Welcome to asharoken.com, serving the Incorporated Village of Asharoken.
Asharoken is located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. Asharoken.com provides details on current events in and around Asharoken, lists upcoming Village meetings, provides access to the minutes of past meetings, supplies an array of online forms and permits, and much, much more.
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Village of AsharokenThe small but powerful Village of Asharoken
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Asharoken New York Asharoken, NY 11768
Asharoken Village Hall Plaque   Asharoken Village Hall

  1 Asharoken Avenue
  Asharoken, NY 11768
  EMERGENCY: Dial 911

  Asharoken Police: 631-261-7400
  Fire/Ambulance: 631-757-1111
  Court Matters: 631-261-7400

Sanitation Schedule February
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday





Metal, Plastic &

Glass Bin
13 14



Valentine's Day

  • ** Check our News & Notices section for local area events (and events at both Public Libraries). **

  • TIP for mobile users of the website: holding your device in landscape instead of portrait orientation may give you a better experience.

Tentative Assessment Roll,
Grievance Day February 18

The tentative assessment roll of property taxable within the Village of Asharoken for the year 2025-2026 has been filed in the office of the Village Clerk. The assessment roll may also be examined in person at Village Hall between the hours of 9am to 3pm Monday through Fridays except holidays.
March 4 Trustees Meeting

The next meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 6:30pm.

The previous meeting was February 4. To view the full schedule of Board of Trustees meetings, click on "Government" above, then "Trustees Meetings" or click here.

Except as otherwise noted, all regular Board of Trustees meetings are held at 6:30pm at Asharoken Village Hall, 1 Asharoken Avenue, Asharoken, NY. Special/Work Session meetings are generally held in the afternoon. All meetings are open to the public.
December 2024, January 2025 Meeting Minutes

The following meeting minutes of the Asharoken Board of Trustees are now online: Minutes are posted on this website as they become available. Contact the Village Clerk if you have any questions. Archived minutes, as well as the full Board of Trustees meeting schedule, can be found by clicking on "Government" above, then "Trustees Meetings" or click here.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 24, 2025

Dear Neighbors:

The centennial spirit in the Village is starting to gain steam. This week the Village Photographer and resident Dee Lento presented Asharoken with a centennial banner that is being displayed in the lobby of Village Hall. Police Officer Rob Cafiero also donated a beautiful banner which is displayed outside Village Hall. I thank them and Matt Davies for donating their time and effort to support the Village's 100-year anniversary.

The Centennial committee of Ed Carr, Carole Casamassima and Kerry Kruckel are hard at work on several events. The first one will be the Centennial dinner dance and fireworks fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, March 29th at the Northport Yacht Club. Carole, the dinner chairperson, will be sending out invitations in the next few weeks. Please save the date and try to attend this traditionally terrific event.

It is nice to see that we are coming out of the deep freeze of earlier this week. I hope you have a nice weekend.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 17, 2025

Dear Neighbors:

Alex Janow, a former Village Trustee and US Marine, is collecting magazines for our Veterans who are receiving care at the Northport VA hospital. This is a great cause and I hope you can help out. There is a box in the lobby of Village Hall where you can drop off publications for the Vets. I thank Alex for his volunteer efforts at the VA, and his service to both the Country and the Village.

The Village Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 4pm for the purpose of certifying the unpaid taxes and a few other items: Village Hall will be closed on Monday, January 20th for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

It looks like we are in for several cold days and maybe a little snow. Have a great weekend, enjoy the football games and stay warm.

Best regards,
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica
Legal Notice:
Annual Village Election

On January 7, 2025, the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution setting the annual Village election date to Tuesday, June 17, 2025. It was also resolved that the offices to be filled at this election and the terms are:
  • Trustee, two years
  • Trustee, two years
The polling place will be Asharoken Village Hall from noon to 9pm, subject to change.
Message from Asharoken Mayor Greg Letica:

January 10, 2025

Dear Neighbors:

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones and their homes in the California fires. This is especially true for one of our Village residents who lost their home in the Pacific Palisades fire. We wish you all the best as you work to rebuild your lives.

I congratulate Village resident and Northport High School senior Dora Fields on being named a semifinalist in the Regeneron Science Talent Search. Dora extracted keratin from human hair (collected from hair salons) and created a novel compound to support root growth in hydroponic gardening. Unlike the materials that are presently used for this purpose, Dora's novel compound is both nontoxic and biodegradable. Dora is only one of 49 Long Island High School students who received this honor. It is a remarkable achievement. Well done Dora and best of luck as you continue your studies at Yale University next year!

The Asharoken Centennial Birthday/Save the Fireworks fundraiser and dinner dance will be held on Saturday, March 29th. Carole Casamassima has organized this wonderful evening for more than a decade and she expects that this year will be better than ever. The party, held at the Northport Yacht Club, will feature a three-course dinner, DJ music and dancing and awesome raffle prizes. It is a great night not to be missed so save the date. Invitations will be going out at the end of the month. The party always sells out so please RSVP in a timely fashion.

The NYS Comptroller's Office has completed its field work for the claims audit it is conducting on the Village. I anticipate that they will have a formal report coming out in the next several months. I look forward to their recommendations as they can only help Asharoken do an even better job for its residents.

In my ongoing effort to keep you informed of the events in the Village, here is my Mayor's Report from the January Board meeting: I wish you a nice weekend. Hopefully very little snow, less wind and warmer temps.
Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica

Asharoken, New York Asharoken NY
Asharoken 100th Anniversary!

asharoken.com WEBSITE:

During storms and/or high winds, Asharoken Avenue and Seawall conditions will be reported at the top of this home page. Be sure to also check the following NOAA Prediction Charts:
Asharoken, NY WEATHER
www.asharoken.com -- Celebrating 16 Years of Service to the Village of Asharoken