Welcome to asharoken.com, serving the Incorporated Village of Asharoken. Patricia Irving, Mayor.
Asharoken is located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. Asharoken.com provides details on current events in and around Asharoken, lists upcoming Village meetings, provides access to the minutes of past meetings, supplies an array of online forms and permits, and much, much more.
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Village of AsharokenThe small but powerful Village of Asharoken
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NOTE: All submissions are reviewed by the system administrator prior to appearing on the website. This Bulletin Board is intended for helpful, informational comments. Please refrain from a simple copy/paste of what you read elsewhere ... besides, it's copyrighted material.

You can get answers to many of your questions by attending a monthy meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees. Click on the "Government" tab above, then "Trustees Meetings" for the full schedule.

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