Village of Asharoken Board Meeting Agenda Draft 2012 07 02
Asharoken Village Board Organizational Meeting
Held on Monday, July 2nd 2012
Swearing-in Ceremony
At 7:00 P. M.
Village Board Organizational Meeting at
7:30 P.M.
Swearing In Ceremony (Mayor and Two Trustees)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call the Organizational Meeting to Order
Proof of Publication
Approval of the minutes of last Month’s Meeting 6/04/2012
Reports of Officers, Officials & Appointees:
Ø Mayor’s Report
Ø Trustee Reports
Ø Village Attorney’s Report
Ø Treasurers Report
Ø Village Justice Report
Ø Police Report
Ø Sanitation Report
Ø Emergency Planning Committee Report
Ø Superintendent of Buildings Report
Ø Zoning Board of Appeals Report
Ø Conservation of the Environment Report
Ø Planning Board Report
Resolutions & Appointments:
Resolution (2012-33) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby authorize the board to accept the certification of the 2012 Election results for (Mayor) Greg D. Letica having 230 votes, Patricia Irving having 165 votes, (Trustees) Melvin Ettinger having 245 votes, Joseph Tilleli having 240 votes, and (3) write-in votes for Avrum Golub, (2) write-in votes for Andrew Mendelsohn and (2), write-in votes for Drew Mendelsohn and (1) write-in vote for John Wachter.
Resolution (2012-34) Be It Resolved that any Residency Requirement for compensated Village officials, officers, appointees and employees is waived.
Resolution (2012-35) Be It Resolved that the Mayor of the Village of Asharoken does hereby appoint Nancy Rittenhouse as the Village Clerk for the Village of Asharoken for a two year term to end July 2014, subject to board approval.
Resolution (2012-36) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby appoint Treasurer, Emily Hayes for a one year term to end July 2013, pursuant to the same terms and conditions in the existing contract.
Resolution (2012-37) Be It Resolved that the Village Board does hereby appoint Superintendent of Buildings, Doug Adil to a one year term to end July 2013, pursuant to the same terms and conditions in the existing contract.
Resolution (2012-38) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor of the Village of Asharoken, does hereby appoints the following uncompensated individuals to the following positions for a one year term to end July 2013, subject to board approval.
a. Greg Letica as Police Commissioner
b. Nancy Rittenhouse as Records Access Superintendent
c. Tony Wenderoth as Highway Superintendent
d. Avrum Golub as Storm water Superintendent
e. Hillary Candelora as Deputy Village Clerk
f. Joseph Affrunti as Harbormaster
g. Barry Bradley as Deputy Harbormaster
h. Patrick Cleary as Chairperson of the Planning Board
i. Bill Rasich as Emergency Planning Manager
j. Ray Mahdesian as member of the Village Hall Expansion Committee
k. John Ross as Chairperson of the Village Hall Expansion Committee
l. Doug Adil as a member of the Village Hall Expansion Committee
m. Richard Pandolfi as a member of the Village Hall Expansion Committee
n. Nancy Rittenhouse as a member of the Village Hall Expansion Committee
o. Cathy Zimmerman as a member of the Beach Clean -up committee
p. Debbie Masterson as a member of the Beach Clean-up committee
q. Michele Tilleli as a member of the Beach Clean-up committee
r. Steve Silverman as the Village Photographer
s. Murray Schwartz as Acting Village Justice
Resolution (2012-39) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoint the following uncompensated individual to the Planning Board committee, subject to board approval:
a. Drew Mendelsohn as a member of the Planning Board for a five year term to end 7/1/2017.
Resolution (2012-40) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor hereby appoints the following uncompensated individuals to the Zoning Board of appeals committee, subject to board approval:
a. Russell Matthews as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to take over the remaining term of Melvin Ettinger to end 7/1/2015.
b. Russell Matthews as Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one year term to end 7/1/2013.
c. Anna Pollaci as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to take over the remaining term of Heidi Hayden to end 7/1/2014.
d. Kevin Barry as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five year term to end 7/1/2017.
Resolution (2012-41) Be It Resolved, that the Mayor does hereby appoints the following uncompensated individuals to the Board of Conservation of the Environment Committee, Marty Cohen as Chairperson, Rita Rover Michele Tilleli, Margaret Cleary and Catherine Wallack as members for a one year term to end 7/1/2013, subject to board approval.
Resolution (2012-42) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board does hereby designate the following banks as the official depository banks for the Village.
a. Peoples United Bank
b. First National Bank of Long Island
c. Capital One Bank
d. TD Bank
e. Bank of America
Resolution (2012-43) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby designate the official newspaper of record for the Village to be (The Observer).
Resolution (2012-44) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve the mileage reimbursement rate for the Village officials and employees to be consistent with IRS Business mileage rate guidelines as periodically published by the IRS.
Resolution (2012-45) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve the authorization for the Village Treasurer and/or Village Clerk to transfer funds from the main Money Market Account to the General checking account in order to pay monthly vouchers approved by the Board of Trustees and payroll account in order to pay bi-monthly payroll.
Resolution (2012-46) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby authorize the use of Village Hall once a month by the Garden Club and once a year for Parking Lot 13’s annual meeting.
Resolution (2011-47) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby authorize the allocation of the following funds ($8000.00 for General Police, $3,000.00 for Marine, $4000.00 for Sanitation, $5,000.00 for Highway, and $10,000.00 for Unpaid benefits, and $49,500.00 for Infrastructure) from our General Account (Unreserved fund) to our money market account (Reserve fund) for fiscal year-end 5/31/2013.
Resolution (2012-48) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, NY in regular session duly convened does hereby authorize the Mayor to sign the MS4 Annual Storm Water report for period ending 3/9/2012.
Resolution (2012-49) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve entering into a contract with APEX consulting services for the lease of a sharp copier, to include all parts, labor, unlimited service calls, copies in excess of 200,000 would cost .015 per copy for a five year term and all supplies at $250.00 per month. (Savings $1344.00 per year)
Resolution (2012-50) Be it Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve the services of E-Z Cesspool, sewer and drain for drywell cleaning for the Villages’ eight catch basins and one leaching pool the cost to pump, clean and remove all debris is $2,950.00.
Resolution (2012-51) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve Highway Safety Lights for approximately $500.00 to be posted to Account (A7550.000) Celebrations.
Resolution (2012-52)Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve July 1st, 2013 as the next Organizational Meeting.
Resolution (2012-53) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby accept the “Roberts Rules of Order” for the Village’s Board Meetings.
Resolution (2012-54) Be It Resolved, that the Village Board, does hereby approve the following method for an “Emergency Meeting”, contact the paper of record with date and time of Emergency Meeting, contact the entire Board of Trustees and post emergency meeting on door and outside board.