Incorporated Village of Asharoken
Board of Trustees Special Meeting
Held on Tuesday
May 21st, 2013 1:30 P.M
At the Village Hall Trailer
Approximate Attendance (5)
Officers Present:
Greg Letica, Mayor
Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor
Melvin Ettinger, Trustee
Laura Burke, Trustee
Officials & Appointees Present:
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Proof of Notice was made.
Mayor Letica opened up the meeting and discussed having a public hearing for the proposed Cablevision agreement.
Resolution (2013-49) Village Board Resolution Setting the Date Of The Public Hearing:
Trustee Burke waived the reading of the resolution.
Whereas, Cablevision Systems Huntington Corporation (Cablevision), will file a franchise renewal application with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) to continue to provide cable services to the Village of Asharoken, and
Whereas the Village of Asharoken, will be in receipt of this
application, and
Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Asharoken set Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 7:30PM, as the date of the public hearing, to be held at the American Legion Hall 7 Woodside Avenue, Northport, NY 11768 for the purpose of receiving comments from the Village residents as to the performance of Cablevision, who is requesting a ten (10) year franchise renewal and for public inspection and questioning of the franchise agreement and all relevant documents may be inspected at the office of the Village Clerk at 1 Asharoken Avenue, Northport , New York 11768 and further,
Be it Resolved, that the Village Clerk place a public notice in the officially designated local publication and post the meeting notice in all other appropriate places.
Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Deputy Mayor Pierce.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Mayor Letica discussed having a twitter policy and proposed the following resolution.
Resolution (2013-50) Be It Resolved that the village board does hereby approve the following policy for the twitter account, that the account will only be used for emergency notifications or to advise of important village information, road closure, road opening, utility issues, announcing and scheduling village events and,
whereas the twitter ID and password will be available to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Village Clerk, Police Commissioner and Officer-in-charge who are the individuals authorized to place an announcement on Twitter.
Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
The May 21st, 2013 meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 2:10 pm.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk