Incorporated Village of Asharoken
Board of Trustees
Held on Monday
June 4th, 2012 7:30 P.M
At Village Hall
Approximate Attendance (42)
Officers Present:
Patricia Irving, Mayor
Joseph Tilleli, Deputy Mayor
Trustee Affrunti, Trustee
Joseph Catanzano, Trustee
Pam Pierce, Trustee
Officials & Appointees Present:
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk
Emily Hayes, Village Treasurer
Ken Savin, Village Attorney
Ray Mahdesian, Officer- in- Charge
Doug Adil, Superintendent of Buildings
Bill Raisch, Emergency Manager
Barry Bradley, Sanitation Operator
Anna Pollaci, Zoning Board Chairperson
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Mayor Irving called the meeting to order and will be announcing our guest this evening.
Proof of Publication was noted.
Approval of the Regular Board Meeting minutes for 5/7/2012, Mayor Irving made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor’s Report
Sand on the Beach: Mayor Irving reported that the communication continues with the DEC, USACE and government officials including Senator Carl Marcellino and Congressman Steve Israel. She introduced Deputy Chief of Planning USACE Gene Brickman.
Sea wall Repair: Mayor Irving noted that she received a call from Congressman Israel on Friday, this past week, with news that the Army Corps has formally approved the steel caps and his staff will be contacting her to prepare a press release.
Corner of Bevin and Asharoken Ave: Mayor Irving noted that additional research regarding the flooding at the Corner of Bevin Road continues. The Village continues to work cooperatively with the DEC for assistance since that area is controlled by the DEC Agency. Most of the corner property may be private property and the Village cannot do as it pleases on private property. Some maps and surveys were obtained and are under review.
Morgan Property: Mayor Irving noted that she attended the meeting of the Agricultural Farmland Preservation Board with Trustee Pierce, Village Assessor Jack Condon and Village Attorney Ken Savin. She noted that we spoke in opposition. The Board voted to approve the Agricultural designation. There are many more challenges ahead for the Morgan property and we will continue to work on this in the best interest of the Village.
She attended the Town of Huntington annual Memorial Day Wreath Ceremony and
Asharoken marched in the Northport American Legion Parade and thanks to the trustees for marching and the Deputy Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger.
Upcoming: She noted that the Village elections are Tuesday, June 19th from 12:00 noon till 9:00 PM
Village 4th of July fireworks is scheduled for Wednesday, July 4th pending the DEC final permit.
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Pierce reported that she attended the Asharoken Court Sessions for the month of May. She noted that she attended the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on May 8th and on May 10th she attended the FHWA meeting with Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk and Village Attorney Ken Savin. She attended the Agricultural meeting and reviewed the storm water report. She attended the Memorial Day parade. She prepared an image file for the DEC in Albany the corner flooding. She attended the Emergency Management Preparedness Conference in Uniondale, led by homeland security. State, counties and NYC attended and well as first responders and utility representatives. She reviewed beach lots between houses numbers 341-351 and had discussions with two residents and a beach lot owner.
Trustee Catanzano reported that he attended the May 8th ZBA Public Hearing. He reviewed the storm water report and reviewed the vouchers for the month of May.
Trustee Affrunti reported on the police boat and noted that several manufacture repairs were completed, the boat is back in the water. He noted that the five-mile an hour marine signs are repaired and installed in the bay. He noted that he is waiting for a call back on the Village dock application.
Deputy Mayor Tilleli reported that the Village hired an approved contractor Safety Markings Inc. The cost came in $15,000.00 less than the original estimate the Village received. He noted that Landscaper Pat Parker has cleared the sides of the roadway as well as replacing hay bales down by the sea wall. He noted that he is in the process of getting estimates for catch basin clean-out for 8 catch basins a one leaching pool. He thanked congressman Israel and Mayor Irving for staying the course in fixing the seawall caps. He noted that the Village should be proud for a job well done.
The federal government has many projects on the table, and Mayor Irving and Congressman Israel made this happen. He thanked Trustee Affrunti for his entire serve to the Village.
Village Attorney: Ken Savin reported on the Zoning Hearing that took place on May 8th. The board approved a renewal of a Special Use accessory permit and rejected an application for a new residence on a large beach lot. He reviewed several code issues. He attended the FHWA meeting. He attended the Emergency Management Conference. He reported on a software program that was discussed at the emergency conference that allows the Village to communicate via voice, computer, text to all residents for emergency alerts. He reported that the Morgan Estate Agricultural application was approved by the Suffolk Planning dept. He noted that Verizon discontinued CNN global channel. He noted that nothing new came up during Village court. He answered in Supreme Court the one pending tax certiorari proceeding, the small claims do not have to be answered until the date appears on the calendar.
Officer-in Charge: Officer in Charge Ray Mahdesian reported that the police department issued 56 water –ski permits this season thus far. He thanked Trustee Affrunti for all his work handling the police boat as the Commissioner of Waterways.
Emergency Management: Bill Raisch, Emergency Manager reported on having a table top scenario which will be held sometime in July and review with each of the trustees. He also noted that Emergency notifications maybe free through New York State.
Treasurers Report: Vouchers for the month of May 2012: Treasurer, Emily Hayes requested approval for vouchers in the amount of $35,703.38 and related budget transfers.
Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano to approve the Treasurers Report and May 2012 vouchers of $35,703.38 and related budget transfers, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Sanitation Report: Barry Bradley reported that Big Blue was running well. Trash pick-up was 22.00 tons, comingle was 3.51 tons and newspaper and cardboard was 2.45 tons.
Superintendent of Buildings Report: Doug Adil reported that he performed 10 inspections and plan reviews and consulted with architects and homeowners. He reviewed a site plan and pool structural drawings for a new pool construction. He met with new homeowners at a house on Beach Plum Road for zoning requirements. He worked with a homeowner on Clamshell and advised the homeowner to install silt fencing and install hay bales to minimize storm water run-off.
Zoning Board of Appeals: Anna Pollaci reported that two applications have been submitted, one for a special Use Accessory application and the second for an application for a side yard setback for a in-ground swimming pool.
Resolution (2012-29) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby rescind resolution (2012-28) and reverses the transfer.
Motion was made by Trustee Tilleli, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-30) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby approve the transfer of $7,700.00 from the Highway Reserve Money Market Special Reserve Account #5059 to the Money Market Account #5018 for Road Pavement Markings.
Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-31) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby authorize the mayor to sign the SMC Safety Marking Inc. Quote for $7,603.20 for road striping.
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Tilleli, seconded by Trustee Pierce.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-32) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby approve the amendment to the 5/31/2013 fiscal year financial budget, for account (A5110.432 Highway Maintenance) in the amount of $7,700.00 and account number (A1000.000 Start Income) in the amount of $7,700.00 for Road Pavement Markings.
Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Irving opened the Public Hearing for the MS4 Storm water Report.
Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse read the Public Notice
Comments on the Storm water Report:
1. A resident commented on the timing of the report, and commented that the report was due June 1st, 2012.
2. A resident commented as to why the Storm water report was not on the internet, Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse noted that the publication notice was placed on the Asharoken website to inform the public that the Storm water report was available for viewing at Village Hall.
3. A resident commented on the phase II catch basin project and noted that the board should consider some low impact development. Ken Savin commented that the soil located at Bevin Road consists of clay and causes poor drainage in that area. The soil has to be excavated and replaced with more porous material. The ownership of the property at the corner of Bevin Road has to be determined as well before any work can begin.
4. A resident commented on the phase II catch basin and commented on the percentage of people trained on low impact development.
5. Trustee Pierce commented on the corner of Bevin Road, noting that the seawall and the water coming down the hill contributes to the puddle. She noted that in January 2012 the NYSDEC gave permission to clean up the corner as needed during certain weather events and the NYSDEC is waiting for documentation to resolve the drainage issue. The NYSDEC needs to see what the USACE will do regarding the seawall. She noted that the phragmites that are an invasive plant prevent drainage. The DEC will be giving the village guidelines.
6. A resident commented on the Morgan Estate and how it is reflected in the storm water report.
7. A resident commented on the catch basins, noting that they are not affective and that the additional catch basins would not be affective as well.
8. A resident commented that the corner of Bevin Road and the dynamics of the soil build-up have changed over many years.
Mayor Irving made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Irving introduced Gene Brickman, Deputy Chief of Planning from the USACE.
Mayor Irving announced the federally funded repair. She read part of the press release. “Today Congressman Israel and Mayor Patricia Irving announce that the USACE approved plans to repair the seawall specifically steel caps instead of timber which will provide a lasting durable and lasting solution and is 100% federal funded.” The amount to be funded is $516,500.00.
Gene Brickman discussed the project and noted that it is approved and the timeline for funds will be within a week. He noted that USACE still has to prepare the plans and specs, advertise the contract, award the contract and build the project. A July meeting between USACE and NYSDEC is planned to initiate the project. The estimated time for completion will be around November 2012.
Gene Brickman noted that he and Mayor Irving pushed forward the report to help get the sea wall fixed. He noted that Mayor Irving was proactive in pushing to get the funding in order to fix the repairs needed to the sea wall. He also addressed the Feasibility Study giving a brief history of that project. He noted that the beach acts as a sacrificial barrier to help protect the seawall. He discussed where the sand will come from. The USACE noted that the sand should be dredged and the NYSDEC, said “no”. The USACE will be meeting with the NYSDEC to discuss this matter. He noted that the non-federal letters were important from the village in order to get approval for the repairs to the sea wall. Mayor Irving wrote to the State of New York and worked with Gene Brickman. He noted that only two projects out of 197 were approved throughout the region, one was Shinnecock Inlet and the other was Village of Asharoken sea wall project due to the administrative being so proactive.
Gene Brickman recommended that the “Timbers” wood caps should not be removed. Removal would jeopardize the federal funding.
Public Session:
A resident asked about the agricultural Sand Piper Farm, Mayor Irving deferred to counsel, Ken Savin. The resident asked if we can charge the Morgan Estate with a Village violation.
A resident asked if this is commercial activity, the Village Attorney noted that he could not answer that question.
A resident commented on the documents received from the Morgan Estate property. Village Attorney, Ken Savin discussed the Sand Piper Case.
A resident asked Gene Brickman about a meeting at the Northport Middle School on the feasibility study. He asked if the $300,000 feasibility study cost is still the responsibly of the Village. He asked about the timeline and the overall costs of the dredging project.
A resident noted that there is no parking anywhere in Asharoken, Gene Brickman noted that if you take a federally funded project, you have to provide public access, but there are ways to accomplish it.
A resident commented on how informative the information Gene Brickman provided to the public was.
A resident asked about the timbers on the seawall, he commented that if you remove the timbers on the seawall the village would be assuming all liability.
Mayor Irving closed the public session.
Mayor Irving made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
The June 4th, 2012 meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk