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APPROVED Minutes of the November 2, 2012 Emergency Meeting of the Asharoken Board of Trustees

Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Board of Trustees Emergency Meeting

Held Friday, November 2nd, 2012 at Noon

At Village Hall

Attendance (8)

Officers Present:

Greg Letica, Mayor

Pam Pierce, Deputy Mayor

Melvin Ettinger, Trustee

Laura Burke, Trustee


Officals & Appointees Present:

Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk

Doug Adil, Building Inspector

Emily Hayes, Treasurer

Ray Mahdesian, Officer-in-Charge


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Mayor Letica opened up the meeting to discuss the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. He discussed the following concerns:


1.       November Board meeting:  Mayor Letica and the board discussed whether to postpone or have the November board meeting on Monday, November 5th.   Mayor Letica noted that the Village Hall was damaged due to flooding, carpet; plywood flooring and sheetrock will be removed.  He recommended that the Board meeting be held at the Northport American Legion Hall. Trustee Ettinger, Deputy Mayor Pierce and Trustee Burke all agreed to relocate the meeting and to have the meeting on the 5th of November.   Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse was asked to confirm the availability of the American Legion Hall.


Mayor Letica asked Doug Adil to research construction trailers to be used for Village offices and Police Department until the condition of the Village Hall is completely reviewed. Doug Adil, noted that to lease a 10’ x 40’ construction trailer is approximately $250.00 per month and approximately $600 for upfront costs.  The board agreed to lease two trailers. Mayor Letica also noted that residents should be allowed to arrange for a trailer for several months while their homes are being repaired due to Hurricane Sandy.


Resolution (2012-84) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby authorize the leasing of two trailers 10’ x 40’ each at $250.00 per month, plus set up, installation, delivery and all hook-up costs from Casone Inc.


Motion to approve was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger

Trustee Ettinger              AYE

Trustee Burke                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce    AYE

Mayor Letica                     AYE





2.       Asharoken Hall Polling Place:  Mayor Letica asked if the Board of Elections was going to relocate the Polling place to the Eaton’s Neck Fire House.  Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse noted that she has contacted the Board of Elections and is waiting for a confirmation.

3.       Tree work during the weekend and after hours:  The board agreed that due to the hurricane any tree cutting is allowed to take place over the weekend and after hours.


Resolution (2012-85) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve all suspension of work hours for November 3rd and 4th due to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. 


Motion to approve was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger.

Trustee Ettinger                      AYE

Trustee Burke                          AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce            AYE

Mayor Letica                             AYE


4.       Emergency Road Repair:  Trustee Ettinger noted that the cost to repair the section of asphalt on Asharoken Avenue that was torn away by Hurricane Sandy was approximately $6800.00.  The quote was received by Lindley Paving.  Lindley Paving was available to repair the roadway immediately in order to open up both lanes.


Resolution (2012-86) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby approve the expenditure of approximately $6800.00 for Lindley Paving to  perform an emergency repair of a portion of the roadway on Asharoken Avenue near the seawall.  


Motion to approve was made by Mayor Letica, seconded by Trustee Ettinger

Trustee Ettinger                      AYE

Trustee Burke                          AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce            AYE

Mayor Letica                             AYE


5.       Debris: Mayor Letica noted that the board will discuss further the removal of debris due to the Hurricane Sandy.  He indicated that for all down trees that are located on private property, the removal of the branches and tree stumps will be the responsibility of the homeowner.   The board discussed sending out information to the residents next week to communicate clearly what the village will be removing.

6.       Shoulder area by the seawall:  Mayor Letica reported that part of the concrete shoulder on the west side of the roadway across the seawall was broken off by Hurricane Sandy.  The portion of the roadway on the west side near Parking Lot 13 has been undermined and several solutions to secure this area will be discussed further.

7.       Dunes:  Mayor Letica reported that after LIPA and Verizon replace the down poles on the sound side by the beach lots, the Village will begin replacing the sand in order to secure the edge of the roadway. Mayor Letica asked Village Clerk, Nancy Rittenhouse to request the use of a pay loader from the Town of Huntington.


Mayor Letica made a motion to adjourn the Emergency Meeting, seconded by Trustee Pierce.



Trustee Ettinger              AYE

Trustee Burke                  AYE

Deputy Mayor Pierce    AYE

Mayor Letica                     AYE


The Emergency Meeting held on November 2nd, 2012 of the Board of Trustees was adjourned at 1:25pm. 



Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk