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APPROVED Minutes of the April 2, 2019 Meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees

 Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting/Public Hearing

         Tuesday, April 2, 2019 6:30pm

             At the Village Hall

Approximate Attendance (12)



Officers Present:                                                         

Greg Letica, Mayor

Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor

Melvin Ettinger, Trustee

Laura Burke, Trustee

Ian Jablonski, Trustee


Officials & Appointees Present:

Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk

Bruce Migatz, Village Attorney

Emily Hayes, Treasurer

Doug Adil, Building Inspector

Barry Bradley, Sanitation

Raymond Mahdesian, Officer-in-Charge

Marty Cohen, Conservation Chairman


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Publication of meeting was confirmed.


Trustee Ettinger made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes for March 5th, 2019 seconded by Trustee Burke.


Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve the Special Board Minutes for March 12th, 2019 seconded by Trustee Burke.


Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Mayors Report:

Mayor’s Report;” On March 12th the Village Board of Trustees held a special meeting to present the tentative budget for fiscal year 2019-20 to the Trustees.  The budget was reviewed and the final draft was approved.  The Village published the draft budget on the website and emailed it to our residents for their review. I received one comment which congratulated the Village on not raising taxes for the fourth consecutive year. At the same meeting the Board discussed and finalized its NYS mandated sexual harassment training program.  All Village employees, elected and appointed officials are required to view two training videos prepared by NYS or present evidence of equivalent training taken elsewhere. A notice will be sent to everyone who is required to participate in this program which is required to be done on an annual basis. I would like to thank Trustee Ian Jablonski for a fine job on organizing this mandated training program.


The Village has commenced discussions with Sandpiper Farm to settle its tax certiorari filing.  Sandpiper Farm agreed not to request a reduction for fiscal year 2019-20.


The Village installed three streetlights at the seawall area in order to make this area less problematic to transit at night during times of wash over.  The 24 watt lamps are specifically designed to illuminate the road without resulting in significant ambient lighting.


Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce and I met with Joe Warren and Adam Jablonski from National Grid to commence preliminary planning for the 45,000 cubic yards of sand placement that will start on or about October 1st. The sand will be a mix of dredged and upland sand and placement will begin about 1000 feet from the jetty. This is similar to what was done in both 2016 and 2013.


I would like to thank Kristen Nelson for organizing a mini coastal cleanup of the inner wetlands of Duck Island Harbor by Bevin Road.  The Village provided a 10 CYD dumpster.  Kristen’s daughter and son, Emma and Michael, along with a group of their friends filled the dumpster to the top with trash from the wetland.  Great job by all! A special thanks to Mark Kleczka for providing the space for the dumpster.


Carole Casamassima would like me to remind everyone that the Village Holiday Party will be on Saturday November 9. And lastly you may have noticed that the Osprey has returned.  Spring is here.”



Deputy Mayor Pierce reported that on March 12th she attended the special meeting on the budget and attended the Suffolk County Shared Service meeting.  She contacted the ACOE and DEC on the LLP status, the schedule is expected to be sent to the village by mid April.  Congressman Suzzio met with Col. Asbury on March 27th and we are waiting for an update. She noted that we met with National Grid for the fall sand project.  She noted that she reviewed the minutes, vouchers, budgets and Sand Piper Farm material.


Mayor Letica noted that we continue to follow up with the NYSDEC in order to get a permit to be able to move sand from the over wash area to the dunes.


Trustee Ettinger reported that he spent time with Officer- in-Charge Mahdesian reviewing police related matters. We reviewed our expenses for the remaining year; we are on track.  On March 12th he attended the budget meeting.  He noted that the three street lights were installed. He thanked Nancy Rittenhouse for the work on the project. He noted that he received some positive feedback. He noted that he reviewed the building inspectors report; minutes, and monthly vouchers.


Trustee Burke; reported that she reviewed vouchers, tentative budget, minutes and village correspondences.


Trustee Jablonski reported that he reviewed the minutes, vouchers, village correspondences and Sand Piper Farm material.  He attended the meeting of County officials; where Marijuana sales were discussed.  Zoning issues for having retail locations in Nassau and Suffolk were addressed. The majority of people at the meeting were not in favor of it for various reasons. He noted that he worked with NYCOM to understand the requirements for the State required sexual harassment training and worked on the necessary forms.  He noted that he received feedback of the new street lights and those residents were not in favor. He is working with PSEG to have switches and lockbox installed in order to have more control of the lighting.


Village Attorney: Attorney Bruce Migatz; reported that the Zoning Board did not meet in the month of March. The Planning Board did meet on an application for Duck Island Corp. for a third extension of time to get Suffolk County Health Dept. to approve the map. That extension was granted. No decision in the article 78 preceding against the board of trustees challenging the denial of the dock permit.


Village Treasurer: Emily Hayes Treasurer reported that the vouchers for the month of March were $32,452.46 and noted that there was nothing unusual to report. There will be a separate resolution to approve the vouchers and budget transfers.


Police Report: Officer Mahdesian reported that 44 summonses were issued, 2 arrests and no burglaries.


Sanitation Operator: Barry Bradley reported that big blue is running well. Total tipping fees for the month of March were $1,364.00. Trash tonnage 17.05, paper & cardboard 3.48 tons; glass 1.15 tons, plastic and metal .9 tons.


Building Inspector: Doug Adil reported that he provided reformatted reports documenting the conditions at 3 Bevin Road. He reviewed drawings at 413 Asharoken Ave. and submitted the Annual Report of Code Enforcement for NYS.  He performed 9 inspections.


Conservation Board Chairman: Nothing to Report.


Public Hearing: Tentative Annual Budget for year end 5/31/2020.

Village Clerk, read the public Notice.


Mayor made several comments on the Tentative Budget;

It is my pleasure to provide you with a copy of the Tentative Budget for fiscal year-end 5/31/2020 proposing a 0% tax increase and a tax levy that stays under the NYS 2% Tax Cap Law. This is the fourth consecutive 0% tax increase and the seventh consecutive budget I have presented that stayed under the NYS Tax Cap. In addition every year the Office of State Comptroller performs a Fiscal Stress test on local governments and for the fifth year in a row Asharoken was awarded the highest possible rates, “No Designation”.


The attached Tentative Budget maintains all of the services that the Village provides for its residents and reserves money for future needs without raising taxes for the next fiscal year.


I would like to highlight several items in the Tentative Budget that changed from last year.  The largest expense increases were in Health Insurance and Fire, EMS & Paramedic Services. Our Health Insurance increase is due to higher insurance rates and adding a new full-time police officer to the plan to replace a retired officer. The Fire & EMS contract with the Village of Northport increased based on the five year contract. Smaller increases occurred in Administrative costs, Payroll increases, Audit expenses, Sanitation and Insurance. Offsetting these increases were reductions in Police Personnel, Police & Fire Retirement and Social Security. Police & Sanitation Fuel were also reduced due to our shared service program with the Village of Northport.

The Village will reserve funds for mandatory Police Radio upgrades, future Highway Projects and Unpaid Benefits (Police Retirement Costs).

Several adjustments were also made on the revenue side with a significant increase in Interest Income. The Village is working closely with our financial representative to ensure we receive the highest interest rates allowed.

I would like to thank Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and Treasurer Emily Hayes for helping prepare this budget.  Together they have worked on the last eleven budgets and their expertise really shows. 


Mayor Letica opened up the Public Hearing;

No Comments were made during the public hearing.

Mayor Letica made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Village Code 46-3 (Property Maintenance):

The Superintendent of Buildings inspected the property at 3 Bevin Road; he pointed out that the violation under 46-3 was filed along with a recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees. Mayor Letica asked if the owner of 3 Bevin Road was present at the meeting. No response. Attorney Migatz reviewed the procedures with the Board. Trustee Jablonski discussed identical properties that appear to be in similar condition to 3 Bevin Road. Mayor Letica noted that the intent of this law is to follow up with properties that have had previous complaints and this particular property clearly appears to be abandoned. Trustee Jablonski noted that the village code does seem to apply to other properties within the Village, and they too should be addressed. Mayor Letica pointed out that the cost to clean up the property will be charged back to the property via a tax lien on the property.

Village Code 46-7 (Unsafe Buildings & Structure)

The Superintendent of Buildings inspected the property at 3 Bevin Road; he pointed out the violation under 46-7 has been filed along with a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. One of the recommendations is to ask that the Board of Trustees retain a structural engineer to evaluate the structure of the house. Attorney Migatz noted that if the Board agrees with the recommendation to hire a structural engineer you would authorize to hire the engineer and retain a report from the engineer. The report will either indicate to secure the property or recommend that the house be demolished. The structural engineer would have to enter the structure to perform its evaluation. Mayor Letica noted that when the village incurs any cost, that amount will create a tax lien on the property and the village can then sell that tax lien to recoup its costs.

A resident commented on the owner of the property and his whereabouts. He also noted that he hasn’t lived in that house in a couple of years. Attorney Migatz noted that the code states that you only have to mail a copy to the address, send a copy certified and post it to the structure itself.

A resident commented that there could be an unsafe health issue with the inside of that structure.   


Resolution (2019-23) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board approves the budget transfers for the month of March 2019.

Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-24) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve the vouchers for the month of March 2019 in the amount of $32,452.46.


Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Jablonski.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-25) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby approve the scheduling of a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 on the MS4 Stormwater Annual Report for year-end March 9th, 2019.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-26) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby approve the services of Breakwater Marine in the amount of $5000 for the tugboat and $3500 for the barge for the fireworks display on July 4th, 2019 (rain-date July 5th, 2019).



Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Burke.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-27) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby appoint Joseph Affrunti as the Fireworks Safety Officer for the 2019 fireworks display.


Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Mayor Letica.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-28) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby approve the village annual budget for fiscal year end 5/31/2020.


Trustee Ettinger made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Burke.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-29) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve the Tax Warrant for the fiscal year end 5/31/2020.


Deputy Mayor Pierce made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Jablonski.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-30) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby appoint Village Treasurer, Emily Hayes and Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse to collect taxes that may be due for the 2019-2020 fiscal year, between the hours of 9am and 3pm Monday thru Thursday and 8am to 2pm on Fridays, except Saturday and Sundays and Legal Holidays.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-31) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby authorize, that pursuant to Section 1428 of the Real Property Tax Law the Warrant and Tax Roll for Collection of Village taxes of the Incorporated Village of Asharoken will be filed with the Village Treasurer for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2019, taxes will be received at the Village Hall, One Asharoken Avenue, Northport, NY 11768, from June 1, 2019 daily from 9am to 3pm Monday thru Thursday and 8am to 2pm on Fridays except Saturdays and Sundays and Legal Holidays until and including July 1, 2019 without penalty.  Five percent will be added to taxes received after July 1, 2019 and one percent for each month thereafter until paid in full.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Deputy Mayor Pierce.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-32)Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve the services of Village of Northport to clean out our eight (8) catch basins and leaching pools at a cost of $X. Resolution was tabled due to no cost provided.


Resolution (2019-33) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board finds that Village Code 46-3 has been violated and authorizes that a notice be served to the property owner of 3 Bevin Road (SCTM# 0401-003-02-008-000) to remedy the violation within ten business days of the date of notice, if the violation is not remedied within the ten business days the village will cause the condition to be remedied by Parker Landscaping for $1,500.00, the cost of Parker Landscaping will be assessed against the property, if needed.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           NAY

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-34) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board authorizes the Mayor to execute a contract not to exceed $5000.00 with an engineer to inspect the structure at 3 Bevin Road (SCTM# 0401-003-02-008-000) and to assist the Superintendent of Buildings in determining if securing the building will make it safe or if it must be demolished, if needed.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Resolution (2019-35) Be It Resolved that the Village Board approves Asharoken Avenue as a filming site for a one to two day film production by Rose Hill Productions for a Sopranos feature film called “Newark”, authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement in a form to be approved by the Village Attorney.


Mayor Letica made a motion to approve, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Public Session:

Mayor Letica opened up the meeting for public Session:

One Comment was made.

1.       A resident commented about a past budget year and also about a public hearing on optimum were many people showed up.


Mayor Letica made a motion to close public session, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Pierce.

Trustee Jablonski                                           AYE

Trustee Burke                                                  AYE

Trustee Ettinger                                              AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce                                    AYE

Mayor Letica                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


The April 2, 2019 Regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 7:37pm.

Signed: _____________________________________________

                Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk