Welcome to asharoken.com, serving the Incorporated Village of Asharoken. Patricia Irving, Mayor.
Asharoken is located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. Asharoken.com provides details on current events in and around Asharoken, lists upcoming Village meetings, provides access to the minutes of past meetings, supplies an array of online forms and permits, and much, much more.
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Village of AsharokenThe small but powerful Village of Asharoken
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Details about our own Police Department, Sanitation Services and contracted Fire Department coverage are provided below. Also below we have provided information about how to dispose of items other than what is accepted by Asharoken sanitation services.
Asharoken Police Department:

The Asharoken Police Force as of Summer 2022
Image: Steve Silverman
The Asharoken Police Force as of Summer 2022
Our Asharoken Police Department was formed in 1926. The number of officers on duty per shift varies, depending on the day and time of year. The police boat is in operation from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day, patrolling our Asharoken waterways.

Asharoken is a well-protected village, with a near-zero crime rate. Contributing to this accomplishment is an aggressive program to check on houses and grounds. The omnipresence of police patrols on Village roads 24/7 helps maintain the highest level of highway safety, as well as providing a visible deterrent to criminal activity.

The Department can be contacted at (631) 261-7400, and also responds to 911 emergency calls.
Fire Department Contracted Coverage:

The Northport and Eaton’s Neck Fire Departments are currently contracted to provide emergency fire and ambulance services to the residents of our Village. The services from these two departments are split based upon geographic boundaries, with the Eaton's Neck Fire Department covering the Morgan Estate and the Northport Fire Department covering the rest of our Village.

Both of these Fire Departments offer professional volunteer capabilities that include state of the art equipment, rigorous training and certification requirements, and Advanced Life Support certified ambulance services. Advanced Life Support certification allows the ambulance technicians to administer life saving medication and use advanced medical equipment.

Both of these departments have a large contingency of men and women that volunteer their time and efforts to support our community. There are also agreements between all Huntington Fire Departments to provide a ‘mutual aid’ response, where one will assist another if additional manpower or equipment is required.

Click to learn more about the:  Northport Volunteer Fire Department and the Eaton's Neck Volunteer Fire Department.
Sanitation Services and Recycling:

Homeowner Refuse and Recycling Center:

The Town of Huntington operates a Resource Recovery Plant (recycling center), which accepts a wide variety of materials . Of note, this includes all manner of electronic items (known as "e-waste") such as: old computers, monitors, printers, televisions, VCR-, DVD-players…well, you get the idea. They also accept old cell phones; which are reconditioned and given to battered women's shelters. Grass clippings are accepted at a fee of $1.50 per bag.

They also accept BBQ propane tanks, bulk metal, and have areas for the disposal of paper, plastic, glass, cardboard and styrofoam.

Open Tuesday-Saturday, 8am-4pm; located at 641 New York Avenue in Huntington; telephone: 631-427-6377. Advice: best to call ahead to verify they’re open and to discuss what you have.

For more details on the web:
Town of Huntington Recycling Center
and is radio-dispatched by the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department.