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APPROVED Minutes of the June 25, 2013 Special Meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees

 Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Board of Trustees Special Meeting

Held on Tuesday

June 25th 2013 7:30pm

At the Village Hall Trailer

Approximate Attendance (7)




Officers Present:

Greg Letica, Mayor

Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor

Melvin Ettinger, Trustee

Laura Burke Trustee


Officials & Appointees Present:

Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Proof of publication was made.


Resolution (2013-62) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve a Memorandum Of Understanding for a retirement incentive to be offered to all full time police officers covered by the collective bargaining agreement between the Incorporated Village of Asharoken and the Police Benevolent Association of Asharoken, effective June 1, 2012 .


Trustee Ettinger noted that by passing this resolution will enable the village to save a substantial amount of money and provide a full time officer an option to retire early if he chooses.


Motion was made by Trustee Ettinger, seconded by Trustee Burke.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2013-63) Be It Resolved that pursuant to the provisions of General Municipal Law Section 53, the Village Clerk shall file a Certificate of Designation with the Secretary of State, designating the Secretary of State as the agent of the Village of Asharoken for service of a notice of claim pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 50-e, and designating the Village Clerk as the person to whom the Secretary of State shall transmit notices of claim served upon the Secretary of State as the agent of the Village of Asharoken. 


Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.



Resolution (2013-64) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby authorize the approval of a tent permit for Alexander and Ann Marie Janow for July 17, 2013 to be removed on July 23, 2013.


Motion was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2013-65) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby authorize the approval of a tent permit for Marty Ciesinski for July 2, 2013 to be removed on July 5th, 2013.


Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Mayor Letica opened the meeting to public session.

No public comments were made during public session.


Mayor Letica made a motion to close public session, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Trustee Burke asked if she can discuss her findings from the references she researched regarding the project manager.  Mayor Letica rescinded his motion.


Trustee Burke discussed her research on references for a potential project manager that the village is considering for the village hall project.  Trustee Ettinger also commented on the findings of his research of references provided by a potential project manager.

Mayor Letica explained to the public that the trustees are referring to a project manager who is being considered to manage the village hall project.  Trustee Burke noted that it is important to ensure that the project manager uses a practice called “value engineering”, which is a process where the project manager values the plans to determine where the village could cut costs.  Trustee Ettinger also noted that the bid package will include alternate options that will allow the village to make decisions in order to reduce its overall budget for the building. 


Deputy Mayor Pierce asked what the cost of the project manager’s fee would be; Mayor Letica noted that the standard charge is typically 4% of the cost of the project.  Deputy Mayor Pierce noted that the engineer who looked at the sluice project, his percentage was 5-8%, she noted that the 4% sounds very reasonable.  Mayor Letica noted that another project manager is being interviewed on Friday, June 28th


Mayor Letica asked the board if they could review the packet of policies and noted that he is looking to adopt the policies at the August 2013 Board Meeting.


Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


        The June 25th 2013 special meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 7:55pm.

                Signed: _____________________________________________

                Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk