held at the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, November 10th. Click here to read Proposed Local Law 2 for 2020. In September, I requested comments on the proposed law and I would like to review some of the concerns people raised:
  • Multiple people asked about boat trailers. Boat trailers, jet ski trailers, snowmobile trailers, horse trailers, small personal trailers and other similar trailers are not regulated by the law. Only trailers used for commercial purposes are regulated.
  • During construction and maintenance commercial vehicles can be parked on a property.
  • Individuals who own a regulated vehicle for personal use can apply to the Board of Trustees for permission to store it on their property.
  • House trailers and RVs are not regulated by this law. Existing Village law does not allow them to be parked in the Village.
Multiple residents responded with support for adoption of this proposed law.

All the comments the Village received in September will be part of the record of the public hearing. I look forward to any other comments.

It's going to be an amazing weekend. Enjoy.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 23, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

The fall is usually the best season in Asharoken and this year has been exceptional. But as we move into the colder weather and the holiday season, please remember that COVID 19 is still with us. The daily number of new cases in Suffolk County has been trending upwards and yesterday the US had a total of 74,000 new cases. This is the second-highest daily case number in the US since the pandemic began. We have all been very diligent about wearing masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene but it is very easy to let good habits slide. Please do all you can to not succumb to COVID fatigue. Any time you let your guard down you are potentially endangering your own health as well as your family's. It's tough to stick with it but it is critical that we do.

Early voting starts this Saturday, October 24 and continues through Sunday, November 1. The closest location is the Dix Hills Fire Department located at 115 E Deer Park Road, Dix Hills NY 11746. The hours for each day are different and can be found by clicking here.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mayor Dr. Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 30, 2020

Dear Residents:

There are a few things I would like to update you on:

Governor Cuomo has mandated that every police department in NYS review the needs of the community it serves and evaluate the department s current policies and practices. The community must establish policies that allow police to perform their duties effectively and safely. In conjunction with members of the community, the Village needs to develop policy recommendations from this review. The plan will be offered for public comment and finally adopted by the Board of Trustees. This process must be completed by April 1, 2021 and the future state financial aid for the police department will depend on the Village completing the process. Presently Police Commissioners Mel Ettinger, Ian Jablonski and Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian are working on this project.

The Governor also signed the Pandemic Operations Plan into law. This law requires public employers to develop a plan for operations in the event of a declared public health emergency involving a communicable disease. This plan must be completed by April 1, 2021 as well.

Both mandates are large undertakings for a small village. I am letting you know about them to give you an appreciation of some of the complicated things the Village must deal with on a regular basis.

Approximately three years ago the Village received requests from two bay side property owners for permits to put in floating docks. After a lengthy review, their request was denied by the Village based on the existing dock law. The property owners took Asharoken to court in an effort to overturn the decision. The court ruled in favor of the Village. This month, the Village received notice that the property owners have decided to appeal the lower court s decision. The Village attorney is working on Asharoken s response to the complaint.

The Village Police Department has finally received the new police vehicle to replace the one that was totaled in an accident last fall. The new vehicle was fully paid for through the insurance settlement.

Have a great day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 18, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to thank everyone who voted in the Village election on Tuesday. Your desire to get out and vote in spite of the pandemic is really admirable. Big thanks goes out to Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, Judy Ross, Denise DeAcetis and Hillary Candelora for running the election. They did a great job making sure a safe protocol was followed. And as always, they provided the proper mix of professionalism and small Village amity to assure a pleasant experience for the 120 residents who voted in person.

I would also like to wish everyone who is celebrating Rosh Hashanah a happy holiday and a good and sweet new year.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 16, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Sadly, I am writing to inform you of the passing of former Mayor Peter Anderson. Peter served three terms as Mayor from 1976 to 1982 then served a term as Trustee from 1987 to 1989. Pete and his family loved living in Asharoken and his dedication to the Village led him to run for public office. Peter is in a very select group of only ten people who have served as Mayor. Thank you Pete for all your years of dedication. We have lowered the flag to half mast in Peter's honor.

Our condolences to his wife Rose and his family.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 11, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Today is the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon as well as the Shanksville, PA. crash of the 4th hijacked plane. On this somber day we should all take a moment to remember all of the innocent people and heroic first responders who lost their lives. I extend my personal and Village condolences to everyone who lost loved ones on that September morning in 2001.

We will never forget. Sincerely,

Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 4, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Labor Day holiday weekend.

Schools will be opening next week so please drive with extra caution as students and buses will be on the road. I would like to wish all Asharoken students from Kindergarten to grad school the best of luck in the upcoming academic year!

At the Village Board meeting on Tuesday, emergency manager Bill Raisch suggested purchasing solar powered rechargers for your devices. Bill is also working on a plan to use Village Hall as a recharging station during prolonged power outages.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 7, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

2020 has been quite a year. Extreme challenges have been thrown at us seemingly every day. Unfortunately, this week was no different as the Village was impacted by Tropical Storm Isiais. The Village was lucky to have no coastal flooding from this very fast moving storm, which was at its worst on an outgoing tide. Unfortunately, on the bay side one boat was capsized and several floating docks were damaged. The Village also got little rain. The wind was a different story.

Between 2pm-3pm extremely strong SE-S winds hit the Village and much of Long Island. These strong winds brought down multiple trees, which in turn damaged utility wires, causing widespread power outages. Landline phones, cell service and internet were all impacted. Interestingly, at least in Asharoken, the tree damage was significantly less than from the microburst thunderstorm that hit the Village last June. By 5pm the sun was out and it was hard to believe the weather had been that rugged just 2 hours ago.

The Asharoken Police Department was fully operational during the entire storm and recovery period and the Clerk s office was open as well.

For the next two days I was in constant contact with PSEG to get the power restored to the Village as fast as possible. I had multiple emails, texts and phone conversations with Karyn Kemp-Smith, the Regional External Affairs Manager-Western Suffolk for PSEG, including one conference call with State Senator Jim Gaughran. I would like to thank Senator Gaughran for his assistance. Deputy Mayor Pierce also participated on the daily conference calls with PSEG. The lack of proper landline phone, cell and internet service made many of these connections rather challenging.

Several factors were responsible for how long it took to restore power to Asharoken. There was a massive amount of utility line damage all over Long Island. The substation on Elwood road was damaged by the storm and was repaired Wednesday afternoon. Until this was fixed nothing else could be done. PSEG also tried to back feed the Village, bypassing the substation, but there were problems with this as well. PSEG had to bring in out of state crews and COVID issues impacted how quickly they could begin helping. So, although it took 48 hours to get the power back the Village was luckier than most. Deputy Mayor Pierce confirmed this fact based on the comments made on the conference call yesterday. It was no fun to be without power for two days but many people are still in the dark as I write this on Friday.

Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of meeting a very nice crew of utility workers from Missouri who were working on restoring power to the Village. They commented on the beauty of Asharoken and how happy they were to help us out. On behalf of the residents, I thanked them for their assistance.

If you are still without power please let the Village know and we will reach out to PSEG for you. Certainly one good lesson the Village learned from this storm is how dependent people are on their cell phones and what happens if you can't charge them. Going forward the Village will make it a priority to inform residents that they can charge their devices at Village hall which has a backup generator. The Village is also looking into an application to send mass text messages as well. The Village used its Twitter account, @asharokenny, to post information about power restoration. I encourage everyone to get a Twitter account and follow the Village.

The Village Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday August 4th was postponed to Wednesday August 5th due to the weather. Under other circumstances the meeting would have been postponed until power had been restored. Unfortunately, several of the resolutions were date dependent and had to be adopted in a timely manner. If you were unable to phone in, all the Board did was approve the minutes of two meetings and pass the seven resolutions on the agenda.

The Village will be looking into adding an additional yard waste pick up in the next two weeks.

I am also happy to report that at least twelve of the fifteen Osprey were back on their nests after the storm. I hope that everyone has a relaxing weekend. We all deserve a break.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 3, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

The National Hurricane Center has issued a tropical storm warning due to Hurricane Isaias. The weather will be getting worse overnight and the Village should feel the maximum impact of the storm on Tuesday. Today is the day to do all needed preparations.

Here is a quick update on what is forecasted. Southeast winds are expected, increasing to 35-45 knots with gusts to 55 knots in the afternoon on Tuesday. Tuesday night, Southern winds are expected at 35-45 knots with gusts to 60 knots. After midnight winds will turn West and diminish to 10-15 knots. Heavy rain is expected. The high winds may topple trees so power outages are possible. Tropical storm force winds are expected to begin around noon on Tuesday.

With winds from this direction the bay side is likely to be significantly impacted. Strong winds from the south can make Northport Bay very rough and result in higher tides on the bay side of the Village. Today is the day to secure your boats and bring up items on the beach.

The seawall area is expected to have some wash over around the 12:54pm high tide tomorrow. Road closure is always possible, so check asharoken.com and follow Asharoken on Twitter, @asharokenny, for real-time announcements of road closures, re-openings and other important information.

Tomorrow's tide cycle is not too bad for this storm with high tides at 12:54pm Tuesday and 1:02am Wednesday. The bulk of the bad weather will occur between high tides which should minimize coastal flooding. But if you live on the bay side, be especially vigilant for the 1:02am high tide on Wednesday. Ideally, the storm will have moved far enough north by then to lessen the impact of this high tide.

Should there be any significant change in the forecast I will send out an updated message tomorrow morning.

If you need assistance during the storm please contact the Asharoken Police Department at 631-261-7400.

Stay safe, healthy and batten down the hatches.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 3, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I want to thank everyone who sent in comments on the proposed commercial parking law. Based on those comments, I have decided to take the public hearing off of tomorrow's agenda. The Village will review all of the comments and work to revise the proposed law to include some of what was suggested. Once we are finished the Village will reschedule the public hearing.

Best regards, Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 31, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are doing well. We have had a lovely summer, but I must say it was a refreshing change to wake up to a cool morning. There are a couple of things that I would like to update you on.

The Board of Trustees will be holding a public hearing on August 4th to solicit comments on a proposed local law regulating the parking and storage of trailers, commercial vehicles and construction equipment on residential property in the Village. Most upscale communities have similar laws and regulations. Click here to read the proposed law. Please note that the proposed local law does not cover boat trailers, jet ski trailers, snowmobile trailers or any trailers for personal use.

If you would like to comment on the proposed law, you can do so by email to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org or during the conference call hearing on August 4th at 6:30pm. Any written comments will be read into the record during the meeting and thus become part of the permanent record. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

The Village completed the repair of two exposed and rotting groins in the beach lot area. These old groins were very dangerous and needed to be repaired in order to eliminate the risk they posed to swimmers and walkers. Thanks to Pam Pierce, the Village's terrific Deputy Mayor, for overseeing this project which was completed in a very timely manner.

If you own a beach lot, please maintain your crossover steps so that they are safe. In addition, it is against DEC regulations to place anything other than wood chips where you park your cars. Nothing can be placed on the bay side of the dune between Asharoken Avenue and Duck Island Harbor. The vegetation on the bay side of the dune should not be disturbed. If you have any questions please call Village Hall at 631-261-7098 prior to starting any projects on your beach lot. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 24, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

The Village will be working on two important infrastructure projects beginning next week. Two groins in the beach lot area have become exposed; Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce evaluated the situation and agreed that remediation was needed. The Village hired LaMay & Sons, Inc. to remove the exposed groins. The work will commence next week. In 2016 the Village removed similar exposed groins in the area of 138 Asharoken Avenue and also in the beach lot area. Thanks to Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce for managing this project.

The Village is working on mitigating a chronic drainage issue near 103-105, 106-108, and 166-168 Asharoken Ave. The Village hired Fauser Associates PC to survey these areas and locate the Village right-of-way. Utility markouts will be made, then a final design plan completed. Thanks to former Asharoken resident Eric Fauser of Fauser Associates for donating his surveying services. Also, thanks to Trustee Ian Jablonski for being the lead on this drainage project.

It is anticipated that reserve funds will be expended for these projects.

Wishing everyone a great weekend, stay well.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 16, 2020

Dear Neighbors

I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy. Click here to read my Mayor's report for July.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 10, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are well and staying healthy. For the last several weeks the number of new daily COVID cases in Suffolk County has averaged around 50. This is a reminder that although things have gotten much better the virus is still with us. Please keep your guard up at all times. Social distance, wear your mask and keep up with proper hand hygiene.

The 4th of July was certainly different this year without the Fireworks by Grucci display. It was a glorious day and the bonfires were spectacular as always. Thank you for following the bonfire guidelines and making the day safe for everyone. I optimistically look forward to next year's 4th of July and the return of Asharoken's fireworks celebration.

Tropical Storm Fay will impact the Village later today and tonight. The winds are expected to be from the east at about 20 knots this afternoon, 30-40 knots from the southeast this evening and turn south by Saturday. The good news is that the windier part of the storm will occur after today's 4PM high tide. There may be delays or closure of Asharoken Avenue at the seawall around the 4PM high tide. It is advisable, if possible, to avoid the seawall area between 2pm and 6pm this afternoon. Real-time information on the road will be posted here on the Village website, and via the Village Twitter account @asharokenny.

Wishing you a great weekend and stay well!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 2, 2020

Dear Residents,

I would like to extend my thanks to Mike Marcantonio for donating 2,400 surgical masks to the Asharoken Police Department. The Village appreciates his assistance, which will go a long way to keeping our police officers healthy during this pandemic. PPEs are really difficult to get and this really helped bolster our supply.

I would like to thank our Asharoken Police Department for their dedication, respect and loyalty. We are very grateful for their service. Our police department will have additional officers on duty on July 4th to make sure we have a safe day. Please help the police by remembering that lighting off fireworks on your own is illegal in the Village and follow the guidelines below.

Lastly, Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July. Yes, it will be different this year without the fireworks but it still will be a special day. Let's work together by making sure the day is safe and fun. Keep your bonfires small and as close to the water as possible. Most importantly, keep in mind that private fireworks are illegal in the village. As always, thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Have a fantastic and safe Fourth of July, stay well.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

June 19, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Hope you and your family are well and safe. I have provided some information regarding COVID-19 and Fourth of July guidelines.

COVID-19 update in Suffolk County: For the last 11 days the daily countywide average of new cases has been approximately 45. 53 days ago Suffolk County had 838 new cases a day. But as I always stress, COVID-19 is still with us and we should not let our guard down. It is easy to become complacent on proper hand hygiene, physical distancing and mask-wearing. A recent study I read reported that mask-wearing in public, even when maintaining social distancing, is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to maintain good practices. Suffolk County will likely be moving into Phase 3 of reopening next Wednesday. Gatherings of up to 25 people and additional restaurant seating are a major part of Phase 3.

Please remember to keep your pet on a leash while walking on the beach and of course always clean up after your pet.

Fourth of July is coming soon; unfortunately this year due to COVID-19 the Fireworks by Grucci Celebration has been cancelled. In order for the Village to continue its traditional bonfires, everyone must use the utmost common sense and always err on the side of safety. Please refer to and follow these guidelines. Personal fireworks are strictly forbidden and are against the law. Please do not set any fireworks off, thank you. If you are having guests over please make arrangements to have proper social distancing. As I mentioned above, gatherings are limited to 25 people by NYS. This year's Fourth of July will be a bit different but still should be a great day.

In advance, I would like to say thank you for your cooperation and understanding. One of the many things that makes Asharoken so special is that we all work together to make it a safe and respectful place to live. Thank you for all you do in this regard.

Have a nice weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

June 5, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are well.

I am happy to report that Suffolk County has revised their numbers of COVID-19; the reported positive cases in the Village of Asharoken has now been changed to 3. This is a testament to how careful we all have been during the last two months. Congratulations to all of the Village residents for the amazing job you did to flatten the curve. The virus is still around us and Suffolk is still seeing about a 100 new cases daily. So please continue to be cautious as you go about your daily lives.

Next week Suffolk County is expected to go into Phase 2 of reopening. Among the businesses that can reopen are: hair and beauty salons, retail, office type jobs, vehicle sales and leases, and real estate (both sales and rentals). In addition, restaurants should be able to offer outdoor dining with appropriate spacing of tables and other precautions. This is a great sign that things are getting much better.

The Village police boat is back in the water with a new Yamaha outboard motor. Thanks to the efforts of Harbormaster Joe Affrunti, Asharoken was able to repower the boat at no cost. The new engine will assure better reliability, reduced fuel use and lower repair costs. Great job Joe, thank you!

It appears that all four of the Osprey nests now have chicks. The chicks usually take about seven weeks to mature and become able to fly. Look for the chicks to fledge sometime around the 21st of July.

Wishing everyone a great weekend, stay well!
Mayor Greg Letica
Mayor's Report: June 2, 2020:

I have a few things to report this month.

During the month the COVID-19 pandemic slowly but steadily improved. The number of new daily cases has declined to under 100 recently. NYS opened Suffolk County for phase one. We were very fortunate in the Village with only six reported cases so far. I continue to hope that everyone stays well. I need to reiterate what I have often said, we are not out of the woods yet. Please continue to wear your mask, do proper hand hygiene and maintain social distance. Please do not let your guard down.

National Grid informed the Village that the gas main replacement, scheduled to begin in about two weeks, will be postponed for a year. The tentative start date is March 2021. In conjunction with this, the Village will be postponing the road paving to next year as well.

On May 4th I wrote to the residents that the Village Election that was scheduled for June 16th has been rescheduled for September 15th by Governor Cuomo s executive order No. 202.26. In addition, circulation, filing and collection of any independent nominating petitions is postponed until further notice and shall be subject to a future Executive Order. The full Executive Order from the Governor was sent to the residents in the same email.

During the month I wrote to Governor Cuomo requesting that he allow the Village to give residents who have financial hardships caused by COVID-19 an extra 21 days to pay their taxes without interest or penalty. On May 21st Governor Cuomo issued executive order 202-32 granting this request. Pending board approval this evening, I will inform the residents of this change. Asharoken was only one of three Villages in Suffolk County who requested this extension to help their residents in need.

During the month I have continued to be on the daily conference call with Suffolk Executive Steve Bellone and the M/W/F with the Village of Northport. I also worked with TOH Huntington Director of Maritime Services, Don Spada, to do everything possible to minimize people going onto the beach from the Sound View Boat ramp. Don did a great job and I would like to thank him for his assistance.

I would like to thank Village resident Tony Evangelista for coming up with an engineering plan to restore the seawall area. Tony created a very well thought-out plan and a very detailed set of drawings. When the time comes to work on the seawall area this document will be of tremendous help. Thank you Tony, you really did an amazing job.

On May 27th Village Attorney Migatz and I participated in a zoom conference with TOH Supervisor Lupinacci and the mayors of Northport, Huntington Bay and Lloyd Harbor. The purpose of this call was to discuss the proposed TOH mooring ordinance requiring a permit for any mooring placed on Huntington land. The four villages all strenuously opposed this new ordinance. During the call Supervisor Lupinacci did instruct the Town attorney to add a clause to the legislative intent section to specifically exclude the Ida Smith property. This was one of Asharoken's objections to the law. The call ended with the overall consensus of all parties involved that more discussion is need prior to TOH going forward.

Thank you.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:
Phase I Reopening:

May 12, 2020

Dear Residents,

I hope that you are well and otherwise doing fine during the Covid pandemic. As a reminder, keep your guard up at all times.

I would like to give you an update on how Suffolk and Nassau County can begin to reopen. In order to start phase one of the reopening the two counties (region) must meet all seven of the CDC guidelines for reopening. Presently the region has met five and has failed on two of the metrics. The metric with the biggest hurdle is to have less than approximately 57 new regional daily Covid hospital admissions for 14 consecutive days. To date the region has not met this metric for one day. Therefore, unless the metric is changed, there will be a minimum of 14 days prior to a phase one reopening. Click here for details on the "NY Forward" guidance from Governor Cuomo.

In an effort to help Asharoken residents who have financial hardships as a result of Covid, I wrote to Governor Cuomo yesterday requesting a 21 day extension to pay Village taxes without interest and penalty. This is the maximum amount allowed by state law. The Governor will need to issue an executive order to allow this extension and I will advise you of his response.

Stay Safe!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 8, 2020

Dear Residents:

As always, I hope that you and your family are well. Please do not let your guard down even as the situation continues to improve. It is very easy to become complacent as the pandemic drags on. Habits are hard to acquire but so easy to lose. Always practice social distancing, wear your mask, wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.

This week we celebrated Nurses Day. I want to thank all the nurses for the incredible job you do, especially during the difficult COVID pandemic. We really appreciate your selfless dedication and your desire to put your life on the line helping others. Thanks so much!

I suspect that many of you are getting a little antsy to get life back to normal and might be frustrated about the lack of guidance as to when NY Pause will be lifted. In order for the phased reopening to start, Nassau and Suffolk as a unit must meet seven metrics. At the present time the County is only meeting two of the seven. Click here to see the metrics and where the County stands. I ask everyone to try to be as patient as possible as we work through this process.

Finally, Linda and I would like to wish all the moms and grandmothers a very Happy Mother s Day. We hope you know just how appreciated you are for all you do. None of us would be where we are today without you. Moms and grandmothers are the best!

Have a great weekend and stay well,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 4, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you are well and enjoyed the lovely weekend. Things are getting better, but I encourage everyone to keep your guard up.

I am writing to you to give you an update on the Village Election that was scheduled for June 16th. Governor Cuomo issued executive order No. 202.26 on Friday rescheduling the village election for September 15th. In addition, circulation, filing and collection of any independent nominating petitions is postponed until further notice and shall be subject to a future Executive Order. Click here to read the full Executive Order.

Stay well and safe,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 29, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that you and your family are doing well. There is some good news in the fight to conquer the COVID-19 virus. Yesterday, there were only 254 reported cases in Suffolk County. This is the lowest new daily case level in a long time. The Village of Asharoken has 3 reported cases. The social distancing and staying-at-home guidelines are starting to show their value. Please continue to keep your guard up, social distance, wear a mask where appropriate, stay home as much as possible and always follow proper hand hygiene. Yesterday s flyby of the US Navy Blue Angels and the US Air Force Thunderbirds was truly a stirring sight. It was such a great way to say thank you to all of the health care professionals, first responders and other essential workers for the amazing job they have done during the COVID-19 crisis. There really are not enough ways to say thank you for their selfless dedication to helping other people during this crisis. On behalf of the residents of the Village I would like to say thank you for the incredible job you have all done and that we appreciate it so much!

If you own a beach lot please make sure that your vehicle displays a current orange 2020 Beach Lot Owner Parking Permit on the rear view mirror. Prior-year permits of different colors are not acceptable. Should you need your permits please contact Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse at 631-261-7098. The police department strictly enforces the Village parking laws in order to protect your private property. In order to prevent illegal parking and trespassing the Police Department needs your help. All cars not displaying a 2020 orange Beach Lot Permit are subject to ticketing. Should you observe cars parked in the beach lot area without a 2020 permit please call the Asharoken Police at 631-261-7400. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 22, 2020

Dear Residents,

I hope that you and your family are safe & well. Please continue to keep your guard up.

Yesterday was a remarkable microcosm of the world we live in today. It went from a violent hail storm to one of the most beautiful rainbows ever seen. The symbolism is really amazing. There really is hope that things are going to get better. Here is a stunning photograph taken by Trustee Ian Jablonski from his deck yesterday evening.
Additionally, both Trustee Jablonski and Trustee Ettinger have seen Bald Eagles in their backyards bordering Duck Island Harbor in the last few days.

Wishing everyone good health!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 16, 2020

Dear Residents:

I hope that you and your family are all well. I am writing to share some new information from the Governor's office about COVID-19.

The Governor announced today that NY PAUSE will continue until at least May 15th. All non-essential businesses will continue to be closed until at least that date.

The Governor issued Executive Order 202.17 which states "Effective at 8 PM on Friday, April 17, 2020 any individual who is over age two and able to medically tolerate a face-covering shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth face-covering when in a public place and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining, social distance." Essentially any trip to the store or any other area where there are too many people to allow for social distancing will require the use of a mask. Click here for a handy guide to make your own mask if you do not have one already.

Although the number of new cases of COVID-19 has plateaued, we are still very far from being out of the woods. Please do not let your guard down. Stay at home as much as possible, wear your mask when you go out and always practice proper hand hygiene. If the Village can assist you in any way please call Village Hall at 631-261-7098 or the Police Department at 631-261-7400.

Wishing you continued good health.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 10, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to update you on a few things.

As we have communicated before, New York State has mandated National Grid to replace a section of its gas main. This project has been postponed until at least early June. National Grid, in consultation with the Village, decided that because of the COVID-19 crisis it was not wise to start the project at this time even though it is considered an essential infrastructure project. Residents have asked why the project ends at 283 Asharoken Avenue (Duck Island Lane). The existing gas main was installed in two segments; the section that runs North of 283 Asharoken Avenue to Bevin Road is an updated gas main pipe which does NOT need replacing. The Village will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated.

This week our second in-line check valve was installed into the drainage pipe by Village Hall. The check valve will mitigate back-flooding of Asharoken Avenue from Northport Bay during exceptional high tides. This project is covered by a $25,000 grant we received from the NY State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. 75% is covered under the grant and the remaining 25% is the responsibility of the village.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.

Stay well and be safe,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 8, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

At last night's Board of Trustees meeting the 2020-2021 budget was approved and adopted. Next year's budget has a 0.4% tax decrease and is the fifth year in row without a tax increase.

Regarding the Fourth of July; after some careful consideration, the Board has decided to cancel the fireworks display scheduled for July 4th. This was not an easy decision but under the circumstances was the right one to make due to so many uncertainties. Among them, the virus could still be a health issue in July, the Governors guideline's regarding large groups and social distancing may not be lifted and people may feel uncomfortable going to a crowded event. The health and safety of Asharoken's residents and guests must come first. The Village has spoken to Fireworks by Grucci and has been assured that there will be no cancellation fee. The existing contract will be amended to run from 2021-2026. If the Village waited longer to cancel the event, we would have been responsible for cancellation penalties and the Board decided that this was a risk the Village should not take.

Regarding Building Permits; the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution last night extending all open building permits for the same number of days that construction is suspended by the Governor's Executive order.

As always if the Village can assist please call 631-261-7098 (Village Hall) or 631-261-7400 (Police Department). Please continue to stay home as much as possible, practice social distancing and excellent hand hygiene.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Passover a wonderful holiday.

Best regards and stay safe,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 6, 2020

Dear Residents,

I hope you are well and had a nice weekend. Today is expected to be a lovely day and I hope you will be able to take advantage of it to enjoy the outdoors. A few things to share:

Today was supposed to be the first day to get signatures on nominating petitions for the Village election tentatively scheduled for June 16th. The positions up for election this year are Mayor and two Trustee seats. Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.13 that suspends the circulation, filing and collection of all designating and independent nominating petitions until further notice. When the Executive Order is lifted I will inform you.

The Village is working on providing an extension to all open building permits to compensate for the days lost due to the restrictions on construction issued by the Governor's Office.

There is a critical shortage of blood. If you would like to donate you can contact New York Blood Center at donate.nybc.org or call 800-933-2566.

Tomorrow's Board Meeting on April 7th will be held via teleconference beginning at 6:30pm. Click here to read the draft agenda. To join the meeting:
  1. Call 1-866-705-2554 or 1-913-227-1201
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter guest passcode 137432, followed by #
If you are listening to the meeting it is important that you put your phone on mute. If you would like to speak during the public hearing or public session, that is the time to unmute your phone. At all other times leave your phone on mute. Thanks!

According to the latest information from Suffolk there are 14,040 reported COVID-19 cases in the county and 1,947 in Huntington. This number has been steadily rising. Again this is a sobering reminder not to let your guard down. Social distances, stay home, wash your hands and wear face protection if you have to go to the store. Please do all you can to keep yourself and your family healthy.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 2, 2020

Dear Residents,

It was really nice to see that according to a map published in Newsday today, no one in the Village of Asharoken has reported a case of COVID-19. It is my hope that it will continue to be this way. Social distancing, staying at home and good hand hygiene are critical to keeping all of us healthy. Please don't let your guard down, maintain good habits.

We are fortunate to live in the Village during this troubling time. It is uplifting every day to awaken to the beautiful views of the water many of us share and have enough open space to go for nice walks. It's great to see the azaleas, daffodils and hyacinths blooming. Daily, birds are migrating back to the Village or stopping over to recharge their batteries as they go further north. All of the Osprey nests are occupied and recent new arrivals in the Village were Robins, Great and Snowy Egrets, Northern Gannets, Cormorant and Phoebe. These may seem like small things but they are a true harbinger of spring and give us hope that as the seasons change so too will the crisis we are all living through.

Please do not hesitate to call or email, if you need help. Stay Safe & Well.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 31, 2020

Dear Residents,

NY State has published updated information on Emergency Relief for New Yorkers who can demonstrate financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Click here to view full details.

Stay Well,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 30, 2020

Dear Residents,

I would like to start by thanking Eric Maffei for the amazing job he has done keeping the Village website asharoken.com updated. He has posted many large and complicated documents ensuring that all the hyperlinks work and continues to make the site easy to navigate and access. Thanks so much Eric for all your hard work and keeping the residents well-informed.

National Grid has informed the Village that due to the Coronavirus situation it will be postponing the gas main replacement from Village Hall to 283 Asharoken Avenue. I will keep you updated as to when National Grid plans to commence the project.

I want to share updated information from Suffolk County about day care opportunities for essential employees, first responders and healthcare workers. Please share this information. I've also included a copy of the NY State Department of Financial Services Emergency Relief for New Yorkers who can demonstrate financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Click here for the full details.

As of last night Suffolk County had a total of 5,023 confirmed Coronavirus cases. This is up 2,000 cases since Friday. To put this in perspective, only four states have more cases. As I have written before, this is a sobering reminder of how serious the situation actually is. Please stay home, stay safe and practice physical distancing.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 27, 2020

Dear Residents,

We just received new information on the following;
  1. Walk-in clinics that offer COVID 19 testing.
  2. Grocery stores in Suffolk County that offer delivery.
  3. Updated facts & questions.
Click here to view. Stay Well.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 27, 2020

Dear Residents,

Our next board meeting will be held on April 7th at 6:30pm. A public hearing is also scheduled for the 2020-2021 Village Budget. Both the Board Meeting and Public Hearing will be held via teleconference beginning at 6:30pm. To join the teleconference:
  1. Call 1-866-705-2554 or 1-913-227-1201
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter guest passcode 137432, followed by #
Thank you,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 25, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope you and your family are healthy and doing well during these challenging times. Below is some new information about the Coronavirus COVID 19 (CO19) situation.

We have created a resource list that will help with home delivery of food and medications, as well as emergency information: Resources in the Asharoken & Eatons Neck Area for Seniors, Homebound, In-Need. Many thanks to Emergency Manager Bill Raisch, Barbara Raisch, Eric Maffei and Trustee Burke. Great job!

Social distancing is critical to slowing the transmission of the disease and preventing an unmanageable situation at our local hospitals. Stay at least 6 feet away from other people, other than your immediate family members, at all times. It's great to see so many people strolling on the beach daily, but please do so in a safe manner.

Village hall is staffed for normal business hours, Monday through Thursday 9am to 3pm and Friday from 8am to 2pm. The Village Hall and Police Department are closed to the public. Please conduct all business by phone, 631-261-7098 or email the Village Clerk: nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org. If you need to drop off or pick up something please call in advance or place in the black mailbox outside the building. For all police emergencies call 631-261-7400 or 911 and for non-emergency matters call 631-261-8677. Thank you for your understanding.

