Incorporated Village of Asharoken
Board of Trustees
Held on Monday
May 7th, 2012 7:30 P.M
At Village Hall
Approximate Attendance (22)
Officers Present:
Patricia Irving, Mayor
Joseph Tilleli, Deputy Mayor
Trustee Affrunti, Trustee
Joseph Catanzano, Trustee
Pam Pierce, Trustee
Officials & Appointees Present:
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk
Emily Hayes, Village Treasurer
Ken Savin, Village Attorney
Ray Mahdesian, Officer- in- Charge
Doug Adil, Superintendent of Buildings
Barry Bradley, Sanitation Operator
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Mayor Irving called the meeting to order.
Proof of Publication was noted.
Approval of the Regular Board Meeting minutes for 4/2/2012, Trustee Pierce made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.
Trustee Affrunti Abstained
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor’s Report
Sand on the Beach: Mayor Irving reported that this past month she spoke with the NYSDEC in Albany regarding the Sand on the Beach. She noted that the DEC has been working within their internal departments discussing how they would move forward in order to complete the Feasibility Study. The DEC were hoping to have a meeting with the USACE in late May to discuss the Asharoken Feasibility Study, but unfortunately, the meeting with both the DEC and USACE will most likely take place in June. The Mayor also reported that discussions on the flooding at the Corner of Bevin Road and Asharoken Avenue have taken place and the Village continues to work cooperatively with the DEC for assistance since that area is controlled by the DEC. She noted that most of the corner property may be private property and the Village cannot do as it pleases on private property. Surveyor work and title searches are underway.
Sea wall Repair: Mayor Irving noted that she received a call from the Army Corps this month to inform her of the progress they are making on the plans to repair the sea wall. She noted that they completed the proposed plan within the 40 day time frame and now the project is pending further approval within the Corps.
Mayor Irving reported that she received a phone call from Congressman Israel’s office in Washington today that the Army Corps is in the final stages of approval for the fixes and improvements to the sea wall and that final approval is expected any day. She noted that this is the first time the Army Corps has requested funding for improvements to the sea wall. Past funding has been to repair previous existing conditions; this funding is for fixing the damage as well as improvements to the sea wall and caps.
Dispose of e-waste: Mayor Irving reported that she previously had a discussion about instituting a recycling day within our Village, for residents to dispose of e-waste. E-waste is items such as, old computers, monitors and other electronic equipment. She directed the Village Attorney to investigate the e-waste program and perhaps expanding to include hazardous household waste.
Piping Plovers: Mayor Irving noted that the NYSDEC Fish & Wildlife have begun monitoring the piping plover on our beaches.
Police Contract: Mayor Irving reported that she has had a preliminary meeting regarding our Police Contract and negotiations are now moving forward and will continue this month.
Emergency Management Plan: Mayor Irving noted that resident volunteer Chairman Bill Raisch is working with each Village official to clarify responsibilities and develop basic references with them. She noted that he will set up a tabletop exercise with officials and area response organizations. As Mayor she attended the Northport Fire Department Installation Dinner (Chief Chris Hughes).
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Catanzano reported that he attended the court sessions and reviewed the vouchers this month.
Trustee Pierce reported that she attended the court sessions and took photographs of the wash over on April 22nd. She noted that she will be attending the Emergency Management Conference.
Trustee Affrunti reported that all the marine signs are repaired and they are in the process of being installed. He noted the police boat was having some manufacture repairs done and will be ready for the new season. He noted the confirmation of storage for the police boat at the Coast Guard Station.
Deputy Mayor Tilleli reported that the cut-back has begun along Asharoken Avenue in order to prepare for the road striping. He noted that we have an approved contractor; the estimate cost will be $22,000. These funds will be allocated using our highway reserve account. He also noted that our landscaper Pat Parker had filled in sand near the sea wall after the last wash over.
Village Attorney: Ken Savin reported that the next Zoning Board meeting will be held on June 8th, 2012. He noted that he reviewed the fire and EMS contract, and attended the last PBA negotiations meeting. He noted that he and Village Clerk Nancy Rittenhouse have received several calls on docks. He reported that the Morgan Estate has applied for the County agriculture board for a designation as an agriculture district, the board and assessor John Condon will be attending. He noted that no rate increase notices from Verizon and/or Cablevision this month. He reported on the Deniz trial, and noted that the evidence showed that the homeowner was renting out rooms, one of the renters testified that he rented a room and has had two felony convictions and misdemeanor for sale of drugs and sex abuse. He noted that on litigation there have been several SCAR filings and one full tax certiorari proceeding. He discussed the E-Waste program.
Treasurers Report: Vouchers for the month of April 2012: Treasurer, Emily Hayes requested approval for vouchers in the amount of $116,710.17 and related budget transfers. Emily Hayes reported that this month the total vouchers included payments for the Village’s insurance.
Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano to approve the Treasurers Report and April 2012 vouchers of $116,710.17 and related budget transfers, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Officer-in-Charge: Ray Mahdesian reported that on April 28th a car was stolen from the driveway of a resident, allegedly by a visitor to a home in Asharoken. The perpetrator, who fled the scene on foot, was subsequently arrested by Suffolk County Police after being tracked by a K-9 unit.
He noted that the department received $2104.70 from Suffolk County for our participation in Operation Shield, a Homeland Security operation organized by Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. He noted that members of the department completed the semi-annual firearms qualification training course at the Suffolk County Police Academy Range in Westhampton Beach.
Sanitation Report: Barry Bradley reported that Big Blue was running well. Trash pick-up was 29.8 tons, comingle was 2.20 tons and newspaper and cardboard was 3.70 tons.
Superintendent of Buildings Report: Doug Adil reported that he reviewed of plans for extensive alterations to existing residence and garage construction. He responded to a follow-up request for the feasibility of locating a pool in a specific area of a property. He noted that he attended the 2012 Building Code Conference at Stony Brook University for three days. He noted that he responded to numerous requests for information regarding driveway replacement and wind turbines.
Resident, Anna Pollaci and Carol Cassamassima presented a donation from the “Save the Fireworks” group in the amount of $5,700.00 to be put towards the cost of the tugboat used for the fireworks event. Mayor Irving thanked Anna and Carol for all their efforts.
Resolution (2012-24) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby authorize the Mayor to sign the Fire & EMS Service contract for the period end date of December 31st, 2012.
Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-25) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby accept the donation from “Save the Fireworks” committee in the amount of $5,700.00.
Motion was made by Mayor Irving, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-26) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby approve a tent permit for Mr. Crean from May 11, 2012 through May 13, 2012.
Motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-27) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby schedule a public hearing to take place on June 4th, 2012 at Village Hall at 7:30pm to review the 2012 MS4 Annual Report for the period ending March 9th, 2012.
Motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Resolution (2012-28) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of the Village of Asharoken, NY in regular session duly convened, does hereby approve the transfer of $23,000.00 from the Highway Reserve Money Market Special Reserve Account #5059 to the Money Market Account #5018 for the future payment of two expenditures (Road Pavement Markings & Road Preparation work).
Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Tilleli, seconded by Trustee Affrunti.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Mayor Irving opened the meeting to public session.
A resident inquired about the Morgan Estate application to the Suffolk County Planning Board, for agriculture designation.
A resident asked for clarification of the Morgan Estate application to the Suffolk County Planning Board.
A resident inquired about LIPA and the enforcement of the permit.
Mayor Irving made a motion to close public session, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
Trustee Affrunti made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.
Trustee Affrunti AYE
Trustee Catanzano AYE
Trustee Pierce AYE
Deputy Mayor Tilleli AYE
Mayor Irving AYE
Motioned Carried.
The May 7th, 2012 meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk