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 Incorporated Village of Asharoken

Board of Assessment Review

Held on February 21st, 2012

 1pm to 5pm

Attendance 7

Officers Present                                                                                                       

Patricia Irving, Mayor

Joe Tilleli, Deputy Mayor

Joe Affrunti, Trustee

Pam Pierce, Trustee

Joe Catanzano, Trustee



Village Officials Present

John Condon - Assessor

Kenneth Savin- Village Attorney


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Mayor Irving called the meeting to order.


Proof of Publication was made.


A total of thirteen (13) Grievance applications were submitted for the 2012-2013 assessment role and one (1) Grievance application was withdrawn.


The Board voted to deny thirteen (13) of the Grievance applications due to insufficient supporting documentation and incomplete information. Letters indicating the reasons for the denials were sent to the firms and property owners who submitted the Grievance applications.


The Village Board was sitting as the Board of Assessments for Grievance Day 2/21/2012.


Mayor Irving made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tilleli


Deputy Mayor Tilleli               AYE

Trustee Pierce                         AYE

Trustee Affrunti                      AYE

Trustee Catanzano                  AYE

Mayor Irving                            AYE


The February 21st, 2012 meeting of the Board of Assessment Review was adjourned at 5:00PM.


Signed: ___________________________________

            Nancy Rittenhouse, Village Clerk