As of March 24th the NYSDOH launched an online screen tool for CO19 screening. If you are concerned about CO19 and would like to take an online assessment, please access this link: Covid 19 Screening. If you meet the criteria you will receive a callback from NYS to schedule a test.

Residents who want to make an appointment for a test can call the NYS Coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065, and you will be triaged by a healthcare professional.

There is a critical shortage of surgical masks, gloves and gowns. If you can donate these supplies bring them to a collection site at the Commack Suffolk County DPW Yard, 97 Crooked Hill Road, Commack. Thank you!

An update on the numbers as of March 24th at 2:30:
  • Suffolk County: 1880 confirmed cases — up 422 from the previous day
  • Town of Huntington: 310 confirmed cases
This is a sobering reminder that we need to help stop the spread of the disease by staying home and practice social distancing.

I sincerely hope everyone gets through this health emergency safely.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 19, 2020

Dear Residents:

NY State has established a drive-through COVID-19 test site at Stony Brook University. You must first call the NY State Coronavirus Hotline to determine if you meet the criteria to be tested, then make an appointment. You will be connected to a healthcare professional who will guide you through the process. The hotline number is (888) 364-3065. Hours are 7am to 7pm.

In addition, ProHEALTH Urgent Care is offering a drive-through COVID-19 test site. The phone number is (516) 874-0411.

I sincerely hope that no one in Asharoken will need to be tested, but if you do I hope this helps facilitate the process.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 18, 2020

Dear Residents,

I thought I would share a little good news with you.

At our Special Meeting/ Work Session on Tuesday March 17, the Board of Trustees completed their review of the tentative budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. I am pleased to report that, for the fifth consecutive year, there will be no property tax increase. The Board is determined to minimize any additional costs to our residents, especially during the current state of affairs our world is facing today. A public hearing is scheduled for April 7th on the tentative budget your comments and suggestions are welcome. The budget packet will be emailed next week and posted on the website.

Many people have been asking if the Ospreys have come back. This morning I saw the first Osprey chilling on a utility pole near Duck Island causeway.

Have a nice day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 17, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I hope this note finds you well and that you are adapting to these current changes due to the Coronavirus. If the village can assist you in any way please call:
  • (631) 261-7400  Asharoken Police, emergency
  • (631) 261-8677  Asharoken Police, non-emergency
  • (631) 261-7098  Village Clerk
Please check with your neighbors — preferably by phone to avoid contact — especially if they are elderly to see if they need any assistance. We will provide more information and resources very soon.

All board meetings will be conducted via teleconference. Board members and the public will not assemble at Village Hall. Governor Cuomo issued new regulations changing the NYS Open Meetings law to allow for this. All residents will be notified in advance with information on how to join a meeting remotely. Today's Board of Trustees work session held at 4pm is to discuss the 2020-2021 village tentative budget, via teleconference. To listen-in on the work session meeting remotely:
  1. Call 1-866-705-2554
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter guest passcode 137432, followed by #
Village Justice Court sessions will be suspended until further notice Village Hall will be open during regular office hours. Please try to conduct all business with the village via email or phone, unless you need to drop off or pick up something.

Our sanitation service will continue on its regular schedule.

Our website asharoken.com contains a concise, frequently-updated list of links to details regarding the Coronavirus situation.

If you need medical assistance contact the numbers above. If you have symptoms of the Coronavirus such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other respiratory issues the emergency responders must know this in advance so that they can put on the needed protective gear prior to entering your home. I can't stress enough how important this is. It is critical that the police and our EMS responders stay healthy, this will allow for proper emergency care.

Stay safe and healthy. Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 16, 2020

Dear Residents,

The Board will hold a Special Meeting/Work Session on March 17th at 4pm. This work session was previously published since this is a required meeting for the Village Clerk to present the draft tentative budget for fiscal year ending May 31, 2021 to the Board of Trustees for review. This work session is to allow the board of trustees, clerk and treasurer to review the budget for 2020-2021 with the board. Copies will be available at Village Hall. Click here to read the draft agenda.

Because of the importance of social distancing due to Coronavirus, New York State is allowing teleconferencing.

The Board will be using Global Meet for the teleconference call so all residents can listen in on the meeting. Again this is a work session; no questions from the public will be taken. We will be holding a public hearing on April 7th for public input on the final proposed tentative budget for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2021. The budget packet will be distributed next week as in the prior eight years.

To listen-in on the work session meeting remotely:
  1. Call 1-866-705-2554
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Enter guest passcode 137432, followed by #
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 13, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to give you a quick update on the Coronavirus. The Village has regularly participated in conference calls with Suffolk County to keep up with this very fluid situation. As of yesterday, there were 22 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Suffolk County with 2 in the Town of Huntington. All of these cases were from community-based transmission which would suggest that there are more cases in Suffolk that have not yet been identified. Suffolk has the fourth highest number of cases in New York by county. Although the numbers seem low, we can't be lulled into a false sense of security. We must be very vigilant as individuals and on the Village level to minimize the transmission of the virus.

Some of the things you can do personally include: social distancing by staying 3 feet away from other people, avoiding crowded events, sneezing and coughing into your elbow, washing your hands often, avoiding touching your face, staying home and contacting your doctor if you feel sick. If everyone follows this simple protocol it could really help contain the spread of the virus.

The Village is looking at ways to manage its Board meetings and court sessions. As an example, Asharoken is waiting for guidance from NYS to see if it is possible to conduct Board of Trustees meetings by video teleconference with online audience participation. Presently the NYS open meetings law does not allow for this. I have spoken to Senator Gaughran about this and he informed me the NYS senate has introduced a law allowing video meetings during emergencies like this. Also, Governor Cuomo could just order the change pursuant to new powers he was just granted. For court, the Village will implement a limit on the number of people in the meeting room at one time to allow for proper social distancing. The Village will continue on an ongoing basis to review how meetings are run and determine what is appropriate based on the current conditions. I will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

On a far less serious note, we should be expecting the return of the Osprey within the next week. It will be interesting to see if they return earlier than usual due to the very warm winter.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 28, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Re: Seawall Project Study

In January 2019 the Village of Asharoken and Town of Huntington wrote to the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC), our non-federal sponsor, requesting that the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) provide a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) to replace the failing seawall and restore the beach in front of it.

The NYSDEC then wrote to the USACOE on the Village and Town's behalf requesting that the Seawall Project Study be resumed to finalize a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) needed to restore the seawall area. The Village and Town received a formal response on February 18, 2020 from the NYSDEC stating that the USACOE has made a determination not to move forward with creating a Locally Preferred Plan to restore the seawall area.

The reason the USACOE decided not to work on the LPP was because they determined that only fixing the seawall area, as opposed to restoring the entire beach from the power plant to Bevin Road, did not provide a sustainable comprehensive solution. The USACOE offered the Village the option to reconsider its decision to reject the full beach reconstruction project and fix the seawall area as part of that. This 600,000 cubic yard beach replenishment plan, extending from the power plant past the sea wall, was overwhelmingly turned down by the residents in 2016 due to issues of public beach access, liability considerations, cost and other factors. In a conference call in December I informed the USACOE that the Village was not going to reconsider its decision on the beach replenishment plan.

In their letter, the USACOE provided the Village and Town with several alternative Courses of Action (COA) for the seawall area. Click here to read the February 18, 2020 letter from the USACOE. Asharoken, in conjunction with the Town of Huntington, will look into all of these COAs to seek a resolution to the failing seawall and eroding beach seaward of it. To that end, the Village and Town have organized a meeting in March to explore the Courses of Action (COA) the USACOE suggested.

I would like to thank Congressman Tom Suozzi who has actively supported the seawall project since 2017 and worked tirelessly to seek a solution to replace the failing seawall. Congressman Tom Suozzi was instrumental in organizing the March meeting where we will discuss the other options available to the Village and Town.

The Village and the Town of Huntington are committed to restoring the seawall and the beach. This will likely be a lengthy process and we will do our best to explore every option available to solve the problem.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 14, 2020

Details on National Grid Gas Line and Road Work Project

Home Owners:

In March or April National Grid will begin installing the new gas line on the bay side of the roadway from Village Hall to Duck Island Lane. The gas line north of Duck Island Lane does not need replacing. The following steps will be taken:

FIRST STEP: All homeowners along the route will receive letters from National Grid before the start of the project and/or during the project. The letters will provide a contact number to schedule an appointment with National Grid to have your service lines transferred over to the new gas main.

SECOND STEP: When National Grid is ready to begin transferring service from the old main to the new main; National Grid will utilize the appointments made and contact the homeowner to begin the transfer. The transfer for each home will take approximately 2-4 hours with interrupted service. Homeowners must be present at the end of the appointment to allow the service crew to relight the pilot lights on all appliances. Gas service will not be restored to your home until National Grid ensures that all appliances are re-lighted.

NEW GAS CUSTOMERS: A contact number for New Business Gas Lines will be provided in the National Grid letter for all homeowners who would like to start new gas service, service lines and meters to their homes. It is important that all new customers contact the "New Business" clerk ASAP to allow for ample time for National Grid to install the new gas lines.

TIMING OF OVERALL PROJECT: The installation of the new gas main will take 5-7 weeks. It will take another 5-7 weeks overall to complete all the service transfers from the old main to the new gas main. This may vary depending on crew availability and weather conditions.

ROAD CONDITION: During the installation of the new gas main, the road will not be closed but there will be alternate one way traffic conditions. Approximately 117 road openings will be made; these openings will be patched with hot mix asphalt level to the road grade. No interruption to property owner s driveways will occur. Traffic control will be present throughout the project. The work will not be done during the weekends or evening hours.

COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT: Once the gas main is replaced, Asharoken Avenue from Village Hall to Duck Island Lane will be milled, repaved and striped. National Grid will pay the full cost. The Village also plans to mill and repave Asharoken Avenue from house number 355 to 501. A portion of the Village paving project will be funded by a $70,0000 Multi-Modal DOT grant. The two paving projects will begin at the same time and this will complete the paving of Asharoken Ave. The Village will look at mitigating several areas of the road that pond water.

Depending on the start date we estimate that the overall project will be completed by June or July.

Thank you for your patience with this project, if you have questions please email nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org .

Have a nice weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 7, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

Here is a brief update.

The Village has made good progress in securing a new outboard motor for the police boat. Asharoken solicited three quotes from local Yamaha dealers and delivered them to NYS Department of Parks and Historical Preservation. This week we heard back from Chris Fallon, the Director of Marine Services, informing us that they are processing the lowest quote from KG Marine. The Village expects to have the boat repowered and in the water by Memorial Day weekend. The engine will be provided to the Village at no cost by NYS. I would like to thank Harbormaster Joe Affrunti for the great job he did to secure the new engine for Asharoken.

On January 17th the Village opened bids for a new Dodge Durango SUV for the police department and Requests for Proposal (RFPs) for a new in-line check valve by Village Hall. The two SUV bids were $100 apart and the winner was Huntington Jeep Eagle. The SUV will be paid for from an insurance settlement to cover the old vehicle that was totaled in an accident last fall.

The lowest check valve RFP went to Du All Industries. This company previously installed the first check valve in the road drainage pipe in 2017. It is very helpful that they are familiar with the layout of the drainage pipe and we expect the valve to be installed within 4-6 weeks. A DHSES grant from NYS will pay for 75% of this $17,450 project. The village will be saving $13,100. The Village expects that once the valve is installed the backflooding of Asharoken Avenue near Village Hall from high tides and storm surges should be dramatically reduced.

The Village continues to work with Senator Gaughran's office to finalize the DASNY grant to restore the eroded beach lot dune. The Village expects to get the full application in about 2 weeks. Once the application is approved by the State the Village can begin this project within the NYSDEC-required timeline.

The Village received an award through JCAP of approximately $475 to pay for a new court table. Additionally, big thanks go out to Police Officer Brian O'Connor who was able to get four new computers for the Village at no cost. The Village is in the process of upgrading our computers and changing to Windows 10.

The Village received notice that it will receive Public Safety Sharing revenue of $58,489 sometime this month.

The Village instituted the twice-monthly court sessions this month to comply with the new NYC criminal justice reform law. The new system is working very well, court is running very smoothly and we expect to see a reduction in the cost of holding court.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 10, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

The Village has changed its court schedule in order to conform to the new criminal justice laws of NYS. Court will now be held every two weeks instead of once a month. This change was primarily made to accommodate the new rules requiring arraignments within 20 days of the issuance of a summons. I would like to thank Police Officers Ray Mahdesian and Brian O'Connor, Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger and Village Justice Mark Kleczka for implementing this new schedule and figuring out how to do it without incurring additional costs to the Village. They really did a super job.

The Village has sent out Requests for Proposal (RFP) for the new check valve that will be installed in a drain pipe behind Village hall. The RFPs were sent to four contractors and the return date is January 17th. The new check valve is needed to prevent back flooding of Asharoken Avenue by Northport Bay during astronomically high tides and storms.

The Village is putting together the bid for a new police car to replace the one that was totaled in an accident last year. The cost of the new car will be fully covered by the Village's insurance carrier.

I have been working with NYS Senator Jim Gaughran to finalize the $70,000 grant request by the Village to augment the dunes in the beach lot area. Senator Gaughran has made it clear that he is doing all he can to expedite the process. The NYS DEC permit that the Village has obtained does not allow Asharoken to work on this project between April 1 and August 31 so we are striving to get it done before the end of March.

Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with National Grid to discuss the replacement of the old natural gas line between Village hall and Duck Island. Once it is replaced, National Grid will connect all of the existing users of natural gas to the new main. This project will require multiple street openings and as part of the project National Grid will then cover the cost of milling, repaving and striping of this section of the road. The project is expected to commence at the end of March and more updates will follow as information becomes available.

The Village received confirmation that it will be getting a new outboard motor for the police boat from the NYS Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Development boat at no cost to the Village. The new motor comes at a very opportune time. The existing outboard has required substantial maintenance over the last years. At the end of last season it was determined that it needed a new lower unit. This would have been a very costly repair. Thanks so much to Harbor Master Joe Affrunti for making this possible.

Please make sure that you place your trash and recyclables curbside only on the day of pickup. This will minimize the chance of animals, vehicles or wind knocking over the cans and spilling the contents. Your cooperation is really appreciated.

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 3, 2020

Dear Neighbors:

At our next Board Meeting on Tuesday January 7, at 6:30pm a public hearing will be held on a local law to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. Click here to read the full text of Proposed Local Law No. 1 for 2020. This is the first step in the budget process that the Village has used for the last six years. Fortunately it has never been needed. This legislation provides the village with the financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses arise or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal cost, police overtime should we have a significant storm, or other unanticipated fiscal events.

The village is in the very earliest phases of determining the 2020-2021 budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the village intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. Just as the village has to finalize the assessment roll, determine expense budgets and revenue streams, the proposed law is part of the Village's due diligence to prepare a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the Village to adopt the law with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed.

Should a tax increase be required, the Board of Trustees will do its best to minimize it. This is even more of a priority now with the cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes on your federal income tax return. Asharoken has a long history of fiscal conservatism. During the last eight years as Mayor the average tax increase has been 1.08% and there has been no increase for the last 4 years. The Board and I will be striving for similar results for the new budget.

Have a nice weekend.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 30, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

As the decade comes to an end, I thought it might be interesting to recap some of the events and changes that took place in Asharoken since 2010.

During the decade Asharoken constructed a new Village Hall, came to a resolution on the very controversial ACOE sand on the beach project and re-paved much of Asharoken Avenue. The Village was impacted by hurricanes Irene and Sandy. But both times, Asharoken got up off the mat and became better than ever. The decade saw dozens of new families move in, tax increases move to record lows and property values reach all-time highs. Over 180,000 cubic yards of sand was placed on the sound side beach since 2010. The Village Police Department has done a superb job keeping the Village essentially crime-free.

As you can see much has happened in the last ten years!

The Village continues to be a special place to live on Long Island. The spirit of the community is evident in our 4th of July celebrations and our annual holiday party. Asharoken has strived to keep our beaches and waters clean by organizing an annual coastal cleanup.

During the past ten years the deer population has increased significantly and seals have become new winter residents. The bird of the decade was a brown pelican found and photographed by two residents this past spring. We are blessed to live on beautiful beaches, swim in clean waters and enjoy awesome sunrises and sunsets.

We don't know what the next ten years will bring, but I suspect that things will only keep getting better. Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 20, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Here is an update on a few things going on in the Village.

National Grid has completed placement of 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Long Island Sound beach. Unfortunately, a series of weekly nor'easters continually recontoured the sand. This prevented the contractor from being able to keep large quantities of sand in front of many bulkheads in the placement area as had happened during the previous replenishments.

National Grid is looking to replace the existing gas main on Asharoken Avenue with a new plastic main. This project is planned for early next year. The Village met with National Grid to discuss this project on December 6th. As more information becomes available, I will share it with you.

The exit ramp apron at the Village hall parking lot had substantially degraded and needed to be replaced. The Village received quotes for the project and Lindley Brothers was the lowest bidder. The repair which cost roughly $3800 was done early this month. As part of this project the shoulder of Asharoken Avenue near 117-119 was repaired along with a large pothole on Bevin Road.

Deputy Mayor Pierce and I participated on a conference call on December 6th with the ACOE and Congressman Tom Suozzi to discuss the status of the seawall project. The Village is expecting a formal decision from the Corps later this month on whether or not it will resume the study for the purposes of creating a Locally Preferred Plan to restore the seawall area.

Changes in NYS law may compel the Village to hold court sessions every two weeks instead of monthly. Unfortunately, this will increase Asharoken's expenses due to additional staffing. I spoke to State Senator Jim Gaughran, Huntington Bay Mayor Herb Morrow and NYCOM President Robert Kennedy (the Mayor of Freeport) about the impact the law will have on the Village and I asked for their support to seek a modification of the law to make it more practicable for small villages. To date I have not heard anything back. The Village will seek ways to mitigate the increased costs.

I would like to thank the Asharoken Garden Club for donating a lovely wreath to the Village.

On December 15th the Village hosted Santa and Mrs. Claus. This was a really fun event and was extremely well-attended. The joy on the kid's faces when Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived was wonderful to see.

In closing, Linda and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah and a very Merry Christmas.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

There are a few things I would like to update you on.

The tri-annual 45,000 cubic yards of sand placement by National Grid on the sound-side beach is going well. Approximately half of the material has been placed to date. Although the project started off under some challenging weather conditions, it has been relatively smooth sailing since. The contractor expects to be finished sometime in December.

The Village and the Village Court have been audited by our accounting firm Skinnon and Faber. There were a couple of minor recommendations regarding recording real property taxes as a receivable and suggestions on postings expenditures. Overall, the Village is in a very healthy financial position. Additionally, the NYS Comptroller has released the results of its annual stress test of Villages. Once again, Asharoken received the highest rating of no designation.

I would like to congratulate Rita Rover for being awarded a first place ribbon from the Long Island Chrysanthemum Society. Rita grows some of the most amazing mums and it's no surprise she got the blue ribbon. Nice job Rita.

Have a nice weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish everyone observing Yom Kippur good yontif and an easy fast.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 3, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Based on very strong support from the residents of Asharoken for continuing in-house sanitation, a lack of support for outside carting, and the relatively small savings that would have been generated by switching to outside carting, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously at the October 1 meeting to reject all five bids that it received from carting companies. In the long run there will be changes to how Asharoken handles its garbage, but it was clear from the input of residents that this was not the appropriate time to consider a change.

The Village did benefit from the bidding process for outside carting. It now has a complete bid package ready to be used at any time in the future. We learned a lot about how other villages handle their trash, and now have a good idea on costs for outside carting.

I want to close by saying how much gratitude and appreciation I have for the dedication and hard work that Barry Bradley has done for the last 40 years. This sentiment was echoed by many residents who sent emails in his support. We are so lucky to have had Barry serve the Village for 40 years and it is nice to know that his smiling face will still be there to greet us when he picks up the trash. He is truly one of a kind. Thank you Barry!

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 30, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very happy holiday and healthy New Year.

On January 3, 2018, two Village residents in the Ida Smith area of the Village commenced legal action in New York State Supreme Court against the Village seeking to overturn the Board of Trustee's decisions denying their applications for docks. Last week the decision on this matter was received by the Village and the Judge ruled in favor of the Village. Village Attorney Bruce Migatz reports the following on this matter:

"On September 25, 2015, two residents filed applications with the Village for permits to construct docks at their respective homes in the Ida Smith area of the Village. Pursuant to the provisions of the Village Code, the applications were referred to the Village's Environmental Review Board (the "ERB") to review in accordance with the standards set forth in the Village Code and to make recommendation to the Board of Trustees, to either grant or deny the permits. After conducting seven public hearings on the applications, considering testimony and reports from environmental consultants engaged by the applicants, the Village and residents in opposition to the docks, as well as the testimony and correspondence from residents both in favor and against the docks, on October 30, 2017 the ERB adopted resolutions setting forth their findings and recommending that both applications be denied by the Board of Trustees. On December 5, 2017 the Board of Trustees voted to adopt the findings of the ERB and denied both applications. On January 3, 2018 the applicants commenced legal action in New York State Supreme Court against the Village seeking to overturn the Board of Trustee's decisions denying the applications, on the grounds that the Board of Trustee's denial of the applications was affected by an error of law, was arbitrary and capricious or an abuse of discretion and irrational. On September 18, 2019 the Supreme Court issued a Short Form Order, finding that the Board of Trustee's decisions were not affected by an error of law, nor were they arbitrary and capricious or an abuse of discretion or irrational."

Finally, just a reminder that should the Village get bids for outside carting that merit further consideration this matter will not be considered at the October 1 Board of Trustees meeting. The Village has scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30pm, if needed, to consider this matter.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 27, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

In an effort to see if the Village can expand its sanitation services — adding pickups of bulk/white goods and/or a second yard waste pick-up each month — while achieving cost savings, we have solicited bids from outside carters. The deadline for submission of the bids is 2pm Monday, September 30th. Should any of the bids offer cost savings and expanded service, the Board will evaluate them very carefully. No decision will be made to accept a bid at the Board meeting on Tuesday, October 1st. Should there be acceptable bids, they will be considered at a special meeting on Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30pm.

The Village has worked very hard for the last eight years to control its expenses and minimize tax increases. This is evidenced by four consecutive years of no tax increases. The Board is always evaluating ways to reduce costs with the intent of keeping any tax increases to a bare minimum. Requesting bids from outside carters is an example of this process. The Board respects the fact that the residents have entrusted us with their tax dollars and they expect the Board to use those funds in the most prudent way possible.

The Village received notice this week that it was awarded a $25,000 NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services grant. This money will be used to purchase and install a second inline check valve to mitigate back-flooding of Asharoken Avenue near Village Hall. The first of two needed inline check valves was installed in 2017. During the last eight years the Village has received approximately $1,359,000 in Federal, State and other governmental aid grants.

I received notice today that National Grid will begin stockpiling sand at the Sound View boat ramp on Monday, September 30th, and begin placement of the sand on the sound-side beach either the end of next week or the following week.

Finally, I would like to extend congratulations to the Asharoken Garden Club which just celebrated its 95th anniversary.
Besides having a deep interest in plants and flowers, the club is also extremely philanthropic and supports many very worthy local causes. The club had a great float in the Cow Harbor Day parade last Sunday.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 23, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to provide full details regarding our new solicitation law that has been officially filed with the Department of State. Please click here for a timeline and my complete overview.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 13, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

The Coastal Cleanup has been postponed this year. Several committee members had scheduling conflicts and were unable to chair the event. The Village will reschedule the cleanup sometime this spring, we will keep you posted. Regardless, cleaning our beaches any time of the year is always a great thing to do.

At the Village Board Meeting on Tuesday September 10th seven Village employees were honored with certificates from the New York Conference of Mayors. These dedicated employees have served the Village for 25 years or more, and have made the Village a terrific place to live. I would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to Police Officers: Brian O'Connor (25 years), Michael Magerle (25 years), Jim Cox (35 years),
Sidney Lynn (35 years), Jeff Josephson (35 years) and Dennis Magerle (45 years). Barry Bradley, our Village's sanitation iron man has served the Village for 40 years, and Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian has served the Village for over 50 years. Thank you all for your commitment and dedication to the Village.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 6, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Although hurricane Dorian is expected to pass well to the south of the Village, we will still have moderate northeast winds which may result in washover at the seawall. High tide today is at 6:13pm, and on Saturday at 6:55am and 7:18pm. Although it is unlikely the road will need to be closed during the high tides, the possibility still exists. The most problematic periods are approximately two hours before and after each high tide. Real-time road announcements will be posted here on the Asharoken website, and Tweeted via the Village Twitter account, @asharokenny. I encourage everyone to open a Twitter account and follow the Village for these important safety announcements.

I had a conversation today with the National Grid Northport power station plant manager. He informed me that NG has all of the needed permits, has secured a contractor, and is expected to start placing sand on the sound-side beach starting after October 1. The 45,000 cubic yards of sand placement will start at approximately 100 Asharoken Avenue and continue as far west as possible.

Sound-side residents should expect a letter from NG in the next few weeks with more details of the project.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 30, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish everyone a very happy Labor Day and express gratitude to the American workers who have provided strength and prosperity for this amazing country.

Keep in mind that schools open next week, so please use extra caution driving in the mornings and afternoons while buses pick-up and drop off students.

Good luck to all the students for a successful school year!

Have a great weekend!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 9, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to update you on a few items the Village is working on.

1. The Village has drafted a new proposed soliciting law. Click here to read the proposed law. The Village will be holding a public hearing on September 10th to receive comments on the proposed law. If you prefer you can send written comments to nrittenhouse@asharokenny.org.

2. On or about October 1st National Grid will commence placing 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Sound side beach. The deposit will start in the vicinity of the nature preserve and continue westward for as far as possible. More information will be forthcoming.

3. The Village, the Town of Huntington, the NYSDEC and the ACOE had a very productive phone conference in June to discuss the seawall restoration. The ACOE is expected to commence work shortly on a study to examine various remediation plans and look for the best solution to the beach erosion and the failing seawall. The study will be fully funded by the federal government. As more information becomes available I will be letting you know. I would also like to thank Huntington Supervisor Chad Lupinacci and the Town Board for continuing to share the cost of our consultant, First Coastal, who is advising us on the ACOE recommendations.

Finally, I am happy to report that the two surviving osprey chicks from the Duck Island nest are doing well.

It is supposed to be a great weekend, enjoy.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 15, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I received a call last week from Damon McMullen, the Mayor of Northport, informing me that the Northport Fire Department will shortly be expanding its paramedic coverage to 24 hours a day. This is a great idea and will ensure the fastest possible EMS response to medical emergencies at any hour. I would like to thank Chief John Jacobsen and the men and women of the NFD for the fantastic job they do providing fire and ambulance services for Asharoken.

Have a great day!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 12, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

On June 20th Village Attorney Bruce Migatz received a letter from a law firm representing an exterminating company, Aptive Environmental, that obtains much of its business by doing door-to-door solicitation. The letter requested that the Village suspend enforcement of its solicitation ordinance immediately because the Village law's complete ban on door-to-door solicitation violates the First and Fourteenth amendments of the US Constitution. The letter threatened legal action if the Village did not comply. To emphasize that this was not an idle threat, the letter documented recent legal actions and decisions taken against the Villages of Poquott, East Rockaway and Floral Park. These Villages had laws similar to ours that were deemed too restrictive. At the Board of Trustees meeting Village Attorney Migatz reported that North Hempstead, Bellerose, Malverne, Great Neck, Lattingtown, Lloyd Harbor, Lynbrook and Munsey Park also had their soliciting ordinances challenged by Aptive. There may be others as well. He also reported that those villages that ignored the letter from Aptive's counsel wound up in litigation and paying legal fees to Aptive Environmental.

Based on this information and advice of counsel, the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to suspend enforcement of the existing law and immediately commence work on amending the existing ordinance. We are working on the amendment to our existing law and a resolution to adopt the amended law and will schedule a public hearing soon.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 1, 2019

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday the Village was hit by one of the most intense summer storms in recent memory. The rain and wind had the intensity of a hurricane. Parts of the Village and Eaton's Neck are still without power, but PSEG is working very hard to restore it as soon as possible. Many trees in the Village were also damaged or destroyed . If you require any assistance from the Village please give us a call at 631-261-7098 or contact the Asharoken Police Department at 631-261-7400. I am sure that by Thursday this all will seem like a distant memory.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 28, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I want to remind everyone that management of 4th of July bonfires is critical to everyone's safety and the continuation of this spectacular tradition. All fires must be located by the mean high tide line, can not exceed 6' in height and can only be lit if there is an offshore wind. Should the wind conditions not allow for fires, the police department will blow three air horn blasts canceling the fires at 8pm. Please do not light your fire before 8pm. Click here for the full list of guidelines. This weekend would be a good time to get your pile in the proper location. I ask everyone to cooperate with the police department if they ask you to make modifications to your fire. If we all use common sense we will have another fantastic, incident free 4th of July. Thanks in advance for your understanding and assistance.

I have some interesting bird news to share as well. Congratulations to Dee Lento and Trisha Hakker for both sighting and photographing a Brown Pelican that was in the Village several weeks ago. This is a really rare bird for Asharoken and even possibly a first for the Village. Nice Birding! Our four Osprey nests all have chicks. I do not have an exact count yet but two of them have at least two chicks.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 21, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

It is hard to believe but in only two weeks we will once again have our spectacular 4th of July celebration. In order for the Village to continue to have its traditional bonfires, everyone must do all they can to make sure safety comes first. The Village has prepared guidelines for the bonfires which everyone must comply with. The two most important are that the bonfires cannot be more than six feet high and must be situated approximately at the mean high tide line. Click here for the full list of guidelines.

I am writing today to give you plenty of time to plan ahead and properly locate your bonfire before July 4th. The police department will be inspecting the bonfires on July 4th; if yours is not in compliance, please follow their instructions to assure a safe holiday. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Wishing everyone a terrific weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 14, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

On June 10th, I joined with a group of mayors, municipal and county leaders from across the nation to urgently request the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund be fully funded and made permanent. I firmly believe that the heroes of 9/11 deserve to know that they will have the medical monitoring and treatment for their 9/11-related injuries and illnesses for the rest of their lives. Click here to read our letter to Congress.

I would like to wish all of the dads and granddads in Asharoken a very happy Father's Day!

Best regards
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

Asharoken Memorial Day

May 24, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a terrific Memorial Day weekend. We remember all the women and men who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our country. Their ultimate sacrifice made the liberties and freedoms we have today a reality.

We hope you enjoy the beautiful weather over the weekend and kick off the unofficial start of another awesome Asharoken summer.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 10, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Thank you for following our new dual-stream recycling program. Although it is more work to separate the recyclables, the amount collected has not dropped off since single-stream ended in January. Recycling continues to be important for both the environment and helps reduce taxes so please continue to recycle. Paper products (newspapers, magazines, unwanted mail, computer paper, shredded paper) are important as the Village is paid $33 per ton for them. The remaining recyclables are disposed of at a lower cost than regular trash and save the Village money. Please recycle as much as you can!

The Village installed a kayak rack behind Village Hall two years ago. If you would like to enjoy access to Northport Bay, consider leaving your kayak at Village Hall. A seasonal permit is $25, which includes parking at Village Hall during your time on the water.

I would like to wish all our Moms, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers a very Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy!

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 22, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

It is my pleasure to provide you with the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2020. Click here to view the Tentative Budget in detail.

This budget proposes a 0% tax increase and a tax levy that stays under the NYS 2% Tax Cap Law. This is the fourth consecutive 0% tax increase and the seventh consecutive budget I have presented that stayed under the NYS Tax Cap. In addition every year the Office of State Comptroller performs a Fiscal Stress test on local governments and for the fifth year in a row Asharoken was awarded the highest possible rating, "No Designation".

The Tentative Budget maintains all of the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs without raising taxes for the next fiscal year.

I would like to highlight several items in the Tentative Budget that changed from last year. The largest expense increases were in health insurance, and fire, EMS and paramedic services. Our health insurance increase is due to higher insurance rates and adding a new full-time police officer to the plan to replace a retired officer. The fire and EMS contract with the Village of Northport increased based on the five year contract. Smaller increases occurred in administrative costs, payroll increases, audit expenses, sanitation, and insurance. Offsetting these increases were reductions in police personnel, police and fire retirement and social security. Police and sanitation fuel were also reduced due to our shared service program with the Village of Northport.

The Village will reserve funds for mandatory police radio upgrades, future highway projects and unpaid benefits (police retirement costs).

Several adjustments were also made on the revenue side with a significant increase in interest income. The Village is working closely with our financial representative to ensure we receive the highest interest rates possible.

I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Together they have worked on the last eleven budgets and their expertise really shows.

The Village will hold a public hearing on the budget on April 2, at 6:30pm. Should you have any comments please email me at gletica@asharokenny.org. I look forward to hearing your comments either by email or at the public hearing.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to thank you for adapting so well to the new dual stream recycling program. Although it is more work than the previous single stream program, everyone has managed to switch over seamlessly. I would like to encourage you to recycle very aggressively. Not only is it good for the environment but it also reduces our costs.

The Board of Trustees has scheduled a required special meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 4pm where the Village Clerk and Treasurer will present the budget to the board for review. The Board will review the tentative budget and make necessary changes. The adjusted tentative budget will then be presented at our public hearing held on April 2nd at 6:30pm. A copy of the tentative budget packet will be emailed and posted on the website for your review prior to the public hearing.

I would like to congratulate Asharoken resident and Newsday editorial cartoonist Matt Davies for being awarded the Herblock Prize for excellence in editorial cartooning. He has now become the first two-time recipient of this prestigious honor. Matt has also been awarded a Pulitzer prize. You may not always agree with Matt's point of view but you have to marvel at his wit and insight into the political world. Great job Matt!

This week an otter was seen and photographed in the pond behind Kew Court by Jack Maniscalco. This is the first time I have heard of an otter sighting in the Village. We can expect to have our Osprey return in the next 10-14 days. If that isn't a sure sign of spring, what is?

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

February 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

Late last year, the Village and Town jointly wrote to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) requesting them to contact the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) to create a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) to restore the seawall and beach seaward of it. After the DEC reviewed our initial letter dated November 29th below, they requested that the Village and Town make several changes to better conform to the language that the ACOE prefers.

The amended letter is very similar to the first one. The differences are that in the amended letter the Village and Town are asking for specific generic considerations to be included in the LPP instead of asking for the ACOE to study and review the generic considerations. Below is the full text of the amended letter dated January 31st, which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 5th meeting and sent to the DEC. As I've communicated earlier, the completion of the LPP will take many months. The Village will keep you updated on the progress.

Have a great weekend.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 11, 2019

Dear Neighbors:

At the Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 15, a public hearing will be held on Local Law No. 1 to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. Click here to read the full text of Local Law No. 1. This is the first step in the budget process that the Village has used for the last six years. Fortunately it has never been needed. This legislation provides the village with the financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by New York State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses arise or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal cost, police overtime should we have a significant storm or other unanticipated fiscal events.

The village is in the very earliest phases of determining the 2019-2020 budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the village intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. Just as the village has to finalize the assessment roll, determine expense budgets and revenue streams, the proposed law is part of the Village's due diligence to prepare a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the Village to adopt the law with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed.

Should a tax increase be required, the Board of Trustees will do its best to minimize it. This is even more of a priority now with the cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes on your federal income tax return. Asharoken has a long history of fiscal conservatism. During the last six years when I have been Mayor the average tax increase has been 1.12% and there has been no increase for the last three years. The Board and I will be striving for similar results for the new budget.

Have a great week and stay warm,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 14, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

On December 5th the Village and the Town of Huntington sent a joint letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to formally request the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) to develop a plan to fix the failing seawall and eroded beach seaward of it. The letter asked the ACOE to evaluate different types of durable structures, analyze the effectiveness of a cobble beach and consider a plan to elevate Asharoken Avenue in the seawall area. Click here to read the full letter.

The seawall is at the end of its life expectancy. Serious corrosion at the top of the sheet steel resulted in 5 steel caps torn off the wall by waves this year. The beach in front of the wall has eroded causing a sinkhole landward of the sheet steel, the displacement of several large boulders facing Long Island Sound and the persistent overtopping of the wall by waves and water. Several cars have been forced off the road due to the overtopping and resulted in the need to rescue the occupants. Last August the Village and Town jointly repaired the sinkhole. The overtopping was severe enough during the last two nor'easters to result in closure of the road for a total of 9 hours. In addition, the overtopping causes erosion of sand on both sides of the roadway.

We have reached a point where a plan must be developed and implemented to fix the seawall and the beach in front of the wall. Failure to mitigate these issues will ultimately result in failure of the wall and possible loss of Asharoken Avenue in this area. The present situation poses a risk to the safety and well-being of everyone, including first responders, who have to drive through this area during windy to stormy days.

Once the Village and Town receive a plan from the ACOE we will evaluate the options presented, costs associated with the project and every means to seek grants and other funding to pay for the project. It is likely that a final solution will be several years down the road. I must be clear at the beginning of this process: the project may cost the Village a substantial amount of money, may require acquisition of real estate by the seawall area only, and may require public access on the beach, in the seawall area only, if the beach seaward of the seawall is restored. These are all issues that will be addressed at the appropriate time. For now, the Village is waiting to hear back from the ACOE regarding their proposed plan.

I am pleased that the Town has partnered with Village to seek a plan to the seawall issues. Together we have fixed the sinkhole, shared the cost of our Coastal Engineer and worked to clean the road following washover events. This is the first time since the seawall was constructed in 1994 that the two municipalities have partnered in this manner.

It is the responsibility of the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to ensure the safety of our residents and the members of the surrounding community who must drive past the seawall every day, as well as to protect the infrastructure of Asharoken Avenue. As I receive updates from the ACOE they will be shared with you.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 7, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

The Village is now officially using dual stream recycling. On Wednesday, December 12th Barry will pick up metal/plastic and glass only. The following week, December 19th will be for paper/cardboard. All glass must be separated from the metal/plastic and be placed in a separate bin. The metal/plastic can be commingled in its own bin. All containers must be rinsed clean. The recycling center will not accept materials that are not properly sorted and cleaned. Therefore, the Village is unable pick up recyclables that are not clean and properly sorted. If you have any questions, please call Village Hall at 631-261-7098. I would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation as the Village transitions into the new recycling protocol.

At the Village Board of Trustees meeting on December 4th, the Village's new full-time police officer, Patrick Rogin, was officially sworn in. Attending the ceremony were Patrick's wife, son, mom and dad. Offficer Rogin was a NYC police officer for the last five years, is a member of the East Northport Fire Department and also previously taught high school tech for two years. I expect that Officer Rogin will be a terrific addition to the Village police department and I would like to wish him all the best. At the same meeting the Village also presented letters of recognition to Officers Sid Lynn and Joe D'Alessandro for their heroism and quick thinking in putting out a shed fire during the nor easter on October 27. Their quick action prevented the fire from reaching the house. Another great job by two of Asharoken's finest.

Please don t forget that on Sunday, December 16th Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting Asharoken. The afternoon kicks off at 2:30pm with the a cappella group "Valance" singing seasonal music. This is their third year performing and they are a real treat to listen to. Santa is scheduled to arrive at 3:30pm. There will be refreshments and treats as well. This is a great event for kids of all ages and I look forward to seeing you there.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Village Trustee Laura Burke:

November 16, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to give you all some advance notice that our recycling program will likely be changing in the New Year. You may have seen the articles in Newsday about the ceased operations of Green Stream Recycling in Brookhaven resulting in the end of single stream recycling. In all likelihood, the Village will be returning to dual stream recycling, alternating between collecting paper one week and plastic the next. Because of the lack of markets for recycled products, the Village unfortunately will also have an increase in sanitation collection costs. I will keep you informed as we get more details in the next few weeks.

Trustee Laura Burke
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 9, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

I would like thank all of the Village's Veterans for their service to our country. Your patriotism, sacrifice and heroism have made America free and safe. We really appreciate all you have done.

Two weeks ago the Village was struck by a powerful nor'easter with strong winds and tides that may have been the highest since superstorm Sandy. The Village police department once again did an excellent job under very challenging conditions. Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian wrote the following in his monthly activity report:

On October 27th a nor'easter struck the village and necessitated a road closure at the seawall for approximately five hours during the afternoon. During this time officers stationed at the seawall responded to a generator and shed fire next to a house on Bevin Road West. Officers Joseph D'Alessandro and Sidney Lynn were able to proceed past a road obstruction involving a fallen wire, pole and tree. The officers were able to knock down the fire with fire extinguishers, and prevent the house from catching on fire. Northport Fire Department responded but their apparatus was unable to pass the road obstruction.

I would like to commend and thank Officers D'Alessandro and Lynn for doing an amazing job. One of the big advantages of our police department is that many of our officers are also firemen and when they respond to a situation such as this they have the expertise to deal with it.

In other police news, on October 30 the members of the department attended an all-day special training session at Village Hall. Suffolk County Police Academy and our own officer D'Alessandro conducted training on CPR, defibrillator, Narcan and first aid. This was a very valuable session for the Village's officers.

The Village is lucky to have such a well trained and dedicated police force led by Officer-in-charge Ray Mahdesian. If you need assistance or see anything suspicious happening in Asharoken please do not hesitate to give them a call. The police phone number is 631-261-7400.

Congratulations to Carole Casamassima and Jean Bonawandt for hosting the best ever Asharoken Holiday Party. Approximately 130 residents attended and had a great time socializing, enjoying dinner and dancing the night away. Both Carole and Jean did an amazing job organizing the party and assembling the beautiful raffle baskets. Besides being a wonderful evening, sales of raffle tickets raise money to support the Village's annual fireworks display. Last year, raffle tickets raised $8,000.

Have a great weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 26, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report that the repaving of Asharoken Avenue from 232 to 355 was done very efficiently and without much impact on traffic. Thanks to a $50,000 grant secured for the Village by NYS Senator Carl Marcellino and the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funds, this important $115,650 project resulted in a net cost to the Village of approximately $11,500. The needed funds will be paid out of a reserve account, therefore this project will have no impact on property taxes.

The weather forecast is predicting a nor'easter for Saturday October 27. Strong northeast winds will lead to higher than normal tides and problematic driving conditions in the seawall area. High tide is at 1:30pm on Saturday. Depending on conditions, the seawall area is subject to closure. It is advisable to avoid the seawall area for at least 1 1/2 hours before and after high tide. Any temporary road closure and reopening will be posted on Twitter @asharokenny and posted to the website. I recommend that you open a Twitter account and follow the Village, as well as watch asharoken.com for real time road information.

I hope that everyone has a nice weekend.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

October 12, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

On September 6 at 2pm, the Village opened the bids for its next section of road resurfacing from 232 to 355 Asharoken Avenue. Also included in this project will be a repair of Bevin Road near Kew Court. The lowest bidder was Poscilico Civil Inc. who has done work for the Village before. The Village worked with Poscillico Civil Inc. to lower its price by $4,000 and to include pavement markings.

A large portion of the cost of this
American Kestrel
American Kestrel
project will be paid for by a $50,000 SAM grant that NYS Senator Carl Marcellino was instrumental in getting for the Village and accumulated CHIPS funds. I would like to thank Senator Marcellino for his continued support of the Village. The Village's cost for this project after applying both the SAM grant and CHIPS fund will be $11,500 which will be funded using our Highway Reserve account.

The tentative start date for this two-day project is likely to be next week, we will keep you informed. This is the fourth phase of a long-term resurfacing program of Asharoken Avenue that began in 2014. For the final resurfacing section the Village has secured a $70,000 Multi-modal grant which will be used towards the cost of completing the next section from 355 to 499 Asharoken Avenue.
Black-Throated Blue Warbler
Black-Throated Blue Warbler
We anticipate this section to be completed in the next year or two.

The Village has been able to do this work without incurring any debt and not increasing taxes for the last three years thanks to careful fiscal management. I would like to give a big thank you to Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse. She was instrumental in securing the $50,000 grant and also put together the bid package. Another terrific job by Nancy.

As I write this note the first strong cold front of the fall season has rolled through the Village. This is a lovely time of year in Asharoken and often is a good time to see migrating birds on their way to their winter homes. Two neat birds that I saw last week were an American Kestrel and a Black-Throated Blue Warbler. I've included a couple of photos to share these two beautiful birds with you.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 28, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

On Saturday, September 22, the Village held its Annual Coastal Cleanup. Over 200 volunteers participated and collected debris from Crab Meadow Beach to Hobart Beach, filling a 20 yard dumpster donated by the Town of Huntington. The Coastal Cleanup event has really made a significant difference and continues to improve the marine environment.

I would like to thank the following residents for a fantastic job organizing and running the event; Deb Masterson, Cathy Zimmermann, Lucy and Matt Davies, Karen and Eric Flood, Michele and Joe Tilleli, Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Peggy Greenlees, Tracy Ayer, Joan Ettinger and Trustee Mel Ettinger. The Coastal Cleanup involves many levels of responsibility and our volunteers do an amazing job at making it a truly successful event for parents and especially students in our community who look forward to this event for community service credit. We thank all of you.

I would also like to thank Town of Huntington Supervisor Chad Lupinacci, Deputy Supervisor Pat Delcol and Director of Maritime Services Ed Carr for their contributions to the event. Year after year the Town of Huntington has provided the 20 yard dumpster for the collected debris and opens up the pavilion at Asharoken Beach for our volunteers. Thank you for sharing your services with the Village. Wishing you all a great weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 18, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Yom Kippur a happy holiday.

Our Annual Coastal cleanup is Saturday, September 22 from 9am to 4pm. (Rain date September 23). The sign-in table is located at Asharoken Beach in the parking lot next to Village Hall. Volunteers are available to answer all your questions. This is an excellent opportunity for students to earn community service hours; certificates will be issued.

Plastic has become a major source of ocean pollution; let's all make a difference by taking part in cleaning washed-up debris. All debris collected will be weighed and placed in a 20 yard dumpster supplied by the Town of Huntington.

Whether you decide to clean up your own beach or a nearby local beach, every bit makes a difference to preserve our marine environment. Enjoy and have fun.

Wishing everyone a great day!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Sid Lynn and Jim Cox are recognized

September 11, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Seventeen years ago today the World Trade Center was attacked. Today, once again, we remember the innocent people who perished and the incredible bravery of the first responders who went into the buildings to try to save their lives. The families and friends who lost loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers on this day of remembrance.

We will never forget.

Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

September 9, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very happy holiday and a healthy new year to follow.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Sid Lynn and Jim Cox are recognized

September 7, 2018

Dear Residents:

Two of our officers, Sid Lynn and Jim Cox were honored this week by Councilwoman Joan Cergol for rescuing paddle boarders in distress in July. Both Officer Lynn and Officer Cox did an outstanding job responding immediately to help residents in a difficult and possibly serious situation. We are fortunate to have our police department that can provide a quick response to water rescue calls, aided calls and other concerns that our residents may have. When in doubt call the police: 631-261-7400. They are here for you. Congratulations to Officers Lynn and Cox.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 31, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

This summer has brought some very hot days, a wonderful Fourth of July and plenty of Osprey offspring. This weekend marks the unofficial end of summer, but we are lucky to have September, the best month of the year to enjoy our beautiful beaches.

Let's participate in keeping our beaches clean by volunteering for the Coastal Clean-up which will be held on Saturday, September 22 from 9am to 4pm, rain date Sunday September 23. This is a terrific event to help clean our beaches and improve the environment. Students who participate will receive service credit hours. More details will follow.

School opens next week, I would like to wish all of our students a successful year. Please drive carefully.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Labor Day Holiday.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

August 14, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

On August 9, 2018 the Village of Asharoken in partnership with the Town of Huntington completed the repair to the seawall which protects Asharoken Avenue near Bevin Road. A sinkhole at the seawall had formed landward of the steel sheeting. The project was overseen by Aram Terchunian of First Coastal Engineering. Approximately 180 tons of bedding and cap stone were placed into the sinkhole to support the exposed steel sheeting significantly improving the protection of the roadway, the seawall and public safety. This repair is only a temporary solution to prolong the lifespan of the failing seawall prior to a new permanent replacement.


I would like to thank Huntington Supervisor Chad Lupinacci, Superintendent of Highways Kevin Orelli and all the staff of the Highway Department for their incredible assistance on this project. The Village purchased the materials and the town provided the machinery and labor to complete the two day project. Additionally I would like to thank our Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce for supervising the entire project and Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger for his work with the police department to assure traffic flow through the construction area. Finally, thanks to the members of Parking Lot 13 who kindly allowed the Village to stage the materials on the property during the project.

The Village is working with the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding a plan to permanently replace the seawall. I will update you as more information becomes available.

Mayor Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 26, 2018

Dear Residents,

In an effort to keep you informed I have outlined the following;

Our Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration was a very successful one. The fireworks were spectacular and our tradition of bonfires was terrific. Everyone followed the guidelines relating to bonfires which made this year's event safe and enjoyable. Thank you for your efforts.

The village is always searching for ways to reduce costs and enhance shared services with our neighbors. Last week the Village signed an agreement with the Village of Northport allowing the Police and Sanitation fleet to fuel its vehicles at the Northport Facility. This shared service will reduce our fuel costs by approximately 33%.

We also researched ways to help reduce rising telephone costs and learned that the New York State Office of General Services offered lower bundled rates; our savings will be approximately 30%.

We will continue to explore cost-saving options and remain fiscally responsible to help offset mandated budget items.

Thank you and enjoy your summer.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

July 6, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that everyone had a great Fourth of July. It truly was a great day punctuated by a spectacular fireworks display by Grucci and our traditional bonfires. I would like to thank everyone for being so responsible with their fires and refraining from lighting off fireworks. Your cooperation assures the continuation of our Fourth of July tradition. I look forward to another fantastic celebration next year. Have a wonderful weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

June 29, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Next Wednesday is the 20th Annual Fourth of July celebration, our signature day of the year in the Village. The beach is always full of people, enjoying the sun and water and then by dusk, bonfires will dot the beach and the day will be capped with a spectacular fireworks display by Grucci. Carole Casamassima, Jean Bonawandt and Linda Letica did a phenomenal job raising $9,000 to cover the cost of the tugboat and barge.

I would like to remind everyone that our Fourth of July tradition of bonfires on the beach can only continue if everyone follows the guidelines. Click here for the full guidelines. Please comply with the information from our Police Department regarding the size and location of your bonfires. Safety has to be the number one priority, thank you so much for your cooperation.

I would like to emphasize that personal fireworks are against the law and are not allowed in the Village. The safety of our Village residents and their guests is our main concern.

We are fortunate to be able to continue our Fireworks tradition, let s all have a wonderful time. I wish everyone a very safe and Happy Fourth of July.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

Memorial Day

May 25, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day weekend. We hope you enjoy the nice weather and have a great time with your family.

I hope that you can find a moment to reflect on the sacrifices the brave men and women of the United States military have made over the years to protect the freedoms we all hold so dear. To all of our vets, I would like to thank you so much for your service.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

May 11, 2018

Dear Neighbors,
Wishing everyone a very Happy Mother's Day!

Mayor Letica
Loss of a Resident and Friend Steve Trombetti
May 7, 2018

Dear Residents,

I am saddened to announce the sudden passing of Steve Trombetti. For the past decade Steve created and ran the Village of Asharoken website, Asharoken.com. His efforts to make the website an outstanding source of Village information is a testimony to how much Steve loved the Village.

Asharoken's website was ahead of its time when it began and today is an example of how a municipal website should convey needed information to its residents. Steve really did an amazing job and the Village is extremely appreciative of his dedication to Asharoken.

Steve lived in Asharoken for 24 years with his life partner Eric. During his business career he served as VP of Communications for the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau and Director of Comunications of the American Hotel and Motel Association.

Mayor Letica

Services will be held at Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home, 5 Laurel Ave., Northport, NY 11768 on Wednesday, May 9 from 2-5pm and 7-9pm. website: nthfh.com
Remembering Steve Trombetti

May 9, 2018

How do you say goodbye to an Asharoken resident who volunteered himself daily for the past ten years and was a friend to so many people? I first met Steve Trombetti almost fifteen years ago while he sat at Village Hall greeting the residents and answering our phone calls ensuring the office stayed open in the Clerk s absence. He was a professional communicator.

It was June, 2008 when he launched the Village website www.asharoken.com in the spirit of open government. He used his professional experience to create a site easy to navigate (even choosing a color scheme that would be easy on the eyes), but more importantly, he validated and verified all the information he collected. Not only did he volunteer his time for the village, he gathered information from our surrounding communities creating a resource for library updates, utility updates, school updates, weather reports, etc. He was instrumental in all emergency communications. His services were invaluable as was his friendship.

I will forever miss my friend Steve for his kind words each morning and his breadth of knowledge when communicating with others. He was a friend who lifted my spirits, embraced successes and shared disappointments. I was fortunate to have a friend that gave so much of his own time in the service of others. He was a true volunteer in the community he loved dearly.

—Patricia Irving
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 30, 2018

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover. We hope that you have a great time enjoying these two special holidays with your family.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 23, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

It is my pleasure to provide you a copy of the Tentative Budget for fiscal year-end May 31, 2019: The Tentative Budget proposes a 0% tax increase and a tax levy that stays under the NYS 2% Tax Cap Law. This is the third consecutive 0% tax increase and the sixth consecutive budget I have presented that stays under the NYS Tax Cap. Because of the sound financial decisions the Village has made, Asharoken received the highest score, "No Designation", in the NYS Comptroller's annual municipal financial stress test for the four years that the analysis has been conducted, 2014 through 2017.

Significantly, the Tentative Budget maintains all of the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs without raising taxes for the next fiscal year.

I would like to highlight several items in the Tentative Budget that changed from last year. The largest expense increases were in Police Payroll, Health Insurance and Fire, EMS, & Paramedic Services. The Northport Fire Department has rolled out a new Paramedic Program which will provide paid paramedics to service our residents. Smaller increases occurred in Fire & Police Retirement, Police Equipment and Social Security costs. Offsetting a sizeable part of these increases were reductions in the Contingent Account, Snow Removal Costs, Village Hall Light and Power, Marine Repairs and Highway Maintenance. The Village will be funding its reserve accounts for Police Equipment, Highway Maintenance and Unpaid Benefits (Police Retirement Costs).

Several adjustments were also made on the revenue side with increases in Public Safety, Mortgage Tax and Interest Income. The Village is working closely with our financial representative to ensure we receive the highest interest rates allowed.

I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Together they have worked on the last ten budgets and their expertise really shows. The Village will hold a public hearing on the budget on April 3 at 6:30pm. Should you have any comments please email me at gletica@asharokenny.org. I look forward to hearing your comments either by email or at the public hearing.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

March 16, 2018

Dear Neighbors: I am writing to let you know that this week the Village received confirmation that the NY District Office of the Army Corps of Engineers wrote to the North Atlantic Division requesting the resumption of the study to focus on the area of the seawall as a locally preferred plan. I will update you as soon as the Village receives more information on restoration of the seawall. I would like to thank Congressman Tom Suozzi for his unwavering support of repairing the seawall area. I am sure that without the Congressman's assistance we would not have gotten to this important juncture.

I would like to thank everyone who recycles on a regular basis. Recycling is great for the environment and helps lower our taxes because we are able to dispose of recycling at no cost. Materials that should be recycled include plastic, glass and metal cans and bottles, newspapers, magazines, books, cardboard boxes, computer paper, unwanted mail and any other paper items. Click here for full details on recycling. Presently about 25% of our trash is recyclables but I know that as a community we can and should do better. The goal is to reach 40%. If you are not recycling please start as soon as possible. If you are recycling please strive to be even more aggressive. All recyclables can be commingled and must be placed roadside in a trash can, not plastic bags, every Wednesday. Thanks again for your participation and support.

Mayor Greg Letica
Joan Hauser: 1936 - 2018
Joan G. Hauser
Joan Hauser, a long-time resident of Asharoken, passed away unexpectedly in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on February 11. She was 81. Joan lived in the Village for 48 years; she is fondly remembered for volunteering her time for the good of Asharoken and the people who live here. Her work with the Asharoken Newsletter made a great contribution to the village, passing along news about residents, Village activities, Village projects, and always welcoming newcomers. Joan founded the newsletter and produced it for many years. She had a wonderful and talented way of expressing the happenings in Asharoken through her words.

Joan was a Master Gardener and an active member of the Asharoken Garden Club. She was also a writer, a pianist, an artist, a world traveler, a craftsperson, an art collector, and a voracious reader and book collector. Joan was also known for writing the wonderful historical novel A Life of Her Own.

Our sincere condolences go out to her husband of 61 years Dick, her children, and her entire family. Joan was a remarkable woman and everyone in Asharoken is better for having known her. We are so humbled by her kindness, compassion and generous volunteerism. She will be greatly missed and we are all saddened by her death.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 26, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Seawall Update:
On January 12, Supervisor Chad Lupinacci and I wrote to the NYSDEC asking them to contact the USACOE for their help in restoring the seawall area. Click here to read the letter. We asked that the ACOE conduct a study and create a Locally Preferred Plan for the seawall area.

I am pleased to report that the DEC has followed up on our letter and has written to the Corps relaying the Village and Town's request. This is an important first step in getting the seawall area restored. In the best case scenario it will be several months before we get confirmation from the Corps if it will commence a study and create a plan. I would like to thank Supervisor Lupinacci for this continued support and determination to get the seawall area restored.

Village Code:
Asharoken has joined many communities on Long Island by placing its Village Code on the eCode360 online platform. You can now access the Village Code via the Internet from any device at www.ecode360.com/AS1230. You can also access the Village Code from your mobile phone or tablet by downloading the free eCode Search App from Google Play (Android devices) or the Apple App Store (iOS devices).

The Village gets many benefits from this new system, including quick access to Village codes, the ability to compare our codes to those of other communities, immediate posting of new legislation, and user-friendly search capabilities.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 5, 2018

Dear Neighbors:

On Tuesday, January 9 at 6:30PM we are scheduled to have our next Board of Trustees meeting as well as a public hearing on local law 1-2018 to allow the Board of Trustees to override the NY State 2% tax cap. This is the standard first step in the budget process that the Village has gone through for the last five years. Fortunately overriding the tax cap has never been needed, since our village budgets have always been under the tax cap. This legislation provides the village with the financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses arise or revenue shortfalls occur prior to finalizing the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal costs, police overtime should we have a significant storm or other unanticipated fiscal events.

The village is in the early stages of determining the 2018-2019 proposed budget. I would like to stress that adoption of the override law should not be interpreted or assumed to mean that the village intends to have a tax increase above the 2% threshold. The village still has to finalize the assessment roll and determine expenditures and revenues. The proposed law is part of the Village's due diligence to prepare a realistic budget for the next fiscal year. It is in the best interest of the Village to adopt the law with the expectation that once again it will not be needed.

Should a tax increase be required, the Board of Trustees will do its best to minimize it. This is even more of a priority now with the cap on the deductibility of State and Local taxes on your federal income tax return. Asharoken has a long history of fiscal conservatism. During the last five years since I have been Mayor, the average tax increase has been 1.35% and there has been no increase for the last two years. The Board and I will be striving for similar results for the new budget.

Yesterday the Village was blasted by winter storm Grayson. Besides bringing heavy snow and wind the storm introduced us to two new vocabulary words: bomb cyclone and bombogenesis. Luckily the wind, although howling, was from the north-northwest and the impact from the waves was minimal. Grayson almost made you pine for the good old days of the polar vortex. Well pine no more as it will arrive tonight and usher in a frigid weekend. The good news is that by Monday things will warm up.

I would like to thank our new Huntington Supervisor Chad Lupinacci for calling yesterday just to make sure things were OK. Thanks to the Town's new Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli and his staff who did an excellent job keeping the road open. And last, thanks to PSEG who responded to two outages caused by fallen trees extremely quickly.

Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 28, 2017

Dear Neighbors,

Residents have asked the village if they can prepay their 2018-2019 property taxes. Unfortunately, the village cannot accept tax payments until a tax warrant has been issued. This is part of the budget process which will be completed in April of next year. Regarding Governor Cuomo's executive order, this only applies to villages having a fiscal year beginning January 1. Our fiscal year begins June 1.

I am happy to report that the village received a $70,000 Multi-Modal grant due to the efforts of NYS Senator Carl Marcellino. The village also received the completed contract for a $50,000 DASNY grant which Senator Marcellino helped us with last year. In addition the village receives funds from the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) through the NYS Dept. of Transportation. All of these funds will be used towards the repaving project of Asharoken Avenue this coming spring.

During the last six years the Village has received approximately $1,200,000 in federal, state and other aid. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, who has been instrumental in securing these funds for Asharoken.

Finally, Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. Keep warm!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Mayor Letica & Officer Josephson
Mayor Letica & Officer Josephson

October 6, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

The Village has concluded contract negotiations with the Asharoken PBA. At the October 3 meeting the Board of Trustees authorized the Mayor to sign the new four year contract. I would like to thank the PBA negotiating team for a very professional and respectful approach during our meetings. I was ably assisted in the discussions by Deputy Mayor Pierce.

The contract calls for a 2% per year pay increase for officers presently employed by the department. The salary for new full-time officers hired during the 4 years of the contract will remain the same as it was in the previous 5 years. A clause was added to continue health insurance at the Village s cost for the family of an officer who passes away while employed by the Village. This is a standard item found in most police contracts. The Village agreed to this addition because of the salary freeze for new full time officers. Small changes were made to the cleaning and clothing allowance, step raises for the part time officers and the addition of parent s in law for bereavement days.

I believe that this is a fair contract for both the Village and the PBA. The new contract will control long term costs and assure that Asharoken will continue to have the excellent PD for many years to come.

Yellowbreasted Chat
Yellowbreasted Chat
This time of the year is really special in Asharoken. Warm days, the crystal-clear sound and bay, and the glorious moon rising over the water confirm just how lucky we are to live here. It has been great to see an enormous number of Monarch butterflies in the Village once again. They have been scarce for the last couple of years.

On Sunday, Linda and I were lucky enough to spot a Bald Eagle flying over the Duck Island Causeway and during the week I found a Yellowbreasted Chat, which is the 175th bird species on the Asharoken all-time list. I hope everyone gets a chance to get outdoors and enjoy the lovely fall we are having.

Have a great weekend and Happy Columbus Day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 29, 2017

Dear Neighbors,

Chief of Police Henry Brooks
Chief of Police Henry Brooks
Let me start by saying that Linda and I would like to wish everyone celebrating Yom Kippur L'Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year).

This morning, the Village hosted a memorial service for former Chief of Police Henry Brooks. He started in the police department in 1964 and retired in 1992. He served as Chief for over fifteen years.

Today's service was attended by Henry's family, former Police Commissioner George Ayer, officers from the Suffolk County Police Department, the Northport Police Department and former and present members of the Asharoken Police Department. The service shed much light onto how special a person Henry was. He served the Village with distinction and was responsible for laying the foundation for the incredible force we have today.

It truly was an honor and pleasure to have known and worked with Henry.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 18, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

Seawall before repair
Seawall before repair
Last Friday, with the incredible assistance of Peter Gunther, TOH Superintendent of Highways, and members of the Highway Department, the Village completed the emergency remediation of the sinkhole at the Bevin Road Seawall. Following the instructions of the USACOE, the cap stones that had collapsed into the hole were carefully removed, approximately 1,400 sandbags were placed in the hole, clean upland sand was placed over the bags to create the proper grade, and the cap stones were replaced.

The USACOE is hoping that the sandbags will act as a plug and prevent the embankment material from being pulled out from under the sheet steel which originally led to the sinkhole. The first test of the repair will take place during the next couple of days with the waves from tropical storm Jose.

This repair is a stopgap measure and frankly there is no assurance that it will work. We will just have to wait and see how it holds up under real-world conditions.

I want to take a moment to thank Superintendent Pete Gunther for the terrific job he did. Less than two hours after the Village received the DEC permit to commence the project his crew was here and working.

Sinkhole filled with 1,400 sandbags
Sinkhole filled with 1,400 sandbags
Sinkhole repair completed
Sinkhole repair completed
In preparation, Pete already had the sandbags picked up, pre-filled and staged at the TOH highway depot so they were ready to go at a moment's notice. He was determined to get the work done prior to any effects from Jose. The support from the TOH for the residents of Asharoken and Eaton's Neck is really appreciated. I would also like to thank Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger for spending the day at the site supervising the project.

Tropical storm Jose will bring moderate to gale-force northeast winds and higher than normal tides for the next few days. Tropical storm conditions are also possible. The best way to keep informed in real-time about road conditions and other storm news is to follow the Village on Twitter at @Asharokenny and visit our website asharoken.com. This can be particularly helpful if you live past the seawall.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:


September 14, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

Asharoken Police Officer-in-Charge, Ray Mahdesian, was honored for his exceptional record of public service at the 9/11 memorial ceremony that was held last Saturday at Crab Meadow Beach. Northport Mayor George Doll, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Tim Sini and Northport Police Chief Bill Ricca were also recognized. Each received a flag that was flown at the 9/11 memorial located at Ground Zero.

Congratulations to Ray for this very well-deserved honor. We all know how dedicated Ray is to the Village and what a fantastic job he does leading our police department. It is nice that the communities beyond Asharoken have the opportunity to recognize Officer Ray Mahdesian's long time public service. Thanks again Ray for always being there for Asharoken.

New check valve installed on Asharoken Avenue
The Village recently had installed a custom made in-line check valve into a pipe that runs from two catch basins on Asharoken Avenue into a leaching pool behind Village Hall. In the past the roadway became flooded during exceptional high tide surges from Northport Bay. Installing this newly designed check valve will prevent the backflow of bay water on to our roadway.

Enjoy your weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 12, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

On Friday, September 8, the Village hosted an emergency planning meeting to review the Village's response to a major storm and a possible breach of Asharoken Avenue. Trustee/Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger, Village Emergency Manager Bill Raisch, Officer- in- Charge Ray Mahdesian, Storm Water Superintendent Avrum Golub and I were joined by: Town of Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone, Deputy Supervisor Pat Delcol, TOH Emergency Manager Betty Walsh, TOH Highway Supervisor Pete Gunther, TOH Maritime Director Ed Carr, USCG Senior Chief Tony Martinez, Northport Fire Department Chief s John Jacobsen and Dennis Sheridan, Eaton s Neck Fire Department representative Larry Cavanagh, Huntington Harbor Master s Office, USACOE, Suffolk FRES (Fire Rescue Emergency and Safety), Suffolk County Police Department Second Precinct and Homeland Security Emergency Services.

Bill Raisch led the discussion, which began with planning for a coordinated response commencing 72 hours prior to the event and proceeding through the actual response. The spirit of cooperation and common concern for the safety of the residents of Asharoken and Eaton's Neck was remarkable. Without a doubt, this meeting put the Village and Town in a much better position to respond to a serious storm.

The value of a meeting, like the one we had last Friday, is exemplified by what happened in the Village after Superstorm Sandy. In 1992 the Village had a very bad nor'easter which buried much of Asharoken Avenue in sand and telephone poles. A lack of a plan to respond to this type of event caused the road to be closed for over 3 days. Fast forward to August 2012, when again under the leadership of Bill Raisch, I hosted a meeting to plan for exactly the same type of event. When Sandy hit in October 2012 the same stretch of Asharoken Avenue was similarly rendered impassible by sand and poles. But unlike 1992 the road was reopened by noon of the day after Sandy. Planning really makes a big difference.

With the recent impacts of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma I encourage all residents in the Village and Eaton's Neck to plan for a serious storm. It is important to think about what supplies you may want to have on hand and in the unlikely need to evacuate a place to go. Staying safe should be your only priority.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 1, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

On Friday, August 25 the Village hosted a meeting with the US Army Corps of Engineers, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and elected officials from all levels of government to begin the process of fixing the failing sea wall. Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I were joined by Congressman Tom Suozzi, NYS Assemblyman Andy Raia, Town of Huntington Deputy Supervisor Pat Delcol, TOH Assemblywoman Tracey Edwards, TOH Assemblyman Mark Cuthbertson, ACOE NY District Commander Col. Tom Asbery and NYS DEC head of Coastal Management Sue McCormick. I would like to thank them for coming to the site for the inspection. The meeting was very productive and an excellent first step towards a resolution of the seawall issues.
Left to right: Assemblyman Raia, Councilwoman Edwards, Mayor Letica,
                         Colonel Asbery, Congressman Suozzi and Councilman Cuthbertson.
Photo: Pam Pierce
Left to right: Assemblyman Raia, Councilwoman Edwards, Mayor Letica, Colonel Asbery, Congressman Suozzi and Councilman Cuthbertson.
The consensus was that the sinkhole needs an emergency repair to stop it from enlarging and that in the long term the sea wall will need to be rebuilt. The Village is partnering closely with the ACOE and the Town of Huntington to formulate and implement the short-term solution to the sinkhole. I have to commend the ACOE for working in such an extremely cooperative way with the Village. As more information on both fronts develop I will keep you informed.

In closing, I would like to wish everyone a very happy Labor Day Weekend. Please keep in mind that schools open next week. School children and buses will be back on the roads so please drive with extra caution.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 18, 2017

Dear Neighbors: I am saddened to report the passing of former Asharoken Police Department Officer-in-Charge Henry Brooks. Henry served with distinction as an Officer in the department for many years prior to his promotion to OIC. He was instrumental in helping make the APD such a fine police force and his mentorship of the Village s present OIC, Ray Mahdesian, made for a seamless transition at the time of Henry s retirement. Thank you Henry for your dedication to the residents of Asharoken. On behalf of the Village I send my condolences out to the Brook s family.

The Village will be replacing the check valve in the storm water drain pipe located behind Village Hall. The new in-line check valve is designed to prevent salt water from entering the storm water drain pipe during astronomically high tides and storms to prevent back flooding of Asharoken Avenue. The new in-line check valve is easy to maintain and has worked well in other municipalities. The project will begin in the next several weeks.

In 2016 the Village applied for a highway improvement grant through Senator Marcellino s Office. This week the Village received confirmation that Asharoken has been awarded a DASNY grant of $50,000 through New York State. The Village also received confirmation of its portion of the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funding for 2017-2018. Both the grant and CHIPS funding will be used to repave a portion of Asharoken Avenue; the fourth phase of our highway improvement project. Our plan is to do the project this fall. I would like to thank New York State Senator Carl Marcellino for all his assistance with the DASNY grant for Asharoken.

Over the last five years the Village has received approximately $1,400,000 in Federal, State and other aid allowing Asharoken to dramatically improve its infrastructure while keeping tax increases at very low levels.

I wish everyone a great weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 8, 2017

During the Board of Trustees meeting held on August 1, the Mayor's report included information that I felt was important enough to share with the entire Village. This information pertains to the seawall which is located at the far end of Asharoken Avenue. For those of you who are new to the Village, the seawall was constructed and completed in 1995 to 1997 by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). The construction took place after the Nor easter of 1992 that destroyed the dunes protecting Asharoken Avenue. The design level of protection was expected to be approximately 15 years. It was repaired three times between 2007 through 2012.

In early June, during our periodic inspection of the seawall, we noticed that towards the center of the seawall a large depression (sinkhole) was developing landward of the seawall. We immediately reported the condition and sent photos to the NYSDEC and USACE. This new development could potentially be a very serious problem and jeopardize the entire seawall. In spite of the NYSDEC s best efforts, the Army Corps of Engineers did not follow up with an inspection in June or even early July. I sent a second notification in the form of a letter dated July 15 directly to the new Commander of the New York District Office of the USACE, Colonel Asbery. I explained our concern for the safety and well-being of several thousand Asharoken and Town of Huntington residents and enumerated the consequences of the potential failure of the seawall, and asked that the USACE evaluate the situation as soon possible. Click here to read a the full letter.

Congressman Tom Suozzi received a copy of the July 15 letter. I also reached out to the Congressman by phone and he immediately contacted the USACE. His intervention was critical in getting the USACE to schedule an inspection of the seawall by two engineers on July 27th. Congressman Suozzi has discussed with me how important it is to find a long-term solution to the seawall and that he will strongly advocate on behalf of everyone who depends on it. In April one of the steel caps separated from the seawall during a storm. I notified the Congressman and he immediately organized a large meeting in May with the Town of Huntington, USACE, NYSDEC, Coast Guard and other agencies to begin working towards a plan to repair the wall. There is no doubt that resolving the seawall problem is a top priority for Congressman Suozzi.

The engineer's preliminary summary of the situation was that the depression (sinkhole) is likely to progressively enlarge; the cause of the seawall damage is due to severe erosion of the shoreline fronting the seawall and the engineers recommend re-construction of the seawall and shoreline erosion control measures. Later this month a full scale inspection will take place. I will continue to keep you informed as new information becomes available.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 26, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day weekend. We would like to thank all the Veterans for their service and we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the values we hold dear as Americans. Without their patriotism and bravery our country would not be what it is today.

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer. We hope that you have a wonderful time with your family and enjoy everything that makes Asharoken so special.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 10, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

Santa visits Asharoken!
At the May 2 Board of Trustees Meeting, Carole Casamassima and Linda Letica were presented proclamations for their outstanding fundraising efforts to help support the Village's annual 4th of July fireworks event.

Carole has been organizing the "Save the Fireworks" committee since 2010 and has raised over $50,000 through raffles sold at the annual Asharoken Holiday Parties. Linda has been organizing the "AVT Shirts" committee since 2013 and has raised funds by offering a line of Asharoken clothing. This year "Save the Fireworks" donated $7,500 and "AVT Shirts" donated $1,000. Together these two donations cover the total cost of the barge and tugboat needed for the fireworks display.

I would like to thank Carole and Linda for their efforts as well as all the residents of Asharoken who have generously supported our Asharoken fireworks tradition. This year our fireworks event will take place on Tuesday, July 4 at approximately 9:15pm, and our rain date will be July 5.

Finally, to all the moms I wish a very Happy Mother's Day! I hope you enjoy your special day.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 21, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

Tomorrow is Earth Day which began in 1970 as an annual event to celebrate the planet's environment and raise public awareness about pollution. As a seaside community we have benefited greatly over the years as public concern for the environment has resulted in cleaner water and beaches. In the spirit of Earth Day I have two suggestions that we can consider to help make the environment even better.

The Village's single stream recycling program has been a success but I am sure we can do more. I encourage everyone who is not recycling to start as soon as possible and for those who regularly participate to become even more diligent. In March of 2015 the Village partnered with the Town of Smithtown and began Single Stream Recycling, which has benefited the Village in two ways. First, single stream recycling lowers our trash tonnage. Second, there are no tipping fees for our recyclable materials. Click here to view a copy of the recycling guide to help you realize just how much trash can be recycled. All of your recyclables can be comingled in one bin and are picked up every Wednesday.

Additionally pollution of the oceans, especially plastics, is a serious problem. Living by the shore you can help alleviate this problem by occasionally picking up all of the plastic and other trash that washes up on the beach.

We are all very lucky to live in such a wonderful place and everything that we can do as a community to get greener is to everyones benefit.

Wishing you a nice weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 10, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating Passover a very happy holiday!

On Friday, April 7th Deputy Mayor Pierce and I met with Supervisor Petrone and Congressman Suozzi to discuss the sea wall and Bevin Road intersection. The meeting was very productive and is tentatively scheduled to be continued on May 5th.

Enjoy your holiday!

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 7, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

On Tuesday the Village Board adopted the budget for 2017-2018. The budget has a 0% tax increase and is the second consecutive budget without a tax increase. For the last five years the average annual tax increase has been 1.35%.

This afternoon Deputy Mayor Pierce and I are meeting with Congressman Tom Suozzi and Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone to commence a unified effort to get the seawall area fixed. Pam and I will be taking the Congressman and Supervisor down to the seawall for a site visit and review the history of the area.

Finally, the Village has received, as of yesterday, 46 enthusiastic responses to Trustee Laura Burke's idea to construct a kayak rack at Village Hall. Trustee Burke will continue working on the proposal based on your interest.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Trustee Laura Burke:

April 6, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

The Board of Trustees is considering the idea of building a small kayak rack behind Village Hall for the use of our residents. We felt it would be especially nice for those residents who do not have water access. Before we proceed, can you please let us know if you support this idea. We will await your feedback before making a final decision. Please respond to my village email address lburke@asharokenny.org .

Thank you,
Laura Burke
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 31, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report the Village has received a grant in the amount of $19,413 from the office of Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota through the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Program. The Village will be using the funds to purchase two new radar units and install computers in its police cars. I would like to thank DA Spota for assisting the Village and Asharoken Police Department Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian for his hard work preparing the grant request.

It is also nice to see all three of the Village's Osprey nests occupied as of yesterday. The weather may not be cooperating but the Osprey are a sure sign of spring and warmer, nicer days to come.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Update from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:
2017-2018 Tentative Village Budget

March 23, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

It is my pleasure to provide you the Tentative Budget for fiscal year 2017-2018, having a 0% tax increase and a tax levy that stays under the NYS 2% Tax Cap Law. This is the second consecutive 0% tax increase and the fifth consecutive budget I have presented that stayed under the NYS Tax Cap. Unfortunately, 2016 was the last year of the tax freeze rebate checks. Because of the sound financial decisions the Village has made, Asharoken received the highest score, No Designation, in the NYS Comptroller's annual municipal financial stress test for the three years (2014-2016) that the analysis has been conducted.

Significantly, the Tentative Budget maintains all of the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs without raising taxes for the next fiscal year.

During the last 4 1/2 years, while having historically low average annual tax increases, the Village has been able to construct Village Hall without using Asharoken taxpayer funds, repave much of Asharoken Avenue, purchase 4 new police vehicles, repair dangerous groins, rebuild dunes damaged by Sandy, fix non-functional catch basins and bolster the shoulder of Asharoken Avenue across from the sea wall. The new Village Hall's storage space made it possible for Asharoken to return all of its Village records from offsite storage and save monthly storage fees. All of this highlights that the Village can maintain low annual tax increases and still manage needed infrastructure improvements.

I would like to touch on items of the Tentative Budget that changed from last year. The largest expense increases were in Health Insurance, Police Salary, Police Retirement, Law Contractual, Fire & EMS Protection, Social Security, Insurance and Police Uniforms. Offsetting a sizeable part of these increases were reductions in Contingent Account, Net Professional Fees, Village Hall Light and Power, Records Management, Landfill Costs and Sanitation Fuel.

The Village will be funding its reserve accounts for Police, Sanitation and Marine Equipment, Highway Maintenance and Unpaid Benefits (Police Retirement Costs). Several adjustments were also made on the revenue side with increases in Mortgage Tax, Public Safety, Building Permits and Miscellaneous.

The key factor in balancing the changes in expenses and revenues from last year's budget to this year's was a substantial increase in the Village's Assessment. The increased assessment made it possible to keep the tax rate the same for this year as last year resulting in a 0% tax increase.

The Village is in excellent long-term financial shape. Asharoken's reserve accounts are robustly funded and will allow the Village to do future needed repairs, infrastructure improvements, replace vehicles, maintain Village Hall and cover retirement costs of our police department with very small to no impact on our annual tax rate.

I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Together they have worked on the last nine budgets and their expertise really shows.

The Village will hold a public hearing on the budget on April 4 at 7:30 pm. Should you have any questions or comments please email me at gletica@asharokenny.org . I look forward to hearing your comments either by email or at the public hearing.

Click here to view the tentative 2017-2018 budget packet.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 17, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to wish everyone a very happy St. Patrick's Day. Although it is hard to believe because of the recent snowy weather, spring officially begins on Monday. For all of you Osprey fans, next week is usually when they return to the Village. So, keep a sharp eye on the two Asharoken Avenue nests for their return.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 10, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I am happy to report that the Village has received $4,500 from the Justice Court Assistance Program. This money will be used to purchase new file cabinets for court records. I would like to thank Police Officer Brian O'Connor and Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse for their excellent work preparing the grant application.

Over the last five years Asharoken has received approximately $1,000,000 in federal, state and other aid. These grants have allowed the Village to complete many large projects and still keep our property tax increase at a very low level.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 6, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report we just received notice from the NYS Comptrollers office that once again the Village has received the highest score of "No Designation" in the annual 2016 municipal financial stress test. The Village has received the best score of "No Designation" every year the stress test has been conducted. The Village's very strong financial position and longstanding history of fiscal conservatism has been confirmed by the NYS Comptroller.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 17, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

According to the NYSDEC approximately in 1969 deer hunting with the use of a long bow was approved for all of Suffolk County. From that date till now deer hunting, under the regulation of the NYSDEC, has been permissible in Asharoken. In the last two years, a small number of Village residents have expressed concern about deer hunting in the Village. I have looked into this situation and have the following to report.

At the December Board of Trustees meeting I asked the Village Attorney, Bruce Migatz, to research if the Village of Asharoken could prohibit or regulate deer hunting by the use of a long bow. Mr. Migatz's legal opinion is that the New York State preemption doctrine prevents the Village from prohibiting deer hunting or regulating deer hunting by the use of a longbow within the Village of Asharoken. Click here to read the memorandum from Mr. Migatz on deer hunting.

In January, the Village received a NYCOM Bulletin which had an article on deer management. Click here to read the NYCOM article. This article affirms Mr. Migatz's opinion stating, "Local governments don't have the authority to specifically restrict or prohibit hunting except on their own land; that authority rests with the state."

Therefore, unless New York State passes a law authorizing the Village of Asharoken to prohibit/regulate deer hunting it will remain and will be regulated by the NYSDEC.

Because the Village has the authority to prohibit hunting on its property, I will propose a resolution at the next Board of Trustees meeting to formally prohibit deer hunting in the Nature Preserve, on the Village Hall property and on the other small Village parcels.

As a private property owner you decide who you allow on your property and therefore you can control deer hunting on your own land. Additionally, most of the properties in the Village are not acceptable to hunt on due to the required NYSDEC 150' setback from a neighbor's structure.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 9, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to report that due to the efforts of Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian, Police officer Brian O'Connor and Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse the Village has been able to secure three grants in the amount of $32,713 for the police department and court.

The Village received $19,413 from Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas J. Spota from Asset Forfeiture Funds to equip three of its cars with new computer systems and to provide the village with two new traffic radar units.

The Division of Criminal Justice Services has granted the Village $8,800 for police protective equipment.

And finally, the Office of Court Administration has awarded the Village $4,500 to replace the court's old filing cabinets.

I would like to thank Ray, Brian and Nancy for a job well done.

One of my priorities for a long time has been to have a trained and available backup sanitation truck driver to cover the Village in the unlikely event that Barry would need time off. Over the summer the Village hired a new employee. He received his CDL license, became familiar with driving the truck and the pick-up route. Last week the plan paid off as he filled in for Barry on Wednesday and Thursday. We now have a backup plan for sanitation pickup. I hope that everyone has a nice snow day and considers just hunkering down until the storm passes later this afternoon.

Best regards
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Mayor Greg Letica:

January 13, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

On January 10 the Village Board of Trustees approved resolution (2017-07) that stated in the last paragraph, "Now Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Village of Asharoken considers the Village Agreement to be terminated by the action of the Department of Army and no further action will be taken by the Village of Asharoken with respect to the Feasibiltiy Study." Click here to read the full resolution.

The decision to take no further action on the ASDRP was based on surveying the residents and holding a public hearing, something I promised the Village I would do prior to deciding how to proceed.

On December 20 Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, Kathy Martin, Michele Tilleli and John Lento tabulated the results of the 427 surveys. I would like to thank Kathy, Michele and John for the careful and conscientious help in this project. The preference of the respondents was an overwhelming no to going forward with the project. I would like to review a few of the statistics that came out of the survey. Overall 61% of the 427 surveys were returned and 85% of the returned surveys were against going ahead with the ASDRP. Interestingly, approximately 90% of the homes that own Long Island Sound beach property and responded were opposed. Had the remaining 23 sound side properties responded in the affirmative the overall opposition would have still been 73%. 50% of the beach lot owners responded of which 90% were opposed to the project. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to review the fact sheet and respond.

The responding property owners sent a comprehensive, resounding, unambiguous and nearly unanimous message to the Board of Trustees; We do not want to do the ASDRP. You were heard loud and clear.

On January 4, the Village held a public hearing on the ASDRP and the sentiments expressed by the 15 residents who spoke mirrored the survey with 13 opposed to going forward and 1 in favor and 1 undecided. The meeting room at the National Grid power plant was full. Several people asked why the Village needed to hold the public hearing in light of the survey results. That happens to be a very easy question to answer. Due to the historic significance and long term impact that approving or rejecting the ASDRP will have on Asharoken the residents of the Village needed to be afforded every opportunity to appraise the Board of their desires. The public hearing was a critical component of that process. I thank everyone who either shared their opinions or just came to listen.

I would like to sincerely compliment the residents of Asharoken for their participation in the process to help guide the Board of Trustees in their decision on the ASDRP. You were engaged every step of the way, provided very helpful insight into aspects of the plan that otherwise may have gone unnoticed, communicated passionately to the board about how you felt, responded to the survey in very high numbers and provided polite, concise and clear comments at the public hearing. I will say that at times the discussions became rather lively but it was only because you are passionate about Asharoken and why shouldnt you be. We live in a unique community and your participation in this process should be a guide for other Villages to follow. Everyone who took time be involved in this historic decision should be proud of their efforts.

For the last sixteen years Asharoken has been debating what to do with the ASDRP project and the final chapter in this long and often contentious saga has finally been written.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Information on Tax Override Law 2017:

January 9, 2017

Dear Neighbors:

In each of the last four years, the Village of Asharoken has stayed below the New York State 2% tax cap. The four-year average tax increase was the lowest since 2002-2005 including last year's 0% tax increase. In addition, the New York State Comptroller has conducted two financial stress tests of local governments in the last four years and both times the Village received the best evaluation possible; No Designation.

Tomorrow evening the board will hold a public hearing on Local Law # 1 of 2017 authorizing a property tax levy in excess of the state tax levy limit. Click here to read the full text of Local Law #1. I would like to give you a little more information on the local law.

The local law is a routine step in the budget process. Overriding the tax cap for the property tax levy provides financial flexibility to do what is right for Asharoken without the constraints of an arbitrary tax limit imposed by NY State. Passage of this law gives Asharoken a safety net should unexpected expenses or revenue shortfalls arise prior to the adoption of the budget. Examples could include extreme snow removal costs, police overtime due to unanticipated events, etc.

The Village has adopted this law for the last four years and even though repealed the law for the tax freeze rebate program the Village still remained below the tax cap limit every year. The tax freeze rebate program has ended and the repeal process is not needed this year.

If the Village does not adopt the override law then the Village is required to remain under the tax cap for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2017. The Village can raise its tax levy approximately 1.24% in order to remain below the NYS 2% tax cap.

The Board will develop a tentative budget with the lowest possible tax increase that maintains the Village's services and ideally stays under the cap. Simply put, adopting Local Law #1 of 2017 is in the best interest of the Village with the hope and expectation that it will not be needed. The Village has a very long and proud history of fiscal prudence and I anticipate that this year will be no different.

Best wishes,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 22, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year. We hope that you have a wonderful time with your family and friends during this special time of the year.

Seasons Greetings,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 21, 2016

Dear Residents and Property Owners:

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the Village survey on the ASDRP project. The Village has prepared a spreadsheet detailing the results of the survey: Click here to view the spreadsheet.

Overall, 85% of respondents are not in favor of completing the ASDRP Feasibility Study and constructing the project while 15% are in favor. These results show that the overwhelming majority opposes the project. The results also mirror the public and written comments that have been communicated to the Board of Trustees through public meetings and written correspondence to date.

The survey will be used in conjunction with the scheduled public hearing on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 to guide the Board of Trustees in determining the future of the project. The public hearing will be held at 6:30pm at the Northport National Grid Power Plant located at 301 Waterside Avenue, Northport, NY 11768. A Photo ID is required for entry to the facility. For those who wish to speak at the public hearing they must write their name on the sign-in sheet which will be available starting at 6:00pm. In anticipation of many people speaking there will be a time limit of 2 minutes per speaker. If speakers have additional comments beyond the 2 minute limit they can be submitted in writing.

The Village received copies of two letters dated December 14, 2016 between the ACOE and the NYSDEC. Click here to read both lettters. In summary, the ACOE has formalized its decision to stop working on the Feasibility Study and the project at this time. Should the Village residents want to resume the ASDRP project in the future the NYSDEC has indicated that this is an option for the Village.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 16, 2016

Dear Neighbors & Property Owners:

I would like to thank everyone who has responded to the Village Survey on the ASDRP project. If you have not yet responded please do so by Monday, December 19. Your opinion and input is critical to helping the Board of Trustees make a decision on the project.

Don't forget that Santa and Mrs. Claus will be here on Sunday, December 18 at 3:30pm. The a cappella group "Valence" will be singing Christmas carols, and refreshments will be served. So round up your kids and grandkids and come down for a really nice time.

Wishing you all a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 6, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

For well over the last year I have assured you that when the time was right you would be asked to determine whether or not the Village should proceed with the Long Island Sound side beach restoration project. That time has arrived. As I also assured you the Village would solicit your input via both a survey and a public hearing. The official Village survey is being mailed to you today and a public hearing is scheduled for January 4, 2017 at the National Grid Power Plant in Northport at 6:30pm. These are the two metrics that the Board of Trustees will use to decide whether to proceed or terminate the project. Therefore, your participation is needed and crucial.

You may have received via email or regular mail a questionnaire from a private group of residents calling themselves the APOA. Please do not be confused by this. The APOA questionnaire is not from the Village nor will your responses to it be used by the Village to make any decisions. Your responses to their questions are only for the APOA s private use.

The decision to go forward with the beach restoration project, or terminate it, is likely the second most important decision, after Incorporating in 1925, in the history of the Village. Included with the survey is a fact sheet explaining the benefits, costs and drawbacks to the plan proposed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. There is additional information on the website at Asharoken.com. I am sure that you will consider all of the information carefully prior to responding. The deadline for returning your survey is December 19 and the Village expects to have the results available by December 22.

Asharoken has always distinguished itself as a community that is willing to work together and make the Village an even better place to live. This is the time for you to participate and convey your feelings to the Board of Trustees. Asharoken can then move forward with a decision that was made by all of us.

In advance, I would like to thank you so much for your assistance in making this very important decision that will affect the Village for years to come.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 5, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Regarding the ASDRP Survey:

It has come to our attention that the Asharoken Property Owners Association has sent out emails informing residents to fill out the Asharoken Property Owners Association (APOA) survey on line. Unfortunately this has caused confusion amongst residents in our Village. This is not the official ASDRP Survey.

The Board of Trustees will be mailing out the official ASDRP Survey tomorrow, Tuesday, December 6. A fact sheet along with a letter to residents and property owners will explain the survey process. All official Survey Forms with the Village Seal must be returned by December 19 to Village Hall, either by mail or can be dropped off.

The responses will be tallied and shared with all of you on or about December 22. In addition a public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 6:30pm at the National Grid Power Plant (Photo ID Required) for comments.

The survey results that will be used in making the final decision will be based on the official ASDRP survey from the Board of Trustees, so it is important that you respond to our official survey by December 19. Every Asharoken property will be mailed an official survey. Each property will have one survey response.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 2, 2016

A new sign for our Village
A new sign for our Village
Dear Neighbors:

New Sign:
I would like to thank Mike Mere, an Asharoken resident, for generously donating the beautiful new Asharoken welcome sign that marks the entry to our Village. The previous sign was damaged by a snow plow last winter.

Sand Replenishment Project:
The sand placement project is going well with about 34,000 cubic yards of sand placed to date. The expected completion date is December 12.
More sand to replenish the beach
More sand to replenish the beach
The photo shows the sand pile currently in the boat ramp parking lot that will be spread on the beach in the next two weeks.

ASDRP Project:
Finally, the ASDRP survey on the beach restoration will be mailed out Tuesday, December 6. The mailing will include a FACT SHEET on the ASDRP project and a survey form. Each property will receive one survey form. Your input is critical to assist the Board on whether or not to continue with the ASDRP project. Please read all the information carefully and return your survey in a timely fashion. A time line of dates will be included.

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 28, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Recently there have been stories in the press and on News12 about deer hunting in the Village. Although it may appear from these reports that there is a lot of hunting in Asharoken the truth is that the number of properties that allow hunting is extremely small. If you live on the strip it may appear that the deer population is very small but on Eaton's Neck, Bevin Road and Sandpiper Farm the herd of deer is substantial.

Deer are beautiful and graceful animals but they are also very problematic from the health and safety perspective for the human beings that they live alongside. Deer ticks are vectors for Lyme Disease and Babesiosis, both of which are very serious diseases that can have long-term health consequences. Many people and their children in Asharoken and Eaton's Neck have contracted these diseases. Auto accidents with deer, which are common, can lead to serious personal injury as well as costly damage to your vehicle. Deer are also a major nuisance by consuming expensive landscaping.

It is my opinion that doing nothing and allowing the deer population to grow unchecked is not in the best interests of the Village. For example, sharpshooters had to be brought into Lloyd Harbor last winter to control the deer population. Approximately 400 deer were culled. In addition the Village of Lloyd Harbor permits bow hunting for deer on private property. Asharoken must have a reasonable and safe way to manage the deer herd. Birth control and/or sterilization are ineffective and very costly, and even if implemented would take up to ten years to show any results. Unfortunately, hunting appears to be the only other viable option.

Recent events have illustrated that the NYSDEC regulation of a 150 ft. setback from a neighbor s house for bow hunting may not be sufficient for our Village. This regulation effectively limits hunting to very few parcels in the Village already. But it still may not be enough for the physical and psychological well-being of our residents. One option that the Village could consider is altering its code to mandate a 500 ft. setback from a neighbor's house for bow hunting. This was the previous DEC regulation. By enacting this hunting would be permissible only on Asharoken's very largest properties, and only with the permission of the owners. This could be tried out for a year to see how it works. Because any change to our Village laws will take several months to adopt, I would ask anyone who is now legally hunting to respect the concerns of your neighbors and work with them to minimize any problems.

I realize that the deer problem is very controversial but as a community we must approach it in a rational way that puts the safety and health of all of us first. I would like to hear your opinion on the setback change and any other ideas you may have on how to deal with this issue. You can email me at gletica@asharokenny.org.

On another note, last week the Village received a copy of a letter from the NYSDEC explaining exactly what is required from the Village in order for the ASDRP to go forward. Click here to read the NYSDEC letter. The Village responded to the NYSDEC this week: Click here to read our response. I anticipate that the Village will send out a survey to everyone on whether to go forward with the beach restoration project in the next couple of weeks.

Wishing you a great day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 23, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Living in Asharoken we all have so much to be thankful for.

We hope that you have a wonderful day with your family, filled with fun, great food and perhaps a little football too! Enjoy and be well.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Greg and Linda Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Friday, November 11, 2016


Thank you to all our Veterans past and present for protecting all of us and defending our freedom. We truly appreciate your service and dedication to our Country.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Thursday, October 28, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

The groin repair project is going very well. The focus has moved to the beach lot area and significant progress has been made this week.
Groin Repair
Groin Repair
The sand placement, after a slow start, has begun to move down the beach at a nice pace and has reached house 140. The consistent strong winds have made things a little challenging but the contractor and his crew have done a nice job. Next week National Grid informed us that the sand placement will begin earlier in the morning, at 5am to take advantage of the tides.

The Village staff and officials will be switching to a new email domain, asharokenny.org on November 1.

Carole Casamassima informs me that there are very limited number of seats available for the Holiday Party on November 5. If you would like to attend please call Carole at 631-261-1895.

Wishing you a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 14, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

I'd like to share with you two infrastructure projects currently underway in the Village.
  1. The Village hired a contractor to remove exposed steel from both concrete groins and timber groins. These groins were installed in the 1950s and are all located on the Sound-side beach. The concrete groins located between houses 100 and 138 all had exposed steel removed, and are now much safer. The week of October 24 the contractor will begin work on the timber groins in the beach lot area.
  2. Starting this week National Grid began placing 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Sound-side beach commencing at house 100. This is the third placement of sand by National Grid which will bring the total amount of replaced sand in the last 6 years to 135,000 cubic yards.
    National Grid Sand on Beach 2016
    National Grid placing sand on beach
I would like to thank Mike Deluca for encouraging the Village to repair the groins, as well as our Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce who is doing a great job supervising both the groin and sand project. Thanks to Pam for her dedication to Asharoken.

Just a reminder the Village Holiday Party on November 5 is only a couple of weeks away. Thanks to Carole Casamassima for all her efforts organizing this wonderful community get-together. Keep in mind that tickets sell out early.

Have a great weekend,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 3, 2016

Wishing you all a wonderful Rosh Hashanah Holiday.

  • Board of Trustees Regular Meeting will be held October 4 at 7:30pm at Village Hall. Click here to read the draft agenda.
  • Yard Waste pickup will be October 4.
  • Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 17 for one application for a side yard setback. Hearing begins at 7:30pm
  • Environmental Review Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 24 for two dock applications. Hearing begins at 7:00pm
  • Absentee Applications for the General Election are available online from the Suffolk Country Board of Elections. Click here to download an application.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dear Residents and Property Owners:

On Tuesday afternoon, September 27, the village was advised by the NYSDEC that it is drafting a response to the ACOE letter of September 22. The NYSDEC asked the village to delay proceeding with the poll until the NYSDEC has an opportunity to respond to the ACOE.

I apologize for this change of plans but this entire process is extremely fluid and has changed from Tuesday morning to Tuesday afternoon. I firmly believe that it is in the best interest of the Village to accommodate this request. Considering that this process began in 2001 it is reasonable to provide the NYSDEC the additional time it needs.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

An update on the ASDRP project and the ACOE response:

On August 9 the Village received a letter from the ACOE indicating their specific requirements for the project. Click here to read the full letter.

On September 13 the Village had a teleconference on the ASDRP project with the ACOE and the NYSDEC. Colonel David Caldwell represented the ACOE and the NYSDEC was represented by Sue McCormick. During that teleconference was an explanation of the requirements by the ACOE for the Village to commit to, in order to finish the feasibility study and construct the project. Because the ACOE added additional requirements, we insisted that the ACOE write a detailed letter pointing out exactly what it needs from the Village to complete the study for the project.

Yesterday, September 26, we received the response from the ACOE which addressed those additional requirements. Click here to read the full response.

The Village Board will be mailing out a fact sheet along with a poll to solicit your opinion on the ASDRP project later this week. Please take the time to read through the fact sheet, and review all the letters and notes from the teleconference, which are all posted to the ASDRP Archive on the asharoken.com website. The Archive may be found any time by clicking the "Government" button on the home page, then "ASDRP Archive". A public hearing will be scheduled as well.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 21, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that everyone in the Village has had a wonderful summer. There are three upcoming events that I would like to share with you.

On Saturday, September 24 from 9am to 4pm (rain date 9/25) the Village will be hosting its annual Coastal Cleanup organized by Cathy Zimmermann, Deb Masterson and Michele Tilleli. Registration will take place at the Asharoken Town beach, next to Village Hall. Whether you live on the Sound, the Bay or on Duck Island Harbor this is your chance to help improve the ecology of Asharoken. Please take the time to clear your shoreline of any trash. Bring your collected trash to the Asharoken Town beach, record your collection and place the trash in the dumpster provided by the Town of Huntington. The Littoral Society will use the data to help keep our shores cleaner in the future. Students will receive certificates for community service hours. A special thank you to Cathy, Deb and Michele for once again organizing such an important event for our Village.

In early October National Grid will begin placing 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the Sound side beach starting at house #100. They will make every effort to concentrate the placement of sand in front of the homes from #100 to #200 which need it the most. The project will likely continue until the end of December.

On Saturday, November 5 the Village Holiday party will be held at the Northport Yacht Club. Once again, our hostess Carole Casamassima is planning an amazing evening. Our Holiday Party sells out every year, be sure to reserve your tickets early. This event is a wonderful way to connect with old friends and meet new residents as well.

The Coastal Cleanup and the Holiday Party are great examples of what makes Asharoken such a unique community and a wonderful place to live. We are lucky to have neighbors who are willing to volunteer so much of their time to create events that benefit all of us.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 16, 2016

Dear Neighbors,

On Tuesday, September 13 I along with Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Village Attorney Bruce Migatz had a teleconference about the ASDRP with the USACOE and the NYSDEC. Colonel David Caldwell represented the USACOE, Sue McCormick represented the NYSDEC and Supervisor Frank Petrone represented the Town of Huntington. What the Village and Town thought would be a negotiation or discussion of the project, instead was an explanation of the requirements by the ACOE for the Village to commit to, in order to finish the feasibility study and construct the project.

The following is a summary of the teleconference:
  1. To finish the feasibility study and construct the project the ACOE will require 5 access points approximately 1/2-mile apart with parking at each point. The entire sound side beach from the power plant to Sandpiper Farm would be designated for public use.
  2. To finish the feasibility study and construct the project the Village must commit to condemning property. This was never discussed with the Village, Town or NYSDEC prior to this teleconference.
  3. To finish the feasibility study the Village must commit to constructing the project. This was never discussed with the Village, Town, or NYSDEC prior to this teleconference. In fact Sue McCormick with the NYSDEC pointed that there has never been a do or die situation raised by the ACOE before.
  4. The ACOE was not able to economically justify doing the project for the purposes of protecting the road. When asked about the economic value of protecting human life by assuring the road is open, the ACOE said that loss of life is not factored into the Cost/Benefit analysis.
Because the ACOE added additional requirements, we insisted that the ACOE write a detailed letter to the Village pointing out exactly what it needs from the Village to complete the study for the project.

Combining Asharoken property owner s previous comments and petitions, along with new requirements from the ACOE, as Mayor I do not see us moving forward with this project unless public sentiment changes radically. I, for one, will not agree to condemn property as a condition to complete the feasibility study and complete the project. Once the Village receives the final letter from the ACOE the Board of Trustees will ask for your input.

Despite the efforts of the Village, Senator Schumer, Congressman Israel, Supervisor Petrone, State Legislator Raia and Suffolk County Legislator Spencer the ACOE has refused to modify any of its requirements to make the project acceptable to the Village. In fact, as noted above the ACOE has added more requirements which are likely unacceptable to the property owners. It is extremely disappointing that the ACOE did not inform the Village, Town, State, and federal officials until now.

With this new information I believe that we have reached the end of the road with the ASDRP project and that pending formal property owner input, the feasibility study will not be finished and the project will not be constructed.

Click here for the full notes of the September 13, 2016 teleconference.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 12, 2016

Dear Residents and Property Owners,

At our September 6 regular monthly Board meeting we had an overwhelming attendance by property owners. It appears that a letter was distributed either by mail or email indicating that the September 6 Board Meeting would be the "last chance to express your feeling" on the ASDRP (Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project). This is absolutely not true.

I felt it best to communicate to the entire community and share my September 6 Mayor's Report with all of you. I also want to point out and explain the recent timeline and several components of the project that are imperative you understand.

Timeline for 2016:
  • January 29 The property owners of Asharoken and Eaton's Neck submitted their responses to the ASDRP project.
  • February 10 The Village submitted their full response to the ACOE along with a copy to the NYSDEC:
  • July 15 Congressman Israel sent out his Press Release pointing out the inability to reach a compromise.
  • August 9 The Village received a letter from the ACOE indicating that five access points are required at half-mile intervals per the statute, along with parking. Despite the fact that they received responses from the Village Board, property owners of Asharoken, property owners of Eaton's Neck, letters from Police Departments, Fire Departments, politicians, utility companies and health care providers, the ACOE continues to stand by their engineering regulation which is "shores other than public will be eligible for Federal assistance but must require public access."
  • August 29 A letter was delivered to Senator Schumer from the Village and the Town of Huntington seeking his help.
  • September 2 The Village received a call from NYSDEC indicating that Colonel David Caldwell, Head of the New York District of the U.S. ACOE, has scheduled a call for tomorrow, September 13, to discuss the project; an updated email will follow.
I will continue to make it clear to the Colonel that the opposition to public access is so strong among village property owners that the project is in jeopardy of not being constructed and that the benefit to the project is to protect Asharoken Avenue that provides the only access for Eaton's Neck residents, Eaton's Neck Fire Department and the U.S. Coast Guard.

If Colonel David Caldwell and the ACOE must strongly follow the Engineering Regulation and cannot remove the public access component, then at the least the Feasibility Study should be completed for the future, here's why:
  1. A coastal beach project run by the NYSDEC and USACOE using federal funds must have a completed feasibility study before it can move forward with the construction and design of the project. The Feasibility Study is simply an assessment of the costs required and value to be attained. It will uncover the strengths and weaknesses, any threats to the environment, the resources required and the prospects for success of the project. The study could take upwards of 15 years to complete.
  2. We began our Feasibility Study in 2001, signed by Mayor Kelly, and we are approximately a year away from completion.
  3. Our community could be subjected to future storms, not only in the next 5 to 10 years, but beyond that as well. It would be in the best interest of our community and our future community residents to complete the Feasibility Study for any future beach project.
  4. As I mentioned at the Board Meeting, the Feasibility Study does not obligate the Village to the Beach project whatsoever. It merely expedites federal funding for future disasters.
  5. At our meeting we had many questions on whether the property owners will take a vote or complete a survey. At this time the board is strongly considering a survey, which we believe is a fair and equitable process. Several public hearings will be scheduled in order for the board to hear all of your concerns, opinions and your final decisions on the beach project.
Again the Board will not move forward making any decision without holding public hearings and reaching out to the entire community for its final decision on this project. All I ask is that you listen to the facts. Please don't be misled by inaccurate information that unfortunately finds its way to you.

Please find here the Mayor's Report for the September 6 Asharoken Board Meeting. Also, the July 15 Press Release from Congressman Israel's office, which was already posted to the village website, but discovered was not distributed otherwise, our apologies.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 3, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

I received notice yesterday from the NYSDEC that Colonel David Caldwell of the USACOE would like to have a phone conference with the Village to discuss the ASDRP on Tuesday, September 13. I am hoping that his discussion will give the Village more clarity into the public access and parking requirements that the Corps will be asking for. At the same time, it will be an opportunity for the Village and the Town to make the case that the public benefit of the project should be protection of Asharoken Avenue not public access to the beach. I have reached out to Supervisor Petrone's office to have him join in on the phone call. Clearly, until we have this call with the Corps there is no way to know whether or not the ACOE has modified its public access requirements. I will keep you informed on what transpires.

The weather forecast is calling for at least three days of strong northeast winds. We can expect higher than normal tides which will be exacerbated by the long duration of Tropical Storm Hermine. If you live past the seawall you may want to plan your trips in and out of the Village early in the morning or late afternoon to minimize the impact of the mid-afternoon high tide. The Village has made plans with the Huntington Highway Department to have a payloader and evacuation truck stationed at the Eatons Neck Fire house should either be needed.

Should you need any assistance please reach out to the police department at 631-261-7400.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 2, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy and fun Labor Day weekend. I would like to wish all of our students and teachers a great school year.

The summer of 2016 was special. The weather was great, the 4th of July celebration was outstanding and the chance to enjoy all that Asharoken has to offer was almost limitless. Luckily, September is usually the nicest month of the year so we can get out there and keep living the Asharoken lifestyle we cherish. Our three pairs of Osprey each raised two chicks and the Piping Plovers also had a banner year.

Hopefully tropical storm Hermine will stay out to sea and not put a damper on the weekend. But at the same time we should remain vigilant of the storm s track as the forecast is still very uncertain. It is likely, at the least, that the Village will have several days of strong northeast winds and above average high tides. It would be prudent to be ready to remove beach furniture and other stuff from the beach.

Sunday, 9/4 1:30am1:50pm
Monday, 9/5 2:15am2:30pm
Tuesday, 9/63:00am3:15pm

In addition to the website, the Village also has a twitter account, @AsharokenNY, which I would recommend you follow, especially if you live past the sea wall. The Village will do its best to post real-time announcements of road closures/re-openings or other important news to both the website and Twitter. If you do not have a Twitter account just download the app onto your phone and sign up. It is very easy.

Please remember that the best way to reach the Asharoken Police Department is to call them directly at 631-261-7400. For outages contact PSEG at 1-800-490-0075.

Wishing you all the best,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 29, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

On August 12 I met with Town of Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone to discuss what options the Village and Town had to respond to the ACOE's insistence that the ASDRP have five public access points and parking at each. As a result of this discussion we drafted a letter to Senator Chuck Schumer asking him to contact the ACOE and determine if there is any way that they could modify their public access requirements based on the public benefits of protecting Asharoken Avenue. Click here to read the letter. I will let you know what Senator Schumer's response is when it is received.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 10, 2016

Dear Neighbors;

The Village received via email today a copy of the August 10, 2016 Letter from the Army Corps of Engineers explaining their public access requirements for completing the Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project.

Deputy Mayor Pierce and I reviewed the letter and we will be requesting specific details of the parking requirements, as well as a 30 day extension for the Village's response. I will update you with this information as soon as it is available.

When the Village receives clarification it will seek your opinion on the public access requirements. Your input will be a critical factor in how the Village proceeds.

Please refer to the ASDRP Archive Page for full information on the project.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

UPDATE from SCWA: The Town of Huntington has informed us they plan to perform final restoration of the roadway before the end of the year.

August 5, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

The purpose of the water main replacement on Eaton's Neck Rd. in Asharoken was to replace an undersized 8" water main with a new 16" water main in order to bolster supply in Eaton's Neck. During times of hot summer weather and increased irrigation use, pressure at the end of the system in Eaton's Neck was sagging to unacceptable levels. This project was undertaken to move more water across the strip and bolster the area where residents were experiencing pressure loss during peak demand.

A temporary patch was put down on the roadway. A Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) Supervisor reviewed the work today and inspected it for any potholes or debris. The Supervisor reported the road to be in good shape, but said some of the debris near the valve box would be cleaned close to Ocean Avenue.

The entire roadway will be repaved by the Town of Huntington Highway Department. A target date for when that work will begin is currently being worked on. The SCWA will inform the Village as soon as the repaving schedule is confirmed.

Any questions, contact Jeffrey Szabo, Chief Executive Officer of the SCWA at (631) 563-0353.

Thank you and have a great weekend.
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 1, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Old Glory
Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy and fun 4th of July. It should be a great holiday weekend. Great weather is forecast and the fireworks should be spectacular as always. I want to thank everyone who allowed their beaches to be temporarily roped off this year while the piping plovers nested. This breeding season was likely very good as all of the nests were located far enough away from the water to prevent them from being destroyed before the eggs hatched. I understand that this is bit of an imposition but your cooperation is critical to help this endangered species continue to increase its population.

Last, and most importantly, our 4th of July tradition of bonfires depends on you using extreme common sense prior to lighting a bonfire. Click here to read the letter that was mailed out as a reminder. Please make sure that your piles are as close to the mean high water line as possible, conform to the size limit and are not lit if there is an onshore wind. The police may ask you to relocate your pile and I respectfully ask that you cooperate with their directions. Our police may announce a cancelation of the fireworks at 8pm by blowing three long horn blasts if the conditions are not acceptable. Safety has to be the priority.

If we all work together we will have a great holiday and years of this amazing tradition to come.

Happy Fourth!

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 26, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy time with your family and have your first barbeque of 2016.

Our service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice to make America the free and great nation that it is are true heroes. To those veterans living in the Village I would like to thank you for your service as well. Everything that we hold dear as a country is due to your patriotism and courage.

Mayor Greg Letica
Stormwater Report

The Village has completed the annual MS4 Stormwater Report for the period ending March 9, 2016. Click here to view the complete report. A Public Hearing of this report was held during the Board of Trustees meeting on May 3.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

New signs at north end of nature preserve

April 21, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

The Village recently installed two signs on the beach in front of the nature preserve. These signs are intended to minimize trespassing above the mean high water line and minimize issues with loose dogs.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone who celebrates Passover a very happy holiday.

Best Regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Mayor's Report:

April 5, 2016

There is nothing to report on the ASDRP. The Village is waiting for a response from the ACOE after it reviews the public comments that were submitted.

The Village received its final payment from FEMA in the amount of $59,317 for the construction of Village Hall. As of today Asharoken has had to only expend approximately $4400 of taxpayer money to complete this building. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to make this project such a great success.

The Village is considering an amendment to the Village Code to require cleaning up after your dog. A resolution is on the agenda to set a public hearing next month on this matter. Click here to view the proposed amendment.

The Village is working on finalizing plans to repave the section of Asharoken Avenue from 156 218 Asharoken Avenue. I expect that this project will be completed by the end of June.

Deputy Mayor Pierce and I met with a group of Sound side residents to discuss the proposed ASDRP. It was a very productive and interesting meeting and I would like to thank Nadine Dumser for her assistance in setting the meeting up.

The Village has collected all of its tax revenues for the fiscal year 2015-16. Only 1 parcel was sold at the tax sale. Also, the Board of Trustees has voted to repeal tax cap local law #1-2016 with local law #2-2016, enabling eligible residents to receive the 2016 tax rebates this coming fall.

The Village is looking into the groin located in front of 138 Asharoken Avenue that is starting to show its age. I would like to thank Mike DeLuca for bringing this situation to the Village s attention.

The Village will be holding an Arbor Day event, organized by conservation Board Chairperson Marty Cohen, on April 30th at 2PM as part of the $1000 grant Asharoken has been approved for. Details of the event will be sent out as they are finalized. In May, a planting design created by the Asharoken Garden Club will be planted using all donated funds.

Finally our residents continue to do great things to help others out. Joe Barry, a high school student, has been collecting magazines to give to the veterans at the VA hospital. I would like to thank him for such a considerate thing to do to help out Americans who sacrificed so much to make our lives what they are today.

Also thanks to Andy Giffin who ran the Soles for Souls program. This organization collects used shoes and distributes them to needy people around the world. Just imagine what life would be like on a day like yesterday if you did not have proper footwear. Collectively, Asharoken, Northport and East Northport residents donated 20,000 pairs of shoes. Asharoken contributed 500 pairs, of which 300 were collected by Emma Turner who is also a high school student. Thanks to everyone who took the time look through their closets to find shoes they could share with others. We should be very proud as a community that teenage residents are doing so much to help others. Great job by Joe, Andy and Emma.

Thank you,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 24, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Spring arrived early this week on the coattails of a late winter dusting of snow. The Village could not have looked more lovely with the trees frosted with a brilliant white coating. Yesterday, the Village's two iconic summer birds, the osprey and piping plover, both returned to spend the next six months residing and raising their families in Asharoken. Our yard is brightened by blooming crocuses, hyacinths, primrose and daffodils. The long warm days of summer are just ahead.

I would like to thank the Asharoken Garden Club for contributing $1,000 to the Village to help landscape Village Hall. The club has a long and proud history of years of philanthropy and Asharoken should be proud they included us in this tradition. This year the club also supported the Dolan Health Center, The Ecumenical Lay Council (Northport Food Pantry) and the Visiting Nurse Service. Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, her brother Jamie and Garden Club member Carolyn Hyatt-Basche are working together to come up with a beautiful plan for the plantings.

Finally, Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Easter.

Best regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 16, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

It is my pleasure to provide for your review the Tentative Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017. Click here to view the budget packet. Copies are also available at Village Hall.

The Tentative Budget calls for a 0% tax increase, and falls under the 0.12% allowable NYS Tax Cap. This is the lowest tax increase since 2005-2006 and the fourth consecutive budget I presented that stayed below the NYS Tax Cap.

By remaining below the NYS Tax Cap, eligible residents will receive a rebate from NYS next year. The Tentative Budget maintains all of the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs.

I would like to touch on a few important components: The largest expense increase is the 3% police contractual salary raise, but this is mostly offset by a reduction in police and fire retirement costs. Other large line item increases include Social Security, fire protection, marine repairs and police uniforms. Balancing these increases were budgeted reductions in tax grievance, insurance, sanitation landfill and police & sanitation fuel costs.

The Tentative Budget reflects a 2% salary increase for Ray Mahdesian (Officer-in-Charge), Barry Bradley (Sanitation Operator), Doug Adil (Building Inspector) and Emily Hayes (Treasurer) and a 4% salary increase for Nancy Rittenhouse (Village Clerk).

The Tentative Budget includes funding for professional assistance for the ASDRP project if required. It also funds our reserve accounts for police, sanitation, marine equipment, highway maintenance and unpaid benefits (police retirement costs).

The largest revenue increases includes Suffolk County public safety revenues and court fines.

Long term, the Village is in excellent financial shape. Our reserve accounts are properly funded and will allow the Village to make necessary infrastructure improvements, update our police fleet, maintain our Village Hall and properly fund police retirement costs with little to no impact on the following year's tax rate.

Our community donations, state grants, rebates and FEMA reimbursements made it possible for us to build Village Hall; a balance of $4,434 from reserve funds was needed to close out the final project. Thank you again to everyone who donated. The minimal withdrawal from the reserve fund assures long-term financial stability.

I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget. Together they have worked on the last eight budgets and their expertise really shows.

The Village will hold a public hearing on the Tentative Budget on Tuesday, April, 5 at 7:30pm. Should you have any questions or comments please email me at mayorgregletica@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing any input you might have either by email or at the public hearing.

Best regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 11, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that everyone has had a chance to get outside and enjoy the incredible early March weather. Last year at this time Northport Bay was still covered in ice and there was no sign of Spring.

I am writing to give you an update on the financing of Village Hall and have some very good news to share with you. This week the Village received a payment from FEMA in the amount of $59,317. This is the final 10% of what the Village was anticipating to receive from FEMA.

The great news is that with this payment from FEMA, the Village, to date, has only expended $4,434 of taxpayer money to construct Village Hall. Looking at it in a different perspective, 99.58% of the cost of constructing Village Hall was paid for by donations, FEMA, grants and rebates. Click here to view a spreadsheet that shows the expenses and revenues for the project to date.

Ten years ago when Trustee Mel Ettinger approached Mayor Bill Kelly with the idea to renovate/rebuild Village Hall he was given very simple instructions: just do it without spending taxpayer money. Remarkably, the Village has essentially done exactly that. I would like to once again thank everyone who donated to make this project a success. Please stop by Village Hall to view the donor plaque that honors everyone who graciously backed the project. Your support and dedication continues to make Asharoken an even better place to live and raise a family.

Best regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce:

March 10, 2016

Dear Neighbors and Property Owners,

I would like to bring to your attention a very important issue that concerns all Long Islanders, especially a coastal community like Asharoken. That issue is the Long Island Sound Dredged Materials Management Plan, or LIS DMMP. This plan calls for the continued open-water dumping of dredged materials from harbors, bays and rivers primarily in Connecticut and New York that border the Long Island Sound. Three-quarters of the dredge sites are in Connecticut with one-quarter in New York. The Western dredge site is not far from Asharoken. Click here to read a Newsday editorial from August 23, 2015 that gives a good overview of the history and stakes.

Where are we now? All the public hearings by both the USACE & EPA have been concluded. At these hearings, elected officials, coastal experts, environmental and boating groups all called for the elimination of open water dumping in the Sound based on scientific data. Their voices were not heard and the LIS DMMP is moving forward. The EPA is considering comments until March 25 and Governor Cuomo has to make a decision by May 10, 2016. I urge you to make your comments known to both the EPA and the governor by using the links below. Links to the DMMP plans are also included. We have provided a sample letter if you wish to express your concerns to Governor Cuomo: click here to view the letter.

Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 19, 2016

Dear Neighbors & Property Owners:

I am providing you with a proposed timeline from the NYSDEC for the Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project (ASDRP). The schedule provided was given to the Village with the following proviso from Matt Chelbus at the NYSDEC: "This is based on the current schedule, and is subject to change. This is especially true for the dates further out in 2017." I requested that Mr. Chelbus also provide us with some answers to the Village's obligations as we move forward. His answers are copied directly from his email reply. Click here to view the full timeline and Q&A.

As I have written before, the entire ASDRP process is long, complicated and will move at the pace that the USACE dictates. The Village needs patience as it works its way through this lengthy bureaucratic process to get to a final project plan. Once we reach that milestone, we as a community will decide how to proceed. If you have any questions, please email me at mayorgregletica@gmail.com, and either I or Deputy Mayor Pierce will be happy to answer them for you.

Wishing you a great day,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 12, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

Yesterday the Village emailed everyone a copy of Asharoken's response to the USACE on the proposed Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project and also posted a full copy to the website at asharoken.com. I would encourage everyone to take the time to read the Village's response. Additional supporting information is on the website including some excellent photographs that support the Village's position. I will keep you informed once we receive a response from the USACE.

The Village owes Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce an enormous debt of gratitude for her tireless work to get this response written. She spearheaded this project and did a phenomenal job, producing a clear, concise and spot-on reflection of the Village's feeling on the ASDRP. Pam has been fully invested in the beach restoration for the last couple of years. She has become an expert on the project, solicited letters of support for the project, attended countless meetings, ran small group information sessions at her home and always represented the Asharoken in a diplomatic and professional manner. She has really done a remarkable job for the Village. Thank you so much Pam.

I would also like to thank Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse for an excellent job in providing needed data for the report, editorial input as the report was prepared, and the unenviable task of assembling all of the documents for distribution. As always Nancy went above and beyond what is expected of her to help Asharoken. Finally, the Village's Coastal Geologist, Aram Terchunian, gave Asharoken excellent guidance throughout the process.

The Village will strive to find Co-Sponsors for the project to defer the costs if the residents desire to go forward with the restoration. I have already spoken to Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone about the Town of Huntington joining the Village as a Co-Sponsor. This week I also wrote a letter to Suffolk Legislator Dr. William Spencer seeking his assistance to help Asharoken get Suffolk County on board as a Co-Sponsor. Click here to read the letter. Realistically, because Huntington is constrained by a tax cap with a 0.12% limit, and Suffolk County is having serious financial difficulties, additional funding may be very challenging to acquire. But the Village will do all it can to get outside financial assistance. The better news is that if this project were to go forward the earliest it could start would be in 2018 so there is ample time to explore Co-Sponsor support.

Next week the Village will be sending out a timeline and explanation of the upcoming steps as we move forward with completion of the Feasibility Study.

I hope that everyone stays warm the next couple of days. Fortunately, our February cold snap will only last a couple of days this year compared to last year where it was the entire month. So toss an extra log on the fire, put on an extra sweater, grab a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the beauty of Asharoken in the winter!

Wishing everyone a great weekend, Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

February 1, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

As the Village begins work on its 2016-2017 budget it needs to have the flexibility to arrive at a budget that best serves the needs of Asharoken. To ensure this, the Board will consider adopting Local Law #1 of 2016 to allow the Village to have a budget that exceeds the NYS tax cap law. In the last three years this law was adopted and then repealed prior to passing the budget as Asharoken stayed below the state threshold. This year the cap is at an all-time low of 0.12%. In comparison, last year's cap was 1.68%. Needless to say, keeping the tax levy increase below 0.12% will be a real challenge. When the tentative budget is finished it will be available for your review and a public hearing will be held prior to its adoption.

The Board will construct a tentative budget with the lowest possible tax increase that maintains all of the Village's services and hopefully stays under the cap, something the Village has done the last three years. Adopting Local Law #1 is the only prudent and reasonable way for the Village to approach our budget process. The local law provides a safety net for Asharoken should an unforeseen circumstance arise between now and the adoption of the budget in April. If the Village is successful in staying below the cap the Board will repeal Local Law #1 prior to adopting the budget and keep its residents eligible for the rebate from NYS. The Village has a very long and proud history of fiscal conservatism and I expect that this year will be no different.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 28, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

On January 19 Deputy Mayor Pierce, Aram Terchunian (the Village's Coastal Geologist), Rob Holmes from the the beach committee and I had a teleconference with the Army Corps of Engineers and the New York State DEC about the beach restoration project. Rob was kind enough to prepare a summary of many of the questions asked and their answers. Additionally, Aram added comments to Rob's summary.

In an effort to keep you fully informed on the ASDRP, I have included this document for your review: Click here to read the full summary. I would like to thank Rob for his hard work to prepare this summary which required quite a bit of effort.

Wishing you a great day,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

January 22, 2016

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to assure everyone that the Village of Asharoken and our partners at the Town of Huntington Highway Department have made all of the necessary preparations for Saturday's snow storm. The sea wall area possibly may have delays or closures around times of high tide: 10:23am and 10:52pm. The Village will do its best to post any road closure and re-opening information here on the website and its Twitter account @AsharokenNY. Needless to say, staying home tomorrow is a wise decision.

Should you need emergency assistance or shelter please contact the Asharoken Police Department at 631-261-7400. If you have a power outage, the PSEG phone number is 800-490-0075.

I wish everyone a safe day.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 31, 2015

Dear Neighbors:

I am very happy to report that the Village has heard that it is eligible for up to $9,000 from a JCAP (Justice Court Assistance Program) Grant to help defray the cost of new furniture and other court related improvements for the Village Hall. In addition the Village met with FEMA this week, to review the Village Hall project and its eligibility for remaining funds.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 28, 2015

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to give you a brief end-of-the-year update on the Asharoken Storm Damage Project (ASDRP).

