Position | Official | Term Length | Term Start | Term End |
Mayor: | Gregory D. Letica | 2 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2026 |
| gletica@asharokenny.org |
Trustees: | Mary P. "Pam" Pierce, Deputy Mayor | 2 Year | 7/1/2023 | 7/1/2025 |
| ppierce@asharokenny.org |
| Melvin Ettinger | 2 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2026 |
| mettinger@asharokenny.org |
| Laura Burke | 2 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2026 |
| lburke@asharokenny.org |
| Ian Jablonski | 2 Year | 7/1/2023 | 7/1/2025 |
| ijablonski@asharokenny.org |
Justice: | Paul Boronow | 4 Year | 7/1/2022 | 7/1/2026 |
Village elections are held every year on the third Tuesday in June.
These are unpaid, volunteer positions.
Contact all elected officials via email or through Village Hall: 1 Asharoken Avenue,
Asharoken, NY 11768; telephone: (631) 261-7098.
Position | Official | Term Length | Term Start | Term End |
Police Commissioner: | Melvin Ettinger | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Deputy Police Commissioner: | Ian Jablonski | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Acting Village Justice: | Tara Ryan | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Records Access Officer: | Michelle Glennon | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
| mglennon@asharokenny.org | | | |
Records Access Officer Manager: | Melvin Ettinger | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Highway Superintendent: | Greg Letica | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Flood Plain Manager: | Doug Adil | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
| dougadil1@gmail.com |
| 631-935-5501 | | | |
Chief Surgeon: | Scott S. Coyne | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Harbormaster: | Joseph Affrunti | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Deputy Harbormaster: | Bill Raisch | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Emergency Planning Manager: | Bill Raisch | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Fireworks Safety Officer: | Joseph Affrunti | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/4/2025 |
Fireworks Coordinator: | Martin Hakker | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Appointed officials are nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Trustees.
These are unpaid, volunteeer positions.
Contact all appointed officials through Village Hall: 1 Asharoken Avenue, Asharoken, NY 11768; telephone: (631) 261-7098.
For related information, click the "Boards & Committees" button above.
Position | Official | Term Length | Term Start | Term End |
Village Clerk: | Michelle Glennon (employee) | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
| mglennon@asharokenny.org |
Village Attorney: | Bruce W. Migatz (contract) | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Village District Attorney: | Patricia Manzo | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Village Treasurer: | Emily Hayes (employee) | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Village Assessor: | Richard Leonard | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
Village Building Inspector: | Douglas Adil, R.A. (employee) | 1 Year | 7/1/2024 | 7/1/2025 |
| dougadil1@gmail.com |
| 631-935-5501 | | | |
Police Officer-in-Charge: | Raymond Mahdesian (employee) | | | |
Court Clerk: | Raymond Mahdesian | Hold Over | | |
ADA Compliance Officer: | Raymond Mahdesian | Hold Over | | |
Appointed Village staff are nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Trustees.
These are salaried or contract positions.
Contact all staff through Village Hall: 1 Asharoken Avenue, Asharoken, NY 11768; telephone: (631) 261-7098.
Position | Official | Term Length | Term Start | Term End |
Head of the Matinecocks: | Chief Asharoken | Forever | Circa 1650 | |
Non-Appointed officials are neither nominated by the Mayor nor approved by the Board of Trustees.
Contact made through research. Enjoy.