Incorporated Village of Asharoken
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting & Public Hearing
Held on Tuesday
March 5th, 2013 7:30 P.M
At the Northport American Legion Hall
Approximate Attendance (32)
Officers Present:
Greg Letica, Mayor
Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor
Melvin Ettinger, Trustee
Laura Burke, Trustee
Officials & Appointees Present:
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk
Emily Hayes, Village Treasurer
Bruce Migatz, Village Attorney
Ray Mahdesian, Officer- in- Charge
Doug Adil, Superintendent of Buildings
Bill Raisch, Emergency manager
Marty Cohen, Conservation of the Environment
John Ross, Village Hall Expansion Committee Chair
Barry Bradley, Sanitation Operator
Avrum Golub, Stormwater Superintendent
Tony Wenderoth, Superintendent of Highway
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Proof of publication.
Trustee Burke made a motion to approve the regular board minutes for February 5th, 2013, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Trustee Ettinger made a motion to approve the minutes for the Board Assessment Review held on February 19th, 2013, seconded by Trustee Burke.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Letica noted that the next order of business was to have a public hearing to discuss the tentative budget for year end 5/31/2014.
Proof of publication for the public hearing was read by Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse.
The public hearing was opened:
Mayor Letica noted that the tentative budget calls for a 3.66% increase for next year. This falls under the New York State Tax Cap Law. Most of the increase came from items that we have little control over, Police & Fire retirement $22,300, health insurance increased $7,000, Worker’s Comp increased $4,000, Fire & EMS protection increased $4,000 and he noted that $19,000 was budgeted for future claims from tax grievances. In addition the budget includes a $30,000 reduction for legal expenditures and a slight reduction in marine police. This budget was worked on by the Board of Trustees, Emily Hayes and Nancy Rittenhouse. One item that could possibly reduce the budget is a proposal by Governor Cuomo to stabilize the percentage payments into the Fire & Police fund, which will reduce the percentage to approx. 19%. The budget has been on the website as well as having copies available at Village Hall.
Emily Hayes, Treasurer and Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk explained how the village calculates the tax rate as well as the calculation of the tax levy cap.
Resident, Anna Pollaci commented that the budget isn’t too bad; she noted that she thought you all worked very hard on it and that she would have liked the budget to stay a little lower and closer with contractual increases. She noted the exterminating budget should have been left in the budget. She also noted that the marine patrol should not have been reduced, she pointed out that her two boats were robbed twice last year and indicated that it’s a dangerous situation. She also noted that it’s on the web and that the boat traffic is busy on the weekdays. Trustee Burke noted that Town of Huntington marine patrol is out patrolling the bay waters as well.
Resident, Anna Pollaci inquired about the direct payouts, which she indicated is lowering our income for tax reliefs. Mayor Letica noted that we had to defend eight of the small claims cases from 2010 and 2011 and lost six of these cases. After discussing with our assessor it was determined that these grievances are better negotiated. He noted that grievances have a significant affect on a village our size. Trustee Ettinger noted that we are taking a conservative approach, and are being prudent by budgeting for possible future claims.
Resident, Anna Pollaci asked the board if we had cases that went to court. In previous years have we had any cases in court or are we just loosing cases now?
Resident and former mayor Pat Irving pointed out that we had cases in court, and we won them all over the past four years, we inherited them from the previous administration. Mayor Letica noted that the problem is that the grievances are from two and three years ago.
Resident Pat Irving asked why we are giving out salary increases to our employees.
Resident, Anna Pollaci inquired about employee salary increases, and noted that its public knowledge what everyone gets, and noted that we are in a crisis here in Asharoken and further recommended that the board should consider bonuses instead of salary increases in order to minimize additional payroll costs. She noted that the position is 30 hours a week a part-time position and noted that I know she works more. Mayor Letica noted that the board discussed this and the increases are very fair, these are small raises that are given and with all due respect he noted that he disagreed with the resident.
Deputy Mayor Pierce noted that both the village clerk and the treasurer have not received a raise in three years, three years is a long time to go, we brought in a budget that is below the tax cap, we are not in a crisis situation, we are in a well managed situation and she noted that she is happy with these increases. She noted that the village clerk is the most intrinsic person in the village.
Mayor Letica noted that the village clerk doesn’t just work 30 hours a week, she works whatever it takes to get the job done. He noted she assisted to help get equipment to help to clear the road in the middle of the night.
Resident, Anna Pollaci commented that it’s not the village clerk’s job to assist with the getting equipment to help clear the road. She commented that the volunteer board, the mayor and our elected officials should be doing this type of village work which would be at no cost to the village to do that job. She pointed out that in the long run it costs us money.
Mayor Letica noted that we were paying less now for a village clerk than five years ago; the position has become much more difficult.
A resident, John Ross, pointed out that most of the people in this room realize the time and work that the village clerk puts in.
Resident, Matt Cassamassima commented the resident can voice her opinion but should put it on the table and leave it for the rest of us to decide what we think. The rest of us have a different opinion and it is certainly worthwhile for you to speak yours but don’t freeze the rest of us out, but let’s go to the next person.
Resident, John Ross noted that the board inherited a lot of difficult situations and he noted the entire board has handled it excellently.
Resident, Anna Pollaci, noted that the village clerk goes above and beyond this is not a personal attack it’s the dollars.
Resident, Anna Pollaci noted that in the budget includes $25,000 allocated for the fireworks. She noted that high tide is approximately at 9:00pm on the fourth, she asked if the board is planning on having replenishment of sand on the beach.
Mayor Letica noted that any sand replenishment will be made in the fall. The same resident was concerned for spectator safety. Trustee Ettinger asked resident, Anna Pollaci if she thinks the fireworks should not take place, and the resident noted yes, she is concerned about high tide and worried about spectator safety.
Resident, Avrum Golub, commented that in this country the U.S. Supreme court has confirmed that the first amendment and increasing speech is a good thing, and allowing people to speak allows peoples ways to be seen very clearly by others. One should not underestimate the intelligence of the American public let alone the residents of the village. Regarding the village clerks salary in 2004 the clerk’s salary was $50,000 a year, he noted that he did this research when he was running for trustee. He also asked about several items in the budget, one being the line item that reads “Emergency Disaster”. Emily Hayes noted that the village does not budget for emergency disasters. The village received funds for emergency disaster, and the budget reflects the revenue and expense. He asked about the “drainage” line item and noted that the village uses this budget amount for catch basin clean-out which is performed by vendors hired by the village. He inquired about the reserve schedule and confirmed that the amount noted on the schedule is in the bank account. Emily Hayes, treasurer noted that the village used a portion of the tax stabilization reserve along with celebration reserve amount.
Resident, Stephanie Quarles inquired about the number of police officers on the police force. Mayor Letica noted that the village has one police officer for every eight hour tour; therefore we have one officer for 300 homes. The full-time officers typically work the weekdays and the part-time officers work the weekends. The part-timers get paid only when they work a shift. The same resident asked about the building fund reserve amount and what the quotes will be to build the building. Mayor Letica noted that we are working on gathering estimates for the new village hall. He noted that we did get three quotes to repair the existing village hall only and not to enlarge the building.
Resident, Tony Wenderoth noted that the building should be raised, Mayor Letica noted that the foundation was examined and determined that it cannot be raised.
Resident, Doug Whitcomb asked whether we have any insurance on the building, and Mayor Letica noted that we did not have any flood insurance on the village hall.
Resident, Anna Pollaci asked about FEMA reimbursement, village clerk and the building inspector explained how FEMA may determine any possible funding for the village hall.
Resident, Debbie Masterson asked that the board take into consideration the upkeep of maintenance for the new village hall. Mayor Letica noted that we are keeping the building project very simple.
Resident, Pat Irving inquired about one of the resolutions that discuss accepting building fund donations. Mayor Letica explained the total amount of donations we have received.
Resident, Pat Irving asked if the board was concerned about the road, she was concerned about the road and the shifting of the concrete.
Resident, Pat Irving, asked to read a Town of Huntington resolution from the Town Board about the Northport American Legion Hall.
Resident, Anna Pollaci asked about the funding for village hall and still didn’t understand the funding; she noted that it is very, very confusing. Trustee Ettinger explained the donation process and how the funds are being accounted for.
Resident, Anna Pollaci asked about last year’s snow removal budget and where it is. Mayor Letica noted that the village had just encountered unexpected the expenses from Hurricane Sandy. Which cost the village approximately $100,000, he noted that 25% of the expenditures attributed to Hurricane Sandy will not be reimbursed by FEMA. These additional expenditures were not anticipated and not budgeted for. He noted that any excess of the unused budgeted dollars are carried forward to the opening fund balance for the next year. So if you budget for something and don’t spend it, those funds will be used to reduce your taxes next year.
Resident, Drew Mendelsohn, referred to a former note from the previous building fund fundraising committee and needed clarification with the donated amount. Trustee Ettinger noted that the total amount included actual donations and pledges as well. Resident, Drew Mendelsohn noted that during the Irving administration, he recalls an anonymous donation of $50,000; Trustee Ettinger noted that it never materialized.
Resident, Anna Pollaci asked about the difference between the reimbursements of storm Irene and Hurricane Sandy. Village Clerk noted that those dollars for Irene included FHWA reimbursements as well, and for Sandy the FEMA reimbursements totaled approximately $99,000 and for FHWA totaled $190,000 for the dune repair, asphalt repair, beach grass the shoulder repair.
Resident, Anna Pollaci noted that at 143 Asharoken Avenue there was a sink hole and isn’t that considered damage from the storm. The village clerk noted that the pot hole was just wear and tear on the roadway and was only patched, this year it will be permanently repaired.
Resident, Drew Mendelsohn noted that during the Kelly administration the feasibility dollars of $300,000 was put in the budget and during the Irving administration was removed from the budget. Mayor Letica noted that the feasibility study funds are set aside and Deputy Mayor Pierce had a discussion with the NYSDEC regarding the funding for the feasibility study.
Resident, Stephanie Quarles, inquired if the budget includes monies for the project at the sluice area on Bevin Road. Mayor Letica noted that at this time this budget does not include budgeted dollars for that project. He noted that he met with FEMA this week to discuss the project and they noted that they do not think there will be any mitigation money for the project.
Resident, Anna Pollaci noted that Duck Island Harbor is being filled in, and it is income producing. Is that considered storm damage and can we get any funding for it? Mayor Letica noted that it is not considered damage from Sandy.
Resident, Drew Mendelsohn, asked how Duck Island produces income. Resident Anna Pollaci noted ski permits.
Mayor Letica made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Letica reports, “It has been a rather normal month in Asharoken with only two Nor’easters and a blizzard of epic proportions. Fortunately other than a massive amount of snow to remove and a little bit of sand to clear off the road not much happened.
During the month a lot of time was spent finalizing the details on the tentative budget. Additionally, I worked with the police to complete the new police contract. The final details should be ironed out in the upcoming days and the contract will be ready to be signed.
I participated as member of the tax grievance committee where we ruled on 16 requests for tax reductions, I met with John Ross to see updated village hall plans and I met with the Kew Court residents to discuss mitigation of Kew Court Flooding.
On February 22nd I met with Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Marty Cohen, chair of the Conservation Board and Jake Watrel a contractor who bid on the dune restoration project. I expect that we will award the project later this evening and the sand placement, followed by beach grass planting should commence very soon. The project will hopefully be completed by April 1st. Deputy Mayor Pierce and I attended a long term FEMA reconstruction meeting at the office of Huntington Supervisor Frank Petrone. Representatives from Northport, Huntington Bay, Lloyd Harbor and Asharoken were able to share with FEMA their long term needs. I included Village Hall, beach restoration, Bevin Road Corner and Kew Court as specific areas of concern for Asharoken.