As you know the Village has been trying very hard to eliminate or at the least mitigate public access to the Sound side beaches. Click here to read two recent documents related to this effort.

The first is from Town of Huntington Supervisor Petrone to Lt. General Bostick at the ACOE requesting "...you reconsider the current plan's access requirements and develop one that balances, what I believe are, legitimate concerns of the residents with the overriding public purpose of stabilizing Asharoken Avenue, the only land link to our population living on Eaton's Neck, and the imperative to promote better public access to the nation s waterways".

The second is an email I sent to Congressman Israel explaining that the ACOE had not taken into account the economic impact of a storm on the home values in Eaton's Neck. If the ACOE acknowledges the financial impact the loss of the road could have on Eaton's Neck, then the economic benefit of protecting the road would increase in value and emphasize that the public benefit of the project should be road protection not beach access.

During the month of December, Deputy Mayor Pierce and I have been interviewing prospective Coastal Engineers to advise the village on the technical aspects of the ACOE plan. I expect that a decision will be made at our next board meeting to hire one of the interviewees.

Finally, I firmly believe that your input will be the determining factor in deciding if the Village will go ahead with the ASDRP. To get your feedback both a survey and public hearing will be done as soon as we have a final plan from the Corps that Village residents can respond to. The current proposal by the ACOE is a tentatively-selected plan and is still in the public comment phase. Once the public comment phase ends at the end of January, the ACOE will review the comments and complete a final plan. It is likely that the final plan will differ substantially from what is on the table today. Therefore, I feel that it is much too early to be sending out a survey or scheduling a public hearing.

Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year,

Mayor Greg Letica
Holiday Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

December 23, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We hope that you have a joyous holiday with your family.


Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 12, 2015

Dear Village and Eaton's Neck residents,

I would like to thank all of you who attended the ASDRP Public Meeting held on December 9th. The large turnout and thoughtful questions asked are a critical step towards getting the ASDRP completed.

Click here to read the comments I made during the meeting. Thank you for all your support and interest.


Mayor Greg Letica

Editor's Note: To learn more about Asharoken's ongoing Storm Damage Reduction Plan (ASDRP) efforts click on the "Government" button above, then "ASDRP Archive" or click here.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 7, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I would like to encourage everyone to attend the meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers and the NYS DEC on Wednesday, December 9th to learn about the Draft Feasibility Study for the Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project. The meeting will allow for time to chat in small groups with the Corps and DEC, include a presentation about the project and also have a session to ask questions and make comments. Short of reading the voluminous Draft Feasibility Study and Appendixes, this will be the easiest way to learn the details of the proposed project. The meeting will be held in the large cafeteria in the Northport High School and begins at 6:30 PM.

The Village received notice on Friday that the Public comment period for the Draft Feasibility Report has been extended until January 29, 2016.

Now that we have the Draft Feasibility Study it is possible to make a preliminary estimate as to what the project would cost individual taxpayers based on the information provided by the ACOE. Click here to view details of the Preliminary Estimate.

I would urge everyone to treat the members of the ACOE and DEC with respect and decorum. They are here to present us with a proposed plan for our consideration. The Village has an opportunity to distinguish itself as a community of civil and reasonable people as we all work together on this important project. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on the 9th. Regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

November 25, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. We hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Safe travel if your plans will take you out of the Village.

Warmest regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Invitation to the Dedication Ceremony of the New Asharoken Village Hall

The new Asharoken Village Hall

November 11, 2015

Dear Residents,

After many years of planning, we have finally completed the construction of our new Village Hall and both our Village Clerk and Police have recently moved in. This endeavor could have never been accomplished without the tremendous support of our residents, who donated almost $360,000, and the government grants that we received totaling approximately $620,000.

To help celebrate this occasion, we are planning a dedication ceremony on Tuesday, November 24th, starting at 6pm.

Congressman Steve Israel, who was very instrumental in helping us obtain the FEMA grant of $533,855, and State Senator Carl Marcellino, who helped us obtain a $50,000 grant for the construction of the retaining wall, will be joining us and other elected officials for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Following the ceremony, we invite you to tour our new facility, meet with elected officials, dignitaries, and your neighbors and enjoy some refreshments.

We hope you can attend and participate in the dedication ceremony. Please RSVP by emailing our Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse at rittenhousevc@gmail.com.

The Board of Trustees and I are looking forward to seeing you on November 24th.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

New Village Hall Open for Business

October 27, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I am very happy to report that Village Hall is open for business. The police moved in last Friday and our first official event was Justice Court which was held last week. Please stop by for a tour of our beautiful new building, weekdays between 9am and 3pm.

The Village received its final payment from FEMA in the amount of $253,653.36 for construction of the new Village Hall. The Village has now received all of the $533,855.45 that it was expecting from FEMA.

In other good financial news the Village received $12,201.61 from the New York State Storm Recovery Program. This payment covers the remaining 10% of costs from Superstorm Sandy which the Village was not previously reimbursed for.

The Asharoken Holiday Party is on Saturday evening, November 7th at the Northport Yacht Club. Seating is limited. Please contact Carole Casamassima at 261-1895 to make your reservations. The Holiday party is a sellout every year; looking forward to seeing you there. The Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Monday, November 2nd, 7:30pm at the new Village Hall, due to Election Day.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

New Village Hall Open

October 20, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I am very happy to report that new Village Hall is open for business. The administrative office is open and the police will move in on Friday. I would like to once again thank Trustee Mel Ettinger for all of his hard work to make this major achievement a reality.

The Village had its Shared Services and Efficiency Plan approved by the New York State Comptrollers office. This is a critical milestone for the Village as it is now eligible for the NYS Tax Cap rebate program in 2016.

Phase two of a long-term Asharoken Avenue resurfacing plan has been completed, with striping to follow shortly. Much of this project was paid for using Consolidated Highway Improvement Program funds (CHIPS) through the NYS Dept. of Transportation.

Humpback Whale at Coast Guard Station
Photo: Sid Lynn
Humpback Whale at Coast Guard Station
On Sunday an expired Humpback whale was towed from Huntington Bay into the Coast Guard Station on Eaton's Neck. Linda and I were able to get up there and see this amazing animal prior to an autopsy and removal.

The sightings of whales in Long Island Sound this summer show how much the water quality is improving.

Our Village Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, November 7th at the Northport Yacht Club. Tickets are selling out quickly so please contact Carole Casamassima at 261-1895 to make your reservations.

This year is the 90th anniversary of the Village of Asharoken, come and celebrate a wonderful evening with your neighbors.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Countdown to Village Hall

October 9, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I am very happy to report the paving of the Village Hall parking lot and driveway was completed today. This was the last critical milestone to reach prior to moving into the new building. Moving will commence next week and I hope within two weeks both the clerk and police department will be up and running in their new home. The new flagpole was also installed this week and Old Glory is once again flying at the entrance to the Village.

Another bit of good news: the Village has been approved for a $6,590 rebate from PSEG for the high-efficiency lighting that was installed in the building. The Village expects to receive the rebate in the coming weeks. I would like to thank Rich Pandolfi, a member of the Reconstruction Committee, for his hard work in helping select the LED fixtures that will light the building and save Village taxpayers money on electric costs for years to come.

As of now we anticipate moving into Village Hall on Friday, October 16, requiring that the Village Clerk's office will be closed that day.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a great Columbus Day weekend.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

September 25, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

The amazing summer and early fall weather is making this one of best beach seasons we have had in years in Asharoken. Adding a little icing to the cake has been the return of large schools of bluefish displaying their dramatic feeding frenzies. All that we are missing is a sighting of one of the whales that have been seen in Long Island Sound this summer. There are a few things I would like to share with you.

Coastal Cleanup: The annual Coastal Cleanup, organized by Deb Masterson, Cathy Zimmermann and Michele Tilleli, will be held tomorrow. Due to the continued Village Hall construction the headquarters will be moved to Asharoken Beach next door to Village Hall. Please try to participate in this great event. Over the years Coastal Cleanups have removed thousands of pounds of garbage from our seas and beaches. These efforts have resulted in the marked reduction in the amount of garbage that now routinely ends up on the beach. Your participation will really make a difference to the environment.

Countdown to Village Hall: Although the inside of Village Hall is finished and ready for occupancy the parking lot is taking a little longer than was anticipated. I am optimistic that within about two weeks we will be ready to move in.

Local Law #3-2015: At the October 6th Board of Trustees Meeting the Village will be holding a public hearing to solicit comments on this proposed law to amend Chapter 125 of the Village of Asharoken entitled "Zoning" to comply with the provisions of Article 25-AA of the New York State Agricultural and Markets Law. The Village needs to amend its code because Sandpiper Farm was designated an agricultural district by Suffolk County and our existing code has to be amended to allow agricultural use within an agricultural district. Presently, agricultural use of property in Asharoken is not permitted.

Click here to review the proposed law. I want to give you adequate time to consider the proposed law prior to the public hearing. Please keep in mind that the Village's meeting policy allows for 3 minutes of public comment per person. The Village will also consider written comments. The October 6 Board of Trustees meeting will be held at the Northport Power Plant, 301 Waterside Road, Northport, NY 11768 at 7:30pm.

Holiday Party: Please make your reservations for the annual holiday party, Saturday, November 7, organized by Carole Casamassima. This will be a very special night as we join together to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the incorporation of Asharoken. Whether you have lived in Asharoken for 50 years or one month this is an event you should not miss. Linda and I look forward to seeing you there. Have a great weekend


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 31, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

It has been an absolutely glorious summer in Asharoken. The beautiful warm days have been punctuated by spectacular sunrises and sunsets. What a way to enjoy the Village s 90th anniversary. There are several items I would like to share with you.

Village Hall: The Village Hall project is near completion. The interior of the building is close to being finished and the remaining site work is underway. The committee is planning a Grand Opening Ceremony combined with an Arbor Day event which will be scheduled very soon. The village was able to get National Grid to install our gas service to Village Hall at no cost; this saved the village approximately $8,000. The village received a $1,000 grant for the Arbor Day event.

ASDRP: The Village continues to make progress with our local elected officials to get their support for the beach restoration project in order to protect the road without the requirement of public access. Assemblyman Andrew Raia wrote an excellent letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo on this issue: click here to read the full letter.

Town of Huntington Superintendent Frank Petrone has also been extremely helpful by discussing the project with Congressman Steve Israel. Thanks to Supervisor Petrone and Assemblyman Raia for supporting Asharoken. Also as a reminder, the village website now contains an archive of all ASDRP-related activities, missives, and documents: click "Government" above, then "ASDRP Archive", or click here.

Single Stream Recycling: The new recycling program is going well but I am sure that as a community we can do better. Everyone should be putting out recyclable items on Wednesdays. If you are not recycling, please review the following documents and join in:
If you are already recycling please make sure that you are separating all you can. Your recycled trash is disposed of at no tipping fee to the village and makes a big difference environmentally. Thanks for your help!

See Something Say Something: Too often I get emails or notices from residents about something that took place hours or days ago, long after the police should have been informed about it. Always contact the police on police matters, call (631) 261-7400. This is the single best way to keep our village as safe as possible. Whether it is door to door salespeople, unsafe boat operation, loose dogs, illegally parked cars, construction on weekends, suspicious people or a myriad of other issues, please reach out to our police department first and immediately.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a great Labor Day Weekend and everyone going back to school a great academic year. Please remember to drive extra carefully as schools re-open next week.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Letica:
Update Regarding July 4 Bonfires:

July 3, 2015 / 4:47pm

Dear Neighbors,

The marine weather forecast for July 4th is predicting onshore winds from the East-Northeast. Unfortunately, winds from this direction will not allow for bonfires.

Please assume that bonfires will not be permitted tomorrow. The Asharoken police department will confirm this cancellation by blowing three air horn blasts at 8pm. I thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

The future of our 4th of July bonfire tradition depends on everyone using common sense and always erring on the side of caution.

Wishing everyone a great Independence Day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 23, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day weekend. Please take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice that so many Americans have made to make our lives what they are today. I would like to especially thank all of our veterans for their courage, patriotism and commitment to freedom.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:
Details on Memorandum from the Army Corps of Engineers

April 1, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

On March 23rd the Village received a Memorandum for the Record (MFR) from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) containing comments on the Village s draft Public Access Plan for the Asharoken Storm Damage Reduction Project. To read the full memorandum, click here. The Village is carefully reviewing the MFR and will be preparing a full response. The Village is waiting to get a tentatively selected plan showing the ACOE s plan to restore the beach. Once Asharoken receives the plan I will invite the ACOE to present it to the village.

The ACOE s comments were generally supportive of the plan especially since the ACOE agreed with the Village s assumption of low recreational use. The ACOE is seeking additional information to support the assumption of low recreational use and the Village s proposal not to have parking at the middle three access strips from the road to the beach. Second, the ACOE is requesting a modification of the agreement between the Town of Huntington and National Grid for the use of the boat ramp parking lot. Finally, the ACOE is looking for more definitive locations of the public access strips.

Linda and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Easter and Passover.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 23, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

The tentative budget for 2015-2016 proposes a 1.58% tax rate increase. The budget complies with the New York State 2% property tax freeze credit relief program. Therefore, village residents who are eligible for a tax credit are expected to get a rebate check from NYS for their tax increase. The average home will have a $54 increase. The tentative budget maintains all of our current services and continues to put money aside for Asharoken s future needs. This budget will continue to keep Asharoken in a strong financial position. The average increase of 1.54% for the last two years is the lowest since 2003-2004.

The yearly budget is a spending plan for the upcoming year and is best considered in its totality. The Board of Trustees, Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse, Treasurer Emily Hayes and I have spent many hours of careful consideration to put together the fiscal plan for 2015-2016. To view the complete tentative budget, reserve schedule and salary schedule, click here. Should you have any comments or suggestions you may share them with me at mayorgregletica@gmail.com.

Public Hearings are scheduled for April 7th, 2015 at 7:30pm at the Northport Power Plant on the tentative budget for 2015-2016 and on a local law to repeal the over-ride law passed in February.


Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 19, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone in Asharoken a Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas. We hope that all of our neighbors have a healthy and happy New Year.

Warmest seasonal regards,

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 24, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are blessed to live in the most beautiful village on Long Island and we all have so much to give thanks for at this time of year. I hope that everyone has a wonderful time gathering with their families to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
Old Veterans Day Message:

November 9, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Linda and I wish to honor all of our residents, past and present, who served in the Armed Forces a respectful Veterans Day. Your patriotism, courage and willingness to put your lives at risk to protect our nation proves what a great American you really are. Everything that we hold dear as a nation today was made possible by your service. Thank you so very much.

With great appreciation,
Mayor Greg and Linda Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 30, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

At the Board of Trustees meeting Monday, November 3, 2014 the Board will provide a PowerPoint presentation on the construction of the new Village Hall and Police Station. The presentation will provide information on the history of the project and the overall plan. It will also provide information on the proposed contractor and present the overall financing of the project. Following the presentation the Board will hold a public comment period.

Since December of 2006 the Village has begun working on either renovating the existing Village Hall or constructing a new one. The decision to construct a new Village Hall was made when the village received $533,854 dollars of funding from FEMA to construct a new building. Additional funds to support the project have come from Asharoken resident donations and two New York State grants secured by the village. The village is very close to funding the entire project without using reserved funds.

It is very exciting for the village to be able to move forward and accomplish a goal that began almost eight years ago. Subsequent to the Board s decision to award the contract we will post the information on the website.

Thank you. Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 6, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that everyone is enjoying one of the nicest summers Asharoken has had in a very long time. It certainly helps make up for the severity of last winter. There are two items that I would like to share with you.

At the board meeting on Monday August 5 it was decided to re-bid the village hall construction project. The new bid will include more alternates in an effort to get better value for the village. I expect that the new bids will be opened in mid-September.

Several residents have expressed concerns to me about the public access component of the beach restoration. I sent a letter to Senator Schumer and Congressman Israel (click here to read) suggesting a possible compromise solution of both a private and public access component on the beach.

I will keep you informed of progress on both village hall and the beach as new information becomes available.

Wishing everyone a terrific day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

July 25, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

At 3PM on Friday, July 25, 2014, Nancy Rittenhouse, the Village Clerk, opened 11 bid submissions for the construction of village hall. The bids ranged from $1,164,950 to $1,957,440. The village will evaluate the bids and keep you informed.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Mayor Greg Letica

4th of July Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica and the Board of Trustees:

June 23, 2014

Dear Property Owners and Residents,

Fireworks by Grucci will be providing our 16th annual fireworks celebration. The fireworks display this year is dedicated to the memory of former Mayor William H. Kelly who began the tradition of the fireworks celebration on July 4, 1999, on the Soundside beach. Over the past five years the "Save the Fireworks" committee has made annual contributions through their fundraising efforts to help defray the costs for the barge and tugboat, which has been a tremendous achievement.

On Friday, July 4, 2014, our fireworks display will begin at approximately 9:15 pm; the rain date is scheduled for Saturday, July 5, 2014. If you live on the soundside please consider inviting your bayside neighbors over to enjoy the show. Please note and remember: there is absolutely no parking on any Village street and there are no public parking facilities in the Village. Please make sure you and your guests park only on your private property. Due to excessive traffic congestion, for everyone's safety, all traffic and parking laws will be strictly enforced.

In order for our traditional Fourth of July celebration to continue we ask everyone to use caution, common sense and to please consider everyone s safety prior to lighting any bonfires. The tide is scheduled to be high at 5:03pm on the Fourth of July; please remember to keep your bonfire at a reasonable size to avoid any unsafe conditions and assemble your bonfire as close to the mean high-water mark as possible. Please follow these guidelines.
  • If bonfires are to be canceled, the police will notify you by sounding three air horn blasts at dusk as they patrol Asharoken Avenue.
  • No fires if there is an onshore wind.
  • Shovels, fire extinguishers and hoses must be available and ready near the fire.
  • No fires within 120 of a strung piping plover nesting area.
  • No fires near beach grass, bulkheads or within 50 of any other structure.
  • No burning of treated lumber or green landscaping debris.
  • No stacking of materials to be burned higher than six feet.
  • All fires must be attended by a responsible adult at all times.
  • Clean up and properly discard all debris and unburned material.
  • Please comply with any changes our police officers ask of you regarding your fires.
  • Our beach dunes and beach grass are thriving; please remind your guests not to walk on the dunes.
Thank you and enjoy this wonderful tradition, Happy Fourth of July!

Mayor Greg Letica, Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Trustee Melvin Ettinger, Trustee Laura Rittenhouse Burke and Trustee Ian Jablonski

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

June 4, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

On June 3, the Army Corps of Engineers and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation made a presentation to the Board of Trustees and attending residents updating the status of the sound side beach restoration project. I am posting the PowerPoint presentation they gave to allow you to learn more about the project and review the information presented. Click the image below to view the entire slide show:
The beach restoration is a very significant project with many long-term ramifications for the village. Going forward the residents of Asharoken will have to decide how to proceed on this project and to do so they should have as much information as possible in order to guide the board. Please do not hesitate to send any comments or suggestions to me at mayorgregletica@gmail.com.

Wishing you a great day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

May 9, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

On Tuesday May 6th Carole Casamassima and Linda Letica presented the village with donations to defray the costs of our annual July 4th fireworks.
Carole raised her funds from raffle prizes given away at the annual Holiday Party. Linda created a line of Asharoken clothing with the proceeds going to support the fireworks. Their combined contribution of $8,500 pays for the tug boat and barge and represents almost one third of the cost of the fireworks display. Over the last 4 years Carole has raised over $20,000. Really phenomenal! Great work ladies.

I would like to thank Carole and Linda for their hard work to make our fireworks display an ongoing Asharoken tradition. This type of volunteerism is what makes our village such a terrific place to live.

I would also like to wish all of the mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers in Asharoken a wonderful Mother's Day.

Mayor Greg Letica
Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 18, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Since November 2013 the village has been working with the NYS Homeland Security task team and FEMA on the damages that occurred to the existing village hall during Superstorm Sandy. These agencies brought in their own cost estimate teams to evaluate the damages to determine whether the structure was classified as a repair or replacement model. Since November 2013 we have been waiting for a final answer. Throughout this time period the village went through several NYS and FEMA cost estimate task teams that requested and processed information on the damage to village hall. These estimates were critical in determining whether the building passed FEMA s 50% rule, wherein a building whose cost to repair is more than 50% of the cost to rebuild is eligible for replacement. Once the building is classified as a replacement model the village receives a considerable increase in funding.

On April 17th the village received the final determination from FEMA that the existing village hall building is a replacement & improved project model. Asharoken was informed that the gross amount of eligible FEMA funding is $717,804. The village is then eligible for 90% of these funds for a net of $646,024. These funds can be used to us to construct the new village hall that we have been working to accomplish since 2006. However, there are still some remaining FEMA approvals and reviews, the most notable being an insurance review, which are needed. Therefore, it is possible that there still may be some final changes to the net amount, some of which could be sizeable. I expect that everything will be finalized within about 4-6 weeks.

Although I would not normally release this information until we received the final approval, I decided to make this announcement since there may be articles written in our local newspapers in the upcoming days and I wanted you to get the information directly from the village.

Since 2006 the residents of our village have generously made donations to construct a new village hall. The funding from FEMA together with the $77,000 in additional grants that the village recently was awarded will go a long way toward constructing a new and improved village hall. We are finally on our way to accomplishing our goal.

I would like to thank Congressman Steve Israel for interceding on the village s behalf. Without his strong support to re-build our village hall I am convinced that our funding from FEMA would have been far less. Additionally Trustee Mel Ettinger and Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse have been invaluable in their efforts to get to this point.

I will report back with more news as it becomes available especially once we receive final approval.

Wishing everyone a very happy Easter.

Mayor Greg Letica
Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

April 7, 2014
William H. Kelly, former Mayor of Asharoken

Dear Neighbors:

Sadly, former Mayor William H. Kelly passed away on April 6, 2014 at the age of 73. Bill is survived by his loving wife of 18 years Ann Kelly, his daughter Morgan and his son Kevin. On behalf of the entire Asharoken community I would like to extend our condolences and deepest sympathies to the Kelly family.

Bill, as everyone knew him, served as Mayor of the Village of Asharoken from 1982-2008 which makes him the longest serving mayor in our history. During that time his steadfast and unwavering support for the village earned Asharoken the nickname of being "small but powerful". Bill's tireless efforts and devotion to the village laid the groundwork for making Asharoken the wonderful community it is today.

A few of Mayor Kelly's accomplishments during his 26 years of service include: the enlargement of village hall, the repaving of Asharoken Avenue, the recycling of newspaper; cans; and plastics, commencement of the July 4th fireworks and the Asharoken News. Bill's commitment to getting sand on the beach was unrelenting and his fiscal conservatism provided much of the groundwork for our excellent financial position today.

But Bill also had a lighter side. He loved his walks on the beach, fishing, and his St. Patrick's day party was the social event of the spring. I remember him well in his green tee shirt, green plastic St. Pat's hat, broad smile and trademark cigar. The former mayor was always happy to officiate at weddings.

Bill distinguished himself outside the village as well. He was President of the NYS Conference of Mayors in 1988 and President of the Suffolk County and Tri-County Village Officials Associations in 1989. In 1999 he served on the NYS Local Government Records Advisory Committee, appointed by the NYS Commissioner of Education, and had an annual award named after him for his major role in Local Government Records Programs.

It is very hard to fully encapsulate what Bill meant to the Village of Asharoken in only a few paragraphs. He was a larger-than-life character who would let nothing stand in his way to make Asharoken a better place to live. Simply put, thank you for your service Mr. Mayor.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church, 114 Palace Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23185.

Mayor Greg Letica
Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 23, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Village Awarded $50,000 Grant

I am pleased to announce that Asharoken has been awarded a $50,000 State and Municipal Facilities Program Grant to assist in the construction of our new village hall. I would like to thank Senator Carl Marcellino for supporting the village during the grant process and our Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse, for her hard work to see the grant through the application to award process. This is the second grant Asharoken received to help finance the village hall project and brings the total amount of grant support to $77,000. The village is still awaiting an answer on the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant that it applied for.

Wishing everyone a great and warm weekend,

Mayor Greg Letica

Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

March 1, 2014

Dear Neighbors:

Good News For Asharoken I would like to share two items of good news that the village has received in the last few weeks.

The village has been awarded a $27,000 grant to assist us in rebuilding village hall from the Justice Court Assistance Program. Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse worked very hard to help the village obtain this grant and I would like to thank her for her efforts.

The New York State Comptroller conducted a fiscal stress test of municipalities across New York State. Asharoken received a perfect score of 0.0% and No Designation. This confirms what our village auditor told us earlier in the fiscal year that the village is doing well financially. As Newsday reported Asharoken was one of only 11 villages on Long Island (out of over 80 assessed) to receive the highest rating.

Wishing everyone a great and warm weekend,

Mayor Greg Letica

Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 23, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

On Friday, December 6, 2013 Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with Ron Pinzon from the USACE and Sue McCormick from the NYSDEC. At the meeting we discussed the Army Corps of Engineers restoration of Asharoken s Long Island Sound shoreline.

A Preliminary Calendar of Milestone Dates, the Draft Tentatively Selected Plan for the restoration and a Draft Preliminary Groin and Beach Fill Plan were reviewed. Copies of all of these documents are available in village hall for review. Please keep in mind that all of these documents are draft/preliminary and are subject to modification and change as the process goes forward. Also the milestone calendar is very optimistic and should be considered a best case scenario.

The meeting was very constructive and the village expects to meet with the NYSDEC and USACE in the near future to continue moving the process forward.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mayor Greg Letica

Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

December 17, 2013

Dear Neighbors

In October 2012 Superstorm Sandy hit Asharoken and the year that followed was one of the most challenging the village has ever faced. The Board of Trustees, Pam Pierce, Mel Ettinger, Laura Burke and Ian Jablonski, aided by many village volunteers to whom the village is deeply grateful, responded to the storm and tackled a complicated agenda of items during the subsequent 12 months. I would like to recap a few accomplishments.

         The facilitation of a new cost sharing agreement between the Federal Government and NY State to allow the Federal Government to pay for the completion of the feasibility study. This saved the Asharoken tax payers $225,000 and Asharoken was the first community to have their cost-sharing agreement approved.

         The placement of 45,000 cubic yards of sand on the sound side beach by National Grid.

         The 5000 cubic yard reconstruction, enlargement and grass planting of the beach lot dunes. The net cost to Asharoken of this $145,454 project was only $2950.

         A re-establishment of a strong working relationship with the Town of Huntington. This resulted in a resolution unequivocally supporting the USACE beach restoration, a coordinated coastal cleanup and assistance in preparing the bid package for village hall.

         A coordinated multi-municipality/multi-agency response to Sandy resulting in opening Asharoken Avenue, which was covered in sand and telephone poles at 6am the day after the storm and re-opened the same day by noon.

         The repair of 130 of road shoulder and asphalt damage caused by Superstorm Sandy. This $24,045.00 project was fully paid for by the Federal Highway Administration.

         A design for the new village hall and the acquisition of both NYSDEC and Suffolk County Health Department permits.

         A five year police contract and a ten year Cablevision contract.

         An updated Hazard Mitigation Plan and the adoption of a comprehensive set of village policies.

         The application for three significant grants to support the village hall reconstruction.

         The purchase of two new police cars by using reserve funds. This should substantially reduce the repair costs for the overall police fleet.

The coming year will certainly pose its own challenges but the Board and our terrific resident volunteers stand ready to meet these issues head on. At the top of this list is the need to progress on the USACE beach reconstruction as well as making the new village hall a reality. Both of these projects are very complicated and require the cooperation and assistance of large, slow moving bureaucracies: FEMA, USACE and the DEC. Therefore, progress may be slower than everyone would like but progress will be made.

Linda and I, as well as the Board of Trustees: Pam, Mel, Laura and Ian, would like to wish everyone the merriest Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.

Mayor Greg Letica

Email: mayorgregletica@gmail.com
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

November 20, 2013

Huntington Supports ACOE Beach Restoration

Dear Neighbors:

During October I approached the office of Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone and requested that the Huntington Town Board pass a resolution supporting the restoration of the Long Island Sound beach by the Army Corps of Engineers. The idea was eagerly embraced and on November 7 a resolution was unanimously adopted by the Huntington Town Board. The resolution, which was sent to our Federal and State elected officials as well as the head of the NYSDEC, reinforces the fact that the beach restoration will benefit many residents of the Town of Huntington as well as the Village of Asharoken. Click here to read the full text of the resolution.

The resolution makes it very clear that the only way to protect Asharoken Avenue and the seawall is to restore the beach in front of it. I would like to thank Supervisor Petrone, Councilwoman Berland and Coucilmen Cuthbertson, Mayoka and Cook for their support.

By having the Town of Huntington openly support the beach restoration and asserting that sand on the beach is needed for their residents safety and welfare, we hope we will convince our Federal and State elected officials to rally behind this project and do what they can to expedite its progress. To that end, I have also reached out to the offices of all our elected officials to encourage them to do all that they can to move the process forward as quickly as possible.

Currently, National Grid is providing sand replenishment on Asharoken Beach. The placement is moving along with approximately half of the required 45,000 cubic yards placed to date. Their goal is to be finished by the end of December.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 15, 2013

The Village received the following notice from National Grid today:

"To date, approximately 7500 cubic yards of sand from an upland source, is stockpiled in the boat ramp parking lot. Today, our contractor began moving sand excavated from plant discharge channel to the boat ramp parking area.

We plan on surveying the stockpiles on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013. The contractor should begin moving sand onto the Asharoken beach on Monday, Oct. 21, 2013."

I will continue to keep you updated on the progress of the 45,000 CYD sand replenishment as news becomes available.

Wishing everyone a great day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

October 4, 2013

I would like to share with you several important events and updates that are happening in our Village.

Coastal Clean-up:
On Saturday, September 28, the Village ran its annual coastal cleanup. Many thanks go to Debbie Masterson, Michele Tilleli, Cathy Zimmermann, Deputy Mayor Pierce, Trustee Ettinger, Trustee Burke, Trustee Jablonski, residents Tracy Aboff, Katie Zimmermann, Linda Letica and Jamie Pierce for organizing such a successful event. They recruited over 200 volunteers who helped clean our local beaches and the Duck Island wetlands by filling two 20-yard dumpsters with upwards of 5000lbs of trash.

We also partnered with the Town of Huntington who supplied us with the dumpsters. I would like to thank Deputy Supervisor Pat DelCol, from the office of Supervisor Frank Petrone, for eagerly agreeing to help us out when I asked if they could join our efforts by providing the dumpsters. The town removed the dumpsters at no cost to the Village. This was a fabulous event for the environment , provided community service time for students, educated kids and adults about the need to keep the environment clean, and showed how the Village and Huntington can work together to make an excellent event even better. Many thanks go to our residents who took the time to assist with the clean-up and help make this event a success.

National Grid Placement of Sand:
National Grid will begin placing 45,000 Cubic Yards of sand on or about October 15. During the prior placement of sand, which was three years ago the first 12 properties were not given any sand. I was able to encourage the ACOE and National Grid to ensure that these properties receive sand this year. The project should be completed by January 1.

Beach Restoration Project:
I reached out to the ACOE/DEC, asking for a schedule of milestone dates for the major beach restoration project. I was informed that a tentative schedule has been developed and a final draft should be completed on or about October 21. I made a strong suggestion that the project begin in the winter of 2014-2015. Sue McCormick of the DEC informed me that currently the projected start date would be in the fall of 2015.

Congressman Bishop s Visit to Asharoken:
On Friday, September 6, Police Officer Sid Lynn and I had the pleasure to taking Congressman Tim Bishop on a boat tour of Asharoken. Congressman Bishop is the ranking Democrat on the House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee. I was given the opportunity to discuss and point out several areas to the congressman: the ACOE restoration project and sound side beach, as well as the sea wall and the possibility of dredging Duck Island Harbor. The meeting was very constructive and Congressman Bishop offered to help the village in any way he could. I would like to thank Officer Lynn for making this meeting possible.

Dune Restoration Project:
In September the Village finally received its reimbursement for the cost of the dune restoration, beach grass planting, asphalt work and shoulder repair, all damaged by Sandy; it took approximately six months, but we finally received the money that was due us totaling $187,135.80.

Curbing Improvement Project:
We re-worked the curbing by the catch basins north of Bevin Road. The alteration is expected to allow water running down Asharoken Avenue to reach and drain into the upper catch basin of the group of three. I would like to thank Andy Mendelsohn for his design and supervision of the entire job.

Cleaning Up the Road Shoulder:
We have recently removed the excess sand that falls into the roadway along the Avenue. This sand was removed and utilized near the seawall to fill in several areas that were previously washed out.

Repairing our Roadway:
We are working on an agreement with Lindley Asphalt Paving Inc. to repair several areas on Asharoken Avenue. These areas will be cut-out and repaved. All costs associated with this project will be submitted to Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) for full reimbursement. The repairs should take place in October.

Grant Applications:
The village is working on several grant opportunities;

         We submitted an application for a capital grant for $50,000 through Senator Marcellino s office.

         We are in the process of submitting an application for a Hazard Mitigation Grant (HMGP 404) through New York State Office of Emergency Management.

         This week we sent in a grant application to the Justice Court Assistant Program for court software and construction costs totaling $30,000 to help subsidize the costs for our new village court room.

FEMA Funding:

The update for FEMA reimbursement for our Village Hall is moving forward; the project worksheet has cleared the review process of the Cost Estimate Forum. The (CEF) department estimated the repairs to be close to the repair cost that the village submitted. The project worksheet is now with the Hazard Mitigation Department and then moves on to the Project Lead team for a final review. As soon as we receive updated information on the progress from FEMA, we will be informing all of you.

If you have any questions or ideas please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Mayor Greg Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

Dear Neighbors:

Harbor Porpoise
On Friday, September 6, Police Officer Sid Lynn and I had the pleasure of giving Smithtown Congressman Tim Bishop a boat tour of Asharoken. Congressman Bishop is a longtime friend of Officer Lynn and, as the ranking Democrat on the House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee, was very interested to see our Village from the water. I had the opportunity to discuss the ACOE s restoration of the sound side beach, the sea wall situation, and the need to dredge Duck Island Harbor with Congressman Bishop. The meeting was constructive and Congressman Bishop was very thankful we were able to share the beauty of Asharoken with him. I would like to thank Officer Lynn for making this important meeting possible.

Message from Asharoken Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian:

On August 22, 2013, the Flag at Village Hall flew at half mast to pay respect to retired Asharoken Village police officer William H. Uihlein who passed away on August 20.

Bill served the Village proudly for 29 years, having been appointed in 1957, and having retired in 1986. Bill protected the Village with legendary officers such as Arnold and Charles Johnson, Vincent Perla, and Henry Brooks - men who worked hard to build the department, making it the fine force it is today.

Bill leaves his wife Gertrude, son William (Nadine), daughter Martha (Terence), and three grandchildren, all of Huntington.

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

August 19, 2013
Harbor Porpoise

Dear Neighbors:

I am saddened to announce the passing of Elex Ingersoll at the age of 94. I would like to extend my condolences to the Ingersoll family on behalf of the Village of Asharoken. Elex was one of the longest tenured Asharoken residents and had served as Chair of the Conservation Board and AVAV. She and her husband, Ray, loved the Village and embraced our lifestyle to its fullest. Until just recently, she would take extended walks on Duck Island just to make sure everything was as it should be. Elex was a joy to spend time with and often shared amazing stories of her life. She will be missed by everyone who knew her.

A gathering to remember and celebrate Elex's life will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 5-7pm, at the Nolan Taylor funeral home in Northport. All are invited.

Mayor Greg Letica

Editor's Note: The Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home is located at 5 Laurel Avenue, Northport, NY 11768; telephone: (631) 754-2400; website: click here.

You are invited to leave your remembrances of Elex on our community Bulletin Board: click here.

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:

June 27, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

The Village just received the remaining balance of $15,767.95 on June 26, which is one of the final payments from FEMA for 90% reimbursement of Sandy related expenses. The Village will be receiving its 100% reimbursement check on or about July 15 for Federal Highway related expenses that include: Dune repair, asphalt repair, shoulder repair, and catch basin clean-out and a an 80% reimbursement check for beach grass totaling $190,089.00.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica:
Federal Government to pay for feasibility study costs
Asharoken saves $225,000

June 24, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on June 14, 2013, a resolution was unanimously passed to allow the Village to agree to amend the original feasibility study for the 600,000 cyds beach restoration. The amendment changed the cost share agreement so that the federal government will pay for the next $1,500,000 of study costs in full. This will save Asharoken $225,000, as we are normally responsible for 15% of the cost of the study. If the cost of finishing the study exceeds $1,500,000 then the Village will be responsible for 15% of the overage. Thanks to Senator Chuck Schumer for his hard work to get these funds included in the Sandy appropriations bill.

The Village still owes NY State $300,000 for the initial phase of the study, and the all of the money to pay for this is in a reserve fund.

Have a great day.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

June 11, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Trustee Mel Ettinger and Trustee Laura Burke joined me at a press conference held today at the Sound View boat ramp. Town Supervisor, Frank Petrone, asked for public support to stop the LIPA tax increase. If you would like to sign the online petition supporting this cause please click on the link below. It is imperative that our elected officials in Albany hear from as many of us as possible. Per the Town of Huntington, if the tax certiorari cases are lost, our school taxes could potentially go up as much as 60%.

Click here to read and sign the Town of Huntington petition to stop the LIPA tax hike.

Click here to read the Town of Huntington press release about the "Stop the LIPA Tax Hike" campaign.

Mayor Letica

Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

June 5, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

On June 4 the Village Board of Trustees passed a resolution extending the moratorium on building permit fees for damages caused by Superstorm Sandy for three months. The moratorium will expire on July 31. Please contact our building inspector, Doug Adil (261-7098), to determine if you need a permit for your repairs and are eligible for the moratorium. There are no plans at this time to extend the moratorium past July 31.

Please remember that the Village election is scheduled for June 18. Voting will take place at the Eaton's Neck Fire Department. A blood drive is scheduled concurrently at the Fire House so please consider giving the gift of life before or after voting. You can contact Trustee Laura Burke at 261-7098 to schedule a donation time.

Have a great day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

May 23, 2013

Your Village is really communicating!

I'm pleased to announce that the Village of Asharoken has established a Twitter account. You can follow the village @Asharokenny if you have a Twitter account or on the Internet at twitter.com/Asharokenny. If you do not have a Twitter account you can establish one very easily at Twitter.com. You can also download the Twitter app to your smart phone.

The Village will post notices on this account to provide information on road closures/openings, changes to scheduled village events and other vital information. The village will make every effort to post real-time notices regarding the road and encourages you to utilize Twitter rather than calling the police to determine if Asharoken Avenue is open to traffic during storm conditions.

This new Twitter account is in addition to all the other forms of Village communication. Do you have access to them all? Our Village Clerk issues "email blasts" from time-to-time about Village business. To add your email address to that list, email her at: rittenhousevc@gmail.com or stop by Village Hall to give it to her in person. We also publish a printed newsletter, all Village residents are mailed a copy. Then there is www.Asharoken.com, the five-year-old website managed by two long-time Village residents. Asharoken.com also issues Tweets informing residents about new information available on the website--so be sure to sign up for their Tweets as well.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day and please remember all of the Americans who have sacrificed to protect our freedoms.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

May 12, 2013

July 4th Fireworks Update:

Our Village has finalized a deal with Fireworks by Grucci for our 4th of July fireworks display. Start time is scheduled for 9:15 PM. The rain date is July 5th. I would encourage sound side residents to invite their bayside neighbors over to enjoy the spectacle.

I would like to thank Martin Hakker for a terrific job sourcing the fireworks and working out all of the details. Additionally, I would like to thank everyone who donated to Save the Fireworks for helping defray the cost of the display. Carol Cassamassima, Chair of the Save the Fireworks Committee, presented the village with a $3,500 check at the last Board meeting. Carol did a great job, considering that the holiday party fund raiser was cancelled due to Sandy. Your continued support allows this Asharoken tradition to go on year after year. Thanks again!

Linda and I would also like to wish everyone a very happy Mother s Day.

Mayor Greg Letica
LEGAL NOTICE: Public Hearing, Storm Water Report

A public hearing of the Board of Trustees will be held at the Northport American Legion Hall, 7 Woodside Avenue, Northport, NY 11768 at 7:30pm on May 7, 2013 to review the required draft presentation of the MS-4 Annual report for the period 2012-2013. Click on the items below to view full details.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

April 25, 2013

Dear Neighbors,

I am happy to report that the Village of Asharoken just received a payment in the amount of $77,305.97 from FEMA. This is the federal share of village expenses incurred during Sandy. This amount does not reflect any money for damage done to village hall which is being treated as a separate item and is still under analysis. The village is also awaiting additional funds from New York State to cover our costs from Sandy and reimbursement from the FHWA for the dune repair.

Have a great day!
Mayor Greg Letica
Response from Governor Cuomo:
RE: Sand On The Beach

Asharoken Mayor Gregory Letica, on February 14, 2013, received a letter from the New York Department of Environment Conservation. It contains a response from Governor Cuomo regarding the restoration of Asharoken's beach and dune structure. Click here to read the letter.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

March 22, 2013

Dear Neighbors,

The first phase of the dune repair has been completed. 5,000 CYDs of sand have been placed in the dune area. This should provide a moderate amount of protection for the road during major storms until a more complete beach restoration can be completed. The Federal Highway Administration will reimburse the village for the full cost of the sand and its placement (approx. $145,000). I would like to thank everyone who was inconvenienced during this construction project for their patience and understanding.

The village is awaiting delivery of beach grass, sourced from a supplier in Michigan, to plant on the repaired dune. Unfortunately, due to the cold spring the nursery has had a late start digging up the grass. We expect to receive the sprigs soon and they will be planted as soon as they arrive. The FHWA will pay for 80% of this project costing the village about $3,500.

Beach lot owners are really encouraged to augment the grass by planting other vegitation that is native to our dunes: rosa rugosa, beach plum, virginia creeper and yucas. Secondarily, beach lot owners are encouraged to construct steps to cross the dunes. It might make sense to join with several of your beach lot neighbors and construct a common set of steps. Sample plans are available at village hall and Clerk Rittenhouse can help you get in touch with your neighbors to work cooperatively.

Finally, the village had a meeting with Robert Allen, Manager of the National Grid Power Plant, to start preliminary planning for the 45,000 CYD sand replacement scheduled to commence this fall. I will keep everyone informed on the start date and details of the work as they become available. Mr. Allen advised me that National Grid will repair the collapsed parts of the chain link fence near the nature preserve.

And, for all the doubters who do not believe that spring is here, our pair of nesting Osprey have returned. This is a sure sign that warmer, snow free days are not far away.

Linda and I wish you and your family a Happy Easter and a terrific Passover.

Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

February 28, 2013

Hi Everyone:

During lunch today Barry Bradley told me about an unusual looking dead animal in the Duck Island Wetlands. I went over to investigate and discovered that it was a Harbor Porpoise.
Harbor Porpoise
Harbor Porpoise
This is the second Harbor Porpoise I have seen in Asharoken, the other had gotten trapped in Carter's Bight several years ago. I confirmed the identification with the Riverhead Foundation and they are planning on collecting the carcass for a postmortem.

If you live on the bay side of the strip you may have noticed and enormous group of ducks in the bay. These ducks are Scaup and a large group is referred to as a raft of Scaup. It is really an amazing sight and is worth looking out for.

Have a great day.
Greg Letica
Message from Mayor Gregory D. Letica
RE: Tentative 2013-2014 Budget

February 22, 2013

Dear Neighbor:

The Board of Trustees, Treasurer Hayes, Clerk Rittenhouse and I have worked very hard over the last month to construct the tentative budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. A village budget is a spending plan for a fiscal year. It needs to be considered in its totality and not in the minutia of each sub account. The tentative tax levy is below the New York State two percent real property tax levy limit.

The tentative budget has a 3.66% tax increase that translates into a $120 increase for an average home in the village. The increase is made up of several factors that we have little control over: For instance the police & state employee retirement pension has risen $22,375, health insurance costs have increased $7,000, workers compensation insurance up $4,000, fire & EMS protection costs up $4,000, and claims and judgments of $19,000 was budgeted to prepare our village for potential payouts for small claims assessment settlements. These direct payouts were never budgeted in the prior years. If you back out these increased costs our taxes would be virtually unchanged.

The budget includes contractual increases for our police and salary increases for other employees. Additionally, money earmarked for village hall, when offset by a withdrawal from our tax stabilization fund, adds $3,000 to our budget. Helping reduce our budget is a $30,000 (50%) reduction in legal fees and a reduction in weekday marine police patrol expenditures.

Potentially, the village could have a substantial reduction in contributions to our police & state employee retirement if Governor Cuomo s budget is passed as currently proposed. The village is also doing all it can to obtain maximum funding from FEMA for storm costs and rebuilding village hall.

The complete detailed budget is available for viewing at Asharoken.com and copies are available at village hall.

The public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on March 5 at the Northport American Legion Hall, 7 Woodside Avenue in Northport. I look forward to hearing any suggestions and questions that you may have either in writing or in person.

Best Regards,
Mayor Greg Letica
February 9, 2013 Letter from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica

February 9, 2013

Dear Neighbors:

I hope that everyone made it through the snow storm without any problems. It really was refreshing to just have a run of the mill storm. Enjoy the beauty of Asharoken in its full winter glory for as long as it lasts.

I would like to update everyone on several ongoing Asharoken concerns.

Sand on the Beach: Currently we have two Sand on the Beach projects in the works.

  • Included in the Sandy Relief Funding Bill is over $30 million that can be used by the Army Corps of Engineers and the DEC to complete the feasibility study and begin the full scale reconstruction project. The study is needed to determine the best offshore locations to dredge and to minimize any environmental impact. I have reached out to all of our state elected officials to encourage the DEC to expedite the completion of the study.
    Senator Schumer announces aid package for protecting New York's Coastline which includes over $30 million earmarked for Asharoken.
    Senator Schumer announces aid package for protecting New York's Coastline, which includes over $30 million earmarked for Asharoken. Note Asharoken highlighted on the map.
    Deputy Mayor Pierce and I attended a press conference in Point Lookout hosted by Senator Schumer on Sunday, January 27 where he announced the aid package. At the same time I had an opportunity to publicly thank him for his efforts to have Asharoken included in the bill.
  • The existing permit between National Grid and The Army Corps of Engineers requires National Grid to place approximately 45,000 cubic yards of sand on Asharoken Beach every three years. The last deposit of sand took place in the fall of 2010. The ACOE just advised me that "the next three year cycle for nourishment of Asharoken beach is due by 31 December 2013 and should include placement of 45,000 cubic yards of sand." As plans progress I will keep you informed.
Dune Repair: The village is working with the Federal Highway Administration to have an additional 5,000 cubic yards of sand added to the dune area to increase the size of the dune protecting the road. This week we heard back from the FHWA and it appears that they will pay for the entire sand placement and 80% of planting the dune. The net cost to the village is approximately $3,500 out of an estimated $170,000 gross cost.

Although the full reconstruction is still several years away the smaller additions should help protect homes and the road until then.

Village Hall Reconstruction:The need for a new village hall becomes more evident every day. In doing our due diligence, the village has solicited three quotes to repair the old structure. Based on the first estimate it makes no sense to repair the antiquated, flood prone and entirely too small village hall. The village is working closely with FEMA to provide all of the needed documentation to determine the amount of funding FEMA may be able to provide for the new village hall.

The Village Hall Fundraising Committee: In the last two months residents have raised over $80,000 of additional donations. Our neighbors have been unbelievably generous and approximately 150 families have donated money. Included are two $25,000 donations, one $20,000 donation, seven $10,000 donations and 63 donations between $1,000 and $7,500.

At the moment we have approximately $350,000 available to build Village Hall. We will likely need at least twice as much to complete the project. The building will be functional, appropriately sized and represent our community. Along with offices for the Clerk and the Police, there will be an all-purpose room used to hold board meetings, court sessions, community functions and more importantly a place for residents to go in case of an emergency. The village is working hard to get grants and funding from FEMA as well as exploring borrowing money to raise the needed additional funds.

Proposed Budget: The proposed budget for the next fiscal year is being worked on and will be available in complete detail on the website and at village hall by the end of February. Your board of trustees is working very hard to minimize any tax increase. I look forward to you comments and suggestions once the proposed budget is finalized. Your Asharoken taxes are a value when you realize that you get 24/7 private police, fire protection, EMS,sanitation, court, building inspector, zoning and planning boards.

Have a wonderful day,
Mayor Greg Letica
Message from Mayor Gregory D. Letica
RE: Letter to Our Elected Officials

Dear Neighbors:

Below is the letter that I sent to our elected officials on December 27. Thanks again to all of you who have reached out on the village's behalf.

December 27, 2012

Dear Governor Cuomo, Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, Congressman Israel, State Senator Marcellino and Assemblyman Raia.

Last night we had our third Nor'easter since Sandy and the inadequacy of the piles of sand that protect Asharoken Avenue was clearly exposed. What were once vegetated dunes prior to Sandy are just piles of sand and the contour of the beach allows the water to easily reach the littoral side of the piles. There is no doubt that the road is at risk of being destroyed should we have a major storm. Asharoken Avenue is the only means of access to Eaton's Neck home to over 2000 people. Something needs to be done quickly to resolve this dangerous situation.

The Army Corps of Engineers and the NYS DEC have been working for many years to fully restore Asharoken beach by adding 600,000-1,000,000 CYDS of sand. Now is the time to act. If we lose the road the cost of fixing the problem will increase radically and thousands of people's safety will be put at risk. I do not think that this is something we should allow to happen.

Following Sandy, all sorts of dredging and beach restoration is underway on the south shore of Long Island. It is high time to get one of these dredges up here and start restoring Asharoken. Every day that we wait to act is one day closer to the next big storm. It is time to finish the never ending feasibility study, fund the project and restore the beach.

I am asking that you do all you can to find funding for this project and expedite its completion. Asharoken is a community of 650 people and approximately 300 homes. There is no way that we can be expected to bear the burden of the cost of this project, particularly since it will benefit far more residents of Huntington than Asharoken. We need your help to provide full funding from the federal and state government. Our project is small enough that finding the funds in a pool of $50 billion of proposed aid should not be too difficult.

I have attached two photos taken today to show how poorly the sand piles protect the road. As I have done before, I invite you or a representative of yours to come to the village and see first hand how badly we need help.

I wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year.

Dr. Gregory Letica
Mayor, Village of Asharoken
Letter from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica
RE: December 26 Nor'easter

December 27, 2012, 3:00pm

Dear Neighbors:

Last night's Nor'easter showed how badly we need to have the beach restored. About 2 weeks ago I mailed a letter asking that you contact our elected officials and respectfully ask for their help to get our beach restored. If you have not had a chance to reach out to Governor Cuomo, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, Congressman Israel, State Senator Marcellino and Assemblyman Raia, there is no better time to do so than now. They need to hear from as many of us as possible. The most effective way to be heard is to email them and you can do so directly from their web sites. If you have already corresponded with them, thank you. In an effort to expand our political pressure I have also reached out to the residents of Eaton's Neck via the POENB to do the same.

I would like to wish everyone in Asharoken a healthy, happy and storm-free new year.

Greg Letica, Mayor
Editor's Note: Direct links to the websites of all our elected officials may be found on our website. Click the "Government" button above, then click the "Elected Reps/Gov't Links" button. Or, click here.

Those mailing actual letters should use the following addresses:
Senator Charles Shumer
145 Pinelawn Road
Melville, NY 11747
Senator Kristen Gillibrand
155 Pinelawn Road
Melville, NY 11747
Congressman Steve Israel
150 Motor Parkway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Governer Andrew Cuomo
New York State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Assemblyman Andrew Raia
75 Woodbine Avenue
Northport, NY 11768
State Senator Carl Marcellino
250 Townsend Square
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Suggested Text for Letter to Elected Officials

Dear Neighbor:

In order to help get the restoration of Asharoken beach completed, I think that it is important that our elected officials hear from each and every one of us. Below, I have written a brief letter, which you are free to copy and use. If you would like to support the Village, maintain our real estate values, protect our road and assure our safety, I strongly encourage you to contact our Senators, Congressman, Governor, State Senator and Assemblyman and ask for their help to get the beach restored.

Thank you,
Mayor Greg Letica

Dear _________________________:

I am respectfully asking you to do all you can to encourage the NYSDEC and the ACOE to fully restore Asharoken Beach. The safety of the residents who live on the road, the long term protection of the road and access to Eaton s Neck (home to over 2000 people, many of whom are not Asharoken residents, the Eaton s Neck Coast Guard Station and a Huntington Town Beach) are all dependent on a full and complete restoration of the beach.

During Hurricane Sandy many homes were damaged and the road was nearly lost. The village of Asharoken has approximately 300 homes and about 650 residents and can t be expected to carry the burden of the cost of this restoration. The village is asking for full federal and state funding for the feasibility study as well as the restoration project.

Thank you for your help.

Village of Asharoken
To print this letter, click here. The letter will appear in a new window.
Letter from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica
RE: Sandy Aftermath/Updates

November 16, 2012, 5:03pm

Dear Neighbors:

It has been a very challenging three weeks for everyone in the village. The village has made great strides to become fully functional again. I hope that those of you who had damage to your homes have also made good progress in getting your lives back together. Linda and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving and hope that you get to spend some relaxed and rewarding time with your family. We all really need it.

Here are a few quick updates on how things are going village wise:

1-Our police and clerk have moved into their new offices. Trustee Ettinger. Paul Rittenhouse, and many members of our police were indefatigable in their efforts to get the police up and running. It really underscores the inadequate nature of our village hall when moving into a construction trailer is an improvement. John Ross and the reconstruction committee are working tirelessly to finalize plans for the new structure and the village is seeking every means possible to help finance the construction.

2-The Village is working with the FHWA to place more sand on the dunes to help protect the road. Although not yet finalized, we are close to finalizing the deal. We will also look to transfer more sand from parking lots to the dune. This will fortify the dune and allow parking. Concurrently, we are looking to clean out the tidal wetlands using employees paid for by the Department of Labor.

3-The Bevin Road corner still needs work as does the shoulder of the road in the same area. The Village is finalizing a plan to correct some minor undermining of the road and the back filling of the ditch will follow. The corner of Bevin Road is awaiting mark outs of utilities and a test hole to see what is the composition of the soil at the corner. How we proceed will depend on what we find. Thanks to Highway Superintendent Tony Wenderoth and Andy Mendelsohn for their contributions to solving these problems.

4-The Village is working on the needed documents to reimburse us for costs incurred during the storm This effort is spearheaded by Deputy Mayor Pierce and Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse. Among the covered expenses: police salary, road clearing and repair, the trailers and set up, debris removal and many others. As of now the split apprears be 90/10 leaving the village responsible for 10% of the costs.

5-Following up on a Newsday article reporting that Senators Schumer and Gilibrand will seek money for beach replenishment, I wrote to both of them explaining our needs and included a few photos to underscore the point.

We still have a ways to go and we will get there. The village is here to help you in any way that it can. Please contact Nancy Rittenhouse at 631-261-7098 if you have any questions or need assistance. The residents of Asharoken have shown great patience and understanding during this challenging time. Without your help things could never have gone as smoothly as they have. Thank you!

Have a great Thanksgiving and safe travels.

Mayor Greg Letica
Letter from Asharoken Mayor Gregory D. Letica
RE: Sandpiper Farm

August 10th, 2012

Dear Neighbors:

On Tuesday, August 7th the Suffolk County Legislature unanimously voted to approve Sandpiper Farm s application to be included in an Agricultural District. This is not a guarantee that the property will not ultimately be developed. But, hopefully, this will be the first step to permanently preserve this beautiful, undeveloped parcel.

Recognizing the desire of Village residents to preserve open land and prevent development, the Board of Trustees dropped its opposition and reached a written understanding with the property owners. Once Sandpiper Farm s application is approved by the State Commissioner of Agriculture, the Board of Trustees and other Village officials will meet with the property owners to reach an agreement for payments to the Village in lieu of taxes and reasonable restrictions on the use of the land. Three members of the Board of Trustees and I agreed that this was the proper approach to take.

I have every reason to believe that the property owners will, in good faith, work with the Village in the best interest of all of our residents. Asharoken has several very costly problems to deal with in the near future (beach restoration, sea wall maintenance, Village hall reconstruction and police contract and retirement) which can only be accomplished if we all work together.

If all goes as I expect, we have reached an historic and important milestone in the history of Asharoken. I look forward to working with the owners of Sandpiper Farm to preserve the Asharoken lifestyle that all of us treasure.

Mayor Gregory Letica
For Your Information:
Asharoken Village Notices/Alerts During October/November 2012 Hurricane Sandy:

& Village Clerk Rittenhouse

To all Residents and Property Owners:
On Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 at the Northport Village Hall- 224 Main Street. At 5:00 PM Congressman Steve Israel and the Village of Northport will be holding an informational briefing with experts from the SBA and FEMA agencies. Both agencies will be available to residents to supply information on federal programs available for families with storm damage to their homes as well as aid that may be available. You can view Congressman Steve Israel's Guide for Sandy Federal Assistance at or Call Rep. Israel's Office at 631-951-2210.

Residents and Property Owners:
Hurricane Sandy Update November 12, 2012

1. FEMA has set up a center at Town Hall, Town of Huntington 100 Main Street. They will be available TODAY, November 12th from 9am to 7pm. Look for the FEMA banner near Jackson Avenue. Fema number is 1-800-621-FEMA or

2. Debris Pick-up will continue until Wednesday, November 14th. Please only put out items that were damaged due to Hurricane Sandy by this date.

3. The Town of Huntington will be picking up any fallen tree debris over the next several weeks, please place your debris at the edge of your property.

4. The Village will be expediting all repair/construction building permits and waiving the building permit fee for damages from Hurricane Sandy. If you have any questions please contact Village Hall at 631-261-7098 or the Building Inspector at 631-935-5501.

5. The Village has waived the trailer/mobile home ordinance for residents who need to repair their home due to damages from Hurricane Sandy. The waiver is for approximately a six (6) month period. A special permit is required at no fee, please contact Village Hall for the necessary form.

6. If you know of anyone who still has no power- call LIPA at 1-800-490-0075 or contact Village Hall.

7. In order to get Code RED alert messages from the Town of Huntington. Please go to the Town of Huntington Website. At the top right hand corner click on "Huntington Alerts" and follow the Code RED instructions. You maybe getting these messages on your landline, but you must sign on in order to get these messages via email and text. These alert messages will provide important information in the future.

8. If you have any questions regarding damages to your home and need advice from our building inspector Doug Adil, or need help with insurance forms please contact the Village Hall at 631-261-7098 or email Rittenhousevc@gmail.com.

9. TRASH: No Trash pick up today (holiday) Trash pick-up will be Tuesday, November 13th, Recycle pick-up will be Wednesday November 14th. NEWSPAPER AND CARDBOARD THIS WEEK.

Thank you and stay safe.

Nancy Rittenhouse
Asharoken Village Clerk
Phone: 631-261-7098
Fax: 631-262-0462

UPDATE: November 12, 2012

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Suffolk County will collect and properly dispose of potentially hazardous common household products from flood-damaged homes in Suffolk County.

Beginning on Nov. 12, people in affected homes may bring household products, including:

solvents, paints, cleaners, oil,
propane tanks,
batteries, car batteries,
petroleum products,
weed/bug killers,
bleach and ammonia,

to one of four drop-off locations.

In addition, starting on Nov. 12, residents of Islip, Babylon, Patchogue, Mastic Beach and Riverhead can put waste products on the curb for pickup. The drop-off and pickup locations are listed below:

Venetian Shores Park, 801 Granada Parkway, Lindenhurst, NY
Islip Multipurpose Recycling Facility, 1155 Lincoln Avenue, Holbrook, NY
Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1 Hammond Street, Patchogue, NY
Highway Barn, 1177 Osborn Road, Riverhead, NY (*begins Tues., Nov. 13*)

EPA is urging people to separate potentially hazardous products from their regular trash and bring them to one of the newly established drop-off locations or place them on the curb in areas with curbside pickup.

Oil-contaminated debris or material contaminated by other petroleum or chemical products should be separated and stored in a well-ventilated area. If stored outdoors, the piles should be covered to keep rain from contaminating nearby soil and water.

Any chemical or oil spills, such as from home heating oil tanks, must be reported to DEC through the agency s Spills Hotline at 1-800-457-7362.

It is also important to clean and disinfect everything touched by flood waters as quickly as possible, since they may contain bacteria or toxic chemicals from sources as varied as garden chemicals, heating oil and sewage.

Porous items need to be dried right away to prevent mold. If possible, household furnishings should be cleaned or disinfected. If they cannot be cleaned, they should be discarded. Hard, non-porous surfaces should also be cleaned.

For detailed advice, see the State Department of Health s website: http://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/weather/hurricane/and http://www.epa.gov/sandy/factsheets.html

For more information on handling household hazardous waste in Suffolk County, visit: http://epa.gov/sandy/pdf/R2SuffolkHHW.pdf

The EPA and DEC have also worked with communities to establish temporary storage areas for storm-generated debris. New Yorkers can find more information by calling the EPA at 888-283-7626 or the DEC regional office on Long Island at 516-444-0375 during normal business hours to obtain specific disposal information.

More information can be found at www.epa.gov/sandy.

Please share this information to all our neighbors, be they in Asharoken or elsewhere in Suffolk County.

Avrum H. Golub, M.D., J.D.
Superintendent, Stormwater Management
Trustee, Incorporated Village of Asharoken (ret.)

November 6, 2012, 12:31pm

Dear Neighbors:

I would like to give you all an update on things in Asharoken.

As I write this, we are looking at some nasty weather for Wednesday. This storm should be a standard nor'easter and will bear no resemblance to Hurricane Sandy.

Other items:

1-I have reached out to Cablevision and it seems that if you are without service you need to call them to schedule a service call. 225-5555 or 255-5555.

2-The dunes have been rebuilt under the supervision of Andy Mendelsohn. Deputy Mayor Pierce and Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse were instrumental in arranging the needed machinery. At the same time the shoulder by Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue will be back filled.

3-The Village is awaiting the arrival of two trailers to move the clerk and police into. They are expected on Wednesday and Thursday.

More later, All the best,

November 5, 2012, 7:01am

Dear Residents and Property Owners:

1. Normal Trash Pick-up will take place today, Monday, November 5th. Bottles & Cans will be picked up Wednesday, November 7th. Normal Trash Pick-up on Thursday, November 8th.

2. Tonight, November 5th-Village Board of Trustees Meeting will take place at the Northport American Legion Hall, 7 Woodside Avenue in Northport Village at 7:30pm.

3. Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th. If you vote at the Asharoken Village Hall you will now vote at the Eatons Neck Fire House. (6am to 9pm)

4. The Village will begin picking up debris from your curbside. Debris items should only be the result from Hurricane Sandy.

5. For residents who have experienced damage from Hurricane Sandy and need to file a report with FEMA the number is 1-800-621-3362 (Hours are 7am to 11:59pm weekdays). The website is www.disasterassistance.gov.

6. Insurance claims: If you are having a difficult time filling out insurance forms we will have volunteers to help you with this process.

7. William Brosnan School (Laurel Ave Building) is available as a warming center. The Huntington YMCA is open to anyone who would like to take a hot shower. If you know of anyone who still doesn't have heat please spread the word.

8. The
Town of Huntington Website has a notification system called Code RED, click here to sign up. You will receive weather and public safety messages from the Town of Huntington.

Please email us if you need assistance or have questions.
Thank you and stay safe,

Nancy Rittenhouse
Phone: 631-261-7098
Fax: 631-261-0462

November 3, 2012, 9:33am

Village Residents:
Several Announcements:

1. FEMA has not established a kick off meeting/informational meeting yet. As soon as we receive detail information on specific contacts for individual assistance we will forward that information to you. As of now the FEMA number we were given was 1-800-621-3362 for residents who have experienced damage from Hurricane Sandy.

2. The November Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Monday, November 5th at 7:30pm. However, due to damage to our Village Hall the meeting will be held at the Northport American Legion Hall, located at 7 Woodside Avenue in Northport Village. Again, the Meeting will be Monday, November 5th at 7:30pm at Northport American Legion Hall.

3. Important: For Tuesday, Election Day, November 6th. All residents who vote at the Asharoken Village Hall will now be voting at the Eaton's Neck Fire House. Hours are 6am to 9pm.

4. Holiday Party has been postponed to a later date.

5. Please check the website www.Asharoken.com for updates as well.

6. If anyone needs assistance or information please email us at Rittenhousevc@gmail.com

Thank you.
Nancy Rittenhouse
Phone: 631-261-7098
Fax: 631-261-0462

November 2, 2012, 3:20pm
Dear Neighbors:

Here is a short update on things in the Village:
1-Power is coming back and the guys from Intren, based in Wisconsin, are working really hard to get things fixed. If you can help out your neighbors without power it would be appreciated.

2-The monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Monday (November 5) at 7:30pm will have to be moved to the American Legion Hall in Northport (7 Woodside Avenue, behind the Northport Historical Society, 215 Main Street).

Also, the polling place for the General Election on Tuesday (November 6) will be relocated to the Eaton's Neck Fire House.

3-Road repair and dune restoration are underway or scheduled. I am awaiting word from LIPA as to when they can get the wires off the ground and allow us to put the dune back.

4-Village hall was flooded in the storm and has been determined by the board to not be useable. We are looking into moving the clerk and police into a trailer and proceeding with a new building.

5-The Board has agreed to waive our noise ordinance this weekend from 8-5 to allow cleanup.

6-If you have any building and structural questions you can contact our building inspector Doug Adil at 935-5501.

As a community we have fared much better than many others, seaside or inland. Please, help your neighbors, stay patient and strong, and know that your mayor, board and other volunteers are working tirelessly (actually I am pretty shot by 9PM) on your behalf.

Mayor Greg Letica

November 1, 2012, 7:16pm
Dear Neighbors:

I wanted to give you a quick update on restoration progress. The road is open and the one section near the sea wall that lost asphalt will be repaired on Nov 2. The electricity has been restored to part of the village tonight. The poles still need to be replaced and the wires rehung. This should happen in the next couple of days.

Once the poles are finished we will get the beach lots cleared and re-build the dunes as best we can. We will also repair the road shoulder opposite the sea wall.

Village hall has had some very serious water damage and we are in the process of accessing the best steps to take to get it up and running ASAP.

The village will get FEMA contact information for you as soon as we have a working office. Additionally, we will apply for FEMA reimbursement for village costs.

I hope everyone is doing well and slowly getting back to a more normal life. Please stop by village hall and share any concerns you have with the police or other officials who are there.

Mayor Greg Letica

October 30, 2012, 8:27pm

Dear Asharoken Residents,
Hurricane Sandy was one of the most powerful and destructive storms to hit Asharoken. Thankfully, no one was injured, but property damage will sadly be significant. I wish you and your family all the best in your clean up and repair, and assure you that the Village of Asharoken is doing all it can to help you out.

Parts of the road remain flooded as of 7pm on Tuesday. Hopefully, the remaining water will recede in the next day or two. Asharoken Ave was opened for vehicular traffic at noon today. It was a heroic effort to clear telephone poles and a substantial amount of sand. We owe thanks to the Eatons Neck FD, the Asharoken police, Trustee/Deputy Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger, Town of Huntington, National Grid and Emergency Management director Bill Raisch. Together they did an amazing job.

As of now, I have received no estimate from LIPA as to when the power will be turned back on. I will let you know as soon as I have more information.

The next several days are going to be challenging. I ask your patience and understanding. Everything is being done to fully restore the road and electrical service, but it unfortunately may not happen as fast as we would like. To help speed up this process, please minimize your trips in and out of the village.

I will keep you updated when I have more information.

Mayor Greg Letica

October 28th, 2012, 1pm

Due to Hurricane Sandy the forecasted storm surge may reach historic levels. Therefore the Village strongly recommends all residents in low lying areas to evacuate these areas. Hurricane Sandy is an extremely large and dangerous storm that could last for several days and should be taken very seriously. Expect road closures that may last for considerable periods of time.

As of Sunday, October 28th, 2012 12noon the Village of Asharoken has declared a State of Emergency (click here to read)

Please share this information with your neighbors as not everyone has access to the website and e-mails. As always please consider the safety and welfare of your neighbors.

In case your power goes out, please report all outages to LIPA 1-800-490-0075.

The Village trash pick-up will be cancelled on Monday, October 29th. The next pick-up will be:
    Re-cycle pick-up Wednesday, October 31st, weather permitting.
    Trash pick-up Thursday, November 1st, weather permitting.

Stay Safe
Mayor Greg Letica


Delays or road closures are likely on Monday and Tuesday around times of high tide:
    11:36am Monday
    12:01am Tuesday
    12:12pm Tuesday
These delays or closures may exist for several hours preceding and after the actual times of high tide, or longer depending on the conditions. If possible, please plan your travel accordingly and minimize your driving during Hurricane Sandy.

Date: July 31, 2012
Nancy Rittenhouse
Village Clerk

In Memory and Respect:
Charles D. Brown, elected Village Justice

The Village of Asharoken mourns the passing of Justice Charles D. Brown. Mayor Letica reflects: "Charlie Brown exemplified everything it means to live in Asharoken. He loved the beach, the water and the natural beauty that surrounds all of us. He was a Village volunteer in many positions and served as our judge for almost thirty years. We have lost a friend and a neighbor. Charlie will be missed by many, but never forgotten."

Click here to read the obituary of Justice Brown in Newsday.

For Your Information:
Asharoken Village Notices/Alerts During August 2011 Hurricane Irene:

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 6:00 PM, Monday, August 29, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #7

Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving reports that a State of Emergency for the Village of Asharoken is still in effect. Many homes are still without power and some of the private roads are barely passable.

Asharoken Avenue has reopened to two-way traffic. Caution is advised as the roadway in that area has soft or no shoulders. Many streets have trees with limbs hanging and there are wires still down in several areas. Residents should be careful when driving or walking anywhere in the village.

Garbage pick-up resumed today for those streets that were accessible. Downed trees will be picked up from the Village right of way. The Village cannot clear private property or private roads.

The seawall has suffered some damage but is still structurally intact. The US Army Corps of Engineers has already inspected the damage.

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 5:40pm Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #6

Mayor Pat Irving says that Asharoken has fared well in Hurricane Irene. Most of the Village maintained electrical power throughout the storm. The Village did suffer excessive flooding during the astronomic high tide. Asharoken Avenue was closed, however it is now open, but restricted to one lane of travel in the area of the seawall. Traffic will alternate directions, one way at a time, until further notice.

For those residents who have lost power, LIPA advises that they cannot provide an estimated time for restored service.

Mayor Irving wishes to thank those residents that heeded the warnings for voluntary evacuation, as well as all residents of Asharoken for their continued cooperation in the coming days while we work to get our Village back to normal.

Mayor s Update: 10:00am, Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #5 (Posting delayed due to power outage.)

Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving has declared a State of Emergency for the Village of Asharoken. Asharoken Avenue is closed.

Conditions at the sea wall have worsened to the point where vehicular travel in that area has become dangerous. Furthermore, many areas of the dunes along Asharoken Avenue are likely to breach before high tide at 11:10 AM this morning.

The roadway will stay closed until it is safe to travel and any debris has been removed from the roadway. It is expected that the road will be closed for several hours, perhaps longer if the roadway is damaged.

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 9:00pm Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #4

Mayor Pat Irving says the Village is well prepared for the storm and is ready for the worst.

Many residents have heeded the warnings and have participated in the voluntary evacuation. This has eliminated almost all traffic on the streets of Asharoken and Eaton s Neck. Police and emergency services vehicles have been able to easily respond to all calls. Both the Village and Suffolk County Police have extra officers on duty in our community.

The worst of the storm is not expected until after 1:00 AM Sunday. The immediate danger is a breach in the dunes along Asharoken Avenue at an astronomically high tide. Hurricane Irene has slowed on its course up the east coast and its full fury should come after high tide Saturday evening (10:40 PM). The most significant damage is now expected at high tide Sunday morning, 11:10AM.

Village Hall has remained staffed and we continue to monitor the storm and emergency services. In the event of closure of Asharoken Avenue, information will be posted on this website. Expect another update no later than noon on Sunday, August 28th.

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 6:00pm Friday, August 26, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #3

Mayor Pat Irving has announced a Voluntary Evacuation of the Village beginning at 9:00 AM Saturday morning, August 27.

Mayor Irving said, If you have someplace else to go, you should go there". It is anticipated that the dunes along Asharoken Avenue will breach during the storm, causing a closure of Asharoken Avenue. Depending upon how serious the breaches are, Asharoken Avenue could be closed temporarily or longer, if the road is undermined by a storm surge.

Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone has also declared a State of Emergency for the Town and has extended the Voluntary Evacuation to Eaton s Neck and other shore areas. He stated that those that live in the shore and low-lying areas should consider evacuating now because of the possibility of road washouts that could leave them stranded .

The request for residents who live in waterfront areas to consider evacuating came after a meeting this morning at which Town representatives and Village officials discussed emergency preparations.

For those residents that have no other place to go, the Red Cross has established Walt Whitman High School as a shelter. Persons unable to get there on their own can get a Town Bus at the town s Asharoken Beach parking lot and the First Presbyterian Church in Northport from 12 noon to 6:00 PM.

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 4:00pm Friday, August 26, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #2

Mayor Irving is advising residents to consider evacuating in advance of Hurricane Irene reaching Long Island. Asharoken Avenue may be come impassable and priority must be given to emergency service vehicles. Once the hurricane begins, everyone is urged to stay off the roads.

MAYOR'S UPDATE: 9:00pm Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hurricane Irene Advisory #1

Dear Residents and Property Owners,

As you are well aware, Hurricane Irene is likely to strike Long Island this weekend.

The Village Board, police department, staff and volunteers are actively participating in emergency planning with the Town and County and our local fire departments. I, personally, have already received a call from Congressman Steve Israel advising that he is ready to assist the Village in any way he can. Governor Cuomo has declared a State of Emergency, making State and County resources more readily available if needed.

It is recommended you remove all patio furniture, umbrellas and any other items that are not permanently attached to your property. You should not store any of these items on the beach or out in the open as they are likely to get washed or blown away causing damage to other property and obstruct the roadways. Nothing should be stored on the dunes.

It is also recommended you not leave vehicles in your garages if you are located in a low-lying area. It is suggested you relocate them to higher ground outside the Village.

In the event you have to make an insurance claim as a result of storm damage, it would be very beneficial to have photographs of your home and property immediately prior to the storm. Therefore you should take dated pictures of your property including your beachfront at high and low tides.

We will continue to monitor the storm and weather briefings offered to local officials and if a voluntary or mandatory evacuation is necessary, we will provide further information at www.asharoken.com and post in front of Village Hall. It is recommended that you do not call the Police Department unless it is an emergency as they are already being overwhelmed with unnecessary phone calls.

Mayor Patricia Irving

fyi: High Tides on Saturday, August 27 in Northport Bay/Eaton's Neck are at approximately 10:20am and 10:30pm; on Sunday, August 28 approximately 11am and 11:30pm.
Stormwater Catch Basin Project

Work begins to cure Asharoken Ave./Bevin Rd. flooding.
Catch basin project at Asharoken Ave./Bevin Rd.
The efforts to alleviate the chronic flooding problems at the intersection of Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue has been completed on schedule, the end of March 2011. Long Island-based Laser Industries delivered precast concrete rings that were installed as part of the remedy. The project was funded, in part, by a New York State Assistance Contract through the Department of Environmental Conservation. Several Village volunteers and New York State elected officials assisted in securing the funding and seeing the project through.
Army Corps Completes Repair of Asharoken Seawall

(January 25, 2011 Press Release): Earlier this month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, completed rehabilitation work on the seawall responsible for safeguarding the primary access road into and out of Asharoken. Click here to view the full Army Corps press release.

Originally constructed in 1996, the seawall provides emergency erosion protection to a critical section
This was a difficult project that required a great deal of coordination, but we've delivered a top-notch solution that will provide cost-effective protection.”
of Asharoken Avenue by absorbing the wave action and securing the roadway. Without it, access to the mainland would be extremely difficult, particularly during storm events. The seawall sustained heavy damage during a March 2010 storm, prompting the Army Corps to get involved.

The current repair was based on work done on a 225-foot section of the seawall in 2007 that did extremely well during last the March 2010 storm. It included repairing/replacing the bowed section of the concrete tieback, repairing/replacing the damaged steel sheeting and placing armor stone weighing up to 7 tons in front of the seawall.

The Long Island Sound is a very dynamic environment, meaning the Corps' coastal engineers had to design a structure capable of absorbing large amounts of high wind and wave energy. The repair restores the seawall to pre-storm conditions as per the 1996 project, which was designed to handle a 22-year level event.

"I'm very pleased to see this project brought to completion, particularly in light of the recent winter storm activity," said Col. John R. Boul , commander, New York District. "This was a difficult project that required a great deal of coordination but we've manged to deliver a top-notch solution that will provide cost-effective protection for the residents of Asharoken."

Asharoken Mayor Patricia Irving was pleased with the unhindered cooperation between the Village, the Army Corps, the contractor and property owners.
Having the seawall repaired quickly and effectively is critically important for Asharoken and the surrounding communities. I commend the Army Corps for finishing this project ahead of schedule.”

—Rep. Steve Israel
"Many residents freely signed right-of-entry agreements on their private property, allowing the Army Corps and the Cutting Edge Group to complete the project expeditiously, with minimal interruption to traffic." Mayor Irving added, "When issues arose, the parties involved immediately worked together to resolve the matter. As a result, the project was completed a full month ahead of schedule."

"Having the seawall repaired quickly and effectively is critically important for Asharoken and the surrounding communities. I commend the Army Corps for finishing this project ahead of schedule. I look forward to continuing to partner with the Army Corps and Mayor Irving on solutions for beach replenishment and protection for Asharoken," said Rep. Steve Israel.

The project cost $2.2 million with 100% Federal funding and was completed by Cutting Edge Group from Lake George, N.Y. The seawall has performed extremely well in the face of recent storm events during construction and after completion.
Report by Trustee Affrunti:
Asharoken receives a new police boat

Trustee Affrunti, Mayor Irving, Trustee Elefante, Trustee Tilleli On Board M-1.
Trustee Affrunti, Mayor Irving, Trustee Elefante, Trustee Tilleli On Board M-1.
Marine-1, Asharoken's New Police Boat.
Marine-1, Asharoken's New Police Boat.
Attorney Savin, Mayor Irving, Trustee Affrunti.
Attorney Savin, Mayor Irving, Trustee Affrunti.
(December 21, 2010) With more than ten seasons of service to our village, our old police boat M-1 was in need of replacement. It took almost two years of searching and letter writing until we were able to secure a grant from the New York State Department of Parks Recreation and Historical Preservation for a new police boat.

With the guidance of our marine officers we carefully selected a vessel that will serve the village for many years to come. After we made our selection everyone got to work, measuring, taking pictures and comprising a list of all the items we would need to add to the boat. This cooperative effort by the police, mayor and trustees gave us a design and layout that made this boat exactly what we needed.

Finally on Monday December 21st Trustee Tilleli, Village Attorney Savin and I took a ride to meet with the NYS Dept of Parks people to take possession of our new boat.

On behalf of the Mayor and Trustees we are proud to introduce to all of you our new M-1 police boat. This summer look for a brand new, state of the art boat protecting the waters around Asharoken or stop down to Village Hall and see what we have accomplished.

I hope that everyone enjoys this holiday season and has a happy and prosperous New Year.

Asharoken Seawall Repairs Begin

Repairs to the Asharoken Sea Wall commence as large rocks are delivered to the site.
Image: Steve Trombetti
Repairs to the Asharoken Sea Wall commence as large rocks are delivered to the site.
(August 23, 2010) Press Release: Mayor Irving announced today that repairs to the Asharoken Sea Wall are now underway. Major portions of the sea wall were destroyed in the storm of March 13, 2010.

Mayor Irving said that the contractor began delivering tonnage last week. Tonnage are very large stones that are so named because of their excessive size and weight. Today the contractor had delivered a work trailer that will serve as a construction office for the project.

"The start of this project could not have come at a more opportune time. Earlier today, while the construction office was being delivered, the inclement weather caused a substantial washover and the contractor saw firsthand storm conditions at the sea wall. They now have a better understanding of what the residents of Asharoken and Eaton's Neck experience on a regular basis", Irving stated.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers awarded a $2.25 million contract last month to The Cutting Edge Group, a contractor from Lake George, NY. Cutting Edge was the same contractor that performed reinforcement work to the seawall in 2007.
The sooner that they can complete this job, the sooner our community can get back to our normal routines. ”

—Mayor Patricia Irving
It was that portion of the wall that withheld the ravages of the March storm. However, portions of the wall, both east and west of the reinforced section were totally destroyed.

Construction crews are scheduled to be on site within the week. This puts the project ahead of schedule. Work was not expected to start until sometime in September, with a 120 day timeline for completion. Work was scheduled to be completed by February 1, 2011.

Mayor Irving said the lead person for the contractor told her he wanted to be home for Christmas. I told him, "Nothing would please me more. The sooner that they can complete this job, the sooner our community can get back to our normal routines. In the meantime, residents should expect intermittent delays and restricted traffic in that area while this work takes place".

It is expected that the Village Board will give the contractor permission to work around the clock in order to take advantage of good weather and periods of low tide.

(Editor's Note: see related story dated July 27, 2010 further below)
Asharoken Sea Wall Contract Awarded

(July 27, 2010)  Congressman Steve Israel (D-Huntington) and Asharoken Mayor Patricia Irving today announced that the US Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a contract for the repair of the Asharoken Sea Wall. The Sea Wall was destroyed in the storm of March 13, 2010. Repair plans and funding has been fast tracked by the Army Corps of Engineers at the insistence of Congressman Israel.

The Army Corps awarded the $2,254,031 to Cutting Edge Group, an 8(a) small business concern. The plan calls for federally funded reconstruction of the damaged sea wall. This is the same contractor that in 2007, reinforced a section of the sea wall with heavy rock tonnage which withstood this latest storm. The new work calls for similar construction in those areas of the sea wall that failed.

Construction will begin as soon as the heavy rocks are delivered to the site. It is expected the last week of August or the first week of September. The project has a completion date of not later than February 2011. As of now, that date is expected to be met.

Everyone recognizes the importance of this project for the protection and safety of our community. I only wish a permanent solution to the erosion of Asharoken Beach moved as quickly as this project.”

—Mayor Patricia Irving
Mayor Irving stated that "Congressman Israel has stayed involved and the Army Corps continues to fast track this project. Everyone recognizes the importance of this project for the protection and safety of our community. I only wish a permanent solution to the erosion of Asharoken Beach moved as quickly as this project."

This community depends on Asharoken Avenue every day, so it s imperative that we fast track the repairs, Israel said. Mayor Irving and I have been working closely with the Army Corps to ensure the project gets the necessary federal funding and is expedited. I m glad we can announce that the contract has been awarded, the first step keeping the timeline on target.

The Army Corps of Engineers has been conducting a feasibility study for a permanent restoration of Asharoken beach. The feasibility study proposes 600,000 cubic yards of sand being deposited on Asharoken beach to protect it from significant erosion. The sea wall construction was intended as a temporary measure until a permanent plan could be developed to restore and protect the beach. The beach is the only protection Asharoken Avenue has against the ravages of Long Island Sound. The Army Corps and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation are currently discussing sand sources for this project.

Sand on the beach is the only long term solution to protect the beach, our homes and Asharoken Avenue for the residents of both Asharoken and Eaton s Neck, Mayor Irving stated.

Village Wins Battle Over Benefits for Ex-employees and Officials

(March 22, 2010) Mayor Pat Irving announced today that the Village of Asharoken has won a lengthy court battle over health care benefits for retired employees, appointees and elected officials.

Shortly after taking office in July 2008, Mayor Irving began an investigation of persons enrolled in the NYS Empire Plan, the health insurance carrier for the Village. The Empire Plan is considered one of the premier health insurance policies in the country. Village records indicated that several persons and families were participating in the Village health care coverage that were not employees of the Village. These included the former Mayor William Kelly, former Clerk Dorothy Aiello, the spouse of former Trustee Pete Fauser and several appointees under the Kelly administration; some of whom were never employed by the Village or had a no-pay, no-duties appointment with a title. Some of the former appointees were never eligible to participate in the health plan even when they were active appointees of the Village. The health coverage was either paid for or subsidized by the Village.

In October 2008, Mayor Irving put forth a series of resolutions, passed by the Village Board that immediately terminated health care coverage for appointees, former elected officials and retirees that did not have a contractual right to health care in retirement. There were as many as eleven individuals or families that were improperly taking advantage of the benefits. Seven were terminated, but Kelly, Aiello, and Fauser brought suit against the Village asking the New York State Supreme Court to bar the Village from terminating their benefits.

Village Attorney Kenneth Savin, who defended the Village, said "The petitioners claimed they had vested rights to the coverage under New York State Civil Service Law. The Village's position was that Civil Service law only set forth minimum eligibility requirements for participation in the plan. Some of the participants in Asharoken's plan never met those minimum eligibility requirements. Once the minimum eligibility requirements are met, only the Village Board can permit the participation. In this case, no Village Board in Asharoken ever permitted such participation. The petitioners took it upon themselves to give themselves that benefit." The Village's position was well-supported by previous case law and the Court agreed. Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Arlen Spinner last week issued a decision dismissing the suit against the Village.

Mayor Irving said the savings to the Village is substantial. "The Village has saved over $17,200 in the first year and the savings increases each year as the cost of health care increases. Not only was the Village paying for benefits for these individuals and their families, but it was also subsidizing Medicare coverage for retirees and former appointees and spouses over 65".

In a related matter, Kelly and Aiello sought the contents of a subpoena issued by the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). The Village refused to disclose the contents of that subpoena, claiming an exemption to FOIL regarding pending investigations . The Court agreed with the Village and dismissed that action.

For Your Information:
Asharoken Village Notices/Alerts During March 2010 Storm:

UPDATE, 2:00pm Friday, March 19, 2010: Asharoken Sea Wall:
"Storm Update and Notice of Beach Cleanup"

Dear Residents, Property Owners and Neighbors,

As you well know, Asharoken Village suffered substantial damage in the storm last weekend. There were several breaches of the sand dunes along Asharoken Avenue and the sea wall, just south of Bevin Road, failed in two places. One portion of the wall completely collapsed. The roadway and shoulders had become undermined and the road was impassable.

I declared a State of Emergency on Saturday evening which lasted until Thursday evening. This enabled the Village to take unusual actions in order to get the Village back in order as expeditiously as possible. All other Village regulations regarding construction and permit requirements have remained in effect.

The roadway and shoulder of Asharoken Avenue has been temporarily repaired. Asharoken Avenue is again open to two way traffic. Residents should keep in mind that the repairs to the roadway are only temporary in nature. The damages to the sea wall are extensive and it is likely that the temporary repair work will be affected by any adverse weather conditions at times of high tide. As a result, additional damage, road closures and delays should be anticipated. Traffic on Asharoken Avenue should continue to be limited to only essential travel. It may be several months before lasting repairs are completed.

One of the major impediments to travel on Asharoken Avenue during and after the storm was the amount of debris washed up onto the roadway. Police and Emergency Vehicles were easily able to drive over sand and beach grass, however, the numerous chairs, boats, tables and all other items that were left on the beaches had to be removed from the roadway. Effective immediately, no such items shall be permitted to be left on the beach at this time. The Village Board of Trustees will enact new rules for storage of items on the beach. Constructing anything over, under or on the dunes is already prohibited by our Village Code and NYS Department of Conservation Law. These laws will henceforth be strictly enforced.

We recognize there is extensive debris still left on the beach and beach lots. The Village is not permitted to enter private property in order to clear this debris. The Village can remove the items if they are placed at the normal location for trash pick-up. Beginning Monday, March 22, we will have a one-time-pickup of beach debris along the roadways. Beach lot owners should place such debris along Asharoken Avenue on the bay side (parking) of their lots. Please take notice that only debris from the beach should be placed for this pickup. Any non-beach debris items will be left and the property owner will be subject to a summons. Property owners may wish to secure all combustible wood items for their July 4th bonfires.

This short notice is due to the fact that the debris may wash off the beach and the Village s ability to obtain reimbursement of this expense is limited. We encourage all residents and property owners to cooperate with one another in cleaning all beaches.

As you might expect, the Village has and will continue to incur unexpected costs in connection with this storm. Damages have not been this severe since the storm of 1992. Any federally funded project requires a portion of its cost to be paid by the Village. Although the Village Board held a hearing on the budget on March 1, the Village Board will have a working session on Monday March 22 and may present an amended proposed budget at our next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, April 5.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Pat Irving, Mayor
PREVIOUS UPDATE, 4:00pm Thursday, March 18, 2010:
Asharoken Sea Wall:

Advisory by Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving:
"Restoration Assessment Shortened from Months to Days"

Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving announced today that Representative Steve Israel has expedited the US Army Corps of Engineers funding and damage assessment necessary for repair of the Asharoken sea wall.

The Asharoken sea wall near the intersection of Asharoken Avenue and Bevin Road incurred a failure which resulted in a breach of the wall and flooding of Asharoken Avenue in the storm of Saturday, March 13, 2010. The roadway and shoulders had become undermined and otherwise impassable. Mayor Irving declared a State of Emergency at 8:15pm, March 13, 2010. Shortly thereafter, Mayor Irving reached out to elected officials at all levels of government asking for their assistance.

Representative Steve Israel was the first to respond and made immediate arrangements for the Army Corps to visit the site on Monday, March 15, 2010. The Army Corps visited the site and subsequently said it would be a four to five week timeframe to secure funding for a damage assessment and several more months to complete the damage assessment. This timeframe was totally unacceptable and Mayor Irving again enlisted the help of Rep. Steve Israel. On Wednesday, Rep. Israel met with NY District Commander, USACE, Colonel John Boule. As a result, the Army Corps has agreed to fund the damage assessment immediately and will complete the assessment by the end of next week. This assessment is necessary for the Army Corps to determine the most effective repair and its cost. A timeframe of months has been shortened to just days.

The roadway and shoulder of Asharoken Avenue, with the assistance of the Town of Huntington, has been temporarily repaired. Asharoken Avenue is again open to two way traffic. It is expected that the State of Emergency declaration will be lifted Thursday, March 18, 2010.

Residents should keep in mind that the repairs to the roadway are only temporary in nature. The damages to the sea wall are extensive and it is likely that the temporary repair work will be affected by any adverse weather conditions at times of high tide. As a result, additional damage, road closures and delays should be anticipated.

Traffic on Asharoken Avenue should continue to be limited to only essential travel. It may be several months before lasting repairs are completed.

Editor's Note: Following are two links to NOAA Northport Bay Tide Predictions: NOAA Prediction Chart for two days (see box on the right) and NOAA Prediction Chart for the full year.
PREVIOUS UPDATE, 5:00pm Wed., March 17, 2010: Asharoken Avenue:
Report submitted by Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving:

I am pleased to announce that Asharoken Avenue is now open to two lanes of traffic, one in each direction, its full length. Two lanes of traffic were reopened at the sea wall at 4:45pm today.

It should remain open in this manner, except during ongoing repairs from 7:00am to 5:00pm. It is also subject to closure or one way restrictions during high tides or storm conditions.

Please keep in mind that these repairs are only temporary and many of the measures we have undertaken in the past few days are subject to wash out or debris on the roadway. We are unable to make lasting repairs to the roadway until the sea wall is repaired by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

In the days ahead we will continue repairs to the roadway and its shoulders. We will also continue repairing the numerous breaches in the dunes along the beach lots on Asharoken Avenue. Crews have already begun removing the debris left by the storm that has been temporarily placed on the right of way.

Please continue to use Asharoken Avenue only for essential travel and drive safely. Thank you to all of you for your patience.

Previous Statement by Mayor Patricia Irving: Storm Damage

(March 15, 2010) Although the damage from this storm was unexpected, it was not unanticipated. The Village of Asharoken has worked diligently to prepare for this situation. The Seawall had surpassed its life expectancy and it has failed. There have also been many breaches of the dunes along Asharoken Avenue. However, with our emergency preparedness, the roadway is still functioning. Although we may have periodic closures, it remains passable.

Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving and Congressman Steve Israel Inspect Asharoken's Battered Sea Wall.
Photo: John Dunn/Newsday
Asharoken Mayor Pat Irving and Rep. Steve Israel (D-Huntington) inspect Asharoken's battered sea wall.
Since the storm Saturday night, Village Hall has been actively coordinating the Police Department, Emergency Services, and emergency repair crews. Elected officials from all levels of government have visited Asharoken and surveyed the extent of our damages. Several members of the US Army Corps of Engineers have visited the Village this afternoon, including NY District Chief of Operations Tom Creamer and Deputy Commander Mike Clancy. We expect to have a full report and plan for repair of the seawall from the Army Corps within 48 hours.

As a result of our emergency preparedness and the immediate response of Congressman Steve Israel, Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone and Highway Superintendent William Naughton, all debris has been cleared from our roadways and emergency repairs to the roadway in the area of the seawall have begun and those repairs will continue tomorrow and the rest of this week until completed.

We expect to have both lanes of the roadway open by Wednesday. In the meantime, Asharoken Avenue shall remain open but will be limited to an alternating one lane of travel. At times of repair and immediately before and after high tide, temporary closures might be necessary. Until the repairs are complete, traffic on Asharoken Avenue should be limited to only essential travel.

Special thanks to the Asharoken Police Department and Asharoken Village Hall staff and volunteers for their 24 hour a day commitment to remedy this situation as soon as humanly possible. Also to the residents of Asharoken and Eaton's Neck for their patience.

Drive Safely,
Mayor Pat Irving