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APPROVED Minutes of the March 21, 2017 Special Meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees

 Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Special Meeting Tuesday, March 21, 2017 4:00pm

    Approximate Attendance (10)



Officers Present:                                                         

Greg Letica, Mayor

Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor

Melvin Ettinger, Trustee

Laura Burke, Trustee

Ian Jablonski, Trustee

Officials & Appointees Present:

Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk

Emily Hayes, Treasurer


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse presented to the board of Trustees the Tentative Budget.  Mayor Letica went through the tentative budget with the trustees.  He discussed the budgeted revenues and then the budgeted expenditures. 


Mayor Letica asked the Board if they have any other suggestions. None to the budget were made. Trustee Jablonski recommended researching a larger TV screen for Village presentations. Trustee Burke recommended a patio for functions. 


Mayor Letica noted that no proposed changes were made to the tentative budget for fiscal year-end 5/31/2018. He directed the Village Clerk to present this tentative budget at the public hearing on April 4th, 2017.  The tentative budget will be available on the website, at Village Hall and will be emailed to village residents.


Mayor Letica presented one resolution:

Resolution (2017-23) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby grant a tree removal permit to the Labra’s located at 1 Bevin Road based on the recommendation of the Board of Conservation of the Environment and their supervision of the tree removal.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Deputy Mayor Pierce.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.

The March 21st, 2017 special meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m.       

Signed: _____________________________________________

                Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk