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 Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Board of Trustees

Held on Tuesday

January 3rd, 2012 7:30 P.M

At Village Hall

Approximate Attendance (18)


Officers Present:

Patricia Irving, Mayor

Joseph Tilleli, Deputy Mayor

Joseph Affrunti, Trustee

Joseph Catanzano, Trustee

Pam Pierce, Trustee


Officials & Appointees Present:

Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk

Emily Hayes, Village Treasurer

Ken Savin, Village Attorney

Ray Mahdesian, Officer- in- Charge

Judge Brown-Village Court

Doug Adil, Superintendent of Buildings

Bill Raisch, Emergency Manager

Barry Bradley, Sanitation Operator


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Mayor Irving called the Regular meeting to order.

Proof of Publication was noted.


Approval of the Regular Board Meeting minutes for 12/5/2011, Trustee Pierce made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.


Trustee Affrunti                                              AYE

Trustee Catanzano                                         AYE

Trustee Pierce                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Tilleli                                     AYE

Mayor Irving                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.



Mayor’s Report:

Mayor Irving wished everyone a very happy New Year.  She also thanked all the residents for the many cards and notes she received this holiday season.  She noted that she appreciates the honor of representing the Village of Asharoken as the Mayor.  She noted that it is a privilege and she sincerely enjoys very much. Thank you.

She noted that she is thankful for all the volunteers - elected officials, committee members, zoning and planning board members, conservation board members, appointed officials, volunteer fund raisers for the upcoming firework show (which would no longer be possible without their contributions), the Asharoken Garden Club for their beautiful Holiday Wreath on our door and the entire Village for their support on many successful projects throughout this past year.

The web site professionals, volunteers Steve Trombetti and Eric Maffei have given this administration three and a half years of committed service and have been instrumental in communicating with our village residents, many friends and neighbors, government agencies and all levels of government.

She thanked all who have committed themselves to community service throughout the year in support of Asharoken Village.

Sea Wall:  Mayor Irving noted that at the November Board of Trustees meeting, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation sent an invoice for the Village’ s cost sharing of the Asharoken Beach Erosion Control Project. 

After that mailing, it was discovered that the Village’s share was paid from a member item.  As discussed with the Mayor and the DEC representatives on Dec. 9th, 2011, we are to disregard the November 9th letter and they apologized for any inconvenience.

Ms. Sue McCormick, PE Chief of the Coastal Erosion Management Section along with Alan A. Fuchs, PE Director Bureau of Flood Protection and Dam Safety are planning a meeting with the Mayor in Asharoken to discuss the Village’s responsibility with respect to the operation and maintenance of the seawall.

Damages from Tropical Storm Irene: Mayor Irving noted that this past month she met with Congressman Steve Israel along with Village Attorney Ken Savin to discuss the condition of the sea wall and repairs from both the USACE and the USACE contractor, Cutting Edge.  The Congressman is putting together a meeting in his office with the USACE, contractor Cutting Edge and the Mayor to discuss the caps and boulders that were displaced.  Further discussions took place regarding “sand on the beach” and National Grid.

Sand on the Beach: She discussed with Congressman Israel, our Federal representatives and agencies are in favor of dredging the sound and as always, the largest impediment to restore the beach is the NYS DEC’s refusal to allow any sort of dredging in Long Island Sound including the large sand deposits just off Asharoken beach. 

Infrastructure projects in the Village this month: She noted that Trustee Tilleli, Trustee Pierce, Deputy Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger, Village Attorney Ken Savin and your Mayor took time out on a Saturday before Christmas and installed signs near the sea wall.  Thank you for all your hard work. The completion of the signs was done by resident contractor Marty Ciesinski and Village Attorney Ken Savin on Dec. 20, 2011.  Many Asharoken residents and neighbors in Eaton’s Neck have praised the work done by the Village at the sea wall and the safety it provides for the traveling public.

Mayor Irving reported that due to the contractor’s availability and the winter weather, the striping (double yellow and fog lines) along the Avenue will have to wait until the spring of 2012.

Emergency Management: She noted that she met with Bill Raisch to revise the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Draft along with Trustee Pierce and Village attorney Ken Savin.  We proposed minor changes based on the most current storms and thanked Bill Raisch for his assistance and leadership in preparing this very important plan for our Village.  This Emergency Management plan is the result of significant input from a diversity of individuals.  The Village is indebted to emergency management and public safety professionals from all levels of government including the Village of Asharoken, Eaton’s Neck, Village of Northport, the Town of Huntington and Suffolk County and New York State.

Attended as your Mayor and Police Commissioner:  Mayor Irving attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the Coast Guard Boat house.  Thank you to our Police Officers and Trustee Affrunti for attending on behalf of Asharoken Village.

The Mayor attended the funeral mass for Mr. Bob Howard (retired Northport Police Chief) and was joined by our Deputy Police Commissioner Mel Ettinger, Officer-in-charge Ray Mahdesian, Officers Banks and Ramsland.  Officer Al Rubino assisted with traffic control on Main Street in Northport.  Also in attendance was Asharoken’s previous Police Commissioner Mr. George Ayer.  Our Sanitation Engineer Barry Bradley attended as well as many residents of our Village.  Mr. Bob Howard was a very good friend to Asharoken and we will miss him.  On behalf of all residents and employees who knew Mr. Bob Howard, our heart-felt deepest sympathy to his family and Northport Village residents.

The Mayor performed a wedding on New Year’s Eve Day at Village Hall.

Newsletter: The Mayor thanked Mel Ettinger for formatting the newsletter and the many contributions from Trustee Pierce and Village Attorney Ken Savin for helping to get this newsletter out before the end of year.  It has been a very busy year.  Many residents have called and commented on the content of the newsletter and appreciate all the hard work that this administration has undertaken this past year.  Not only was this newsletter mailed out to our residents, it has been on the web site and viewed by many local officials and government agencies.

Correspondence: The Mayor received a letter from a resident expressing their appreciation for the Village’s assistance (Mayor, Police Officer in Charge Ray Mahdesian, Officer on Duty Brian O’Connor and Deputy Police Commissioner, Mel Ettinger) with a house fire last month.

Congratulations to Village Attorney Ken Savin who has been selected as Man of the Year for his Civic contributions (Times of Northport).

Upcoming Events: As your Mayor, I will be attending the Inaugural Ceremony for Councilwoman Susan A. Berland, Councilman Eugene Cook, Town Clerk Jo-Ann Raia and Receiver of Taxes Ester Bivona at the Harborfields High School Sunday January 8, 2012 at 1:00 in the afternoon. 

As your Mayor, I plan to attend the Celebration of Her Honor’s Re-election, Judge G. Ann Spellman on Monday, January 9, 2012.

Northport has its annual Northport Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party, if anyone would like to attend the Village Clerk will have the details. It will be held on January 29th at the Northport Yacht Club.

Personal Note: The Mayor and her husband rang the church bells on Main Street this year at midnight to welcome in the New Year, from the Presbyterian Church and she thanked the church for the beautiful display they put together in memory of the late Mr. Fritz of Asharoken. 

Mayor Irving wished a Happy New Year to everyone and their families, and good health and happiness.


Trustee Reports:

Deputy Mayor Tilleli wished everyone a very happy new year.  He reported that reflectors and signs were installed.  The road stripping will begin in the spring of 2012.  He noted that he attended the Santa Claus visit celebration and thanked the Northport Fire Department for their assistance, it was a wonderful event.

Trustee Catanzano noted that he attended the Santa Claus visit celebration and enjoyed it very much, he also reviewed the vouchers for the month of December.

Trustee Pierce reported on December 1st she met with a resident to discuss lights at night from the neighbor.  She attended the Northport Board of Trustees meeting on the 2% tax cap and budget presentation.  She met with Emergency Manager, Bill Raisch, Village Attorney, Ken Savin and Mayor Irving to discuss the emergency management plan. She met with residents of Bevin Road and Kew Court and Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk to discuss the flooding situation by the sluice on Bevin Road.  She assisted in installing signs at the sea wall shoulder area.  She attended a FEMA meeting with Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk and FEMA representative to review all project worksheets from the damages caused by Tropical Storm Irene. She attended the Santa Claus visit celebration event.  She spoke with Bob Sheron with State Emergency Management Services to follow up on Hazard Mitigation Grants that maybe available to our Village. Trustee Pierce noted that two programs are available; one is the Unified Hazard Mitigation program and the other is a FEMA Disaster Declaration. Trustee Pierce and Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk met with Joseph Fitzgerald, beach expert hired by FEMA to discuss damages that occurred by the sea wall area.  She noted that the project worksheets were put together in order to get reimbursements for damages that took place during the Tropical Storm Irene.  She attended all court sessions.

Trustee Affrunti attended the Santa Claus visit celebration event.  He attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Coast Guard Station.   

Village Attorney:  Ken Savin reported on sea wall repairs and met with Congressman Israel along with Mayor Irving.  He noted that the village is working with the Department of Transportation regarding FHWA funds. The DOT is working with the village under a program called “Emergency Relief” and is reviewing all the expenses incurred having to do with the shoulder rehabilitation project and other items as well. He noted that new signs and reflectors were installed by the sea wall shoulder area.  He noted that the snow fencing is working, and discussed with Congressman Israel about dredging of the Long Island Sound.  He reviewed code issues, and filed the Board’s decision on the current police issue.  He worked on the village newsletter.  He had several discussions with NYCOM counsel.  He noted that Cablevision had raised its late payment fee. 

Treasurers Report: Vouchers for the month of December 2011:  Treasurer, Emily Hayes requested approval for vouchers in the amount of $34,777.43 and related budget transfers.

Motion was made by Trustee Catanzano to approve the Treasurers Report and December 2011 vouchers of $34,777.43 and related budget transfers, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.

Trustee Affrunti                                              AYE

Trustee Catanzano                                         AYE

Trustee Pierce                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Tilleli                                     AYE

Mayor Irving                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Village Justice: No Report


Officer-in-Charge:  Ray Mahdesian reported that sadly, former Northport Police Chief Robert Howard passed away suddenly on December 27th.  He noted that Asharoken Police officers assisted with traffic during the time of the funeral.  He noted that the type of assistance that our police department provided is indicative of the excellent spirit of cooperation that exists between the two departments.  Members of the department appreciate the fact that Mayor Irving and Deputy Police Commissioner Ettinger joined our department delegation at the funeral. 


He noted that a letter of appreciation from a resident who was assisted by Asharoken Police was received regarding his house fire.


He noted that the department had a good year; the department was able to fulfill the mission of protecting the residents and the public at large safely.  No burglaries in the village for the month of December.  He noted the priority of our department is the space; we need space to work in order to do our job safely and effectively.


Sanitation Report: Barry Bradley reported that Big Blue was running well.  Trash pick-up was 36.12 tons, 1.17 tons per day, comingle was 2.52 tons and 4.60 tons of newspaper. 


Emergency Manager: Bill Raisch reported on the meeting that took place with Mayor Irving, Trustee Pierce and Village Attorney Ken Savin to review the Emergency Management Plan.  He noted that he is making a few changes to the wording taken from the latest Declaration for the state of emergency.  He noted that the report is a reflection of a lot of input from many people. 


Zoning Board: Mayor Irving noted the next meeting will take place on January 9th, 2012.


Superintendent of Buildings Report: Doug Adil reported on 6 construction inspections and had several discussions with residents involving dock repairs, zoning requirements for construction of a new accessory structure on Asharoken Avenue.  He discussed building code issues for a house being reconstructed due to a house fire.     


Public Session:

A resident commented on the noise ordinance and read from the code.

Motion was made by Mayor Irving to close public session, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli.


Trustee Affrunti                                              AYE

Trustee Catanzano                                         AYE

Trustee Pierce                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Tilleli                                     AYE

Mayor Irving                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.


Deputy Mayor Tilleli made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Catanzano.


Trustee Affrunti                                              AYE

Trustee Catanzano                                         AYE

Trustee Pierce                                                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Tilleli                                     AYE

Mayor Irving                                                     AYE

Motioned Carried.



        The January 3rd, 2012 meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at approximately 8:15 pm.

        Signed: _____________________________________________

        Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk