Asharoken Village Board Organizational Meeting

Held on Monday, August 6th 2012

Village Board Meeting at

7:30 P.M.




Pledge of Allegiance


Call the Meeting to Order

Proof of Publication


Approval of the minutes of last Month’s Meeting 7/2/2012


LIPA Presentation by Karyn Kemp-Smith, District Manager

Points of discussion: Hurricane Preparedness and Storm Restoration


Reports of Officers, Officials & Appointees:


Ø  Mayor’s Report

Ø  Trustee Reports

Ø  Treasurers Report

Ø  Police Report

Ø  Sanitation Report

Ø  Emergency Planning Committee Report

Ø  Superintendent of Buildings Report

Ø  Superintendent of Highway Report

Ø  Zoning Board of Appeals Report

Ø  Conservation of the Environment Report

Ø  Village Hall Expansion Report

Ø  Planning Board Report


Resolutions & Appointments:


Resolution (2012-59) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby appoint the following uncompensated individual to the Zoning Board of Appeals, subject to board approval: Tracy Aboff as an Ad Hoc member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one year term to end 7/1/2013.


Resolution (2012-60) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoint the following uncompensated individual to the Planning Board, subject to board approval: Drew Mendelsohn as a member of the Planning Board for a five year term to end 7/1/2017.


Resolution (2012-61) Be It Resolved that any Residency Requirement for uncompensated appointees is waived.

Resolution (2012-62) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoint Edward Carr, Martin Richter and Barbara Johnson as Historian’s for the Village of Asharoken, subject to board approval.


Resolution (2012-63) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoint Jean Bonawandt as chairperson, Doug Whitcomb,  Joseph Affrunti and Ian Jablonski as Duck Island Harbor Dredging Committee members for a one year term to end July 2013.


Resolution (2012-64) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoint Bruce W. Migatz as Village Attorney for a one year term to end July 2013 at an annual retainer of $30,000 payable in equal monthly amounts of $2500.00, for general legal advise per retainer agreement. Legal services to include litigation proceedings, arbitration proceedings not considered General Legal Advise will be billed on an hourly basis, at a rate of $300.00 per hour, plus out-of –pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Village.


Resolution (2012-65) Be It Resolved, that the Board does hereby rescind Resolution (2012-50) due to a change in vendor to service the Villages’ copy machine.


Resolution (2012-66) Be It Resolved, that the Board does hereby approve entering into a contract with Toshiba Business solutions for the lease of a Toshiba 356 copier for a 60 month lease at $245.00 per month, to include labor, parts, drums, toner, data overwrite, 10,500 copies per quarter any additional copies will be billed at .015 per copy, in addition includes delivery, installation network setup and training and pick-up and return of existing copier unit to be closed out at no additional cost to the Village and the Village will receive a 40” LED Toshiba television free of charge, subject to Village Attorney’s review. Savings $1,332.00 per year.


Resolution (2012-67) Be It Resolved, that the Board does hereby approve the services of Thompson Bros. Pile Corp to remove the 19 wooden caps located at the seawall and store at Village Hall for $2,200.00, subject to written permission from the USACE.



Public Session


Adjourn Meeting