There is not much to report on sand on the beach. Deputy Mayor Pierce had a telephone conference with Executive Deputy Commissioner Marc Gerstman from the DEC and several aspects of their discussion regarding the feasibility study will be a focus of follow up conversations. I also received my monthly update from Sue McCormick and she reports: “So here's the latest. The Corps and DEC are talking and making plans for paths forward with the Feasibility Study. The issue is that the Army Corps has not yet received any money from the Sand Relief Bill to actually work on projects. As you know, the Army Corps is out of money for the Feasibility Study and so they can't do much until the money arrives. They don't expect the money until May or June for studies. Another issue is that they have not received guidance from OMB yet on what qualifies for funding and what doesn't and how everything is to be administered. So long story short - technically we are ready to run as soon as the Army Corps gets funding to do so. At this point I wouldn't suspect we can finish the study until sometime in 2014.” I received a letter from Joseph Martens, Commissioner of the DEC. He essentially reiterated what Sue McCormack said and added that “the DEC and the Corps met on January 22, 2013 to define the parameters under which dredging can occur to limit environmental impacts to the Sound.” He closed his letter with “Rest assured that Asharoken and Eaton’s Neck have not been forgotten and work will proceed as quickly as possible once funding is available.” I will ask the Clerk to attach Commissioner Martens letter to the minutes. Deputy Mayor Pierce and I will be following up this month and I hope to have some concrete information in April. Finally, a meeting has been set up with Bob Allen, Manager of the National Grid power plant, to discuss the scheduled 45,000 Cubic yards replenishment beginning in the fall.
I wrote to Assemblyman Raia to get an update on the State Budget and he is optimistic that Governor Cuomo’s proposal to stabilize payments into the State Police and Fire will go through. This could save the village money and make budgeting far easier. The repairs to the seawall were completed, which included new caps, putting back displaced boulders and fixing the stairway.
A deceased Harbor Porpoise was found by Barry Bradley on Feb 28th in the Duck Island Wetlands. There is a photo on the website. Additionally, a gigantic flock of Scaup, a species of sea duck, has been visiting us on the bay side. The nature that surrounds us every day is really amazing.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Pierce reported that as the Mayor had mentioned, Asharoken had a wonderful response from Governor Cuomo’s office, which directed both the Commissioner and Executive Deputy Commissioner of the NYSDEC to respond and address many of our concerns regarding the feasibility study and the Sand on the Beach project. Items that were discussed included the status of the study and how long it will take to complete. Executive Deputy Commissioner Gerstman stated that the status is a high priority and that a preliminary meeting had taken place in January between USACE and NYSDEC. He anticipates the study being completed in the Spring of 2014 which he noted is a fast time frame for this type of project. Deputy Mayor Pierce noted that part of the reason for the fast time frame is that they have determined that the “borrow areas” for the sand previously identified are still good. EDC Gerstman explained that the Army Corps is responsible for both the study and the plan for the project. The NYSDEC has oversight of study and plan and also does the permitting. EDC Gerstman was not aware of any obstacles to completing the study. She noted that they discussed costs and cost share for both the study and the project. The project will be determined when the state reaches a threshold of $2.7 billion dollars in actual projects statewide which should be within two months. As far as the feasibility study the state is having another look at it based on the urgency of the project and the size of Asharoken for funding the local share.
Deputy Mayor Pierce reported that based on the FEMA meetings this month as well as the discussion with DEC representative EDC Gerstman, I have a good feeling that both the Federal and State governments are up to speed, engaged, and have a thorough understanding of what is needed in Asharoken. She noted that we are a priority for them and the lines of communication are open on-going. Deputy Mayor Pierce also noted that she reviewed the monthly vouchers, attended a PBA meeting, researched sand walkover guidelines, attended the tax grievance day, contacted EDC Gerstman, attended a Kew Court residents meeting, attended the dune repair meeting as well as the Long Term Recovery meeting held at the Town of Huntington. She wrote thank you letters and attended a FEMA meeting with Mayor Letica, Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse and FEMA representatives. She video’s the Nor’easter storm and met with a vendor for the dune repair project. Mayor Letica noted that Pam has worked tirelessly on this project.
Trustee Ettinger reported that he worked on the village budget, with Mayor Letica, and officer-in-charge Ray Mahdesian. He noted that he has been working on the PBA contract. He participated in the Tax Grievance day which was held on February 19th. He attended village court on February 20th and reviewed the payment vouchers for the month of February. He noted that he met with electrical contractors to arrange for the existing generator to be re-installed and hooked up for the police trailer and he also met with several generator companies in order to gather quotes for a new efficient generator that will power both trailers as well as be used for the new village hall. He noted that court session is being held once a month.
Trustee Burke reported that she worked on the village budget and reviewed the vouchers. She noted that she assisted Joan Hauser with the newsletter and worked closely with the banks and has set up a meeting with bond counsel to research bond possibilities.
Village Attorney: Village Attorney Bruce Migatz noted that there is nothing new to report this month.
Officer-in Charge:
Officer-in-Charge Ray Mahdesian reported that the village received reimbursement for marine police participation in Homeland Security Operation SHIELD organized by the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office this past summer in the amount of $2,129.00. On February 8, 2013 a blizzard (NEMO) struck the village. Extra officers were summoned to duty. Town of Huntington Highway Department stationed a pay loader at the police station, and Asharoken Avenue was kept open. Some splash-over occurred at the seawall, but not enough to necessitate a road closure. On February 27th, 2013 strong easterly winds caused flooding at the seawall which deposited rocks and sand on the roadway. Town of Huntington Highway Department responded and cleared the roadway, requiring the road to be closed for approximately half an hour. There were no reported burglaries in the village for the month of February.
Sanitation: Barry Bradley noted that the total trash pick-up for the month was 21.83 tons, co-mingle were 1.77 tons and newspaper and cardboard was 2.23 tons. Totaling 25.13 tons overall. Big Blue is running well. Barry Bradley noted that affective January 1st the trash tipping costs are going up to $80 a ton from $75. He noted that the village gets paid for newspaper and cardboard and may offset the increase in tipping costs.
Superintendent of Highway: Tony Wenderoth reported that we have had potholes on Asharoken Avenue. He noted that the water gets underneath the asphalt and lifts the pavement. He discussed the salt water puddle that forms by 35 Asharoken Avenue. He noted that the check valve hangs vertically from two bolts, but the seating surface is not sealed completely. The two bolts need to be removed and a counter weight needs to be installed so a complete seal will be created eliminating the back flow into the roadway. Near the dune area several of the electrical lines appear to be too low. He noted that the guide wires need to be more secure. He reported that near Parking Lot 13 and at the corner of Bevin road all the sand has been washed into the wetland, he suggested getting a bulldozer in that area to pull the sand back and dump on the dunes. The village has to continue to pull the sand out of the wetland area. He discussed the repair of the sluice area on Bevin Road. He noted that he will be sending out three requests for proposals for this repair, he noted that he does not see the road being elevated. He pointed out that maybe LIPA can install a permanent by-pass system that would entail a pipe underneath and a pump.
Emergency Manager: Bill Raisch noted that he is following up on three major points that came out of the Lessons Learned session. First, better communications with the police and officials, secondly gathering a complete list of our elder and disable residents within our village and thirdly creating a system that will enable the village to match up our volunteers to individuals who could use all types of services during an emergency situation as well as the aftermath of a disaster.
Superintendent of Buildings Report: Doug Adil, building inspector noted that he met with two general contractors to determine the repair costs for the village hall. He met with John Ross to review the floor plan options and progress of the project. He advised a homeowner on Asharoken Avenue potential locations for propane tanks. He reviewed conceptual demolition plan for a home on Bevin Road. He reviewed the drawings for a home on Asharoken Avenue for a pile foundation. He assisted the village clerk with clarifying the permit requirements for two existing docks on Clamshell Lane. He discussed the inspection procedure for solar panels and he noted that he performed 11 inspections for the month of February 2013.
Village Hall Expansion Report: Chairman, John Ross reported that the committee finished the preliminary plans, and is in the process of getting preliminary cost estimates. John Ross brought to the meeting the site plan and a preliminary layout for the public to view. The structure would be elevated and using materials that would keep maintenance costs low. John Ross noted that the DEC application has been submitted and he is waiting for their approval.
Stormwater Superintendent: Superintendent, Avrum Golub noted that in January Northport Harbor Water Quality protection committee drafted an inter-municipal agreement document that our village received and there maybe grant possibilities. He also noted that two stormwater cases were recently decided.
Resolution (2013-19) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board approves the budget transfers for the month of February 2013.
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-20) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve the vouchers in the amount of $35,847.04 for the month of February 2013.
Motion was made by Trustee Ettinger, seconded by Trustee Burke.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-21) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby accept the donation from the “Asharoken Building Fundraising Committee” in the amount of $9,300.00 for the new village hall project.
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Mayor Letica.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-22) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, does hereby authorize the Mayor to sign the 2013 agreement between the Village of Asharoken and Landscaper Pat Parker to service the grounds for the Village of Asharoken. The total cost of services will be $4000.00 from April 2013 to November 2013 for fiscal year 5/31/2014.
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-23) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken does hereby authorize the Mayor to sign the engagement letter authorizing Skinnon, Faber and Heck, CPA’s P.C. to perform an audit for the Village of Asharoken financial statements and the Court financials statement and furnish the NYS Update Report for the year ending 5/31/2013. The cost of the Audit will be approximately $8000.00 to $8800.00 and the cost of the Court Audit will be approximately $500.00.
Motion was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-24) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken does hereby ratify the denial of (14) fourteen of the Grievance applications submitted for revision of assessed valuation, and directs the Village Assessor to advise the property owners of their statutory right to commence small claims tax certiorari proceedings to challenge the Village’s assessment of their properties.
Motion was made by Trustee Ettinger, seconded by Mayor Letica.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-25) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken does hereby authorize to amend the assessment and grant in part the relief requested on one (1) grievance application.
Motion was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2013-26) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken does hereby authorize the hiring of Bittle & Sons, Inc. and D.F. Stone Contracting, LTD. for the dune restoration project approved and reimbursed (100%) by FHWA an emergency repair.
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pierce, seconded by Mayor Letica.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Public Session:
Resident, Doug Whitcomb, inquired about the debris that still remains on the side of the road between Bevin Road and North Harbor Road. He asked how the community can help get these areas restored and maintained.
Trustee Ettinger noted that the trees were on Morgan Estate and cut up and left on the side of the property. Mayor Letica offered to perform a walkthrough with the resident to view the fallen trees.
Resident, Anna Pollaci inquired about the damaged fence near the LIPA property. Mayor Letica noted that the board will be discussing the fence with LIPA.
Resident, Anna Pollaci noted that they are still looking to build a community center and asked Mayor Letica to follow up with the Town of Huntington.
Resident, Reed Rickman inquired about the article 78 and Bruce Migatz, village attorney attempted to contact the attorney and noted that it still has not been calendared.
Resident, Pat Irving inquired about which property the Article 78 pertained too. Bruce Migatz noted it’s the Shulman/Podell property.
Resident, Pat Irving inquired about the Morgan Estate and the agriculture designation. The resident asked if it could be retroactive next year.
Resident, Pat Irving inquired about who is on the grievance board. Mayor Letica noted that Grievance day passed, Grievance day was held on February 19th. She pointed out that the village assessor is the Town of Huntington assessor.
Resident, Anna Pollaci inquired why the board doesn’t fire him. Mayor Letica noted that he is very knowledgeable in his field. Trustee Ettinger explained that if the Board of Assessment review board denies the grievances they have the right to take it to small claims court. Mayor Letica noted that the residents have to think of how grievances affect all the residents.
Mayor Letica made a motion to close the public session, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Letica made a motion to go into executive session to discuss police contracts, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
No Action was taken in Executive Session, and the session ended at 9:50pm.
Mayor Letica made a motion to close executive session, seconded by Deputy Mayor Pierce.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.
Trustee Ettinger AYE
Trustee Burke AYE
Deputy Mayor Pierce AYE
Mayor Letica AYE
Motioned Carried.
The March 5th, 2013 meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 9:52pm.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk